Burnham, Sherburne Wesley, E. B. FROST, 373 CAJORI, F., Reply to Professor Horn, 139; His- California Acad. of Sci., 133 CAMPBELL, W. W., Astronomical Research in Carbon Dioxide from Strawberries, 23 CARMICHAEL, R. D., National Temperament in CASTLE, W. E., New Type of Inheritance, 339; CATTELL, J. McK., Practical Psychology, 30; Cayeux's Petrography of the Sedimentary Rocks, Cell, Mechanism of Injury and Recovery of the, Chemical Soc., Amer., 24, 49; C. L. PARSONS, 143, 217, 239, 263, 328, 504, 576; Cellulose Sec., 69 Rabbit, Genetics of the, W. E. Chromosomes of Conocephalum conicum, A. M. CLARK, A. H., Plankton Investigations, 327 CLARKE, J. M., Executive Committee on Natural CLELAND, H. F., Scientific Publications and Post- Climatic Oscillations in Prehistoric Time, C. A. oal, World Production of, in 1920, 431 Совв, W. В., Bennett on the Soils and Agriculture COKER, R. E., The Protection of Natural Resources, 295; Biological Station at Fairport, Iowa, 447 CONN, H. J., Biological Stains, 289 Conservation, of Game, H. B. WARD, 288; Confer- ence, 406; Duty of Scientific Men in, H. S. Coral Reefs of Tutuila, W. M. DAVIS, 559 CORNER, G. W., Ovarian Cycle of Swine, 420 CORT, W. W., Sex in Schistosomidæ, 226 CROSS, W., Lance and Fort Union Formations, 304 Crows and Starlings, F. R. WELSH, 485 Culture Medium for Daphnids, A. M. ΒΑΝΤΑ, 557 Cushing, Henry Platt, J. M. CLARKE, С. Н. D., W. M., Landslide near Mont Blanc, 535 Daphnids, A. M. BANTA, 462, 557 DARLING, S. T., Hookworms in the Zoological DAVIS, W. M., Memoir of G. K. Gilbert, 139; Coral DEMPSTER, A. J., Positive Ray Analysis of Lith- "Denudation," "Erosion," "Corrosion" and "Corrasion," M. H. BISSELL, 412 Dike, New, near Ithaca, N. Y., P. SHELDON, 20 Discussion and Correspondence, 20, 42, 73, 90, 116, 137, 163, 187, 211, 235, 257, 286, 304, 333, 363, 412, 437, 457, 484, 499, 515, 534, 556, 574 DODGE, R. E., Assoc. of Amer. Geog., 267 DOWELL, S. T., Peanut-fed Rabbits, 487 DOWNING, E. R., Scientific Basis of Science Teach- DRESDEN, A., Amer. Math. Soc. at Chicago, 463 DU SHANE, C. P., Sidewalk Mirage, 236 Einstein, Solar Field and Space of Six Dimen- 454 Electrification of Water and Osmotic Flow, J. Elliot, Daniel Giraud, Award of Medal, H. F. Os- ELLIS, F. W., Subepithelial Glycogen Cells in Em- ELMORE, C. J., Rainbow by Moonlight, 415 Engineering, Council, Amer., 17; D. S. KIMBALL, 399, 407; Exchange of Professors of, 482 Enzyme Reaction as exemplified by Pepsin Di- Equilibrium Functions of the Internal Ear, S. S. Euclid of Alexandria and Euclid of Megara, F. Eugenic Congress, International, 16 Executive Committee on Natural Resources, J. M. Extramundane Life, H. L. CLARK, 457; W. W. Federal Government, H. HOOVER, 397 FESSENDEN, R. A., Relativity and Estimates of FIELD, R. M., Use of the Term "Fossil," 117 FISHER, W. J., Star Time Observations, 94; Mi- Fishery Matters in Congress, 87 Food Research Institute at Stanford University, 209 Geology, Commercial, World Atlas of, 229 Gilbert, G. K., Memoir of, W. M. DAVIS, 139 GOLDMAN, M. I., Cayeux's Petrography of the GORTNER, R. A., J. A. HARRIS, Gammerus Lim- næus Smith in a Saline Habitat, 460 Grants from the Bache Fund, 483 GRAVES, H. S., Duty of Scientific Men in Conser- GREENE, C. W., Amer. Physiological Soc., 395 Groth's Chemische Krystallographie, E. H. KRAUS, 486 History of Science, L. THORNDIKE, 122; Section of HITCHCOCK, A. S., Committee on Nomenclature HOOTON, E. A., Hrdlička's Anthropometry, 417 HOOVER, H., Reorganization of the Work of the HORN, D. W., Romancing in Science, 44; Correc- Horn, Professor, Reply to, F. CAJORI, 139 HOWARD, L. O., Leng on the Coleoptera of America HOWE, C. S., John Nelson Stockwell, 35 HOWELL, W. H., Samuel James Meltzer, 99 Hrdlicka, A., Anthropometry, E. A. HOOTON, 417 James, William, Letters of, E. L. THORNDIKE, 165 JEFFREY, E. C., Geographical Distribution of Hy- Jellicoe on The Naval War, A. MCADIE, 501 JONES, D. F., Meeting of Geneticists interested in JONES, E. L., Surveying from the Air, 308 tions of the Vienna Museum, 214 Jordan, D. S., and the National Museum, 113 K., G. F., E. T. W., Russian Geologists, 516 KELLOGG, O. D., Decade of American Mathematics, 541 KOFOID, C. A., Requests for Biological Publica- KRAUS, E. H., Future of Mineralogy in America, Lance and Fort Union Formations, C. SCHUCHERT, Landslide near Mont Blanc, W. M. D., 535 LANGMUIR, I., Static Atom, 290 LEE, W. T., "Aerial Photo-hydrography," 163 LEIDY, J., JR., Researches in Helminthology and LEITH, C. K., Structural Failure of the Litho- Leng on the Coleoptera of America, L. O. How- Limestone Formations of the Cretaceous, R. T. Lithium, Positive Ray Analysis of, A. J. DEMP- Lithosphere, Structural Failure of the, C. K. Litmus in Bacteriology, I. C. HALL, 388 LITTLE, C. C., The Fourth Chromosome of Droso- LIVINGSTON, B. E., Weaver on Root Development, LOEB, J., Electrification of Water and Osmotic LOEB, L., Ameboid Movement, Tissue Formation and Consistency of Protoplasm, 261 Logic, Chair of, at the University of London, 37 Loutreuil Foundation, Awards of the, 230 Luminous Fish, E. N. HARVEY, 314 MCADIE, A., Thrice-told Tales, 259; Atmospheric Pollution, 389; Humphreys on The Physics of the Air, 310; Jellicoe on The Crisis of the MACCURDY, G. G., Anthropometry, H. H. Wilder, 288 MAXWELL, S. S., Equilibrium Functions of the Medical, Education, in China, 111; Congress on, Medicine and the Public, W. G. MORGAN, 243 MEISINGER, C. LER., Physiological Meteorology, 337; Meteorology and Balloon Racing, 442 Mellon Institute, Industrial Fellowships of the, 380 Meredith, Ex-secretary, on Research, 356 Metals, Catalytic Properties of the Respiratory, METCALF, M. M., Technical Study at Oberlin Col- Meteorological Soc. Amer., 360 Meteorology and Climatology, Notes on, C. LE R. Metric System, L. C. KARPINSKI, 156; English MICHELSON, A. A., Interference Methods, 21 Milk, Cow's, E. V. ANDERSON, R. A. DUTCHER, C. MILLER, A. M., Fossils-"Prehistoric," or "Ge- MILLER, G. A., Sumario Compendioso of Brother MILLIKAN, R. A., Henry Andrews Bumstead, 84 Mirage at Sea, W. J. FISHER, 236; Sidewalk, C. MOODIE, R. L., Anatomic Illustration, 259; Os- National, Museum and Dr. Jordan, 113; Academy of Sciences, Marsh Fund of the, 184, 421, Elec- tions, 454, Medals of the, E. E. SLOSSON, 478; Temperament in Scientific Investigations, R. D. CARMICHAEL, 298; Health Agencies, Cooperation of, 359; Parks, V. E. SHELFORD, 43, 431; Bo- tanic Garden, 433; Research Council, 434; Geo- Naturalists, Amer. Soc. of, A. F. SHULL, 95; Nebraska Academy of Science, 558 Nervous Disorders, English Hospital for, 512 Newspaper Science, O. TUGMAN, 389 Newton's Corpuscular Theory of Light, J. M. NICE, L. B., Oklahoma Academy of Science, 293 Pavlov, Professor, S. MORGULIS, 74 PEARL, R., War and Population, 120 Personnel Research Federation, 280 Peru, Expedition of Indiana University to, W. R. Philosophical Society, Amer., 302 Photochemistry of the Sensitivity of Animals to Physiological, Laboratory, University of London's, PIPER, C. V., Plants and Plant Culture, 269 Plankton Investigations, Systematization of, A. H. Prehistoric Studies, Amer. Foundation in France Preservation of Natural Conditions, 252 PRIEST, I. G., Optical Society of Society of America, 318, 499 455 Printing of Astronomical Observations, 140 Publications, Amer., and International Exchange, M. M. METCALF, 259; Cost of German, M. М. SENSTIUS, 333; Cost of American in Roumania, Pulsation of a Cat's Heart after Death, H. GUN- RIGG, G. B., Western Society of Naturalists- RILEY, W. A., The Coccide, A. D. McGillivray, 517 ROEVER, W. H., A. DRESDEN, and W. D. CAIRNS, Section A and Associated Mathematical Organi- Romancing in Science, D. W. HORN, 44 Rosa, Edward Bennett, S. W. STRATTON, 569 Royal Society Conversazione, 552 RUEDEMANN, R., J. M. CLARKE, C. H. SMYTH, Ruins in the Upper Canadian Valley, 513 Russian Men of Science and Letters, 93, 381; V. Rust in Kanred Wheat, R. F. ALLEN, 575 Salaries, Classification and, of Government Em- SCHAEBERLE, J. M., Newton's Corpuscular Theory SCHUCHERT, C., Lance and Fort Union Formations, 45; Terrestrial Life with the Coals of Northern SCIENCE and the Printers' Strike, 495 Science, applied to Industry at Yale, 38; Ro- 455, 483, 498, Scientific, Notes and News, 17, 39, 70, 88, 113, 134, 160, 185, 210, 232, 254, 282, 303, 329, 360, 382, Events, 37, 68, 85, 111, 131, 157, 182, 207, 229, 252, 279, 301, 327, 356, 380, 407, 431, 454, 481, 495, 512, 529, 552, 569; Books, 119, 165, 189, 215, 237, 259, 288, 310, 335, 367, 389, 416, 441, 440 Sex in Schistosomide, W. W. CORT, 226 SHUFELDT, R. W., Nelson R. Wood, 67 SHULL, A. F., Amer. Soc. of Naturalists, 95 SLOCUM, F., and J. E. SMITH, Aurora of May 14, SLONAKER, J. R., Device for giving Anesthetics, 75 SMILEY, F. J., Western Soc. of Naturalists, 522 SMYTH, C. H., JR., J. M. CLARK and R. RUEDE- Soil Color Standards, J. G. HUTTON, 164; Acidity 536 Special Articles, 23, 47, 75, 94, 120, 141, 167, 190, 216, 238, 261, 290, 314, 339, 368, 391, 418, 444, 460, 487, 503, 518, 539, 557, 575 Star, Time Observations, W. J. FISHER, 94; Di- Static Atom, I. LANGMUIR, 290 STEBBINS, J., Amer. Astron. Soc., 193 Steindachner, Franz, D. S. JORDAN, 68; H. W. Stevens on Diseases of Economic Plants, M. T. Stockwell, John Nelson, C. S. HOWE, 35 Sumario Compendioso of Brother Juan Diez, G. A. Surveying from the Air, E. L. JONES, 308 485 Tales, Thrice-told, R. W. WOOD, 42; T. C. MEN- DENHALL, 137; J. WRIGHT, 138; A. MCADIE, Terrestrial Life with the Coals of N. France, C. THOMSON, E., Recent Auroras, 534 THORNDIKE, É. L., Letters of William James, 165 THORNDIKE, L., Washington Conference on the WILDER, H. H., Anthropometric Measurements, 20 WILEY, H. W., Franz Steindachner, 486 Wisconsin Acad. of Sci., Medallion of, 571 Y-chromosome in Mammals, T. S. PAINTER, 503 Yale University, Museum and Collections, 409 Yellow Fever, Minnows as Eradicators of, 432 YERKES, R. M., Relations of Psychology to Medi- cine, 106; Science and Community Trusts, 527 Youngken's Pharmaceutical Botany, Н. Н. М. ZELENY, C., Relative Numbers of Twins and Trip- |