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Begin with Singing one of the Staves of the CXIXth Pfalm. Afterwards the following Prayer is read, which may serve alfo for the Catechifings of the Week before the Communion.


This is to

ORD God, and our Father, fince we are met together in this Holy Place, Eto continue to fanctifie this thy Day, and particularly] to be inftructed in the chief Points of the Chriftian Religion. We give Thee Thanks for having communicated to us the Light of thy Gofpel, and for having made known to us, by Jefus Chrift thy Son, the Way that leads to everlasting Life. We befeech Thee alfo, to blefs this Exercife of Piety, and to give to all this People, but chiefly to the Youth of this Church, [and to these be faid when Catechumens] the Difpofition and Capacity neceffary to profit by these Inftructions. Thou haft caus'd thefe Children to be born in thy Church, they have been devoted to Thee by Baptifm; Thou art their Father, and their God: Vouchsafe, O Lord,, to give them thy Bleffing, for the Love of thy Son, who blefs'd those Children that were brought to Him, and who pray'd for them. Give them Grace to learn betimes to love and fear Thee. Let these Inftructions ferve not only to enlighten their Minds, but also to fanctifie their Hearts, and to be the Rule of their Behaviour, to the End that they may enter from the Beginning of their Life, into the Way of Piety, and by that means arrive to the Glory of thy heavenly Kingdom. Give the Fathers and Mothers Grace to train up their Children under thy Discipline. Blefs all the Families of this Church; Sanctifie the Young People: Give thy Knowledge and thy Fear to the Servants. and other Domefticks. Grant alfo, Lord, that all we, both Young and Old, of what State and Condition foever we be, may be advanced in a Faith, and in Piety, proportionably to our increasing in Age: Make us all Children in Innocence and in Humility, and grant that the Knowledge which Thou haft given us, and the Glory that we wait for, may induce us to love Thee, and to live in the good Works that Thou haft ordain'd, to the End that we may walk in them. Hear us for the Love of Jefus Chrift, who has taught us to pray, faying: :

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UR Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be Thy Name.


ven. Give us this Day our daily Bread: And forgive us our Tref paffes, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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After the Catechism, the Bleffing is given

HE Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Blessing of God, and the
Fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all. Amen.





UR Help is in the Name of the Lord; who hath made
Heaven and Earth. Amen. a

Here follows the Confeffion of Sins, as in the Morning.

Before the Sermon.

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Lord, fince we are here met in thy Name* to hear and meditate upon thy holy Word, which Thou haft given us to be Lamp to our Feet, and a Light to our Paths; we beseech Thee with all our Heart, and for the Love of Jefus Chrift, who is the Light of the World, to enlighten our Understanding, and to give us thy Holy Spirit, which may lead us into the Knowledge of the Truth, and fanctifie us. Give us Grace to hearken diligently to thy Word, to comprehend the Meaning of it well, and to conform our Life to the Inftructions therein given; to the End that what we fhall hear, may turn to the Glory of thy Name, to our Advancement in Piety, to the Comfort and Salvation of our Souls, thro' Jefus Christ our Lord. † In whofe Name we call upon Thee, faying:

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The Sunday on which Notice is given of the Sacrament, the Prayer appointed for the Communion-Service, Page 3, is to be here read. And fince, O Gud, &c.



On Christmas Day: To celebrate the Remembrance of the Birth of Jefus Chrift our Lord; and to, &c.

On Afcenfion Day: To celebrate the Remembrance of the glorious Ascension of Jefus Christ our Lord; and to,&c.

The Saturday Evening before the Holy Sacrament: To prepare our felves for the Communion of the Holy Supper, to which we are call'd to Morrow; and to, &c. The Sunday Evening of the Communion: To give Thee Thanks for having been admitted this Day to the Communion of the Holy Supper; and to, &c.

The Fafting Weeks beginning the Sunday before: To difpofe our felves to an extraordinary Humiliation in thy Prefence, whilft we are celebrating the Publick Faft and to, &c.


Sunday Evening after Sermon.

TREAT God, we prefent our felves again before thy Majefty, to return Thee Thanks for the Happiness we have had of meeting in thy Houfe this Holy Day, to render Thee the Service which is due to Thee, and to hear thy Word. We acknowledge that it is of thy great Goodness that we enjoy thefe precious Advantages, of which fo many other People are deprived: For, O God, we have finned against Thee, we have offended Thee by our Ingratitude, and by abusing the Liberty that Thou haft granted us of ferving Thee publickly; so that we have but too much deferv'd that Thou fhouldest remove thy Candlestick from amongst us. O God, we adore thy Mercy and Support, and we pray Thee, in the Name of Jefus Chrift, to have Compaflion on us, and to fanctifie us more and more, to the end that we may ferve Thee with a new Zeal all the Days of our Life.

Hear, O Lord, the Prayers which have been offer'd up to Thee this Day, for the Salvation of all Mankind; for Kings, Princes, and Magiftrates, and particularly for the facred Perfon of our Sovereign Lord the King, for the Queen, for the Prince Royal, for the Princefs his Confort, and for the Prince and Princess their Children, for all the Royal Family, for the Count of Wartemberg, Hereditary Goverhour General, and for all that are in Authority within this State. Receive the Supplications that we have made, and that we do again make to Thee, for the Peace, and for all other the Wants of thy Church; and above all, for the Church of which we are Members, for the Paftors and Minifters of thy Word, for the entire Effablishment of thy Kingdom, for the Conversion of Sinners, for the Perfeverance of the Juft, for those who are perfecuted for the fake of Truth and Holiness, and for all Perfons that are afflicted in Body and in Mind, or in any other manner, among which we recommend to Thee thofe that are Members of this Church.

We continue alfo to offer Thee our Vows for the Profperity of our Country, and to befeech Thee to preferve us from the Dangers and Temptations which may threaten us. Grant us, O merciful Father, all thefe Favours, and all others of which we may ftand in need. Accept the Worship which we have paid Thee this Day. Hear all thofe that have call'd, and that do call upon Thee with all their Heart, wherefoever they may be. O God, blefs the Inftructions of thy Word, and the Exhortations which Thou haft cans d us to hear this Day by the Ministry of thy Servants, to the end that they may incline our Hearts to thy Love, and to thy Fear, that we may ferve Thee with Faithfulness even to the Death, and that being improv'd by the Means and Opportunities of Salvation which Thon haft offer'd to us during the Courfe of this Life, we may be received into the Temple of thy Glory, to praise Thee everlastingly in the Aflembly

of all the Saints, through Jefus Christ our Lord; in whofe Name we offer up unto Thee the Prayer that He has taught us.

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UR Father which art in Heaven: Hallowed be Thy Name: Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our daily Bread. And forgive us our Tref paffes, as we forgive them that trefpafs against us. And lead us not into Temptation, but deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

ORD, we give Thee Thanks for having call'd us to the Knowledge and Profeffion, of the Chriftian Faith; we befeech Thee to preferve it, and to encrease it more and more in our Hearts, to the end that we may constantly perfevere therein, and that we may make Thee fincere Confeffion thereof, faying in the Communion of the Catholick Church: A pro tablety et rotilenos pIS OW BOXID




Believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth And in Jefus Chrift his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft, born of the Virgin Mary, fuffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He defcended into Hell; the Third Day He again from the Dead, He afcended into Heaven and fitteth on the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He fhall come to judge the Quick and the Dead.


I believe in the Holy Ghoft; the Holy Catholick Church; the Communion of Saints, the Forgiveness of

Body, and the Life eveefs of Sins; the Refurrection of the


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HE Lord blefs you, and keep you, the Lord make his Counténance to thine upon you, and be merciful to you; the Lord turn

his Face towards you, and keep you in Profperity. Amen.

1 exit P Go in Peace, and remember the Poor.

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