Gospel Sonnets: Or, Spiritual Songs, in Six Parts ... Concerning Creation and Redemption, Law and Gospel, Justification and Sactification, Faith and Sense, Heaven and Earth ...

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T. Lumisden, 1751 - 264 pages

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Page 173 - O send me down a draught of love, Or take me hence to drink above ! Here, Marah's water fills my cup ; But there, all griefs are swallow'd up. Love here is scarce a faint desire ; But there, the spark's a flaming fire ; , Joys here are drops, that passing flee ; But there, an overflowing sea. My faith, that sees so darkly here, Will there resign to vision clear...
Page 184 - Blest are the dead, yea, saith the word, That die in Christ the living Lord, And on the other side of death Thus joyful spend their praising breath.
Page 173 - But there an overflowing sea. My faith, that sees so darkly here, Will there resign to vision clear ; My hope, that's here a weary groan, Will to fruition yield the throne. Here fetters hamper freedom's wing, But there the captive is a king ; And grace is like a buried seed, But sinners there are saints indeed.
Page 250 - That you alone have highest ground To sing the royalties of grace ; We claim the same adoring place." What ! will no rival-finger yield He has a match upon the field ? " Come then, and let us all agree " To praise upon the highest key.
Page 250 - The list'ning millions round about With sweet resentment loudly shout— " What voice is this, comparing notes, " That to their song chief place allots ? 16 " We can't allow of such a sound, " That you alone have highest ground, " To sing the royalties of grace ; " We claim the same adoring place.'* 17 What ! will no rival-singer yield He has a match upon the field ? " Come then, and let us all agree, " To praise upon the highest key.
Page 174 - ... the throne. Here fetters hamper freedom's wing ; But there, the captive is a king ; And grace is like a buried seed But sinners there are saints indeed. My portion here's a crumb at best ; But there, the Lamb's eternal feast ; My praise is now a smother'd fire ; But then, I'll sing and never tire. Now dusky shadows cloud my day ; But then, the shades will flee away ; My Lord will break the dimming glass, And show His glory face to face. My numerous foes now beat me down ; But then, I'll wear...
Page 184 - Death loosed the massy chain of woe, To let the mournful captives go. " Death is to us a sweet repose ; The bud was ope'd to show the rose ; The cage was broke to let us fly, And build our happy nest on high.
Page 105 - Dost ask the place, the spot of land, Where Jesus did thee meet ? And how he got thy heart and hand ? Thy husband then was sweet.
Page 186 - Our Lord is ours, and we are His, Yea, now we see Him as He is : And hence we like unto Him are, And full His glorious image share. No darkness now, no dismal night ; No vapour intercepts the light ; We see for ever face to face The highest Prince in highest place. This, this does heav'n enough afford, We are for ever with the Lord ; We want no more, for all is given ; His presence is the heart of heaven.

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