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short daily illumination period. Experiments were next undertaken with uniform, relatively short alternating periods of light and darkness, using for the purpose small light-proof compartments, with 1,000watt Mazda lamps as the light source. Excess radiant heat energy from the lamps was prevented from reaching the plants by interposing a 2-inch screen of rapidly flowing clear water. Light intensities of 2,000 4,000 foot candles at normal temperatures were thus provided. Special timing devices were used for automatically turning the lights on and off at the proper intervals. As a standard of comparison for the shorter intervals, 12 hours of illumination alternating with 12 hours of darkening was used and in some instances continuous illumination also was employed. In addition to Biloxi soybeans, the Mandarin which readily flowers in the long days of June (at Washington) and the Peking variety, normally flowering under a somewhat shorter day, were included in the tests. With a 6-hour alternation of light and darkness the vegetative period of Mandarin was increased from 22 days (12-hour controls) to 34 days and the height was increased from 25 inches to 45 inches. Neither the Peking nor the Biloxi showed flower buds at the end of 51 days although their respective heights were 42 and 40 inches. The 12-hour controls flowered in 23 and 43 days, respectively, and their heights were 29 and 51 inches. In Rudbeckia bicolor, a plant in which flowering is favored by very long days, the vegetative period was reduced from 45 days to 37 days by the 6-hour alternation and the number of blossoms was considerably increased although the average size of the blossoms was reduced. In these tests the mean daily temperature ranged from 69° to 72°, with extreme daily ranges seldom departing from the mean by more than 5 degrees and without important differences between the two compartments. With a 4-hour alternation of light and darkness Mandarin and Peking soybeans gave similar results. Experiments were then made with alternating light and darkness intervals of 1 hour, 1 minute, and 15 seconds, respectively. In several tests running from 36 to 53 days the Mandarin flowered after considerable delay under the 1-hour alternation, as measured by the vegetative period under the 12-hour interval, but failed to flower under the two shorter intervals. Biloxi soybeans failed to flower under any of the short alternations. In contrast with the effect on soybeans, reproductive activity was materially hastened in Rudbeckia bicolor by the short alternations of light and darkness. Moreover, the vegetative period was about the same as under continuous illumination. In one test the vegetative period under the short alternations and under continuous light ranged from 31 to 37 days, as compared with 56 days

under the 12-hour alternation. The average height of the plants was 40 inches under continuous illumination and 20 inches under each of the light-darkness alternations. Summing up, it is apparent that with the plants in which flowering is favored by short days. as well as with those in which the opposite is true, the general effect of the relatively short alternations of light and darkness on reproductive activity is much the same as that produced by long days or continuous illumination. illumination. There is no suggestion of a short-day effect. However, the short light-darkness alternations may bring about more or less serious nutritional disturbances and growth relations are markedly affected. A striking feature of these tests with soybeans and Rudbeckia and with Cosmos sulphureus has been the chlorotic, weak, spindling type of growth produced by the short light-darkness alternations, which is especially marked under the 1-minute interval. These effects seem to increase with decrease in the duration of the alternation until a climax is reached with the 1-minute interval. Curiously enough, the type of growth is much improved again with the 15-second interval. Evidently, assimilation and other functions may be much disturbed under relatively short alternations of light and darkness. In this connection it is of interest to note that Warburg (Biochem. Zeitschr., v. 100, 1919, p. 230-270), working with Chlorella under very short illumination intervals, did not obtain the normal average rate of assimilation found for continuous illumination till the alternations were reduced to a length of about .004 second. Under the 1-minute interval in our tests with soybeans leaf development was poor, the leaves being reduced in size, chlorotic and showing large splotches of dead tissue. The stems were slender and weak. Cosmos showed much the same characteristics in leaf and stem. Larger plants of Rudbeckia showed somewhat less leaf injury but small seedlings were unable to survive at all under the 1-minute interval. Taking 100 to represent the average dry weight of the aboveground parts of Rudbeckia under the 1-minute interval, in a typical case, the corresponding values for the 15-seconds, 1-hour and 12-hour intervals were 150, 175, and 250, respectively. Similarly, with 100 as the dry weight of tops produced by Biloxi soybeans at the end of 21 days under the 1-minute interval, the corresponding values for the other intervals were 190, 280, 280, respectively, and 310 for continuous illumination. Similar, though somewhat larger, differences under the different exposures were obtained with Cosmos. Interesting contrasts in relative growth of root and top were shown by the soybeans and cosmos under the different light exposures. In the soybeans root development was very poor under the 1-minute and 15-seconds exposures, the

ratio of root to top being 1:7. On the other hand, the dry weight of roots produced by cosmos under these intervals greatly exceeded that of the tops, the proportion being 1:.3.4. Under the other exposures the ratio of root to tops remained nearly constant and was about the same for both plants, namely, 1: 3.0-4.0. The combined dry weight of root and tops of cosmos was the same for all alternations of light and darkness and slightly less than half of that produced under continuous illumination. With the soybeans this relation did not hold, the combined dry weight produced under continuous illumination being only slightly greater than that under the 12-hour and 1-hour alternations while the combined weight under the 1-minute alternations was relatively quite small. The effect on the growth and nutrition of the plant,

The reactions involved are either




4FeCO2+ 6H2O+02 = 4Fe(OH)3 + 4CO2 4Fe(HCO3)2 + 2H20+ 02 = 4Fe(OH), +8CO2 As soon as the pH drops below 7 the black suspended hydrated pyritite will begin to decompose.

It was at first thought that this fairly acid medium constituted the normal environment for the organisms. This view seemed to derive support from the observation that Fe+++ becomes soluble at pH <5 while Fe++ becomes soluble around pH <6.2. This fact was checked with various organic and inorganic salts with fairly consistent results. The availability of Fe++ for the alleged autotrophonts would be of course greater at a lower pH.

However, cultures were very successful up to

at least in some particulars, suggests that commonly pH=9.2 with an optimum activity around pH = 8.6.

produced by weak light, although the leaf injury possibly could be considered as indicating excess illumination. There seems to be no feature resembling the typical short-day effect except possibly that on root growth in cosmos. These tests are being further elaborated and it will be of interest to study the effects of various other alternations with both equal and unequal durations of the light and darkness intervals.





DURING the last two years we have endeavored to investigate iron organisms of the Gallionella group (Toxothrix, Spirophyllum, etc.).

In the course of the work it became clear that a medium consisting of tap water (pH=7.6) and iron filings was beneficial to their growth.

The air carries, as spores or cysts, many iron organisms. This was demonstrated by sucking outside air through sterile culture flasks. Within five days cultures appeared, among which the curious Toxothrix, described by Molisch1 from Japan, was conspicuous.

The natural occurrence of iron organisms around Stanford University seems to be related to aeration of deep waters, either through cracks in a reservoir dam or from deep wells and springs. In the former case aeration of the hydrotroilite black mud, containing large amounts of (FeS), (H2O), causes a formation of H2S, while the oxidation of ferrous iron goes parallel with a noticeable acidification of the aerated water (pH changes from 7.6-6.8).

1 Molisch, H., Rep. Imp. Tohoku. Univ. Japan Series I. 2, 1925.

Here less than one part of Fe++ in 5 × 10° water was present, as checked by colorimetric determination. Therefore, if the organism is able to use iron in its metabolism, it has to lower the pH locally so as to make it soluble.

A series of experiments was carried out in which the increase in weight of infected and sterile iron media (c.p. iron filings, Cu-free, in tapwater) was established. It appeared that no acceleration of the oxidation in the infected media could be observed in an eighteen-day run, although cultures developed normally. Our microscopic findings check Cholodny's work. We observed, however, that the terminal organism may swarm, sometimes over a rather large area. It will settle down and begin to form a new stalk, which may be independent or become attached to the old stalk when the excreted mass increases. The terminal organisms are very small (.8 × .5 μ). Directly below the terminal cell the stalk is nonincrustated. Incrustation starts in patches, hardly ever gradual.

Both Molisch and Cholodny deny the presence of a core in the sheath and claim that the entire Gallionella is soluble in "dilute" acids. Unfortunately, the H+ concentration of their solutions is not mentioned in their papers.

It was soon found that by using various acids of a pH close to 5 (acetic, lactic, citric, butyric, tartaric) the sheath will dissolve, leaving a thin glistening core. We believe that Cholodny's comparison of the Gallionella group with certain flagellates (Anthophysa, Phalansterium, Spongomonas, Rhipidodendron) is a significant one.



2 Cholodny, N., Die Eisenbakterien. Jena. Gustav Fischer, 1925.


THE forty-first annual meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science was held with the State University of Iowa, at Iowa City on May 6 and 7, 1927, with 253 members and visitors in registered attendance.

Special features of the general meeting were: the president's address, "The Evolution of an Idea," by Dean C. E. Seashore, in which he traced the idea X that a specific trait can be measured quantitatively; "New Interpretations of Glacial Deposits in Iowa," by Dean George F. Kay, dealing with the present status of the Iowan drift problem; "The Rise of Sap [ in Plants," by Professor A. L. Bakke; and the annual Friday evening lecture by Professor E. C. Stakman of the University of Minnesota on "Racial Specialization of Pathogenic Fungi."

1 The reports of the standing committees on conservation and publicity in high schools concerning research careers in science were especially timely and thorough.

President D. W. Morehouse, of Drake University, was awarded a grant from the Academy Research Fund1 of $200, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the investigation of a nebula (dark) in Cygnus.

The officers and section chairmen for the forthcoming year are as follows:


President-L. D. Weld, Cedar Rapids. Vice-president-G. F. Kay, Iowa City. Secretary P. S. Helmick, Des Moines. Treasurer A. O. Thomas, Iowa City. Editor G. H. Coleman, Iowa City. American Association for the Advancement of Science Representatives-D. W. Morehouse, Des Moines; and C. E. Seashore, Iowa City.

Section Chairmen

Bacteriology-C. H. Werkman, Ames.
Botany-R. A. French, Dubuque.
Chemistry-N. O. Taylor, Iowa City.
Geology-F. A. Wilder, Grinnell.
Mathematics-Roscoe Woods, Iowa City.
Physics J. A. Eldridge, Iowa City.
Psychology-J. E. Evans, Ames.
Zoology-H. W. Norris, Grinnell.

The Academy convened in nine different sections for the presentation of 178 papers of special interest. Reports from these special sections, prepared by the retiring section chairmen, follow:

1 This fund is made possible by the American Association for the Advancement of Science refund of 50 cents for each Iowa Academy-American Association for the Advancement of Science member.


(By Jack J. Hinman, Jr., Iowa City)

The address of the retiring section chairman concerned the development of our present ideas for the measurement of the quality of water. The outstanding paper of the session was probably that by Dean R. L. Buchanan, of Ames, entitled, "Common errors in the application of physico-chemical concepts to the physiology of bacteria." Other important discussions were on the bacterial blackening of canned vegetables by C. H. Werkman and Helen J. Weaver; the germicidal efficiency of alkaline washes used in cleaning beverage bottles by Max Levine, J. H. Buchanan, Grace Lease and E. E. Peterson; and on soil bacteriology by L. W. Erdman, R. H. Walker and Harry Humfield. Medical phases of work were the subjects of papers by C. S. Linton who discussed the detection of trichina, and by H. D. Palmer who described two cases of mycotic infection which had come under his observation.


(By G. W. Wilson, Fayette)

The program of the botanical section was varied and of exceptional interest. Castetter continued his reports on the germination of cucurbit pollen, Bakke compared inhibition in sweet and field corn, and the synthesis of amino acids in plants was presented by Loehwing. Wylie continued his studies on cicitarization of leaves, and leaf fall in Populus was studied by Marts.

Ecological papers were presented by Pammel, Shimek and Miss Hayden; Miss Blagg gave a preliminary list of Mosses of Iowa, Prescott a similar list of Algae; and Martin presented studies on various fungi.


(By Jacob Cornog, Iowa City)

The most novel research among the thirty reported at the Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Section was by Poulter and Frazer. In this investigation they allowed zinc to come in contact with sulphuric acid under a pressure of 16,000 asmospheres and obtained hydrogen sulphide as one of the end products.


(By Henry Gilman, Ames)

G. H. Coleman and D. Craig obtained nitrogen, ammonium chloride, benzalacetophenone dichloride and a C-chloro-N-di-chloroamino ketone from the reaction between nitrogen trichloride with benzalace

tophenone. G. H. Coleman and C. R. Houser obtained primary amines in yields up to 90 per cent. (with benzylmagnesium chloride) in the reaction between monochloramine and Grignard reagents. L. C. Raiford and W. C. Stoesser prepared the 2- and 6-monobromo and 2, 5- and 5, 6-dibromo vanillins and investigated their chemical behavior. L. C. Raiford and G. Thiessen reported on the effect of substituents in the formation and the reactions of certain ethers, particularly diphenyl ether. H. Gilman and J. Robinson have prepared a number of organolead compounds that are being tested in connection with cancer, anti-knock compounds and in some plant diseases. H. Gilman, J. E. Kirby, R. E. Fothergill and S. A. Harris reported on some abnormal reactions of organomagnesium halides, particularly benzyl-, cinnamyl- and related organomagesium halides, and the unique reactions of nitro compounds, like o-nitrobenzaldehyde, towards the Grignard reagent.


(By A. C. Tester, Iowa City)

Eighteen papers were presented by thirteen different members of the Geology section. Two new ideas, outstanding in their general interest, were suggested. W. H. Norton presented evidence derived from a study of well cuttings which indicates that a gypsiferous, saline series of Silurian age underlies much of southern and western Iowa. Those beds occupy the same relative position as the Niagaran dolomites which outcrop in northeastern Iowa. A. C. Tester be lieves the late Comanchean seas covered western Iowa, for much fossil material of a friable nature has been

found in the glacial drift and certain stratigraphic evidences warrant this conclusion.


(By J. F. Reilly, Iowa City, Secretary) The sixteenth regular meeting of the Iowa section of the Mathematical Association of America was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science at Iowa City on May 6 and 7. The attendance was forty. A program of nine papers was presented, and in addition two addresses, one by the retiring chairman, Professor J. V. McKelvey, Iowa State College, on "Discontinuities and Prerequisites," the other by Professor Dunham Jackson University of Minnesota, on "Trigonometric Interpolation." Professor Jackson was present by invitation. Officers in addition to the section chairman were elected for the coming year as follows: Vice-chairman, Professor E. E. Moots, Cornell College; secretary, Professor J. F. Reilly, University of Iowa.


(By M. E. Graber, Sioux City)

The attendance at the Physics section was unusually large, and some 28 papers were presented, covering special fields of pure physics, and the pedagogy of the subject. The physics section dinner was well attended, and immediately following this an interesting address on "The Applications of Ultra-Violet Light" was given by Professor J. W. Woodrow, of Ames. The report of the Committee on Research was presented by Professor G. W. Stewart, of the University of Iowa.


(By C. A. Ruckmick, Iowa City)

The Psychology section was attended by about thirty-five psychologists of the state and by about an equal number of visitors outside of this group. Seventeen papers were read centering on the following problems: pitch perception in singing and speaking; pitch perception of beating intertones; the vocal mechanism; sound localization; description and objective record of emotions; visual "punning" in relation to Gestalt; visual perception of distance among young children; the optimal tempo in the rhythms of walking, running and skipping; muscular tonus of stutterers; psycho-physiological measurements of college athletes; a rating scale for the social behavior in young children; aptitude tests for college physics; the improvement of teaching psychology in elementary classes; and the study habits of college students. There was considerable discussion of most of these papers.


(By L. S. Ross, Des Moines)


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Twenty-eight papers, of which a few were read by title, were presented before the Zoology section. these, twelve were on physiological subjects; anatomy and entomology had four titles each; ecology and protozoology three each; and ornithology and pathology one each. One fact presented that was a surprise to the members is that bank swallows may have a variation of sixteen or eighteen degrees F. in temperatures, the nestlings varying even to a greater extent. Another paper directed attention to error that appears in certain laboratory manuals relative to the innervation of the ampullae of Lorenzini of the ' spiny dogfish. On the whole the meeting of the sec- t tion was as interesting as any in recent years. P. S. HELMICK,





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JULY 15, 1927

No. 1698




Public Health Progress and Race Progress-are they Incompatible? PROFESSOR H. S. JENNINGS

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Scientific Events:

Expedition of the American Geographical Society to Central Peru; Honorary Degrees conferred by Yale University; Grants for Scientific Research of the American Medical Association Scientific Notes and News.

University and Educational Notes


Mean Sea-level as affected by Shoreline Changes: PROFESSOR DOUGLAS JOHNSON. Quantitative Determination of Rock Color: OLIVER R. GRAWE. A New Fundamentalist Stronghold: PROFESSOR N. M. GRIER


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THE public health workers, the social workers, the civilizers, we are told, are corrupting the race; are destroying the race. By protecting us from our enemies, the bacteria and the viruses; by removing the sources of disease; by showing us how to avoid unfavorable conditions and to find favorable ones; in short, by bringing us and our enviromnent into harmony, they are promoting the survival of the unfit; they are progressively filling the race with the weak and the degenerate who must hand on their weakness and degeneracy to their descendants. This should all be stopped. In dealing with the delicate and ailing, our motto should be: Treat 'em rough!-Let the environment kill them. That's what will produce a strong race, a fit race.

To one who has spent his life studying the unnumbered devices by which organisms of all sorts protect themselves from their enemies; who sees that their daily, their hourly occupation is the seeking of favorable conditions and the avoiding of unfavorable ones-to such an observer this proposal comes as a paradoxical surprise. The public health worker, the social worker, is not alone in this nefarious business of adjusting the organism to the environment; everybody's doing it. And by everybody I mean Our brothers, the birds and beasts, our cousins, the insects and worms and plants; I mean all organisms. We ourselves have been doing this sort of thing for a hundred million years. It's going to be a hard habit to break, if we must break it.

And as we look at it, the difficulties become greater. All organisms are forced to defend themselves in all sorts of ways against other organisms that seek to destroy them; against bears and beetles as well as against bacteria. All organisms must protect themselves against the injurious forces of nature; against heat and cold and wind and wet; against starvation and against over-eating; against unfit food and drink; against bumps and bruises and broken bones; against plagues and poisons. That's what life is: a struggle for existence. If any organism ceased this struggle, ceased to select its environment, ceased to protect itself-its kind would become extinct in a generation.

1 Address at the twenty-third annual meeting of the National Tuberculosis Association at Indianapolis, May 24, 1927.

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