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am the Image and Likeness of God that is the starting point of man's existence. I came forth from just that kind of an idea. You live, move and have your being in that kind of an idea. All the forces about you are of this character, and you must eventually manifest them. Why not accept then at once, and be swift about it? Bring forth the Divine Idea NOW.

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There were no people living or dead,
There were only you and me."

Why do I feel no fear?" I asked,

Meeting you here this way!

For I have sinned, I know full well,

And is there heaven, and is there hell,

And is this the judgment day?"

Nay, those were but dreams,"

The Great God said,

"Dreams that have ceased to be.

There is no such thing as fear or sin,

There is no you· you never have been,

There is nothing at all but Me."

Educate competitors by superior methods. "Never imitate."



Many teachers

I know that I

275. I would like to have explained this: state, that what we see in others is in ourselves. have seen manifested in others that which is not in me.-MRS. J. S.

Two people may be standing upon the seashore or upon a mountain-top when the sun is sinking into rest below the horizon. Every wave may be glinting in the glow of refulgent light, or every adjacent peak resplendent with riotous color, but one of the two simply notes the fact that the sun is setting while the other stands entranced with the beauty of the scene. In the one case the sense of beauty is not developed; in the other, beauty is a part of his very soul and speaks to him in the cloud and the wave and in all nature. So it is with all things. There is that in us which recognizes the beautiful and the good, or which takes knowledge of the obverse side. If we utterly disbelieve in evil, evil will never present itself to us, but it is our acknowledgment of such a thing which attracts it into our world. We may not manifest, or be inclined to manifest, the same specified form of evil which our neighbor is indulging in, but it is our belief that such things exist which opens the way for them to come into our field of recognition. It is in this sense that the statement is true that "We see in others only that which is first in ourselves." It behooves us, therefore, to keep our mind fixed on the good only.


Please explain the statement made some time since, that, "We are counting the same people over and over again." It is not clear to my mind how one could be several, or several be one. Am I someone else, or is someone else using my body? Does not each individual have his own soul? Then how could one soul borrow someone else's body? What would the soul do that belonged to the borrowed body?— M. L. L.

This is only part of a very interesting letter to this department, and it betrays quite a tangled state of ideas in the questioner's mind, but which a few words of explanation will straighten out. That we are counting the same people over and over again means that the same souls reincarnate upon the earth plane of life again and again. There is no mixing of identities and no

"borrowing" of bodies, no forcing of a soul out of its own body, but each Ego, or I, clothes himself again and again with the garment of flesh, retaining his own individuality each time. Thus an Ego may be known as Jones during one incarnation and as Smith in the next, and those who do not accept the theory of reincarnation would count two separate souls when there is but one, which is gaining its experiences in two personalities. Man was created to live in an imperishable body, which would become more and more beautiful as he developed in character; but, through transgression of the Law, he has lost this knowledge and power of perpetuation, and his body dissolves like a rope of sand. But he cannot escape the law of his being, and under it he is forced to build bodies until he learns to make one that he can

spiritualize as did Jesus Christ. The body is not the man, any more than Booth was Richard the Third, Hamlet, or the many other characters he assumed. It is the Soul that plays the many parts in human life, and we shall never get understanding of what we are, and what we are here for, until we learn the true character of the soul. A perishable body denotes a weak soul. God is the source of strength, hence, "Be ye strong in the Lord and the power of his might."

The ultimate end and aim of music should be the glory of God and recreation of the mind. When these are not kept in view there can be no real music, only and infernal jingling and bellowing.-John Sebastian


"Carnal mind" is sense consciousness educated through observation instead of sound reasoning.

The true test of business ability is to so order every transaction that all parties equally cencerned are equally benefited.

Clamor not too loudly for Justice. Some one may get a whipping when she comes.



We have always called it the Red Leaf. A better name would be the Concentration

Leaf. That is what it is- an aid to concentration of thought on several planes of consciousness. When we first sent out the Leaf as a help in treatments, there was a widespread protest, and some of our most devoted friends still think we are departing from the true doctrine, and supplying a material aid. We hold that the invisible requires a visible manifestation, and that we can put into that manifestation any quality that we desire, if we understand the law.

Because nearly all printed leaves convey merely messages of the intellect is no criterion by which to judge leaves of a broader capacity. We feel the soul of the artist in his pictures, and the spirit or lack of it in the author's productions. Confucius exclaimed, "How can a man conceal himself? How can a man conceal himself?" He can't. The soul writes invisible words on every page the mortal pens, and those who have spiritual discernment get both messages.

The fact is, that all bodies are constantly radiating an invisible force. As the copper wire is charged with electricity, so the soul and body are charged with vital energies acting as vehicles for the transmission. of intelligence. As an ordinary wire may carry a beautiful message, so a common piece of paper may have an invisible Word, or message, right within it, and that message may be felt by the soul and produce great changes in thought and bodily conditions. (Reading a letter from a tobacco user causes my arms

to have shooting pains to the elbows, and I have to immediately deny the power of nicotine to poison my flesh.)

That this is a fact we are having proven to us in every-day experiences. Nearly all people apply these Concentration Leaves in bodily healing, but few at once realize the Spirit power that does the work. But that power is there because we put it into the Leaf by charging it with a message of Truth. We are in a constant spiritual radiation in our healing room at Headquarters, and this we put into the Leaves through prayer, and in other ways not expedient to explain. As the soul of the spiritually-minded radiates a Divine Essence, so the Christ Power, which we proclaim day and night, is sent forth in Spirit' and in Truth, and all who come in touch with us receive of the same Spirit that we have from the Father. We have many letters from people in various parts of the world who have felt this power in its multifarious expressions — no two exactly alike. Here is one received today from a man in Michigan:

I want to tell you a wonderful soul experience that came to me last Saturday night. About 10 o'clock I was sitting here in my room alone and I picked up a copy of UNITY-held the Red Leaf in my hands and repeated the words over several times, "My willingness to do Thy will hath made whole," and in a moment's time such a torrent of spiritual energy swept through me as to charge my whole body with a new life and power. It was like a living fire that penetrated every part of my being and gave me a new sense of joy and freedom. I was in love with all the world, and such visions of plenty poured in upon me from the unseen, as though some angel had come to empty her treasures into my lap. For a long time that night I could not go to sleep, and I did not wish to; it was such a joy to lie a awake and bathe the soul in that spiritual brightness.-G. W.


In our Silent Unity instructions we say, "Time is

not a factor in spiritual consciousness - observe the silence according to your local time."

More people

have objected to this than any other one thing, and

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