Page images

Buccal Glands of the Lampreys, Secretion of the, S. H.
GAGE and M. GAGE-DAY, 282

BUCHANAN, J. W., Rôle of Iron in Respiration, 238
Bulletins, the User of, R. J. BARNETT, 563

BUWALDA, J. P., The John Day Region of Eastern
Oregon, 135; and B. N. MOORE, Age of the “Satsop,”

CADY, W. N., Brownian Movements, 358

CAJORI, F., History of Science, G. Sarton, 260

California Academy of Sciences, Lectures, 347

CAMPBELL, D. H., Ferns, F. C. Bower, 63

Canker, the European, in America, P. SPAULDING and
P. V. SIGGERS, 480

CANNON, A. J., Sarah Frances Whiting, 417

Carbon Monoxide, The Toxicology of, D. I. MACHT, 198
Carnegie, Institute of Technology, Research, 472; Insti-
tution, Report of the President, 582

Cats, and their Claws, O. N. DEWFERDT, 398
CATTELL, J. McK., The Origin and Distribution of Sci-
entific Men, 513

Chemist, Reflections of a, G. D. ROSENGARTEN,

ern, and Alchemy, P. WALDEN, 407

Chemistry, and Soils, New Bureau of, 232; at Paris,

International Office of, 389; Building, Nichols, at New

York University, 555; Physical, and Medicine, A. P.


Chicago, University of, Field Expeditions, 75; Lectures,

347; New Medical Laboratories, 390

CHRISTENSON, R. O., Sex Ratio of Trichinae, 259
Chromosomes, Use and Disuse in the, A. W. LINDSEY,
328; Blueberry, F. V. COVILLE, 565; in Vaccinium,
A. E. LONGLEY, 566; of the Rat, O. SwEZY, 601
Civilizations and Calendars, Ancient American, Z. NUT-
TALL, 194

CLARK, A. H., Science for the People, 510

CLARK, G. L., Long Diffraction Spacings in Paraffin

Waxes, 136

CLARK, H. L., Echinoderms of the British Isles, Th. Mor-



CLAYTON, H. H., Frank W. Very, 611

CLEVELAND, L. R., The Encystment of Paramoecium in

Frogs, 221; Ingestion of Paramoecium, 222

COCKERELL, T. D. A., Birds of the Americas, C. E. Hell-

mayr, 153; Biology of Lake Baikal, 552

COE, W. R., Addison Emery Verrill, 28

COFMAN, V., The Scientific Papers of Willard Gibbs, 510

COLE, R., Hospital and Laboratory, 545

COLEMAN, L. V., American Association of Museums, 68

COLLINS, I. D., Hydrolysis of Starch, 430

Colloids, Soil, G. J. BOUYOUCOS, 16, 353

Color, Rock, O. R. GRAVE, 61; Facts of, and the Physicist,


Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science, 584

Columbia University, Gifts to, 472

COMPTON, K. T., Scientific Research, 435
CONNORS, C. H., Pollen Sterility in Peaches, 332

Convective and Spark Discharge of the Mucronate Elec-
trode, C. BARUS, 658

COOPER, H. P., and J. K. WILSON, Plant and Animal

Nutrition, 629

Copepods, Parasitic, C. B. WILSON, 397

Copper Wire, The Stretching of, W. C. BAKER, 568

COUNCILMAN, W. T., Franklin P. Mall, 50

Cover Slip Carrier, H. H. DArby, 658

Cross, Species, in Mice and the Quantitative Potentiality

of Genes, C. C. LITTLE, 542

Culture Tubes, Device for washing, I. M. LEWIS, 542

CULVER, H. E., Mastodon Remains in Washington, 540

DANE, H. R., Ultra-violet Radiation and Soy Beans, 80

DARBY, H. H., A Cover Slip Carrier, 658

Darwin's, Theory of Man's Descent, ARTHUR KEITH, 201,
Home for the Nation, 535

Data and Datum, W. W. KEEN, 15; C. H. BLAKE, 15;

DAVIS, W. M., Channels, Valleys and Intermont Detrital
Plains, 272

DAWSON, A. B., Stained Decalcified Bone, 399
DAWSON, B. H., Mid-winter, 622

DEGEER, G., Geochronology and Solar Radiation, 458
Dehydrating Apparatus, Automatic, E. ALLEN, 427
Dewar, Sir James, Papers of, W. D. BANCROFT, 171
Diabetes and Solanaceous Plants, H. M. SMITH, 619
Discussion and Correspondence, 14, 36, 60, 78, 109, 131,
151, 169, 192, 214, 236, 257, 280, 300, 327, 355, 376,
396, 425, 451, 479, 506, 540, 560, 589, 619, 652

Disease, Resistance of Plants to, L. J. KLOTZ, 631

DODD, L. E., "Washboard" or "Corduroy" Effect, 214

DORAN, W. L., Soil Reaction and Black Root-rot of

Tobacco, 661

Drawing Symmetrical Objects, R. H. SMITH, 154
Drosophila Larvae and X-Rays, R. G. HUSSEY, W. R.
DUANE, W., The General Radiation, 637
DUGAN, R. S., "Astronomic,

[ocr errors]

DUNN, E. R., Loss of the Fifth Toe in Salamanders, 509
Dust, Fungicides, H. A. LEE and J. P. MARTIN, 176;
Treatments for Oats Smuts, J. D. SAYRE and R. C.

Dysentery-like Bacillus from a Phlegmonous Inflamma-
tion, F. W. SHAW, 359

E.M.F., induced in a Wire, V. KARAPETOFF, 485; J. B.
WHITEHEAD, 620; L. PAGE, 620

Earthworms and Light, W. R. WALTON, 132; and Spec-
tral Colors, G. H. BRETNALL, 427

EATON, F. M., An Airtight Stopper, 154

Echo from Morrison Chapel, W. A. ANDERSon, Jr., 280
Echoes, Variable, C. A. BROWNE, 109

Eddington, A. S., Internal Constitution of the Stars,

Electrical Congresses, International, 230
Electrochemists, Excursion of the, 126

Electronic Conduction in Uni-polar Non-metallic Films,
Equation of, F. M. GENTRY, 284

Electroplating of Glass Ware, R. D. BARNARD, 330

ELSEY, H. M., Arsine from Fused Glass, 300
Encephalitis, Endemic, 105, 133

Engineering Index Service, 445

ENGLISH, P. F., Heloderma suspectum and Iguana tuber-
culata, 37

Enteromorpha and Oysters, G. W. MARTIN, 662

Entomology, Bureau of, and L. O. Howard, 391; Inter- e

national Congress of, 444

Equations, Euler's, Graphic Treatment of, C. BARUS, 114
Escherich, K., Neuzeitliche Bekämpfung tierischer Schäd-
linge, L. O. HOWARD, 134

Ethics, Code of, 103; R. C. MILLER, 452

Exploration, in British Columbia, 252; in Alaska, by
U. S. Geological Survey, 583; of Lake Titicaca, 645

Fall Line of Eastern U. S., G. T. RENNER, 356
Fertilizers, Organic, and Cotton Wilt Control, H. R.

Field Museum, 147, Wood Collections, 187, Arctic Ex-
pedition, 295, Lectures, 390; Guide Lecture Tours, 612
Filterable Viruses, Centrifuging, M. S. MARSHALL, 219


Fixatives for Nuclei and Mitochondria, C. ZIRKLE, 400
FLEXNER, S., Medical Research and Organization, 69;
Jacques Loeb and his Period, 333

Flood, Control by Reforestation, 146, Erosion at Caven-
dish, Vt., E. J. JACOBS, 653

Flora of Barro Colorado Island, A. S. HITCHCOCK, 80
Fog precipitated by Trees, T. H. MEANS, 402

FOLGER, H. T., Acclimatization of Bufo Tadpoles to
Ethyl and Methyl Alcohols, 18

Food, the Net Energy Value of, H. H. MITCHELL, 289;
and Growth, H. H. MITCHELL, 596

FORBES, W. M. T., The Tentamen, 396

Forest Experiment Station, New Allegheny, 646

Fossils of Baffin Land, 473

Foul-Brood of Bees, D. R. A. WHARTON, 451

Fox, H., Material in Comparative Anatomy and Pathol-

ogy, 541

Franklin Institute, Scientific Lectures, 347

Fritz, John, Medal, Award for 1928, F. R Low, 419

Fruits, Keeping Qualities, E. L. OVERHOLSER, 660

Fuertes, Louis Agassiz, W. H. OSGOOD, 469

FULTON, H. R., Cotton Wilt Control, 193

Fundamentalism in Pharmacy, H. LEFFMANN, 133
Fundamentalist Stronghold, N. M. GRIER, 62

G., H., Albert William Smith, 320

GAGE, S. H., and M. GAGE-DAY, Secretion of the Buccal

Glands of the Lampreys, 282

GARNER, W. W., and H. A. ALLARD, Effect of Light and
Darkness on Plant Growth, 40

Gene, Transmutation of the, H. J. MULLER, 84; and the
Ontogenetic Process, F. R. LILLIE, 361

Genetics Conference, International, 210

GENTRY, F. M., Equation of Electronic Conduction in

Uni-polar Non-metallic Films, 284

Geochronology and Solar Radiation, G. DEGEER, 458
Geodetic and Geophysical Union, International, 31
Geographical Society, American, Expedition, 52
Geologic Survey of Pennsylvania, 75

Geological, Excursion, N. E. Intercollegiate, 419; Society
of America, Cleveland Meeting, C. P. BERKEY, 613

Geology at the Nashville Meeting of the American Asso-

ciation, G. R. MANSFIELD, 474

GERARD, R. W., The Activity of Nerve, 495

GETMAN, F. H., A Daylight Meteor, 355

Gibbs, Josiah Willard, and Thermodynamics, F. W.
STEVENS, 159; Scientific Papers of, V. CorMan, 510
GILMORE, C. W., The Mosasaurian Reptile Globidens, 452
Gins Method of demonstrating Capsules of Bacteria,
W. A. HAGAN, 173

Globidens, The Mosasaurian Reptile, C. W. GILMORE, 452
Glucose, as an Antagonist, A. D. BAKER and W. A. DE-
LONG, 457; Active, P. A. LEVENE, 560

Golgi Apparatus of the Mammary Gland, H. W. BEAMS,


GRAVE, O. R., Rock Color, 61

GREGORY, W. K., Hesperopithecus, 579

GRIER, N. M., Fundamentalist Stronghold, 62

GRIMSLEY, G. P., Arthur Arton Hamerschlag, 163

GROSS, P. L. K., The Stackability of Tetrakaidecahedra,

131; Science and War, 640; and E. M. GROSS, Col-

lege Libraries and Chemical Education, 385

HAAS, A., Objective and Human Physics, 463
HAGAN, W. A., Demonstrating Capsules of Bacteria, 173
Hales, Stephen, Prize Fund, C. A. SHULL and B. E.

Hamerschlag, Arthur Arton, G. P. GRIMSLEY, 163

HAMMETT, F. S., Long-bone Length and Body Sizes, 265

HANCE, R. T., Effect of X-Ray on Tryosinase, 353

HANNA, M. A., The Journal of Paleontology, 295

HITCHCOCK, A. S., Flora of Barro Colorado Island, 80

HOFFMAN, W. A., Container for Mosquito Larvae, 484

HOFFMANN, R., Pleistocene Material in an Asphalt Pit at
Carpinteria, Calif., 155

HOLLAND, W. J., Huebner's Tentamen, 4

Honey Bees, Poisoning of, A. I. BOURNE, 378

Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, A. J. PIETERS, 280

Hospital and Laboratory, R. COLE, 545

HOWARD, L. O., Neuzeitliche Bekämpfung tierischer
Schädlinge, K. Escherich, 134

Howard, L. O., and the Bureau of Entomology, 391
HOWARD, S. F., Quotations, 38

HOWE, J. L., Platinum Metals, 220
Hudson's Straits for Navigation, 253
Huebner's Tentamen, W. J. HOLLAND, 4

HULBERT, E. O., Motion of Droplets of Juice, 328

Humphreys, W. J., Fogs and Clouds, B. M. VARNEY, 379
HUNTINGTON, E. V., Probable Error in Statistics, 633
HURST, C. T., Titles and Labeling of Figures, 37
X-Rays and Drosophila Larvae, 65

[blocks in formation]

Kansas Geological Field Conference, 275
KARAPETOFF, V., E.M.F. induced in a Wire, 485
KARSNER, H. T., Study of Ascariasis, 346
KASNER, E., Polygenic Functions, 581

KEEN, W. W., Datum and Data, 15; Metric System, 38
KEITH, ARTHUR, Darwin's Theory of Man's Descent, 201
KELLOGG, V., Publications of the National Research Coun-
cil, 399

KEMPTON, J. H., Scientors appear in the Southwest, 354
KENDALL, J., The Abuse of Water, 610
KIDDER, A. V., Archeological Conference, 489
KLEEMAN, R. D., The Reversible Mixing of Substances in

the Condensed State at the Absolute Zero of Tempera-

ture, 216

KLOTZ, L. J., Resistance of Plants to Disease, 631
KNIGHT, A. P., Trout Fry, 562

KNUDSON, A., Antirachitic Activation of Substances by
Cathode Rays, 176

KOBER, G. M., and W. H. WELCH, Presentation of the

Kober Medal to Dr. William H. Welch, 21

KOFOID, C. A., Bibliography of American Natural His-

tory, M. Meisel, 39

Kossel, Albrecht, A. P. MATHEWS, 293

KRAMER, P., and P. G. SHIPLEY, Decalcification of Bone,

KRUMBHAAR, E. B., Medical History, 1

KULP, W. L., Agar Medium for L. acidophilus, 512

LADD-FRANKLIN, C., Visible Radiation from Excited
Nerve Fiber, 239; The Physicist and Facts of Color,

Langley Medal, Award of, 9

LEE, H. A., and J. P. MARTIN, Dust Fungicides, 176

LEE, M. O., Respiration of Insects, 132

LEFFMANN, H., Fundamentalism in Pharmacy, 133

Lenher, Victor, Resolutions in Memory of, 76

"Leucoscope, "Misuse of the Name, I. G. PRIEST, 78

LEVENE, P. A., Active Glucose, 560

LEWIS, B., Apparent Large Diameters of Molecules for
Deactivation by Collision, 331

LEWIS, I. M., Device for washing Culture Tubes, 542

Lighting, Intermittent, D. A. PACK, 218

LILLIE, F. R., The Gene and the Ontogenetic Process, 361

LILLIE, R. S., Physical Indeterminism and Vital Action,

LINDSEY, A. W., Use and Disuse in the Chromosomes, 328
Linthicum Foundation Prize, 445

Lister as Physiologist, J. TAIT, 267

LITTLE, C. C., Species Cross in Mice and the Quantitative
Potentiality of Genes, 542

LIVINGSTON, B. E., Nashville Meeting of the American

Association, 19, 517; Standard Mathematical Symbols,

237; Grants in Aid of Research for 1928 of the Amer.

Assoc., 319, 491; Newspaper Reports, 368, 522; Rela-

tions of the Amer. Assoc. to the National Academy,

493; The Thousand-Dollar Prize of the Amer. Assoc.,

511, 523; Fall Meeting of the Executive Committee of

the Amer. Assoc., 569

Loeb, Jacques, and his Period, S. FLEXNER, 333
LOEB, L. B., Ionization and Positive Ions, 627
Long-bone Length and Body Sizes, F. S. HAMMETT, 265
LONGLEY, A. E., Chromosomes in Vaccinium, 566
Lotka, A. J., Physical Biology, EDWIN B. WILSON, 281
Low, F. R., Award of John Fritz Medal for 1928, 419
LOWIE, R. H., History of Anthropology, 111

Lundqvist, G., Bodenablagerungen und Entwicklungs-
typen, C. JUDAY, 656

Lusk, Ralph Gordon, K. F. MATHER, 292

LUYTEN, W. J., Illustrations, 654

Lyttonia richthofeni Kayser, W. MILLWARD, 259

MCADIE, A., Airgraphy or Aerography, 16; Icarus and

Melting Wax, 280

MCATEE, W. L., Re Nomina Conservanda, 427
MCCLELLAND, E. H., More Data, 236

MCCLENDON, J. F., The Helmholtz Double Layer, 200
MCCUBBIN, W. A., and F. F. SMITH, Virus of Tomato
Plants, 486

MACDOUGAL, D. T., and G. M. SMITH, Long-lived Cells of
the Redwood, 456

MACHT, D. I., The Toxicology of Carbon Monoxide, 198;
Polarized Light and Photochemical Reactions, 653
MCLEAN, F. T., Feeding Plants Manganese through the
Stomata, 487

Magneto-Optical Effect, E. THOMSON, 479
Mall, Franklin P., W. T. COUNCILMAN, 50

Manganese, feeding Plants through the Stomata, F. T.

MANSFIELD, G. R., Geology at the Nashville Meeting of
the Amer. Assoc., 474

MARSHALL, M. S., Centrifuging Filterable Viruses, 219
MARTIN, G. W., Enteromorpha and the Food of Oysters,

Martonne, E. de, Traité de Geographie Physique, J. W.

Mastodon, Jacobs Cavern, N. C. NELSON, 258; Remains
in Washington, H. E. CULVER, 540

Material in Comparative Anatomy and Pathology,
H. Fox, 541

Mathematical Symbols, Standard, B. E. LIVINGSTON, 237

MATHER, K. F., Ralph Gordon Lusk, 292

MATHEWS, A. P., Albrecht Kossel, 293; Physical Chem-

istry and Medicine, 603

MEANS, T. H., Fog precipitation by Trees, 402

Measure and Weight, English Units of, S. RUSSELL, 481

Medical, History, E. B. KRUMBHAAR, 1; Research and

Organization, S. FLEXNER, 69; Schools, Professorships

in, W. PEPPER, 111; of the United States, 251; Care,

Committee on the Cost of, 321

Medicine, Tropical and General, A. W. SELLARDS, 93;

New York Academy of, 419

MEEHAN, W. J., and L. BASS-BECKING, Iron Organisms,

Meisel, M., Bibliography of American Natural History,
C. A. KOFOID, 39

Mellon Institute, Industrial Fellows, 500

METCALF, M. M., "Opalina Elongata" Gourv., 170

Meteor, Daylight, W. L. BRYANT, 80, F. H. GETMAN,

355; Tilden, C. C. WYLIE, 451; Confusing Names for,

C. C. WYLIE, 506

Metric System, W. W. KEEN, 38

Mid-Winter, B. H. DAWSON, 622

MILLER, A. M., Origin of the Prairies, 655

MILLER, L., Bird Remains, 156

MILLER, R. C., Ethics for Scientific Men, 452

MILLWARD, W., Lyttonia richthofeni Kayser, 259
MITCHELL, H. H., The Net Energy Value of Food, 289;
Food and Growth, 596

Molecules, Apparent Large Diameters of, for Deactiva-
tion by Collision, B. LEWIS, 331

MOODIE, R. L., Tumors in the Lower Carboniferous, 540
MOORE, H. R., Absorption Spectrum of Mercury at High
Pressure admixed with Nitrogen, 543

MOORE, J. S., Philosophy and the Sciences, 257

MORSE, S. F., A New Agricultural Profession, 151

Mortenson, T. H., Echinoderms, H. L. CLARK, 625

Mosquito, Control, 9; Larvae, A Container for, W. A.


Motion of Droplets of Juice, E. O. HULBERT, 328
MULLER, H. J., Transmutation of the Gene, 84
MURRAY, W. S., Ovarian Secretion and Tumors, 600
Muscle, Yeast and Cancer Cells, C. D. SNYDER, 112
Museum, National, of Australian Zoology, 81; of Natural
History, American, Meeting, 502

Museums, the Amer. Assoc. of, L. V. COLEMAN, 68; and
Galleries, British Royal Commission on, 125

MYERS, P. B., and G. M. GILLIGAN, Buffer Action in

Soils, 302

New York Hospital-Cornell Medical College Assoc., 420
Nickel, Hysteresis Loss in, S. R. WILLIAMS, 358
Nitrogen, Fixed, Assimilation by Havana Tobacco, A. B.

Nomina Conservanda, J. C. BRADLEY, 100; W. L. Mc-
ATEE, 427

NORRIS, J. F., Henry Paul Talbot, 144

NOYES, W. A., Ira Remsen, 243

Nutrition, Plant and Animal, H. P. COOPER and J. K.


NUTTALL, Z., Ancient American Civilizations and Calen-
dars, 194

NUTTING, P. G., Weight and Temperature, 652

Oil, Cod-liver, for "Snuffles" in Rabbits and Pneumonia
in Guinea-pigs, H. L. IBSEN, 509

"Opalina Elongata" Gourv., M. M. METCALF, 170
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, Tribute to, 322
OSGOOD, W. H., Louis Agassiz Fuertes, 469
OTIS, C. H., Botanical Microtechnique, 196
OVERHOLSER, E. L., Keeping Qualities of Fruits, 660

PACK, D. A., Intermittent Lighting, 218

PAGE, L., E.M.F. induced in a Straight Wire, 620
Paleontological, and Geological Investigations in the
John Day Region of Oregon, J. P. BUWALDA, 135;
Expedition in S. A., Field Museum, 231
Paleontology, The Journal of, M. A. HANNA, 295
Paramoecium, Axial Gradient in, W. PETERSEN, 157;
Encystment of, 221, Ingestion of, L. R. CLEVELAND,


PARKER, G. H., Man not a Machine, E. Rignano, 217

PARKHURST, R. T., Vitamin E and Poultry, 66

PARSONS, C. L., American Chemical Society, 285

PEARL, R., The Native Population of Algeria, 593

Peatlands, International Society for the Study of, 74

PEIRCE, G. J., Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose and his Latest

Book, 621

PEPPER, W., Professorships in Medical Schools, 111

Persimmon Seeds for Class Use, V. H. YOUNG, 219

PETERSEN, W., Axial Gradient in Paramoecium, 157

Petroleum, Origin of, J. ROGER, 152

Philosophy and the Sciences, J. S. MOORE, 257

Photographic Image Intensification, E. P. WIGHTMAN

and R. F. QUIRK, 92

Photometry, J. W. T. WALSH, 259

Physical Indeterminism and Vital Action, R. S. LILLIE,

Physics, Quadrilateral, J. O. THOMPSON, 378; Objective
and Human, A. HAAS, 463

PIETERS, A. J., Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, 280
PINEY, A., Haematology, H. E. JORDAN, 594
Plant Growth, Effect of Light and Darkness on, W. W.
GARNER and H. A. ALLARD, 40; A. L. SOMMER, 482

PLASKETT, H. H., Internal Constitution of the Stars,

A. S. Eddington, 81

Plasma Calcium, W. R. TWEEDY, and S. B. CHANDLER,

Platinum Metals, J. L. HowE, 220

Pleistocene Material in an Asphalt Pit at Carpinteria,

Calif., R. HOFFMANN, 155

Polarized, Radiations, Effect on Photochemical Reactions,
S. S. BHATNAGAR, 359; Light and Photochemical Re-
actions, D. I. MACHT, 653

Polygenic Functions, E. KASNER, 581

Population, Native, of Algeria, R. PEARL, 593
Potato Witches' Broom, P. A. YOUNG, 304

Poultry, Congress, World, 281; Manson's Eye Worm in,
A. L. SHEALY, 426

Prairie, The Origin of the, P. M. JONES, 329; A. M.



Rabbits and Guinea-pigs, Cod-liver Oil for, H. L. IBSEN,


Race Betterment Conference, Third, 554
Radiation, General, W. DUANE, 637

Ransom Memorial Committee, Report, E. B. CRAM, 541
Redwood, Long-lived Cells of the, D. T. MACDOUGAL, and
G. M. SMITH, 456

REED, H. S., and T. B. BARTHOLOMEW, Water Transloca-

tion in Young Fruits, 382

REES, C. W., Balantidia from Pigs and Guinea-pigs, 89
Reid, E. M., and M. E. J. Chandler, Cainozoic Plants,
E. W. BERRY, 564

Relativity, E. T. WHITTAKER, 223
Remsen, Ira, W. A. NOYES, 243

RENNER, G. T., The Fall Line of the Eastern U. S., 356
Reproduction, Dietary Requirements for, B. SURE, 265
Research, Club, of the University of Michigan, 8; in
Steel, 62; R. E. ROSE, 117; Harvard Observatory, H.
SHAPLEY, 174; in Medical Practice, 260; Awards, at
the Univ. of Calif., 262; in Mining and Metallurgy,
296; Fellows at Yale University, 370; Scientific, K. T.
COMPTON, 435; at Carnegie Institute, 472; Grants of
Amer. Assoc., B. E. LIVINGSTON, 491
Respiration of Insects, M. O. LEE, 132

Reversible Mixing of Substances in the Condensed State
of the Absolute Zero, R. D. KLEEMAN, 216

Rhizopus, The Study of, W. J. HIMMEL, 136

RIDDLE, O., The Quantitative Theory of Sex, 169

Rignano, E., Man not a Machine, G. H. PARKER, 217

Rockefeller, Institute, Appointments, 10; Foundation,

Organization, 105, 127

ROGER, J., Origin of Petroleum, 152
ROGERS, L. A., Type Cultures, 329

ROGOFF, J. M. and G. N. STEWART, Adrenal Extracts,

ROSE, R. E., Research, 117

ROSENGARTEN, G. D., Reflections of a Chemist, 287
Royal Society, Conversaziones of, 73; Medals, 613
RUCKMICK, C. A., "Washboard" Effect, 481

RUSSELL, S., English Units of Measure and Weight, 481

Salamanders, Loss of the Fifth Toe in, E. H. DUNN, 509
SARGEANT, W. W., Reno Meeting of the Pacific Division
of the Amer. Assoc., 179, 246

Sarton, G., History of Science, F. CAJORI, 260

"Satsop," J. P. BUWALDA and B. N. MOORE, 236

SAYRE, J. D. and R. C. THOMAS, Dust Treatments for

Oats Smuts, 398

SCHMITT, W. L., Fresh-water Jelly-fish, 591

SCHWARTZ, B., Life History of Tape-worms, 17

Science, Lectures on, 253; for Citizenship, 355; for the

People, A. H. CLARK, 510; and War, P. L. K. GROSS,


Scientific Events, 8, 30, 52, 73, 103, 125, 145, 163, 186,

209, 230, 251, 274, 293, 320, 346, 370, 389, 419, 444,

472, 500, 534, 554, 582, 612, 645; Notes and News, 10,

32, 55, 76, 106, 127, 148, 165, 188, 211, 233, 254, 277,

297, 322, 349, 372, 391, 421, 446, 474, 502, 536, 556,

584, 614, 647; Apparatus and Laboratory Methods, 16,

87, 136, 154, 173, 218, 302, 330, 357, 399, 427, 484,

512, 542, 656; Books, 39, 63, 81, 134, 153, 171, 217,

260, 281, 379, 453, 564, 594, 625, 656; Research, Grants

for, of Amer. Medical Association, 55; Men, the

Origin and Distribution of, J. MCK. CATTELL, 513

Scientors appear in the Southwest, J. H. KEMPTON, 354

Sea-level, Mean, D. JOHNSON, 60

SEGERBLOM, W., The State Academies of Science affili-

ated with the American Association, 571

Seismological Work, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur-
vey, 164; of the British Assoc., 276

SELLARDS, A. W., Tropical and General Medicine, 93
SELLE, R. M., California Valley Quail, 217
SEVERIN, H. H. P., Sugar Beet Curly-top, 136

Sex, The Quantitative Theory of, O. RIDDLE, 169; Ratio
of Trichinae, R. O. CHRISTENSON, 259
SHAPLEY, H., Research from Harvard Observatory, 174
SHAW, F. W., A Dysentery-like Bacillus from a Phleg-
monous Inflammation, 359

SHEALY, A. L., Manson's Eye Worm in Poultry, 426
Sherrington, Charles, Award of Evens Prize, 645

SHULL, C. A. and B. E. LIVINGSTON, The Stephen Hales
Prize Fund, 561

Smith, Albert William, H. G., 320

Smith, Erwin F., E. W. BRANDES, 383

SMITH, H. M., Diabetes and Solanaceous Plants, 619

SMITH, R. H., Drawing Symmetrical Objects, 154

SNYDER, C. D., Muscle, Yeast and Cancer Cells, 112

Soils, the Colloidal Material of, G. J. BouYOUCOS, 16;

Buffer Action in, P. B. MYERS and G. M. GILLIGAN,


SOMMER, A. L., Plant Growth, 482

Sound, Velocity of, P. I. WOLD and G. R. STIBITZ, 381
SPAULDING, P. and P. V. SIGGERS, The European Larch
Canker in America, 480

Special Articles, 17, 40, 65, 89, 114, 136, 157, 176, 198,

220, 239, 265, 282, 304, 331, 358, 380, 401, 429, 456,

485, 513, 542, 565, 600, 629, 658

Species-grinding, D. S. JORDAN, 14

Spectrum, The MnII, excited by Rare Gas Ions, J. G.
BLACK and O. S. DUFFENBACK, 401; Absorption, of
Mercury at High Pressure, H. R. MOORE, 543

Spirals within the Termite Gut for Class Use, T. D.

SPIVAK, C. D., Acoustics in the Study of "Solutions,"

Stackability of Tetrakaidecahedra, P. L. K. GROSS, 131
Standards, for Scientific and Engineering Symbols and
Abbreviations, 146, 501; Bureau of, Organization, 371

Starch, Hydrolysis of, I. D. COLLINS, 430

Sterility, Pollen, in Peaches, C. H. CONNORS, 332

STEVENS, F. W., Josiah Willard Gibbs, 159

STILES, C. W., Zoological Nomenclature, 170

STOCK, C., Pleistocene Fauna and Flora, 155

Stopper, Air-tight, F. M. EATON, 154

Sudworth, George Bishop, W. C. BARNES, 6

Sugar Beet Curly-top, H. H. P. SEVERIN, 136

SURE, B., Dietary Requirements for Reproduction, 265

Survey Lines of U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 252

SWARTZ, J. H., Big Stone Gap Shale of Southwestern

Virginia, 36

SWEZY, O., The Chromosomes of the Rat, 601

Tryosinase, Effect of X-Ray on, R. T. HANCE, 353
Tumors in the Lower Carboniferous, R. L. MOODIE, 540;
Ovarian Secretion, W. S. MURRAY, 600

TWEEDY, W. R. and S. B. CHANDLER, Plasma Calcium,

Weather Charts, Ocean, 30

DEWEERDT, O. N., Do Cats sharpen their Claws?, 398
Weight and Temperature, P. G. NUTTING, 652

WELLES, C. G., Charles Fuller Baker, 229

WHARTON, D. R. A., Foul-brood of Bees, 451

WHITE, G. F., Infective Nematode Larvae, 302
WHITEHEAD, J. B., E.M.F. in a Straight Wire, 620
Whiting, Sarah Francis, A. J. CANNON, 417
WHITTAKER, E. T., Relativity, 223

WIGHTMAN, E. P. and R. F. QUIRK, The Mechanism of
Latent Photographic Image Intensification, 92

Wild Life and Game Refuge, Upper Mississippi, 188

WILLIAMS, S. R., Hysteresis Loss in Nickel, 358

WILSON, C. B., Parasitic Copepods, 397

WILSON, EDWIN B., Physical Biology, A. J. Lotka, 281
Wilsonia, the Generic Name of, W. C. TOEPELMAN, 111
Wittenberg College, Dedication of the Chemistry-Pay-
chology Building of, 348

WOLD, P. I. and G. R. STIBITZ, Velocity of Sound, 381

WOODS, F. A., Survival of Ability, 429

WRIGHT, J., Les Physiciens Hollandais et la Methode

Experimentale en France, P. Brunet, 453; Experimen-

tal Medicine, C. Bernard, 453

WYLIE, C. C., The Tilden Meteor, 451; Confusing Names
for a Meteor, 506; Zodiacal Light, 593

Yale University, Honorary Degrees, 53; Fellows, 370

YOUNG, P. A., Potato Witches' Broom, 304

YOUNG, V. H., Persimmon Seeds for Class Use, 219

"Your Money's Worth,'' 195

ZIRKLE, C., Fixatives for Nuclei and Mitochondria, 400

Zodiacal Light, E. THOMSON, 376; C. C. WYLIE, 593

Zoological, Nomenclature, C. W. STILES, 170; Society,

London, Research Fellows of, 320; Chicago, Building

Activities, 535

Zoology at the Nashville Meeting of the American Asso-
ciation, G. T. HARGITT, 389

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