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ter (g) to Paul of Samofata, fuppofed to have been writ fome time between 264. and 270. But the genuineffe (b) of that letter has been called in queftion.

I need not here take notice of any more of this name, who lived a good while before, or after this time: and therefore are in little danger of being confounded with our Proculus, or any of the other juft mentioned.

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IV. "Geminus, fays (i) Jerome, in his Catalogue of Ecclefiaftical Writers, Prefbyter of the church of Antioch, compofed "a few monuments of his wit, flourishing "under the Emperour Alexander, and Ze"-bennus Bishop of his city, chiefly about the "time that Heraclas was ordained Bishop of "the church of Alexandria."

In his Chronicle Eufebe, or rather Jerome, at the fixth of the Emperour Alexander, of Chrift 227. writes: writes: "Geminianus (k) Pres

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(g) Ap. Labb. Concil. T. i. p. 844. &c.

(b) Vid. Bafnag. Ann. 264.n vi, vii.

(i) Geminus, Antiochenae ecclefiae prefbyter, pauca ingenii fui monumenta compofuit, florens fub Alexandro principe, et epifcopo urbis fuae Zebenno eo vel maxime tempore, quo He. raclas Alexandrinae ecclefiae pontifex ordinatus eft. De Vir. Ill. cap. 64.

(k) Geminianus prefbyter Antiochenus, et Hippolytus, et Beryllus, epifcopus Arabiae Bottrenus, clari fcriptores habenChron. p. 173.


byter of Antioch, and Hippolytus, and Be"ryllus Bishop of Boftra in Arabia, are e" fteemed famous writers."

Here is a small difference. For in the Catalogue Jerome fays, Geminus, or Geminianus, flourished in the time of Zebennus: whereas in the Chronicle he puts him a year before Zebennus was Bishop of Antioch, whose ordination is there placed at the seventh year of Alexander. Tillemont (1) reconciles this difference thus: That Geminianus appeared in the world at the year 227. but was more especially famous about the year 231. or 232. when Heraclas was Bishop of Alexandria. I think, that in the Chronicle, where Jerome was pleased to name feveral perfons together, and put them at one and the fame year; it is not to be expected, that the time should fuit them all alike. And he was at liberty to mention their time more exactly in his Cata logue, if he thought fit, and had room. This writer is placed by Cave at the year 232.

I have formerly mentioned (c) the fucceffion of the Bishops in the church of Antioch from the time of the Apoftles to Sera

(1) See Saint Urbain. Tillem. Mem. Ecl. Ta (c) See Vol. i. p. 423, Vol. ii. p. 555.


3. P. 2. p. 46.

A. D. 232.

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A. D. 232.

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pion, the eighth Bishop of that church. Afclepiades, the ninth, fucceeded him in 211. The tenth was (m) Philetus, ordained about 220. The eleventh (2) Zebennus, or Zebinus, in 228. The twelfth (0) Babylas, who had the honour to die a Martyr for Chrift in the Decian perfecution, in the year (p) 249. or (q) 250. The year of his ordination is not certain. It is fuppofed by fome (r) to have been 237. or 238. He was fucceeded (s) by Fabius, who dyed (t) in the begining of the year 252. His fucceffor was (u) Demetrian, whom Paul of Samofata fucceeded in (w) 260.

V. “Tryphon, says (x) Jerome in his Catalogue

(m) Euf. H. E. L. vi. cap. 21. p. 223. C.

(n) Id. ibid. cap. 23. p. 224. C. Conf. Eufeb. Chr. p.

172. 173.

(o) ib. cap. 29.

(p) Vid. Bafnag. Ann. 239. Numb. iii.

(9) See Saint Babylas in Tillem. Tom. 3. P. 2. p. 292. (r) Vid. Bafn. ib. n. i. et Tillem. ib. p. 288. et Not. i. et ii. fur Saint Babylas.

(5) Παραπλησίως ἐν ἀντιοχειᾳ τῇ βαβύλα μετὰ τὴν ὁμο λογίαν ἐν δεσμωτηρία μεταλλάξαντα, φάβιο τῆς ἀντίθε προίςαται ἐκκλησίας. Euf. l. vi. cap. 39.

(t) Vid. Pagi 252. num. vi. Tillemont St. Denis d' Alex. Sect. vii. Mem. T. iv. P. 2. p. 563. 564.

(u) Vid. Eufeb. 1. vi. cap. 46, p. 248. A. et lib. vii. cap. 14. (w) Vid. Pagi. 261. n. vi.

(x) Tryphon Origenis auditor, ad quem nonnullae ejus exftant epiftolae, in fcripturis eruditiffimus fuit. Quod qui


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talogue, a difciple of Origen, to whom se"veral of his letters, ftill extant, were writt

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en, was very skilfull in the scriptures: as "his many pieces every where fhew, but eદ fpecially that book, which he published "about the red heifer in Deuteronomie, [It "fhould be Numbers. See Chapt. xix.] and "the half pieces of the living creatures layd by Abraham's pigeon and turtle-dove in "Genefis." See Gen. xv. 9. 10. 11. This learned man is placed by Cave at the year 233. His works are not extant.

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dem et multa ejus fparfim oftendunt opufcula, fed praecipue liber, quem compofuit de vacca rufa in Deuteronomio, et de dichomematibus, quae cum columba et turture Abraham ponuntur in Genefi. De V. I. cap. 57. ·

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Noëtus, and others, called Heretics,
in the former Part of the third
Centurie, or foon after.



His Time. I. BASNAGE (a) fuppofeth, that No

ëtns arose about the

year 240. Fabricius (b) about 245. And indeed, as Epiphanius compofed his work against herefies in 375. or 376. and he there fays, that (c) Noëtus lived about 130 years before that time, we are carryed up to the year 245. But Epiphanius does not pretend to be exact. And fince we have fuppofed Hippolytus, who wrote against the Noëtians, to have flourished about the

year 220. we cannot place Noëtus much later. Beaufobre (d) has argued after a like


(a) Vid. Bafnag. Ann. 256. n. 14.

(b) Vid. Philaftr. de Haer. 53. not. (a) p. 105. Ed. Fabr. (α) ἀλλ' ὡς πρὸ χρόνο τῶν τέτων εκατον τριάκοντα, πλείω ἢ indoow. Epiph. H. 57. p. 479. C.

(d) Vid. Hift. de Manich, P. 2. 1. 3. ch. vi. p. 533. not. (7.)

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