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and, besides this, that system of slender pay, and deficient perquisites, to which the subordinate agents of government are confined in republics, is much too painful to be thought of for a single instant.


his grand attack upon Mr. Fox for his abuse of Sir Patrick Hume; and his observations upon this point admit of a fourfold answer. 1st, Mr. Fox does not use the words quoted by Mr. Rose; 2dly, He makes no mention whatever of Sir Patrick Hume in the passage cited by Mr. Rose; 3dly, Sir Patrick Hume is attacked by nobody in that history; 4thly, If he had been so attacked he would have deserved it. The passage from Mr. Fox is this:

In recounting the failure of his expedition, it is impos sible for him to touch upon what he deemed the miscon duct of his friends; and this is the subject upon which, of all others, his temper must have been most irritable. A certain description of friends (the words describing them are omitted) were all of them, without exception, his great-and his rout, and his being taken, though not designedly, he est enemies, both to betray and destroy him: and (the names again omitted) were the greatest cause of acknowledges, but by ignorance, cowardice, and faction. This sentence had scarce escaped him, when, notwithstanding the qualifying words with which his candour has acquitted the last mentioned persons of intentional treachery, it appeared toc harsh to his gentle nature; and, declaring himself displeased with the hard epithets he had used, he desires that they may be put out of any account that is to be given of these transactions.'-Heywood, p. 365, 366.

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We are afraid of becoming tedious by the enumeration of blunders into which Mr. Rose has fallen, and which Serjeant Heywood has detected. But the burthen of this sole executor's song is accuracy-his own official accuracy-and the little dependence which is to be placed on the accuracy of Mr. Fox. We will venture to assert, that, in the whole of his work, he has not detected Mr. Fox in one single error. Whether Serjeant Heywood has been more fortunate with Mr. Rose, might be determined; perhaps, with sufficient certainty, by our previous extracts from his renot seem enough: and we must proceed in the task, marks. But for some indulgent readers, these may till we have settled Mr. Rose's pretensions to accuracy on a still firmer foundation. And if we be thought minutely severe, let it be remembered that Mr. Rose is himself an accuser; and if there is justice upon earth, every man has a right to pull stolen goods out of the pocket of him who cries, Stop thief!' In the story which Mr. Rose states of the seat in Parliament sold for five pounds (Journal of the Commons, vol. v.), he is wrong, both in the sum and the Argyle names neither the description of friends who volume. The sum is four pounds; and it is told, not were his greatest enemies, nor the two individuals who in the fifth volume, but the first. Mr. Rose states, were the principal cause of the failure of his scheme. that a perpetual excise was granted to the crown, in Mr. Fox leaves the blanks as he finds them. But two lieu of the profits of the court of wards; and adds, notes are added by the editor, which Mr. Rose might that the question in favour of the crown was carried have observed are marked with an E. In the latter of by a majority of two. The real fact is, that the half them we are told, that Mr. Fox observes, in a private only of an excise upon certain articles was granted to letter, Cochrane and Hume certainly filled up the two government in lieu of these profits; and this grant principal blanks.' But is this communication of a priwas carried without a division. An attempt was made vate letter any part of Mr. Fox's history? And would to grant the other half, and this was negatived by a it not have been equally fair in Mr. Rose to have commajority of two. The Journals are open-Mr. Rose mented upon any private conversation of Mr. Fox, reads them; he is officially accurate. What can the and then have called it his history? Or, if Mr. Fox meaning be of these most extraordinary mistakes? had filled up the blanks in the body of his history, Mr. Rose says that, in 1679, the writ de hæretico does it follow that he adopts Argyle's censure because comburendo had been a dead letter for more than a he shows against whom it is levelled? Mr. Rose has century. It would have been extremely agreeable to described the charge against Sir Patrick Hume to be, Mr. Bartholomew Legate, if this had been the case; of faction, cowardice, and treachery. Mr. Rose has for, in 1612, he was burnt at Smithfield for being an more than once altered the terms of a proposition beArian. Mr. Wightman would probably have partici- fore he has proceeded to answer it; and, in this inpated in the satisfaction of Mr. Legate; as he was stance, the charge of treachery against Sir Patrick burnt also, the same year, at Lichfield, for the same Hume is not made either in Argyle's letter, Mr. Fox's offence. With the same correctness, this scourge of text, or the editor's note, or any where but in the imhistorians makes the Duke of Lauderdale, who died agination of Mr. Rose. The sum of it all is, that Mr. in 1682, a confidential adviser of James II. after his Rose first supposes the relation of Argyle's opinion to accession in 1689. In page 13, he quotes, as written be the expression of the relator's opinion, that Mr. by Mr. Fox, that which was written by Lord Holland. Fox adopts Argyle's insinuations because he explains This, however, is a familiar practice with him. Ten them; then he looks upon a quotation from a private pages afterwards, in Mr. Fox's History, he makes the letter, made by the editor, to be the same as if includsame mistake. Mr. Fox added' whereas it was ed in a work intended for publication by the author;—— Lord Holland that added. The same mistake again then he remembers that he is the sole executor of Sir in p. 147 of his own book; and after this, he makes Patrick's grandson, whose blank is so filled up ;-and Mr. Fox the person who selected the appendix of goes on blundering and blubbering,—grateful and inBarillon's papers; whereas it is particularly stated in accurate,-teeming with false quotations and friendly the preface to the History, that this appendix was recollections to the conclusion of his book.-Multa selected by Laing. gemens ignominiam.

Mr. Rose affirms, that compassing to levy war against the king was made high treason by the statute of 25 Edward the Third; and, in support of this affirmation, he cites Coke and Blackstone. His stern antagonist, a professional man, is convinced he has read neither. The former says, 'a compassing to levy war is no treason, (Inst. 3., p. 9.); and Blacksone,a bare conspiracy to levy war does not amount to this species of treason.' (Com. iv. p. 82.) This really does not look as if the Serjeant had made out his


Of the bill introduced in 1685, for the preservation of the person of James II., Mr. Rose observes- Mr. Fox has not told us for which of our modern statutes this bill was used as a model; and it will he difficult for any one to show such an instance.' It might have been thought, that no prudent man would have made such a challenge, without a tolerable certainty of the ground upon which it was made. Serjeant Heywood answers the challenge by citing the 36 Geo. III. c. 7, which is a mere copy of the act of James.

In the fifth section of Mr. Rose's work is contained

Mr. Rose came into possession of the Earl of Marchmont's papers, containing, among other things, the narrative of Sir Patrick Hume. He is very severe upon Mr. Fox for not having been more diligent in searching for original papers; and observes, that if any application had been made to him (Mr. Rose,) this narrative should have been at Mr. Fox's service. We should be glad to know, if Mr. Rose saw a person tumbled into a ditch, whether he would wait for a regular application till he pulled him out? Or, if he happened to espy the lost piece of silver for which the good woman was diligently sweeping the house, would he wait for formal interrogation before he imparted his discovery, and suffer the lady to sweep on till the question had been put to him in the most solemn forms of politeness? The established practice, we admit, is to apply, and to apply vigorously and incessantly, for sinecure places and pensions-or they cannot be had. This is true enough. But did any human being ever think of carrying this practice into literature, and compelling another to make interest for papers essential to the good conduct of his

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undertaking? We are perfectly astonished at Mr. | Hume? and in what class are to be placed Echard, Kennet, Rose's conduct in this particular; and should have Rapin, Dalrymple, or Macpherson? In this point of view thought that the ordinary exercise of his good nature the principle laid down is too broad. A person, though would have led him to a very different way of acting. events which occurred a century before; and, till this last connected with party, may write an impartial history of On the whole, and upon the most attentive considera-sentence, Mr. Rose has not ventured to intimate that Mr. tion of every thing which has been written upon the sub- Fox has not done so. On the contrary, he has declared his ject, there does not appear to have been any intention approbation of a great portion of the work; and his atof applying torture in the case of the Earl of Argyle.' tempts to discover material errors in the remainder have (Rose, p. 182.) If this every thing had included the uniformly failed in every particular. If it might be asfollowing extract from Barillon, the above cited, and sumed that there existed in the book no faults, besides very disgraceful inaccuracy of Mr. Rose would have covered, it might be justly deemed the most perfect work those which the scrutinizing eye of Mr. Rose has disbeen spared. The Earl of Argyle has been executed that ever came from the press; for not a single deviation at Edinburgh, and has left a full confession in writing, from the strictest duty of an historian has been pointed out; in which he discovers all those who have assisted him while instances of candour and impartiality present themwith money, and have aided his designs. This has selves in almost every page; and Mr. Rose himself has saved him from the torture.' And Argyle, in his letter acknowledged and applauded many of them.'-(pp. 422to Mrs. Smith, confesses he has made discoveries. 424.), In his very inaccurate history of torture in the south-show the nature of Serjeant Heywood's examination of These extracts from both books are sufficient to ern part of this island, Mr. Rose says, that except in the case of Felton-in the attempt to introduce the Mr. Rose,-the boldness of this latter gentleman's ascivil law in Henry VI.'s reign, and in some cases of sertions, and the extreme inaccuracy of the researchtreason in Mary's reign, torture was never attempted credit could be gained from such a book as Mr. Rose es upon which these assertions are founded. If any in this country. The fact, however, is, that in the has published, it could be gained from accuracy alone. reign of Henry VIII., Anne Askew was tortured by Whatever the execution of his book had been, the the chancellor himself. Simson was tortured in 1558; world would have remembered the infinite disparity of Francis Throgmorton in 1571; Charles Baillie, and the two authors, and the long political opposition in Banastie, the Duke of Norfolk's servant, were tortured which they lived-if that, indeed, can be called oppoin 1581; Campier, the Jesuit, was put upon the rack; and Dr. Astlow is supposed to have been racked in sition, where the thunderbolt strikes, and the clay 1558. So much for Mr. Rose as the historian of pun-tor was dead; and that every cowardly Grecian could yields. They would have remembered also that Hecishments. We have seen him, a few pages before, at the stake,-where he makes quite as bad a figure as if Mr. Rose had really succeeded in exposing the inac now thrust his spear into the hero's body. But still, he does now upon the rack. Precipitation and error are his foibles. If he were to write the history of curacy of Mr. Fox,-if he could have fairly shown that sieges, he would forget the siege of Troy ;-if he were authorities were overlooked, or slightly examined, or making a list of poets, he would leave out Virgil:wilfully perverted, the incipient feelings to which Cæsar would not appear in his catalogue of generals; to the evidence of facts; and Mr. Fox, however qualisuch a controversy had given birth must have yielded and Newton would be overlooked in his collection of fied in other particulars, must have appeared totally defective in that laborious industry and scrupulous absolutely comes out of the contest not worse even in good faith so indispensable to every historian. But he a single tooth or nail-unvilified even by a wrong date late in his years and days of the month-blameless to -without one misnomer proved upon him-immacuthe most musty and limited pedant that ever yellowed himself amidst rolls and records.

eminent mathematicians.

In some cases, Mr. Rose is to be met only with flat denial. Mr. Fox does not call the soldiers who were defending James against Argyle authorized assassins but he uses that expression against the soldiers who were murdering the peasants, and committing every sort of licentious cruelty in the twelve counties given up to military execution; and this Mr. Rose must have known, by using the most ordinary diligence in the perusal of the text, and would have known it in any other history than that of Mr. Fox.

But how fares it with his critic? He rests his credit

with the world as a man of labour,-and he turns out to be a careless inspector of proofs, and an historical Mr. Rose, in his concluding paragraph, boasts of his sloven. The species of talent which he pretends to is speaking "impersonally," and he hopes it will be allowed humble, and he possesses it not. He has not done justly, when he makes a general observation respecting that which all men may do, and which every man the proper province of history. But the last sentence evi- ought to do, who rebukes his superiors for not doing dently shows that, though he might be speaking justly, he it. His claims, too, it should be remembered, to these was not speaking impersonally, if by that word is meant, every-day qualities, are by no means enforced with without reference to any person. His words are, "But gentleness and humility. He is a braggadocio of mihistory cannot connect itself with party, without forfeiting its name; without departing from the truth, the dignity, nuteness-a swaggering chronologer; a man bristling and the usefulness of its functions." After the remarks he up with small facts-prurient with dates-wantoning has made in some of his preceding pages, and the apology in obsolete evidence-loftily dull, and haughty in his he has offered for Mr. Fox, in his last preceding paragraph, drudgery;-and yet all this is pretence. Drawing is for having been mistaken in his view of some leading no very unusual power in animals; but he cannot points, there can be no difficulty in concluding, that this draw; he is not even the ox which he is so fond of general observation is meant to be applied to the historical work. The charge intended to be insinuated must be, that, being. In attempting to vilify Mr. Fox, he has only in Fox's hands, history has forfeited the name by being shown us that there was no labour from which that connected with party; and has departed from the truth, great man shrunk, and that no object connected with the dignity, and the usefulness of its functions. It were to his history was too minute for his investigation. He be wished that Mr. Rose had explained himself more fully; has thoroughly convinced us that Mr. Fox was as infor, after assuming that the application of his obser- dustrious, and as accurate, as if these were the only vation is too obvious to be mistaken, there still remains qualities upon which he had ever rested his hope of some difficulty with respect to its meaning. If it is con- fortune or of fame. Such, indeed, are the customary fined to such publications as are written under the title of histories, but are intended to serve the purposes of a party; results when little people sit down to debase the char and truth is sacrificed, and facts perverted, to defend and acters of great men, and to exalt themselves upon the give currency to their tenets, we do not dispute its pro- ruins of what they have pulled down. They only propriety; but, if that is the character which Mr. Rose would voke a spirit of inquiry, which places everything in its give to Mr. Fox's labours, he has not treated him with can true light and magnitude,-shows those who appear dour, or even common justice. Mr. Rose has never, in little to be still less, and displays new and unexpected any one instance, intimated that Mr. Fox has wilfully de- excellence in others who were before known to excel. parted from truth, or strayed from the proper province of history, for the purpose of indulging his private or party These are the usual consequences of such attacks. feelings. But, if Mr. Rose intends that his observation The fame of Mr. Fox has stood this, and will stand should be applied to all histories, the authors of which have much ruder shocks. felt strongly the influence of political connections and principles, what must become of most of the histories of England? Is the title of historian to be denied to Mr.

Non hiemes illam, non flabra neque imbres
Convellunt; immota manet, multosque per annos
Multa virum volens durando sæcula vincit.

MAD QUAKERS. (EDINBURGH REVIEW, 1814.) Description of the Retreat, an Institution near York, for Insane Persons of the Society of Friends. Containing an Account of its Origin and Progress, the Modes of Treatment, and a Statement of Cases. By Samuel Tuke. York, 1813. THE Quakers always seem to succeed in any institution which they undertake. The gaol at Philadelphia will remain a lasting monument of their skill and patience; and, in the plan and conduct of this retreat for the insane, they have evinced the same wisdom and perseverance.


The present account is given us by Mr. Tuke, a respectable tea-dealer, living in York-and given in a manner which we are quite sure the most opulent and important of his customers could not excel. The long account of the subscription, at the beginning of the book, is evidently made tedious for the Quaker market; and Mr. Tuke is a little too much addicted to quoting. But, with these trifling exceptions, his book does him very great credit;-it is full of good sense and humanity, right feelings and rational views. retreat for insane Quakers is situated about a mile from the city of York, upon an eminence commanding the adjacent country, and in the midst of a garden and fields belonging to the institution. The great principle on which it appears to be conducted is that of kindness to the patients. It does not appear to them, because a man is mad upon one particular subject, that he is to be considered in a state of complete mental degradation, or insensible to the feelings of kindness and gratitude. When a madman does not know what he is bid to do, the shortest method, to be sure, is to knock him down; and straps and chains are the species of prohibition which are the least frequently disregarded. But the Society of Friends seem rather to consult the interest of the patient than the ease of his keeper; and to aim at the government of the insane, by creating in them the kindest disposition towards those who have the command over them. Nor can anything be more wise, humane, or interesting, than the strict attention to the feelings of their patients which seems to prevail in their institutions. The following specimens of their disposition upon this point we have great pleasure in laying before our readers:

'The smallness of the court,' says Mr Tuke, 'would be a serious defect, if it was not generally compensated by taking such patients as are suitable into the garden; and by frequent excursions into the city, or the surrounding country, and into the fields of the institution. One of these is surrounded by a walk interspersed with trees and shrubs. a

The superintendent has also endeavoured to furnish source of amusement to those patients whose walks are necessarily more circumscribed, by supplying each of the courts with a number of animals, such as rabbits, sea gulls, hawks, and poultry. These creatures are generally very familiar with the patients; and it is believed they are not only the means of innocent pleasure, but that the intercourse with them sometimes tends to awaken the social feelings.'-(p. 95, 96.)

Chains are never permitted at the Retreat; nor is it left to the option of the lower attendants when they are to impose an additional degree of restraint upon the patients; and this compels them to pay attention to the feelings of the patients, and to attempt to gain an influence over them by kindness. Patients who are not disposed to injure themselves are merely confined by the strait waistcoat, and left to walk about the room, or lie down on the bed, at pleasure; and even in those cases where there is a strong tendency to selfdestruction, as much attention is paid to the feelings and ease of the patient as is consistent with his safety.

•Except in cases of violent mania, which is far from being a frequent occurrence at the Retreat, coercion, when requisite, is considered as a necessary evil; that is, it is thought abstractedly to have a tendency to retard the cure, by opposing the influence of the moral remedies employed. It is therefore used very sparingly; and the superintendent has often assured me, that he would rather run some risk than have recourse to restraint where it was not absolutely necessary, except in those cases where it was likely to have a salutary moral tendency.

'I feel no small satisfaction in stating, upon the author

ity of the superintendents, that during the last year, in which the number of patients has generally been sixty-four, there has not been occasion to seclude, on an average, two patients at one time. I am also able to state, that although it is occasionally necessary to restrain, by the waistcoat, straps, or other means, several patients at one time, yet that the average number so restrained does not exceed four, including those who are secluded.

The safety of those who attend upon the insane is certainly an object of great importance; but it is worthy of inquiry whether it may not be attained without materially interfering with another object, the recovery of the patient. It may also deserve inquiry, whether the extensive practice of coercion, which obtains in some institutions, does not arise from erroneous views of the character of insane persons; from indifference to their comfort; or from having rendered coercion necessary by previous unkind treatment.

The power of judicious kindness over this unhappy class of society is much greater than is generally imagined. It is, perhaps, not too much to apply to kind treatment the words of our great poet,

"She can unlock

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'Some patients, who refuse to partake of the family meals, are induced to eat by being taken into the larder, and there allowed to help themselves. Some are found willing to eat when food is left with them in their rooms, or when they can obtain it unobserved by their attendants. Others, whose determination is stronger, are frequently induced, by repeated persuasion, to take a small quantity of nutritious liquid; and it is equally true in these as in general cases, that every breach of resolution weakens the power and disposition to resistance. 'Sometimes, however, persuasion seems to strengthen the unhappy determination. In one of these cases the attendants were completely wearied with their endeavours; and, on removing the food, one of them took a piece of the meat which had been repeatedly offered to the patient, and threw it under the fire-grate, at the same time exclaiming that she should not have it. contraries, immediately rushed from her seat, seized the meat The poor creature, who seemed governed by the rule of from the ashes, and devoured it. For a short time she was induced to eat, by the attendants availing themselves of this contrary disposition; but it was soon rendered unnecessary by the removal of this unhappy feature of the disorder.'-(p. 166, 167, 168, 169.)

When it is deemed necessary to apply any mode of coercion, such an overpowering force is employed as precludes all possibility of successful resistance; and most commonly, therefore, extinguishes every idea of making any at all. An attendant upon a madhouse exposes himself to some risk-and to some he ought to expose himself, or he is totally unfit for his situation. If the security of the attendants were the only object, the situation of the patients would soon become truly desperate. The business is, not to risk nothing, but not to risk too much. The generosity of the Quakers, and their courage in managing mad people, are placed, This cannot be better illustrated than by the two folby this institution, in a very striking point of view. lowing cases:

'The superintendent was one day walking in a field adjacent to the house, in company with a patient who was apt to be vindictive on very slight occasions. An exciting circumstance occurred. The maniac retired a few paces, and seized a large stone, which he immediately held up, as in the act of throwing at his companion. The superintendent, in no degree ruffled, fixed his eye upon the patient, and in a resolute tone of voice, at the same time advancing, commanded him to lay down the stone. As he approached, the hand of the lunatic gradually sunk from its threatening position, and permitted the stone to drop to the ground. He then submitted to be quietly led to his apartment.'

'Some years ago, a man, about thirty-four years of age, of almost herculean size and figure, was brought to the house. He had been afflicted several times before; and so constantly, during the present attack, had he been kept chained, that his clothes were contrived to be taken off and put on by means of strings, without removing his manacles. They were, however, taken off when he entered the Retreat, and he was ushered into the apartment where the superintendents were sup ping. He was calm: his attention appeared to be arrested by his new situation. He was desired to join in the repast, during which he behaved with tolerable propriety. After it was con

cluded, the superintendent conducted him to his apartment, and told him the circumstances on which his treatment would depend; that it was his anxious wish to make every inhabitant in the house as comfortable as possible; and that he sincerely hoped the patient's conduct would render it unnecessary to have recourse to coercion. The maniac was sensible of the kindness of his treatment. He promised to restrain himself; and he so completely succeeded, that, during his stay, no coercive means were ever employed towards him. This case affords a striking example of the efficacy of mild treatment. The patient was frequently very vociferous, and threatened his attendants, who, in their defence, were very desirous of restraining him by the jacket. The superintendent on these occasions went to his apartment: and though the first sight of him seemed rather to increase the patient's irritation, yet, after sitting some time quietly beside him, the violent excitement subsided, and he would listen with attention to the persuasions and arguments of his friendly visitor. After such conversations the patient was generally better for some days or a week; and in about four months he was discharged, perfectly recovered.

Can it be doubted that, in this case, the disease had been greatly exasperated by the mode of treatment? or that the subsequent kind treatment had a great tendency to promote his recovery?'-(p. 172, 173, 146, 147.)

And yet, in spite of this apparent contempt of danger, for eighteen years not a single accident has happened to the keepers.

In the day room the sashes are made of cast-iron, and give to the building the security of bars, without their unpleasant appearance. With the same lauda. ble attention to the feelings of these poor people, the straps of their strait waistcoats are made of some showy colour, and are not infrequently considered by them as ornaments.

not excluded from the institution, yet the love of esteem is considered as a still more powerful principle.

That fear is not the only motive which operates in producing self-restraint in the minds of maniacs, is evident from its merely passing through the house; and which, I presume, can being often exercised in the presence of strangers who are only be accounted for from that desire of esteem which has been stated to be a powerful motive to conduct.

ple, that so much advantage has been found in this institution, 'It is, probably, from encouraging the action of this princifrom treating the patient as much in the manner of a_rational being as the state of his mind will possibly allow. The superintendent is particularly attentive to this point in his conversation with the patients. He introduces such topics as he knows will most interest them; and which at the same time tage. If the patient is an agriculturist, he asks him questions allows them to display their knowledge to the greatest advanoccasion in which his knowledge may be useful. I have heard relative to his art; and frequently consults him upon any indisposition, had been a considerable grazier, give very senone of the worst patients in the house, who, previously to his sible directions for the treatment of a diseased cow.

'These considerations are undoubtedly very material, as they regard the comfort of insane persons; but they are of far greater importance as they relate to the cure of the disorder. The patient, feeling himself of some consequence, is induced to support it by the exertion of his reason, and by restraining those dispositions which, if indulged, would lessen the respectful treatment he receives, or lower his character in the eyes of his companions and attendants.

persons are very apt to converse with them in a childish, or, "They who are unacquainted with the character of insane which is worse, in a domineering manner; and hence it has been frequently remarked by the patients at the Retreat, that a stranger who has visited them seemed to imagine they were children. No advantage whatever has been found to arise from reasoning with patients on their particular delusions: it is found rather to exasperate than convince them. Indeed, that state of mind would hardly deserve the name of insanity where argument was sufficient for the refutation of error.

The classification of patients according to their degree of convalescence is very properly attended to at the Retreat, and every assistance given to returning reason by the force of example. We were particularly pleased with the following specimens of Quaker sense and humanity:

The female superintendent, who possesses an uncommon share of benevolent activity, and who has the chief management of the female patients, as well as of the domestic department, occasionally gives a general invitation to the patients to a tea-party. All who attend dress in their best clothes, and vie with each other in politeness and propriety. The best fare is provided, and the visitors are treated with all the attention of strangers. The evening generally passes in the greatest harmony and enjoyment. It rarely happens that any unpleasant circumstance occurs. The patients controul, in a wonderful degree, their different propensities; and the scene is at once curious and affectingly gratifying.

'Some of the patients occasionally pay visits to their friends in the city; and female visitors are appointed every month by the committee to pay visits to those of their own sex, to converse with them, and to propose to the superintendents, or the committee, any improvements which may occur to them. The visitors sometimes take tea with the patients, who are much gratified with the attention of their friends, and mostly behave with propriety.

'It will be necessary here to mention that the visits of former intimate friends have frequently been attended with disadvantage to the patients, except when convalescence had so far advanced as to afford a prospect of a speedy return to the bosom of society. It is, however, very certain that, as soon as reason begins to return, the conversation of judicious indifferent persons greatly increases the comfort, and is considered almost essential to the recovery of many patients. On this account the convalescents of every class are frequently introduced into the society of the rational parts of the family. They are also permitted to sit up till the usual time for the family to retire to rest, and are allowed as much liberty as their state of mind will permit.'-(p. 178, 179.)

To the effects of kindness in the Retreat are superadded those of constant employment. The female patients are employed as much as possible in sewing, knitting, and domestic affairs; and several of the con

valescents assist the attendants. For the men are selected those species of bodily employments most agreeable to the patient, and most opposite to the illusions of his disease. Though the effect of fear is

The natural tendency of such treatment is to degrade the mind of the patient, and to make him indifferent to those moral feelings which, under judicious direction and encouragement, are found capable, in no small degree, to strengthen the power of self-restraint, and which render the resort to coercion in many cases unnecessary. Even when it is absolutely requisite to employ coercion, if the patient promises to control himself on its removal, great confidence is generally placed upon his and moral obligation under this kind of engagement, hold for. word. I have known patients, such is their sense of honour a long time a successful struggle with the violent propensities of their disorder; and such attempts ought to be sedulously encouraged by the attendant.

'Hitherto, we have chiefly considered those modes of inducing the patient to control his disordered propensities which arise from an application to the general powers of the mind; but considerable advantage may certainly be derived, in this part of moral management, from an acquaintance with the previous habits, manners, and prejudices of the individual. Nor must we forget to call to our aid, in endeavouring to promote self-restraint, the mild but powerful influence of the precepts of our holy religion. Where these have been strongly imbued in early life, they become little less than principles of our nature: and their restraining power is frequently felt, even under the delirious excitement of insanity. To encourage the influence of religious principles over the mind of the insane is considered of great consequence as a means of cure. For this purpose, as well as for others still more important, it is certainly right to promote in the patient an attention to his accustomed modes of paying homage to his Maker.

Many patients attend the religious meetings of the society held in the city; and most of them are assembled, on a first day afternoon, at which time the superintendent reads to them several chapters in the Bible. A profound silence generally ensues; during which, as well as at the time of reading, it is very gratifying to observe their orderly conduct, and the degree in which those who are much disposed to action restrain their different propensities.'-(p-158-161.)

Very little dependence is to be placed on medicine alone for the cure of insanity. The experience, at least, of this well-governed institution is very unfavourable to its efficacy. Where an insane person happens to be diseased in body as well as mind, medicine is not only of as great importance to him as to any other person, but much greater; for the diseases of the body are commonly found to aggravate those of the mind; but against mere insanity, unaccompanied by bodily derangement, it appears to be almost powerless.

There is one remedy, however, which is very frequently employed at the Retreat, and which appears to have been attended with the happiest effect, and that is the warm bath,-the least recommended, and the most important, of all remedies in melancholy madness. Under this mode of treatment, the number

of recoveries, in cases of melancholia, has been very unusual; though no advantage has been found from it in the case of mania.

At the end of the work is given a table of all the cases which have occurred in the institution from its first commencement. It appears that, from its opening in the year 1796 to the end of 1811, 149 patients have been admitted. Of this number 61 have been re

cent cases: 31 of these patients have been maniacal; of whom 2 died, 6 remain, 21 have been discharged perfectly recovered, 2 so much improved as not to require further confinement. The remainder, 30 recent cases, have been those of melancholy madness; of whom 5 have died, 4 remain, 19 have been discharged cured, and 2 so much improved as not to require further confinement. The old cases, or, as they are commonly termed, incurable cases, are divided into 61 cases of mania, 21 of melancholia, and 6 of dementia; affording the following tables ;—

11 died.

31 remain in the house.


5 have been removed by their friends improved. 10 have been discharged perfectly recovered.

4 so much improved as not to require further confinement.'


degree in life. After every allowance, however, which can be made for the feelings of sectaries, exer cised towards their own disciples, the Quakers, it must be allowed, are a very charitable and humane people. They are always ready with their money, and, what is of far more importance, with their time and attention, for every variety of human misfortune. before the difficulty, with the wise conviction that it They seem to set themselves down systematically is to be lessened or subdued only by great labour and thought; and that it is always increased by indolence and neglect. In this instance, they have set an example too highly commended, or too widely diffused; and of courage, patience, and kindness, which cannot be which, we are convinced, will gradually bring into repute a milder and better method of treating the insane. For the aversion to inspect places of this sort is so great, and the temptation to neglect and oppress the insane is so strong, both from the love of power and the improbability of detection, that we have no doubt of the existence of great abuses in the interior of many madhouses. A great deal has been done for prisons; but the order of benevolence has been broken through by this preference; for the voice of misery may sooner come up from a dungeon, than the oppression of a madman be healed by the hand of justice.*

[blocks in formation]

The following case is extremely curious; and we wish it had been authenticated by name, place, and signature.

A young woman, who was employed as a domestic servant by the father of the relater, when he was a boy, became insane, and at length sunk into a state of perfect idiocy. In this condition she remained for many years, when she was attacked by a typhus fever; and my friend, having then practised some time, attended her. He was surprised to observe, as the fever advanced, a development of the mental powers. During that period of the fever, when others were delirious, this patient was entirely rational. She recognized in the face of her medical attendant the son of her old master, whom she had known so many years before; and she related many circumstances respecting his family, and others which had happened to herself in her earlier days. But, alas! it was only the gleam of reason. As the fever abated, clouds again enveloped the mind: she sunk into her former deplorable state, and remained in it until her death, which happened a few years afterwards. I leave to the metaphysical reader further speculation on this, certainly, very curious case.'-(p. 137.)

Upon the whole, we have little doubt that this is the best managed asylum for the insane that has ever yet been established; and a part of the explanation no doubt is, that the Quakers take more pains than other people with their madmen. A mad Quaker belongs to a sinall and a rich sect; and is, therefore, of greater importance than any other mad person of the same


1. Travels in Canada and the United States, in 1816 and 1817. By Lieutenant Francis Hall, 14th Light Dragoons, H. P. London. Longman & Co. 1818.

2. Journal of Travels in the United States of North America, and in Lower Canada, performed in the year 1817, &c. &c. By John Palmer. London. Sherwood, Neely & Jones. 1818.

3. A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States of America; contained in Eight Reports, addressed to the Thirty-nine English Families by whom the Author was deputed, in June, 1817, to ascertain whether any and what Part of the United States would be suitable for their Residence. With Remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's' Notes' and 'Letters. By Henry Bradshaw Fearon. London. Longman & Co. 1818.

4. Travels in the Interior of America, in the Years 1809, 1810, and 1811, &c. By John Bradbury, F. L. S. Lond. 8vo. London. Sherwood, Neely & Jones. 1817.

THESE four books are all very well worth reading, to any person who feels, as we do, the importance and interest of the subject of which they treat. They contain a great deal of information and amusement; and will probably decide the fate, and direct the foot. steps, of many human beings, seeking a better lot than the Old World can afford them. Mr. Hall is a clever, lively man, very much above the common race of writers; with very liberal and reasonable opinions, which he expresses with great boldness,-and an inexhausti ble fund of good humour. He has the elements of wit in him; but sometimes is trite and flat when he means to be amusing. He writes verses, too, and is occasionally long and metaphysical: but upon the whole, we think highly of Mr. Hall; and deem him, if he is not more than twenty-five years of age, an extraordi nary young man. He is not the less extraordinary for being a lieutenant of Light Dragoons-as it is certainly somewhat rare to meet with an original thinker, an indulgent judge of manners, and a man tolerant of neglect and familiarity, in a youth covered with tags, feathers, and martial foolery.

Mr. Palmer is a plain man, of good sense and slow judgment. Mr. Bradbury is a botanist, who lived a good deal among the savages, but worth attending to. Mr. Fearon is a much abler writer than either of the two last, but no lover of America,-and a little given to exaggeration in his views of vices and prejudices.

*The Society of Friends have been entremely fortunate in the choice of their male and female superintendents at the asylum, Mr. and Mrs. Jephson. It is not easy to find a greater combination of good sense and good feeling than these two persons possess:--but then the merit of selecting them rests with their employers.

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