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cators as well as with the quinhydrone electrode showed that the pH of the solution from which the insulin separated in crystalline form was 5.55-5.65. After centrifuging off the "ammonia precipitate" it may be necessary to add a little more ammonia to the fluid to bring it to the proper hydrogen-ion concentration before setting it aside to crystallize. The accompanying curve shows how the pH of a mixture of acetic acid and brucine, made up in the proportions employed in this method, varies with the gradual addition of the usual amounts of pyridine and ammonia.

The crystals are apparently dimorphous and fall into two general groups: (1) Crystals with welldefined double refraction, of negative character, with several habits, in the rhombohedral class; (2) crystals of a more equant habit, often with clearly defined crystal edges and no double refraction.

They give the Pauly, Millon, biuret and ninhydrin reactions but not the Voisonet, Hopkins-Cole or Acree tests for tryptophan or the Sullivan test for free cystine and cysteine.

The many solutions (in acetic acid, hydrochloric acid and ammonia) examined polarimetrically were always found to be laevo-rotatory, the magnitude of the rotation varying widely with the concentration and pH of the solution and with the nature of the solvent. For example, one preparation in hydrochloric acid showed a specific rotation of -40°; another, twice recrystallized, gave -30° in N/6 acetic acid and -17° in 0.011 N hydrochloric acid; with another in 0.65 per cent. ammonia the rotation was - 48° and changed in the course of several days through a maximum at - 63°.


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Numerous microanalyses on various preparations gave very concordant results agreeing closely with the empirical formula C.,H,O,,N,,S in the case of material dried at 105-20° in nitrogen under low pressure and C45H7501,N11S (or C4H69014N11S 3H20) for air-dried preparations; the labile or so-called "carbonate" sulphur content of the latter is about 1.10 per cent. or approximately 37.5 per cent. of the total sulphur. No satisfactory solvent for molecular weight determinations has yet been found.

No evidence has ever been obtained which would indicate that the crystals are not a homogeneous substance crystallizing in different types but a mixture of two substances, only one of which is physiologically active but both having the same solubilities and identical or nearly identical empirical compositions.





THE American Child Health Association has arranged to furnish support for an extended investiga

tion of ascariasis, an infestation widely prevalent especially in children. Through the courtesy of the Johns Hopkins University, the work will be conducted under the direction of Professor W. W. Cort, of the department of helminthology of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, under the auspices of the division of medical sciences, National Research Council, through its Committee on Medical Problems of Animal Parasitology.

Professor Cort and his selected staff will investigate the life history of the parasite, its mode of transmission, the incidence of infestation, the effects upon infested animals and man and the methods of treatment and control. The central feature of the program will', be the relation of this parasite to the health and development of children, since it is in young children that the infestation is the heaviest and the injury produced the greatest. Studies are to be undertaken in the School of Hygiene and Public Health, with the admirable facilities there available. Most of the investigations, however, will be in the field for which stations will be established at strategic points in the United States and their territories and insular possessions. The information and material yielded by the field work will be further studied, amplified and extended by, and correlated with, the investigations in Baltimore.

Division of Medical Sciences,
National Research Council



THROUGH the gift of members of the Ward family, ownership of Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Rochester, N. Y., passes to the University of Rochester under conditions enabling its museum features to be preserved and its scientific work carried on.

Founded in 1862 by Professor Henry A. Ward, then holding the chair of geology in the University of Rochester, the establishment was carried on from the early eighties by the late Frank A. Ward, son of Levi A. Ward, who had largely financed the undertaking. Professor Henry A. Ward spent a large part of the year in travel in all parts of the world in search of specimens which were assembled and arranged at the workshops.

The following paragraphs are taken from a statement on the gift made by Raymond N. Ball, treasurer of the University of Rochester:

The University of Rochester feels greatly honored in being asked to accept the splendid foundation which the Ward family proposes to found in memory of Frank A. Ward.

It was the energies and business ability of Frank A.

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Ward in financing and managing Ward's Natural Science Establishment from the early eighties until the time of his death that permitted Professor Henry A. Ward while alive to devote his full time and experience in the field, supplying the establishment with materials and thereby making such materials available for distribution to the scientific world. The university cherishes the memory of both of these eminent men who have contributed so much to the field of science. It accepts with a sense of keen responsibility the trusteeship of the Frank A. Ward Foundation, which is being founded so unselfishly by the living members of the Ward family.

In accepting this trust the university recognizes the obvious advantage which will accrue to its own scientific departments, both instructors and students, in continuing and controlling such a vast collection of scientific materials gathered from all parts of the world. It will also bring the university into intimate association with the leading scientific establishments both in this country and abroad. Furthermore, the university appreciates Mr. Hawley Ward's willingness to remain as director of the business interests of the institution.

Professor Henry A. Ward, the founder of the museum, was the second instructor in our geology department, succeeding Professor Chester Dewey in 1861 and serving in that capacity until 1875. The University of Rochester, chiefly because of Professor Ward, attracted considerable attention by its scientific offerings at that time, since it was the first college in America, if not in the world, to establish a course in science on an equality with the classical course. Furthermore, the university's museum collection of about 40,000 specimens purchased in 1862 was made by Professor Ward and was at that time the largest collection in geology, mineralogy, petrography and paleontology in America. In fact, few colleges at the present time are said to possess as good display and teaching collections. That this early tradition may be revived and our present facilities further strengthened by the permanent acquisition of the Ward's Establishment is naturally very gratifying.

The success of the greater university campaign in 1924 makes it possible for the university to accept this founda tion in that the collection, now owned by the university, and such specimens from the present collection of the Ward's Natural Science Museum which are and can be used for teaching purposes will be most effectively used in the new museum which it is planned to build in connection with the biology and geology building on the new site for the college for men. This museum will be open to the public.


FOLLOWING is the schedule to January, 1928, of lectures to be given at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia:

October 19-Engineering contributions of the gyroscope: ELMER A. SPERRY, Esq., president, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Brooklyn, New York.

October 27-Animal mechanics: PROFESSOR ULRIC DAHLGREN, department of biology, Princeton University. November 10-Modern research on the structures of metals: PROFESSOR WHEELER P. DAVEY, department of chemistry, Pennsylvania State College. November 16-Automatic train control: A. H. RUDD, Esq., chief signal engineer, The Pennsylvania Railroad. December 1-The design, construction and equipment of the Broad Street subway: H. E. EHLERS, Esq., director, department of city transit, City of Philadelphia. December 8—Illumination in the industries: PROFESSOR DUGALD C. JACKSON, department of electrical engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

December 21-Talking and synchronized motion pictures: WILLIAM H. BRISTOL, Esq., president, The Bristol Company, Waterbury, Connecticut.

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October 16-Home life of the Alaska willow ptarmigan: JOSEPH DIXON, economic mammalogist, museum of vertebrate zoology, University of California, Berkeley. Illustrated.

October 23-California's forest resources: J. W. NELSON, assistant district forester, United States Forest Service, San Francisco. Illustrated.

October 30-The work of "The Save the Redwoods League': JOSEPH D. GRANT, vice-president board of trustees, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Illustrated.

At the close of each lecture a moving picture film will be shown illustrating some phase of natural history.

On Friday evenings members of the scientific departments of the University of Chicago will give a series of lectures in the Lake View Building lecture room on the general subject: "The Nature of the World and Man," as follows:

October 14 and 21-Astronomy: WILLIAM DUNCAN MACMILLAN, department of astronomy. October 28 and November 4-The origin and early stages of the earth: ROLLIN T. CHAMBERLIN, department of geology.

November 11 and 18-Geological problems of the earth's history: J HARLEN BRETZ, department of geology. December 2-The message of a beam of light: HARVEY BRACE LEMON, department of physics.

December 9-The dance of molecules and flight of electrons: PROFESSOR LEMON.

December 16 and 23-The nature of chemical processes: JULIUS STIEGLITZ, department of chemistry.




THE dedication of the new chemistry-psychology building of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio, will take place on October 21. The dedicatory address for chemistry will be given by Dr. Edgar Fahs Smith, provost-emeritus of the University of Pennsylvania, and the dedicatory address for psychology by Dr. J. McKeen Cattell. Honorary degrees will be conferred, followed in the evening by a reception and a banquet, when Dr. E. E. Slosson will be the speaker.

In connection with the dedication a conference on chemistry will be held on October 20, 21 and 22 and a symposium on the "Psychology of Feelings and Emotions" has been arranged from October 19 to 22, by Dr. Martin L. Reymert, professor of psychology and director of the laboratory and editor of The Scandinavian Scientific Review.

The preliminary program follows:

CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY Honorary Chairman-E. E. Slosson. Chairman-A. F. Linn.

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(To be present in person)

James McKeen Cattell, "Early Psychological Labora tories.' (General inaugural address.)

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Herbert S. Langfeld, Princeton, "The Rôle of Feelings and Emotions in Esthetics."'

Walter B. Cannon, Harvard, "Neural Organization for Emotional Expression."'

W. B. Pillsbury, Michigan, "Utility of Feelings and Emotions."'

Joseph Jastrow, Wisconsin, "The Place of Emotion in Modern Psychology."

C. E. Seashore, Iowa, "A New Approach to the Psychophysics of Emotion."

Albert P. Weiss, Ohio State, "Feelings and Emotions as Forms of Behavior."'

D. T. Howard, Northwestern, "A Functional Theory of the Emotions. ""

William MacDougall, Duke, "The Distinction between Feelings and Emotions.''

Knight Dunlap, Johns Hopkins, "Emotions as the Dynamic Background.''

L. B. Hoisington, Cornell, "Pleasantness and Unpleasantness as Modes of Bodily Experience."'

Margaret Washburn, Vassar, "Emotion and Thought: A Motor Theory of their Relation."

Madison Bentley, Illinois, "Is Emotion More than a Chapter Head?"

Harvey A. Carr, Chicago, "The Differentia of an Emotion."'

Morton Prince, Harvard, "Can Emotion be Regarded as Energy?''

Robert H. Gault, Northwestern, "On Pleasurable Reaction to Tactual Stimuli.

H. L. Hollingworth, Columbia, "The Relative Contagion of Emotions.''

G. S. Brett, Toronto, "Historical Development of the Theory of Emotions."'

Among others who may participate are: R. S. Woodworth and John Dewey, of Columbia; George M. Stratton, California; John S. Terry, of New York; representatives from American Public Health Association and American Child Health Association.



(Contributing by specially written papers to be read by proxy.) Wednesday's sessions will be devoted to the reading of these papers.

William Stern, Hamburg, "The Ernst-Spiel in Emotional Life."

Felix Krueger, Leipzig, "The Nature of Feeling: A Systematic Theory."

David Katz, Rostock, "The Feelings of the Child as Expressed in its Conversation with Adults."'

Werner Gruehn, Estonia, "Feelings and Emotions in the Psychology of Religion."'

Pieron, Paris, "Emotions in Animal and Man." P. Janet, Paris, "Fear of Action as the Essential Element in the Sentiment of Melancholia."'

Carl Joergensen, Denmark, "Elements of Feeling." F. Kiesow, Turin, "The Feeling-tone of a Sensation."

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C. Spearman, London, "A New Method of Investigating the Springs of Action."'

F. Aveling, London, "Emotion, Conation and Will." Ed. Claperède, Geneva, "Feelings and Emotions.'' Titles not yet received from the following: Alfred Adler, Vienna; W. Bechterew, Russia; Carl Buehler, visiting professor at Johns Hopkins; E. Jaensch, Marburg, Germany.


GENERAL HENRY L. ABBOT, the distinguished army engineer, died on October 2, aged ninety-five years. General Abbot was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1872.

THE Société Nationale d'Acclimatation de France has presented Dr. Alexander Wetmore, assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire medal in recognition of his researches and publications in ornithology.

On the occasion of the centenary celebration of the University of Toronto, twenty-six honorary degrees were conferred, including the degree of doctor of science on Dr. Frederick James Alway, professor of soil chemistry, University of Minnesota; Sir John BlandSutton, past president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; Dr. Louise D. Cummings, professor of mathematics, Vassar College; Dr. Elizabeth Rebecca Laird, professor of physics, Mount Holyoke College; Dr. William G. MacCallum, professor of pathology and bacteriology, the Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Thomas McCrae, professor of medicine, Jefferson Medical College, and Gaston Leon Ramon, director of the Pasteur Institute Annex. The degree of doctor of engineering was conferred on David Law Hodges Forbes, general manager of the Teck Hughes Mining Company; Thomas Henry Hogg, hydraulic engineer for the Hydro-electric Power Commission of Ontario, and James L. Morris, civil engineer.

AT the founder's day exercises at Lehigh University on October 5, Dr. Karl Taylor Compton, professor of physics at Princeton University, gave an address on "Specialization and Cooperation in Scientific Research." The university conferred on Dr. Compton the degree of doctor of science and on Robert Culbertson Hays Heck, professor of mechanical engineering at Rutgers University, the degree of doctor of engineering.

PROFESSOR MICHAEL I. PUPIN, of Columbia University, will be the principal speaker at the conference of delegates in Easton on October 20, when Dr. William Mather Lewis will be inaugurated as president of Lafayette College.

CLARENCE FELDMANN, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Delft, Holland, was

elected president of the International Electrotechnical Commission at the recent meeting of that body in Bellagio, Italy. Though a native of New York City, Professor Feldmann received his technical training at the University of Darmstadt, Germany, and has spent his entire career on the European continent.

DR. WILLIAM HENRY POTTER, professor of operative dentistry in the Harvard Dental School, has been made professor emeritus.

DR. ISABEL S. SMITH, professor of biology at Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ill., since 1905, resigned her position last June. By vote of the college trustees, Miss Smith was made professor of biology emeritus. Her permanent address will be Oberlin, Ohio. Dr. Willis DeRyke has been appointed to the chair.

DR. JOHN S. Boyce, chief of the Portland, Oregon, office of forest pathology, Bureau of Plant Industry, has been made director of the Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, at Amherst. The station has been in charge of S. T. Dana, who has resigned to become dean of the new school of forestry and conservation at the University of Michigan.

DR. F. E. DENNY, of the Boyce Thompson Institute, has been called to Florida to investigate the possibility of raising crops of winter potatoes in the Everglade district west of Palm Beach. The U. S. Department of Agriculture is cooperating with the Florida Experiment Station in this investigation.

NEW appointments were made by the Medical Fellowship Board of the National Research Council on September 24, as follows: Dr. William C. Austin, in physiological and organic chemistry; Dr. Arthur R. Colwell, in chemistry and physics, leading to internal medicine; Wilton R. Earle, in anatomy; Dr. Edgar F. Fincher, Jr., in neurosurgery; Dr. Louis H. Jorstad, in pathology; Ethel D. Simpson, in physiology; Dr. Richard W. Whitehead, in pharmacology; Dr. Harold G. Wolff, in neurology. Dr. Oran I. Cutler, in pathology, was reappointed.

DR. ALEŠ HRDLIČKA, of the U. S. National Museum, sailed on October 1 for Europe, where he will examine the newest finds of early man in several countries and visit the type sites of Neanderthal man. On November 8 he will read his address, following the award of the Huxley medal to him for important contributions to American anthropological science.

DR. ELLWOOD HENDRICK, curator of the Chandler chemical museum, Columbia University, who has been touring South Africa since June, expects to return to the United States at an early date.

DR. EDWARD J. MENGE, head of the department of biology and zoology at Marquette University, during

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THE motor truck expedition to the Canadian Rockies, under the direction of Dr. Charles E. Resser and R. S. Bassler, has returned to Washington with data which will permit the editing for publication of the last work done by Dr. Charles D. Walcott, late secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, on the stratigraphy of the Rockies. Its purpose was to study and correlate the strata from one mountain range to another. The area worked by Dr. Walcott is bounded roughly by the Columbia Valley, Bow Valley and Kicking Horse Valley. With the information obtained this summer, Dr. Resser expects to complete for early publication Dr. Walcott's general account of all his work in the Canadian Rockies.

GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM, explorer and publisher, returned to New York on October 6 after a four months' exploration in Baffin Land.

DR. PAUL BARTSCH, professor of zoology at George Washington University, has returned to Washington after spending two weeks at the Tortugas studying the progress made in the hereditary problems which he is conducting upon mollusks.

PROFESSOR JOHN W. HARSHBERGER has returned from a collecting expedition in South America with five hundred dried specimens of South American plant life, which have been added to the University of Pennsylvania botanical collection. Duplicates have been sent to the New York Botanical Garden and the United States National Museum.

DR. ALEXIS CARREL, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, returned from his annual summer vacation in France on September 21.

SENATOR GUGLIELMO MARCONI, of Italy, has arrived in New York and will remain in the United States for two weeks to study the recent developments in radio made by American engineers.

PROFESSOR L. K. RAMZIN, director of the Thermotechnical Institute of Moscow, has arrived in the United States to make a study of American electric power stations.

DR. JOSEPH JASTROW, of the University of Wisconsin, will give a lecture at Columbia University on

November 14. Another psychological lecture will be given on November 21, when Dr. Stanton Coit, of England, will discuss the mentality of apes. Later Professor H. A. Overstreet, of the department of psychology in the College of the City of New York, will gives a series of four lectures on psychology.

ornithology at Cornell University until his recent death, is being planned. The memorial will be a bird sanctuary at the head of the lake at Stewart Park, Ithaca. Plans for the development include transformation of the old Cascadilla boathouse into a museum or nature study center.

A MEMORIAL to Louis Agassiz Fuertes, lecturer in

DR. SAMUEL GARMAN, of the museum of comparative zoology, Harvard University, known for his work in ichthyology and herpetology, died on September 30, aged eighty-four years.

DR. MARTIN S. BRENNAN, professor of astronomy and geology at the Kendrick Theological Seminary, St. Louis, died on October 3, at the age of eighty-two years.

DR. WARREN GARDNER BULLARD, professor of mathematics at Syracuse University, died on February 16, at the age of sixty years.

PROFESSOR GUGLIELMO MENGARINI, one of the founders of the Italian Electrotechnical Association, died recently in Rome.

THE meetings of the International Union of Scientific Radiotelegraphy (U. R. S. I.) opened in Washington on October 10. The discussion covered the work of the various branches of the Union since its last meeting in Brussels in 1922, and plans for future activities. Delegates from nine countries were to attend. A session with scientific papers, which was open to the public was held on October 13 at the building of the National Academy of Sciences.

THE administrative board of the American Engineering Council has been called to meet at York, Pa., on October 20. Sessions will last two days. The president of the council, Dean Dexter S. Kimball, of Cornell University, will preside.

WITH 400 delegates in attendance, representing 70 nations and 41 communication companies, the International Radiotelegraphic Conference of 1927 held its opening session at Washington on Tuesday of this week in the presence of a distinguished gathering. The fundamental purposes of the conference, as described by Mr. Hoover, who is presiding, are "to arrive at such modifications as may be necessary in our existing international treaties to promote the wider use, reduce the conflicts and stimulate the

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