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some have even refused to sit with us until we gave them the differences in time according to the Greenwich Observatory. This matter of time is aired in the New York World, December 13th, as follows:



The man in the observatory in Greenwich was asked the time "Well," he replied, "It depends upon whether you want solar time, sidereal time, local time, standard time, apparent time, or mean time," and he looked Ike the draper who has several other desirable lines under the counter.

He admitted that the Greenwich moon does not correspond exactly with the sun or the stars, the heavens or the earth, and that Greenwich time is a merely human compromise with the clock, the spangled heavens and the wabble of the earth's axis. awful confession from an eminent astronomer was rather startling. For, glancing around to make sure that no one was listening to the admission, he whispered:

"There is no such thing as the right time

we fake it."





esied in scripture.

We are often asked if we do not think the end of the world is close at hand, judging from the "signs" proph

Our answer is that the end of the world is a matter of individual consciousness. When we have uncovered all the so-called mysteries of the world, within and without, and found their true foundation, we will come to a place of understanding that in itself will be substance-our true world and the world that people in mortal consciousness count real will be but shadow to us- we will know the real. During the Millerite agitation about the end of the world, some sixty years ago, one of the sect excitedly asked Ralph Waldo Emerson if he knew that the world was about to come to an end. Mr. Emerson replied that he did not, but that it would make no difference to him as he could get along without it. The end of the world of materiality had already come to Ralph Waldo Emerson he knew the unstability, the ephemeral foundation of all things material, and he ceased to worry about their beginning or their ending,

Me Shall know the truth and the Truth sha




MYRTLE FILLMORE, Associate Editor.
JENNIE H. CROFT, Assistant Editor.

LOWELL FILLMORE, Business Manager.

Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

Published on the 15th of every month by

UNITY TRACT SOCIETY, KANSAS CITY, MO. Unity Building, 913-915 Tracy Avenue.

Publishers' Department

Terms of Subscriptions. Per year, $1.00; six months, 50 cents; three months trial (including Wee Wisdom), 15 cents. Canada subscriptions, $1.12 (Canadian bills, silver, or postage stamps not accepted.) Foreign countries, $1.25 (5 s.) per year.

SPECIAL TERMS: Three subscriptions one year, whether new or renewal, when sent together, $2.00.

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All letters pertaining to HEALING OF TREATMENTS of any kind should be addressed to the SOCIETY OF SILENT UNITY; those pertaining to business, orders for subscriptions or books should be addressed to UNITY TRACT SOCIETY. Please do not mix the letters for treatments with business.

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The friends of Miss Lucy C. McGee note with pleasure an event of interest which took place in Boston on December 1st, when she was ordained to the ministry and installed as pastor of the Church of the Higher Life of that city. UNITY extends hearty congratulations and best wishes for her increasing success in the helpful, healing ministry of the gospel of Truth.

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I get more good from the dollar I put into UNITY than any other dollar I spend. It is always a welcome visitor.-N. L. D.

The New Thought Alliance, R. Heber Newton, D. D., President, New York, with headquarters in Boston, Mass., is a union, throughout the Eastern States, of individuals, clubs and organizations who are interested in the New Thought Movement. Its purpose is to bring all such into hearty sympathy and active co-operation for their mutual benefit, and for the furtherance of the great work to which all are devoted. Membership is secured by sending application to the Secretary, accompanied by the annual dues, which are as follows: For an individual, $1 per year; for a club, $5; for a Sustaining Member, $25 per year; and for a Life Member, a single payment of $100. Everybody is urged to join this Association, and thereby both to receive and give assistance. Address: Alfred H. Brown, Secretary, The New Thought Alliance, 687 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass.

* * *

The Western District of The World New Thought Federation, embracing all the territory of the United States between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean, is doing much active work in bringing all societies and individuals who believe in the power of thought to uplift and bless, regardless of method or creed, into a conscious unity of purpose and principle.

The district organization has announcements to make important to all interested persons, and to this end request that the names and addresses of all such be sent to the Secretary, Mrs Florence E. Hoyt, 2215 Julian St., Denver, Colo.

Yours for the uplifting of humanity -- spiritually, mentally and physically, NONA L. BROOKS, President Western District.

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I meant to have told you in my last, how much dear Miss Cady's lessons are to me. Such a wonderful little book, full of the sweet, gentle Christ spirit, and containing more between its covers of wisdom, love and strength for the reader, it seems to me, than anything I ever read. Bless her dear heart!

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THE SIGNS THAT FOLLOW, our bi-monthly paper, is filled to the brim with convincing testimonials, also helpful articles. If you want it send us your name, with or without offering—there being no regular subscription price.

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The New Era Publishing Co., Denver, Colo., are sending out a little paper called "Child Culture Before and After Birth," which contains" truths of profound significance to parents and prospective parents." This paper is sent out free to all who write asking for it, and is very helpful to those interested in pre-natal child culture. Address the New Era Publishing Co., 502 Temple Court, Denver, Colo.



The New Theology Magazine greets the year 1908 with its initial number, edited and published by John Franklin Pease, Box 2592, Boston, Mass. The Magazine starts out as a quarterly, but the editor hopes soon to issue it as a monthly. Price, $1.00 for twelve consecutive issues, 25 cents for four issues. The Editor, says: "This magazine has naught to do with evil. Its mission is to build up the good," and to this purpose UNITY says, "God speed." Send for sample copy to address given above.

** ***

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The Nature-Cure Magazine is just completing its first year, the December number well sustaining the reputation established by previous issues. The magazine is devoted to "man-building on the physical, mental and moral planes of being. Published in Chicago by the Nature-Cure Publishing Co., Sylvester A. West, Managing Editor, Price, $1.00 a year. * * ***

Three yearly subscriptions to UNITY will be entered upon our books for $2.00. This will afford our readers a most excellent opportunity for making acceptable gifts to three of their friends at a small cost, and the magazine will come as a monthly reminder of the sender's good wishes, bringing with it an atmosphere of helpfulness and blessings.

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If you receive a copy of UNITY marked "sample," it is meant for you to pass along where it will do good work. It is not a reminder of the expiration of your subscription.

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The next course of lessons by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, at the Unity Building, Kansas City, will begin Monday evening February 3rd and last one month-three lessons each week. In these lessons students are taught the healing law and how to heal others they are also healed themselves. The compensation is free-will offerings. Everybody is invited to attend. Out-of-town students are requested to notify us in advance.

THE UNITY EMBLEM PIN is a neat symbol for Practical Chris

tians to wear, and an appropriate gift for either lady or gentleman. Then, too, all of the proceeds from the sale of the pins go toward liquidating the debt upon the Unity Building, and we know that all our readers are interested in that. How many pins shall we send you? Rolled gold plate; background of world in pink-tinted enamel, poles in red enamel. Pin, postpaid, $1.00.

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WEE WISDOM's subscription list is growing steadily. People are beginning to realize more than ever what this little magazine does for the children. It instils in their minds and hearts the principles of Truth so that they never forget them. But at the same time it is always bright, entertaining, and couched in language suited to the childish mind. Fifty cents per year.

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Nearly all the books along the line of advanced thought may be purchased from the Unity Tract Society. Write for prices. Address, 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

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Love the Supreme

Have you seen the special edition of "
Gift?" It is a handsome gift book for all seasons.

The text is

Prof. Drummond's unexcelled exposition of the 13th chapter of

I. Corinthians, printed in two paper with cover in two colors. paid.

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colors on imitation hand-made Price, 35 cents per copy, post

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We have on hand quite a supply of copies of UNITY and THE SIGNS THAT FOLLOW waiting to be sent out where they will do good. Send for them.

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We make special rates on UNITY and WEE WISDOM to Sunday Schools. If you are thinking of starting a school please write us for prices.

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A catalogue of UNITY Publications will be sent to any address upon application.

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