CONTENTS AND INDEX. NEW SERIES. VOL. LII.-JULY TO DECEMBER, 1920 NAMES OF CONTRIBUTORS ARE PRINTED IN SMALL CAPITALS Abel, O, Die Stämme der Wirbelthiere, W. D. Absorption-Transpiration Ratio in Nutrient Media, ADAMS, E. Q., Rational System of Units, 527 African Rift Valleys, W. M. DAVIS, 456 Ages of Animals, J. R. SLONAKER, 134 Agricultural Work at University of Nanking, 192 Agronomist and Food Supply, F. S. HARRIS, 395 Aitoff's Equal-area Projection of the Sphere, 8 Alaska, Agriculture, 101; Surveys in 1920, 125; Albino Vertebrates, J. S. DEXTER, 130 ALLARD, H. A., Flight of Fireflies and Flashing ALLBUTT, T. C., Medical Research, 115 ALLEE, W. C., Journal of Morphology, 84 ALLEN, B. M., Transplantation of Hypophysis, 274 American Association for the Advancement of Sci- Ameghino, Works of, R. L. MOODIE, 469 Anthropological Problems of the Far East, A. Anthropology, Institutes of, K. PEARSON, 371 Anti-vivisection, California Legislation, 334 ARNOLD, R., Earthquakes at Los Angeles, 121 545 BATEMAN, H., Electricity and Gravitation, 314 BAUER, L. A., Light Deflection in Solar Eclipse, BELLING, J., A. F. BLAKESLEE and M. E. FARN- HAM, Chromosomal Duplication, 388 BERGEIM, O., R. J. MILLER and P. B. HAWK, Gas- BERRY, E. W., Diastrophism, 315; Paleontology Biochemical Research in England, 37 Biometric Laboratories at University College, 30 Bishop Museum and Pan-Pacific Scientific Con- gress, C. SCHUCHERT, 74; Expeditions, 311 Black Fish, Autopsy of, G. A. MACCALLUM, 387 BLAKESLEE, A. F., J. BELLING and M. E. FARN- HAM, Chromosomal Duplication, 388 Blatchley, W. S., Orthoptera, A. N. CAUDELL, 251 Blood Coagulation, A. R. RICH, 38 BONE, W. H., Booming Lizard of Australia, 273 Botany, Introductory Course in, B. M. DAVIS, 597 BORING, E. G., Gaussian Law, 129; Human Bouvier, C. L., La Vie Psychique des Insects, W. BÖVING, A. G., John Sahlberg, 216 BRASCH, F. E., History of Science Section and Brewster Collection of Birds, 32 BRIGGS, F. N. and W. W. MACKIE, Fungicidal British, Association, 209, 233, 257, 273, at Cardiff, 341; Science Guild, 76; Chemists, Headquar- ters for, 168; Department of Scientific and In- dustrial Research, 288; National Physical Lab- oratory, 310; Ministry of Agriculture, 485; National Union of Scientific Workers, 576 BROOKS, C. F., Amer. Meteorological Soc., 205 BURR, F. F., H. H. PLATT and S. R. WILLIAMS, CAJORI, F., Galileo's Experiment, 409 Calcium Metabolism, E. B. HART, H. STEENBOCK CAMPBELL, W. W., Relations with Teutonic Scien- CARLSON, C. O., Nebraska Academy of Science, 471 Carnegie Foundation and Research in Colleges, L. |