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Mr. FLETCHER's Monument corresponds with that of Dr. CoкE; and is placed opposite to it, immediately under that of Mr. JOHN WESLEY. The sculpture, above the Tablet, is a representation of the ARK OF THE COVENANT, an emblem of Mr. FLETCHER'S evangelical and contempla tive piety, and of his intimate communion with God. At one side are Volumes, on which are inscribed "CHECKS," and "PORTRAIT OF ST. PAUL," in reference to his defence of the Truth against the Antinomian heresy, and to his well-known work on the character of the Great Apostle of the Gentiles; and on the other, an expanded scroll, with the motto "With meekness of wisdom,"-indicating at once the ability of his wri tings, and the Christian spirit in which controversy was conducted by him. This is also emblematically represented in the Medallion below, on which the mild and peaceful Dove is seen hovering over a scroll and pens, the instruments of composition. The inscription on the Tablet is: Sacred to the Memory of

Vicar of Madeley, in Shropshire;

Born at Nyon, in Switzerland, the x11. of September, A. D. MDCCXXIX, Died the
XIV. of August, MDCCLXXXV:

A man eminent for Genius, Eloquence, and Theological Learning; Still more distinguished for sanctity of Manners, and the virtues of primitive Christianity.

Adorned with "whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely," And bringing forth "the Fruits of the Spirit," in singular richness and maturity, The measure of every other grace in him was exceeded by his deep and unaffected humility.

Of enlarged views as to the merit of the Atonement,

And of those gracious rights with which it invests all who believe. He had "boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus," And in reverent and transporting contemplations,-the habit of his devout and hallowed spirit,

There dwelt as beneath the wings of the Cherubin,

Beholding "the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ," and was "changed into the same image;"

Teaching by his own attainments, more than even by his writings, the fulness of evangelical promises,

And with what intimacy of communion man may walk with God.

He was the friend and coadjutor of the Rev. John Wesley,

Whose apostolic views of the Doctrines of General Redemption, Justification by


And Christian Perfection, he successfully defended;

Leaving to future ages au able exposition of "the truth which is according to godliness,"

And erecting an impregnable rampart against Pharisaic and Antinomian Error, In a series of works, distinguished by the beauty of their style, by force of argument, And by a gentle and catholic spirit; affording an edifying example of "speaking the truth in love,"

In a long and ardent controversy.

For twenty-five years the parish of Madeley was the scene of his unexampled pastoral labours;

And he was there interred, amidst the tears and lamentations of Thousands, The testimony of their hearts to his exalted piety, and to his unwearied exertions for their salvation;

But his memory triumphed over death;

And his saintly example exerts increasing influence in the Churches of Christ,
Through the study of his writings, and the publication of his biography.
In token of their veneration for his Character,

And in gratitude for the services rendered by him to the cause of Truth, This Monument was erected by the Trustees of this Chapel, a. D. MDGGCXXII. VOL. VI.


The other Monuments are not wholly new; but the Tablets have been re-lettered, and placed upon a new and enlarged ground of Black Marble, surmounted with emblematic sculpture. In that of Mr. JOHN WESLEY, powerful Rays of Light break forth from a cloud upon that part of the surface of a Globe, on which is drawn the geographical outline of the British Islands, the United States of America, the British American Colonies, and the West-India Islands, marking the scenes of his extraordinary personal labours, or those parts of the earth which have hitherto been most directly and largely benefited by them; whilst the idea is also conveyed of the still further diffusion of the light of the same truth, of which he was so eminent and successful a dispenser, in other and, as yet, dark parts of the earth, by the agency of that religious system which he established. An emblem of the pastoral office, and a winged Trumpet denoting the activity and range of his personal ministry, are also introduced. The backs of two Volumes appear, on which are inscribed, "BIBLE," and "LITURGY," to intimate the conformity of his theological views to the Scriptures, and his affectionate attachment to the Church of England. The Tablet is likewise supported by two Volumes, on one of which is inscribed, "SERMONS," and on the other "MINUTES," in reference to the Doctrine and Discipline of the Body of which he was the Founder; Mr. WESLEY'S Sermons being understood to contain the best account of the former, while the latter is described in the General Minutes of the Conferences over which he presided. On an open scroll is Mr. WESLEY'S favourite motto, "The best of all is, God is with us."

Mr. CHARLES WESLEY was distinguished as an eminent and successful Preacher; and still more so as a Sacred Poet; and to the Methodist Societies he bequeathed a most invaluable gift in those Hymns, which are in constant use in their public and private worship, and which in taste, elegance, strength, and especially in large and deep views of Christian experience, stand not only unrivalled, but unapproached. The sculpture on his Monument very properly refers to these circumstances. The emblems of the Christian Priesthood are intermingled with those of Poetry and Music, the LYRE, &c. These are supported by "THE BIBLE," the source of his hallowed and lofty inspiration as a Poet, and the great subject of his ministry as a Preacher. Above this is an open Volume, on which is inscribed a sentiment which he frequently uttered upon the death of great and valuable characters, and which, indeed, is here happily calculated to call the heart from man to God, which otherwise might be discouraged when contemplating the loss of four men so eminent and useful, and whose fellows have not been left behind,-"God buries his workmen, and carries on his work." An expanded scroll bears the inscription, "In Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs ;"— thus characterizing the species of poetry which the consecrated

genius of the deceased produced. Volumes, marked "HYMNBook," and "SACRED POEMS," support the Tablet.

The improvements in the Monuments of the MESSRS. WESLEYS have been made at the joint expense of the Methodist Ministers and Missionaries, as a small expression and record of their filial gratitude and veneration towards men, to whose labours and writings they feel themselves so greatly indebted. As the Inscriptions on the Tablets of these Monuments have been frequently published, we do not think it necessary to insert them in this place. The expense of Mr. FLETCHER'S Monument has been defrayed by the Trustees of the Chapel, and that of Dr. COKE's by the Methodist Ministers and Missionaries, as stated in the Inscriptions.

The sculpture of the whole is excellently executed, and does great credit to the Artist.

London, December, 1822.

Religious and Missionary Intelligence.



Extract of Letters from the Rev. William Case.

To the friends of Zion it will be matter of joy to hear, that a fine work of religion is progressing among the Indians on Grand-River. Last Sabbath several of them attended our quarterly meeting at Longpoint, and in Lovefeast they spoke in an impressive manner of their late conversion, and the exercises of grace on their hearts. One of them said he had been desirous to know the way of peace for thirty years, but had not found it, till "lately Jesus gave him peace." This work is prevailing in the north part of the Reservation, where a few of different tribes are settled together. This we think to be a favourable circumstance, in the Providence of God, for the instruction of the other tribes. Their meetings are powerful and sometimes overwhelming, and it is a most affecting scene, to hear these children of the forest, in their native Mohawk and Messasaugah, weeping for their sins, or giving glory to God for redemption through the Saviour. About twelve or fourteen have obtained a joyful hope; some are now under awakening; and others are coming to inquire, what these strange things mean! Their meetings are remarkably solemn, and they vent their feelings with abundance of tears. Among the converted, are men who had long drank the poisonous fire of ardent spirits, from the hands of pernicious white men. They are now sober and watchful Christians, taking only "the cup of salvation and calling on the name of the Lord."

In about four weeks I expect to visit the Indian settlement, and will then endeavour to give you a more particular account of the work of God among them, In love, farewell,

Longpoint, Upper-Canada, 27th Aug. 1823.


A subsequent letter, dated October 1, from Mr. Case, states that "the work of grace is going on in both extremes of the Indian Reservation, about thirty miles apart. We have twenty-four in society in one place, and four in the other, besides whites. This is extremely encouraging to Missionary Societies, and to the friends of Missions generally. It is beyond all our calculations successful. We did not commence this Mission professedly for the conversion of the Indians, though they were had in the view and prayers of the pious) but for the benefit

of the scattered white population on the Indian lands. But blessed be the Lord he has endowed the Mission with a mighty and melting power, the best of ali riches, that of redeeming grace; and the friends of Missions are now affectionately called on to rejoice over the conversion of about thirty natives of the fores", besides near that number of the white population."


To the Rev. Thomas Mason, Corresponding Secretary of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.


West-Union, Ohio, Sept. 18th, 1823

I feel a degree of hesitancy in attempting to sketch the history of a scene of which was in part an eye and ear witness; and which excited a deep inte rest in my own, and, I believe, in the minds of all present. Conscious of my incompetency to the task, for indeed human language fails, had I any assurance that the matter would be furnished by other hands, I should willingly decline.

A desire to furnish my mite to enrich Missionary reports, and thereby circulate useful information, and strengthen the hands and encourage the hearts of those actively engaged in Missionary labours, and add to the number of its friends and benefactors, is my only apology for troubling you on this occasion. You are at liberty to make what use you may think proper of this. Yours respectfullly,


At our late Ohio Annual Conference, held in Urbanna, there were several of the red, and one or two of the coloured brethren present, from the Wyandot Mission at Upper-Sandusky, Several interviews took place between our General Superintendents and them, during the sitting of the Conference, at Bishop M'Kendree's room, at one of which I was present part of the time.

A few friends were invited to be present at the interview. As breaking bread together has been a token of hospitality and friendship among most nations, a cup of tea was prepared by the family, and at a suitable time they were waited on with it. Bishop M'Kendree, without any previous arrangement or design, appears to have been made a kind of Master of Ceremonies-he was waited on first. The sagacity of the red brethren was quite observable, they kept their eye on him and conformed in every particular. Jonathan, a man of colour (who has served the Mission from the beginning as an interpreter, and who while engaged in this work, became convinced of sin, and happily converted to God) was one of the company; he modestly declined partaking with them, but being pressingly solicited by Bishop M'Kendree, yielded. After the repast was over, the red brethren joined in singing several hymns in their own tongue, during which a number in the house within hearing crowded into the room, until there might have been as many as forty present-Mononque (a chief) rose, and approaching Bishop M'Kendree respectfully, held out the hand of friendship, which was cordially received, and a warm embrace took place; this appears to have taken of all restraint. Between-the-logs, (another chief) followed his example, and they proceeded round to all in the room, while sighs and tears witnessed the feelings of most who were present; but they were sighs of gratitude and astonishment, and tears of joy. The spirit of hostile foes in the field of battle was lost in the spirit of harmony and Christian love, which appeared to fill the room. I have witnessed few scenes which carried stronger conviction to my heart of the truth and excellency of the religion of the meek and humble Jesus. I was ready to cry out and say, "What hath the Lord wrought?"

A worthy gentleman, high in office and respectability, had received an invitation, and was present at the interview. It seems he had imbibed an opinion which is perhaps prevalent among politicians, that it is impracticable to Christianize the aborigines of our country. He was placed in a part of the room farthest from the door. When the chiefs approached him, all his unbelief appears to have given way, his arms were open to give the friendly embrace, while the Bowing tear bore witness to a reciprocity of feeling. He was heard to exclaim a

day or two afterwards, "I am fully converted." At the close of the singing by the red brethren, Bishop Roberts made a few appropriate remarks, and we all joined him in singing, at the close of which, from the fulness of his heart, be offered up a fervent prayer. We again joined in singing, and one of the chiefs (Between-the-logs) being called on, prayed in a very feeling manner, while every heart appeared to respond the hearty amen! The meeting was then drawn to a close.

From the various accounts of individuals, as well as from the report laid before the Conference by brother Finley, the Superintendent, the Sandusky Mission appears to be prospering beyond any former example May the Great Head of the Church hasten the time when "the kingdoms of this world shall be converted and become the kingdoms of our God and his Christ."

1 am requested by Bishop M'Kendree, who is now in this town in good health, to inform you that the Methodist Missionary Notice No. 5 came to hand in this place, and was thankfully received

At our late Annual Conference, the Superintendents present divided the important business between them. The stationing the preachers devolved on Bishop Roberts. The Missionary business it seems was committed to Bishop M-Kendree. He reported a plan to establish a Mission among the Chippeway Indians, about eighty or ninety miles from Detroit. Two Missionaries to be sent to Michigan Territory, to the Rapid of St. Mary's in particular; and another plan to establish a Mission in New-Orleans, was recommended. These, with the reasons which influenced the attempt, the probability of success, the ways and means by which the objects might be accomplished, together with arrangements for the Wyandot Mission, were laid before the Conference, in order to secure its approbation and co-operation. The plan was thought to be judicious, and the preachers resolved to use their influence to support the undertaking.→→ How it will eventuate will be seen hereafter.

From the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine.

WESLEYAN-METHODIST GENERAL CONFERENCE IN SHEFFIELD, THE Eightieth Annual Conference commenced its session in Carver-street Chapel, at Sheffield, on Wednesday, July 30th; and was continued by various adjournments till Monday, August 11th. About three hundred and fifty Preachers, including the Rev. Messrs. WILLIAM STEWART and TOBIAS, as Representatives of the Irish Conference, were in attendance; and were all most hospitably and affectionately entertained at the houses of our members and friends in Sheffield and its immediate vicinity. The Rev. HENRY MOORE was for the second time chosen PRESIDENT; and the Rev. ROBERT NEWTON was re-elected as SECRETARY. The most delightful spirit of piety and brotherly affection prevailed during the whole period. Not even the appearance of unholy contention was exhibited, we believe, on any occasion.-The public congregations were generally very large; and a blessed influence from God rested upon the people. The two official sermons of the year, those of the PRESIDENT and Ex-PRESIDENT, were preached on Sunday, August 3d; the former (Mr. MOORE's) on Heb. vi. 1; the latter (Dr. CLARKE'S) on John iv. 24. Sixteen preachers, after due probation, and the most satisfactory examinations, were solemnly received into full con nexion with the Conference, at two public sittings especially devoted to that work. This service was, as usual, most numerously attended; and was rendered, on this occasion, peculiarly pleasing and edifying by the circumstance, that Mr. SQUANCE and Mr. CLOUGH, from India, and Mr. SMEDLEY, from the West-Indies, were among the number of Preachers examined and admitted, and took the opportunity of giving to the Conference a statement of their Missionary call and proceedings. Their narratives were heard with the deepest attention and gratitude, and called forth many prayers in behalf of the Heathen, and of those of our Brethren who are devoted to the glorious but arduous task of seeking their salvation. Mr. HANNAH, also, who was the only one of the young Preachers who have laboured in England, whom the time would permit to speak at large, gave a highly interesting account of his religious experience. his call to the Christian Ministry, &c. The other Candidates had given equal satisfaction in the more private examinations through which they had previously passed. After the usual

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