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"WHAT think ye of Christ?" is the touchstone of theology as it is of all religious experience.

CONVERSIONS may be expected to take place more frequently among an indoctrinated, than among an unindoctrinated population. For God is partial to his word, and the Holy Spirit takes most readily to the path of the truth.

IT IS the superadded agency of the Holy Spirit which makes divine truth piercing.

BETTER STATEMENTS of the doctrines of sin and atonement have not been made than Dante lays down in the seventh chapter of the "Paradise," says Dr. Shedd.

PRAYER moves God. He eternally purposed that he would be so moved. Thus is he a prayer-answering God, and an unchangeable God at the same time.

DR. NEWMAN'S "Essay in Aid of the Grammar of Assent" happily sets forth the nature of religious faith as a direct apprehension of its object rather than an acceptance of mere opinions about it.

A DISTINCTION subsists between pardon

and justification. For God as well as the believer are justified; but both are not pardoned.

IT IS NOT quite certain that Booth was right in saying, "It is not faith itself, but its glorious object, which Paul intends, when he speaks of faith being imputed for righteousness."

THE GOD you cannot trust, you cannot worship.

THE condition of our acceptance with God is a perfect righteousness. But whose? The very genius of the gospel is involved in the answer.

IT IS NOT bare mercy, but propitiated. mercy, which God proffers to sinners.

HAVE YOU YET had a discovery of God's justice?

FIRE, air, oil, and water, are each scriptural symbols of the Holy Ghost. What an honored use of nature's elements!

SUPPOSE a certain doctrine does not satisfy my reason, or fall in with my prejudice, or meet my wishes, or answer to my early education, am I to discard it on any such account if I find it fairly in the

Bible? God says his thoughts are not as our thoughts.

THE MORE We contemplate God's sovereignty in our salvation, and his infinite justice in regard to sinners, the more immovable Christians we become. More of this is the need of the hour.

A REMEMBERED atonement will diffuse the sweetest savor at the coming marriage supper of the Lamb.

NOTHING is more plainly taught in the Bible than the personality of the devil.

SAYS Dr. Peabody, of Harvard: "Jesus is a class by himself, the most potent character in history.... With miracles Christianity stands or falls."

REPENTANCE is not only sorrow for past sins, but separation from present sins.

THE GOODNESS of God, says Owen, is the suitableness of the Divine Being to be communicative of itself in its effects.

JOHN HAD LEANED on Jesus' bosom in the intimate familiarity of love; but when he saw his glory, he fell at John 13:23; Rev. 1:17. that Christ's glory should

his feet as dead. It was necessary be veiled, while

he was with men on earth. If he should reign in visible person on earth before the judgment, he would need to leave behind again his glory, which is improbable.

THE BLESSEDNESS of God, says Owen, consists in the ineffable mutual in-being of the three holy persons in the same nature, with the immanent reciprocal actings of the Father and the Son in the eternal love and complacency of the Spirit.

GOD IS SAID to harden the heart, says. Salter, when he withholds restraining grace -to harden when he does not soften. He is said to make blind when he does not lighten, as darkness follows the removal of the sun. May it not, too, be said that he hates when he does not love?

IT IS NOT SAID, he that feeleth shall be saved, but he that believeth. Faith first, feeling second.

ONLY AT THE HOUR of death is the topstone put upon the work of sanctification. Mark 4:29.

AS A KEY fits into the wards of its lock, so do the provisions of the new covenant fit into all the intricacies of man's case.

GOD NEVER made a mistake.

YOU MUST NOT trust even repentance or

faith to save.

for that.

Christ only must be trusted

IF WHITEFIELD and Wesley could be in fellowship, why may not the Calvinist and Arminian now?

ANY DULL OBJECT, beheld through crimson glass, glows in the light of that substance. So is it with the believer as God views him through his Son.

THAT ANGELS attend saints just departing out of this world may be fairly inferred from the Bible.

NO ONE could dislike pain so much as the Saviour.

EVANGELICAL RELIGION makes a sharp distinction between the regenerate and the unregenerate.

ALL THAT CHRIST did was done as the head of believers.

CONVERSION is a change from legality and slavery to filial confidence.

THE LAW OF GOD gives us a knowledge of our sin, and condemns it, but cannot help us out of it.

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