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'But the amount!' cried Dee, now in a transport of excitement; 'the amount of this glorious treasure?'

''Two thousand and-a-half, and odd money,' saith the spirit, 'all in gold, bright and pure.' '

'I thank thee,' cried Dee, 'I thank thee; but the token to find it, the place, the hour!'

'The curtain is closing,' quoth the Seer. 'The angel Madini retireth into her brazen pillar. The clouds, like to twining serpents, again enfold

it. . . The beautiful hands close, once more, the curtain.

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is dark, and the communication hath an end.'


As he spoke, he threw off the napkin that had covered his head, and arose, the same stiff, ungainly Bartholomew Hickman, who had knelt down there at the beginning of the vision. When he spoke thereafter, his voice was the old voice of the natural man, partaking in no wise of the ghostly accent that so recently distinguished it.

Then, with many ceremonies, the implements were removed from the table, and the crystal replaced in the ebony cabinet.

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'And what does your reverence think,' inquired the seer; can I fill the place of your late servant Kelly, or have I proved wanting in the test?'

'Thou hast done well,' replied Doctor Dee. 'Thy description of Madini corresponds almost word for word with that given me many times by my late ungrateful servant, and I am in mind to keep thee. If twenty good pounds the year, and apparel becoming thy station

'Enough, master,' cried Bartholomew; 'from this time forward I am your humble servant; and what little ability I may perchance possess, shall be used for your will and pleasure only.'

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'Thou speakest fairly, good friend,' quoth the Doctor, and I will trust thee. It is now three of the clock, and too late - mid-night being long past to seek this treasure to-night. Come hither again on the morrow the day - and we will arrange the matter.'

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- or, rather, later in

Thereafter, Bartholomew Hickman threw his red cloak over his shoulders again, and departed from the house. He evidently felt much deep concern in the finding of the treasure, for he bent his steps straightway to Aldport Park, and made his way into the grounds, through a gap in the hedge. He then proceeded minutely to examine the locality.

Ar about an hour before the next midnight, Doctor Dee and his new servant left the residence of the former, and took their way toward Aldport Park. The Doctor carried a lighted but covered lantern; while Bartholomew bore, concealed beneath his ample cloak, a mattock and pick.

Cautiously pursuing their way, they arrived at length at the boundary of the not very extensive park, attached to Aldport House, once a portion of the college property, but granted to the Earl of Derby, when the college foundation was dissolved, in 1547, by Edward the Sixth. The college had been subsequently refounded by Queen Mary, but only a small portion of the original property was restored; and in entering the park by night, our adventurers were rendering themselves liable to quite serious consequences. Too much occupied with

the treasure, however, to care for this, they pushed through the first gap they met in the hedge, and were ready for whatever might follow.

The Doctor repeated slowly the directions of the Spirit of the Crystal: 'Nine, with twice seven northerly, and Acer will disappear.'

'And what may Acer be?' quoth he.

'I know not,' returned the seer, 'unless indeed yonder noble yew may represent it.'

A momentary flash of suspicion crossed the Doctor's face.

'Thou hast been here before!' he said.

'My thoughts being bent upon the message from your angel,' replied the Seer, and my heart being set on the advancements of your interests, I entered here yesternoon, by leave of the keeper, and examined somewhat the ground. It seemeth to me that Acer is the yew.'

'Perchance it may be,' said Dee; ‘at all events, we can but try. I do comfort myself, and marvel much, good friend, at thy exceeding earnestness in my service. Verily, thou shalt have thy reward. Nine and twice seven make three-and-twenty, to be taken northerly from Acer, which is the yew. Shall I stride the ground with three-and-twenty steps; or are the numbers mystical, and otherwise to be construed?'

'I know not,' said the seer, 'the trial will discover.'

'Count thou my steps,' quoth the Doctor; and thereat he gravely strode three-and-twenty fair paces, northerly from the yew, which was Acer; but when he turned again, it had not disappeared, but rather seemed to threaten him with its stout shape.

'It will not do,' quoth he, ' Acer standeth upright and brave before my vision.'


'Perchance,' suggested Bartholomew, 'it meaneth not three-and-twenty steps, but that number of trees or shrubs, growing northerly from Acer. master, here, I think, they be.'

He pointed to a row of young shrubs, or cuttings, apparently only recently planted, which extended in a nearly direct line, northerly from the trees.

Carefully counting these, Doctor Dee stumbled on through the night, till the twenty-third landed him in a deep and miry ditch, wherein he sank almost to his middle.

'Art hurt, master?' cried the seer, running quickly toward him.

The cheerful, even animated face of the Doctor, peering through the ditch, broke his question off in the middle, as it were.

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"Hurt!' cried he 'we have found it! Nine, with twice seven, northerly, and Acer has disappeared! I cannot see the yew!'

'It is well!' said the seer.

'Now,' quoth the Doctor, still speaking from the ditch, 'the mystical number added to the number enfolding itself. This shall be added to its own toward the rising sun. I take three to be the mystical number, and the number enfolding itself is nine, added to its own — three again-making in all fifteen. Fifteen toward the rising sun, or, in other words, the east. Seest thou any trees leading easterly?'

'None,' replied the seer.

'Perchance it is now required that we step the

number. If your reverence will allow me to assist you from the ditch, I will then step it myself; the rather that your legs must be now somewhat unfit for exercise, being heavy by reason of the muck of that foul ditch, which clingeth to them.'


'Verily, thou sayest truly,' quoth the Doctor, as Bartholomew helped him out of his unpleasant predicament; 'much foul and noisome slime clingeth to me, so that I fear I shall become a stench in the nostrils of my serving lass. But, and we secure this treasure, I am content. Go thou to thy pacing.'

Thus adjured, the seer strode gravely to the east, his long legs marking exact and even spaces over the ground. At fifteen paces distant he paused. 'Stand in my place,' he cried, 'turn half round, and gather from thy right foot!'

The Doctor did as he was bidden, but found only a gnarled and crooked stump, which resisted the efforts of both to uproot it.

'Stay!' cried the seer, 'what's o'clock?'

'Twelve !'

'Listen! The red cock hath not crowed!'

'One trial more,' replied the Doctor, and we will then abandon the search till another night.'

They united their efforts in one mighty tug.

As they did so, a voice, hollow and mysterious, which apparently proceeded from the bowels of the earth beneath them, cried: 'Hold!'

They instantly desisted.

"'T is Nargal,' said Dee, 'the mighty Earth Spirit, who watches ever over hidden gold.'

Then there fell upon their ears a dismal moan, or wail, that presently rose into a shrill and continued scream, as of pain.

''Tis the groan of a mandrake,' quoth the Doctor;' 'they do ever bewail and moan thus, when gathered. I doubt not but this tree is of that cursed Let us relinquish the search for to-night.'


The voice became articulate, and they heard:

"TO-MORROW night return! Be bold,

And bring thy gold, to get my gold!'

'Who art thou that speakest from the hollow earth?'

'A GUARDIAN of the gold am I,

NARGAL, the watchful and the sly.'

'And how much gold must we bring, O worshipful Nargal! to insure the getting of the treasure ?'

'BROAD noble 3 fifty bring with thee,
And thou of treasure shalt be free!'

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'Fifty nobles! Fifty nobles!' muttered Dee, as the twain slowly left the park. "Tis a large sum. And yet, for the treasure - two thousand and-ahalf, and odd money, all in gold--it is but a drop! Fifty nobles! I must borrow of some friend, or hire at usury.. Fifty nobles!'

Again, at the following mid-night, Dee and Bartholomew were on the spot,

and stood and listened for the hour. As the clang of the last stroke of twelve rang on the night-air, a shrill and most devilish cock-crowing was heard, which seemed - like the voice of the spirit Nargal — to proceed from the bowels of the earth.


'The time is propitious!' cried Bartholomew; 'where are your nobles?' 'In the pouch, hanging at my girdle,' replied the Doctor.

Thereat a fiendish and mocking laughter startled the night.

But the seekers took no heed. With spade and pick they were at work, about the gnarled root. The earth seemed much more easily worked than on their first visit, as though the mighty Nargal were giving them aid in their search.

Presently the spade wielded by the venerable Dee struck some hard sub


Eagerly removing the earth, they lifted up with considerable difficulty a small, worm-eaten oaken chest, bound about with bands of iron. It was very ancient in appearance, and so heavy that the Doctor could scarcely bear it alone. Nevertheless, he would allow no assistance from Bartholomew, watching that individual's motions with considerable jealousy.

'I think the demon hath forgotten my fifty broad pieces,' quoth he, as they moved slowly toward the gap in the hedge.

'Never fear,' replied the seer, 'the devil will claim his own, when he is ready!'

Even as he spoke, a stalwart form sprang suddenly from the thicket, and confronted the conjurors. He was a stout, broad-shouldered swash-buckler, and wore a black mask over the face.

At sight of him Bartholomew took incontinently to his heels, and never paused till his long legs had carried him flying over the hedge.

As Doctor Dee could not run and carry his heavy treasure with him, he stood still.

'Put down that box!' said the man in the mask.

'Never!' said Doctor Dee.

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'Then come with me -neck and heels, if need be to the lodge, and answer for this mid-night trespassing. Oh! I know you, Doctor Dee, with your damned devil's dealings! How will the round-house suit your cloth?'

The Doctor trembled.

worm-eaten box with me?'

'For fifty nobles ! '

'For how much may I go free, taking this useless,

"'Tis the fiend,' muttered the Doctor, and, glad to get off so easily, he handed over his purse-hugging still the precious casket in his arms - and the masked intruder permitted him to depart in peace.

Then Doctor Dee, having got possession of the great treasure, trudged wearily and painfully home with it.

Having arrived there, he broke open the box to count his gains.

Alack and alas for the fifty nobles borrowed at usury!

There was naught in the box but stones and bits of lead!

The Doctor never set eyes on Bartholornew Hickman again. Nor on the

man in the mask. Nor on his fifty nobles.



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PENNSYLVANIA has long had its German language it even boasts a very good semi-German university—its lager-beer is unrivalled, and in many points it maintains a creditable claim to be regarded, as I once heard a Rhinelander fondly term it, 'Our trans-Atlantic Deutschland.'

But its German has hitherto lacked a poet, and it is with no little pleasure that I have found that a writer of genius has appeared, who has not thought it beneath him to use the homely 'Bushwhacker' dialect for the expression of truly tender feelings, and for depicting scenes of real life in a manner which, while its simplicity is often truly humorous, or broadly comic, is none the less on that account touching. I refer to the Rev. H. Harbaugh, D.D., a pastor of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, who, in a few fugitive lyrics, has shown that even so singular a dialect as Pennsylvania German may be made the medium for poetry of true excellence.


It can hardly be denied that this German has one thing in common with Neapolitan Italian and Jamaica negro-English; its associations are, to those who know but little of its home value, simply mirth-provoking. A well-intentioned but ill-advised Tract Society once translated the Bible into Neapolithe first reading set the audience into roars of laughter. The same was attempted in Jamaica negro-dialect; let the reader fancy 'Brudder Bones' preaching, and he may guess the result. But there is no reason why Pennsylvania German, though as amusing as either of these patois, should not have as touching Volkslieder as those of the Fatherland, thousands of which are composed in dialects almost as humble, and in their way quite as droll.

The dialect in question is that of the German Palatine, or what is usually termed Pfælizsch, spoken along the Rhine, with certain Suabian influences, the whole very much modified and intermingled with English. Thus the n final of the infinitive, or of a noun, is always changed into a or e; and the same abbreviations, for the sake of softness, are generally found, as in all South-German dialects. The proportion of barbarism, or of 'fun,' in Pennsylvania German depends upon the quantity of English introduced. Sometimes, as in the far-famed advertisement, Gelost gestrayed or gestolen, oder owa the fence gejumpt,' we have little, save a rude attempt at German construction. In the advertisement alluded to for a lost horse-the public is further informed, that 'Wer it zuruck bringt (restores) will politely gethanked and liberally rewarded sein!' I quote from memory, possibly incorrectly -if it be possible!

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Among Dr. Harbaugh's lyrics, there is one, 'The Old School-House by the Creek,' which blends the comic with the serious to a degree seldom attained by any English writer of the present day. In giving a version, I claim the indulgence due to the translation from a dialect whose idiomatic peculiarity is its chief charm. You, dear reader, doubtless know that charming ballad, 'The

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