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fignify my Arrival to one of the Secreta

rys, and let him know, I there waited his Majesty's Command. I had an Anfwer in about an Hour, that his Majefty, attended by the Royal Family, and great Officers of the Court, was coming out to receive me. I advanced a Hundred Yards. The Emperor, and his Train, alighted from their Horses, the Empress and Ladies from their Coaches, and I did not perceive they were in any Fright or Concern. I lay on the Ground to kiss his Majesty's and the Empress's Hand. I told his Majesty that I was come according to my Promise, and with the Licence of the Empe ror my Master, to have the Honour of seeing so Mighty a Monarch, and to offer him any Service in my power, confiftent with my Duty to my own Prince; not mentioning a Word of my Difgrace, because I had hitherto no regular Information of it, and might fuppofe myself wholly ignorant of any fuch Design; neither could I reasonably conceive that the Emperor would discover the Secret

while I was out of his power: wherein, however, it foon appeared I was deceived.


I fhall not trouble the Reader with the particular Account of my Reception at this Court, which was fuitable to the Tutable to the Generofity of fo great a Prince; nor of the Difficulties I was in for want of a Houfe and Bed, being forced to lie on the Ground, wrapt up in my Coverlet.

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The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds means to leave Blefufcu; and, after fome Difficulties, returns fafe to his Native Country.

HREE Days after my Arrival, T walking out of Curiofity to the North-East Coast of the Island, I observed, about half a League off, in the Sea, fomewhat that looked like a Boat overturned. I pulled off my Shoes and Stockings, and wading two or three Hundred Yards, I found the Object to approach nearer by force of the Tide; and then plainly faw it to be a real Boat, which I supposed might, by fome Tempest, have been driven from a Ship: whereupon I returned immediately towards the City, and defired

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defired his Imperial Majefty to lend me twenty of the tallest Veffels he had left after the Lofs of his Fleet, and three thoufand Seamen under the Command of the Vice-Admiral. This Fleet failed round, while I went back the shortest way to the Coaft where I first discovered the Boat; I found the Tide had driven it ftill nearer. The Seamen were all provided with Cordage, which I had beforehand twisted to a fufficient strength. When the Ships came up, Iftript my felf, and waded till I came within an hundred Yards of the Boat, after which I was forced to fwim till I got up to it. The Seamen threw me the end of the Cord, which I faftned to a Hole in the fore-part of the Boat, and the other end to a Man of War: But I found all my Labour to little purpofe; for being out of my depth, I was not able to work. In this Neceffity,I was forced to fwim behind, and push the Boat forwards as often as I could, with one of my Hands; and the Tide favouring me, I advanced fo far, that I could just hold up my Chin and feel the Ground.

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I refted two or three Minutes, and then gave the Boat another Shove, and fo on till the Sea was no higher than my Arm-pits; and now the most laborious part being over, I took out my other Cables which were ftowed in one of the Ships, and fastening them firft to the Boat, and then to nine of the Veffels which attended me, the Wind being favourable the Sea-men towed, and I shoved till we arrived within forty Yards of the Shore, and waiting till the Tide was out, I got dry to the Boat, and by the afliftance of two thousand Men, with Ropes and Engincs, I made a fhift to turn it on its Bottom, and found it was but little damaged.

I fhall not trouble the Reader with the Difficulties I was under by the help of certain Paddles, which coft me ten days making, to get my Boat to the Royal Port of Blefufcu, where a mighty concourse of Pcopie appeared upon my arrival, full of Wonder at the fight of fo

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