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cording to the Miniftration of the Spirit, whether to Youth or Men, they under the New Teftament, are anfwerable to the Schools of the Prophets under the Old, who only taught Mofes and the Prophets: And the Universities wherein Philofophy is firft taught the Youth, and after Divinity, and then both are mingled together, to the utter perverting and corrupting the Gospel of Chrift; I fay, thefe Universities in the time of the Gospel are answerable to the High-Places in the time of the Law, where a Doctrine and Worship prevailed, which was not according to Gods Word, but mans Will; and where Judaism, and Heathenifm were mingled together into one Mungrel Religion, moft odious and abominable to God and his People: And fo the Universities in the time of the Gospel, are only answerable to the High-Places in the time of the Law; but not at all to the Schools of the Prophets, as Mr. Simpfon pretends.

the Faithful


And now for the Conclufion of this matter The Tefti(which I reckon to be of Great Concernment for monies of the true Church to be thorowly Inftructed to the forin;) I fhall bring forth the Teftimony of fome mer DoGodly men; of whom fome fhew how the Schools and Universities of Christians came firft to be Corrupted, to wit, by departing from the plain Matthias word of the Gofpel, and bringing in Philofophy: Antichri Parifienfis. And another foretels the Reformation of the fum omnes Schools of Chriftians again, to wit, by rejecting UniversitaPhilofophy again, and bringing in the word of ditorum colFaith. All which will ferve as a Confirmation of legia feduxwhat hath been already spoken. Mathias Parifienfis a Bohemian by Nation, who ni doceant, lived about the year 1380. wrote a large Book gainst Antichrift, wherein he affirm, That chrift had feduced all Universities and Colledges Learned Men; fo that now they teach no fincere


ife, ita ut jamnihil fa

aut Chrifti

a-anis refe Anti-fua Doctriof ceant. Do-Illyric. Face

na prælu

Catal. Teft. Etrine, Veritas.

John Hus.
Sedurit An-

Etrine, neither give any true Light to Chriftians through their teaching; to wit, they being all corrupted through Philofophy, and having through that cor rupted all Divinity.

And John Hus, that Humble and Faithful Sertichriftus a Vant of Jefus Chrift, and Blessed Martyr, faith, Divina fa-That Antichrift hath feduced all Carnal Christi pientia, ple ans from Divine Wisdom, which is full of Salva

naSalute &

Spiritu San

o, ad pruentiam & fcientiam Hominum & Principum buju mundi : quam copiosit nimis vebemen er, dilitavit & authenticavit lucrofam Divitiarum is henerum in hoc feculo effecit, ut ita Divina Sapienta & Scientia efet negieña a Cosftianis, inveterata & obdu&a, & quafi vilu & inutilu ab iifdem reputata, &c Joh. Hus. Lib. de vita & Reg. Antichr. cap. 30.

"tion, and the Holy Spirit, to the Wisdom and "Science of Men, and of the Princes of this "World, which (Wisdom and Science) he hath "exceedingly inlarged and increased, and made "Authentical, and very gainful of Riches and "Honours in this World; that fo by this means, "Divine Wisdom and Science might be neglected "of Chriftians, and grow old, and be covered "over, and be accounted as Vile and Unprofi"table by them; And, that only That, which "is High with Men (to wit, Humane Learning) ་་ might be reckoned Glorious and Excellent, and "of great Authority with Chriftian People.

The fame Hus faith, "That this Humane Learning, Wisdom and Knowledge, Antichrift "doth perfectly fubject to Himself, and His Ser"vice, He being more Mighty and Subtil through "the Operation of Satan, than all worldly Men, "whom with all their Learning, Difciplines, and "Abilities, he ftrongly fubjugates to Himfelf, "and doth especially ferve Himfelf of thefe; wherefore faith Job, chap. 41. fub ipfo erunt radii folis, the Beams of the Sun fhall be under him, "that is, the Holy Scripture, and the chief Do

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"Яtors and Teachers of it; and He shall prepare
"Gold as Dirt, that is, he fhall have all the Wif
"dom and Learning of Men at his pleasure, and
"in great readincfs, and with much eafe fhall
"gain it to himself. And Antichrift by fuch Men
"(faith J. Hus) doth make his Body or Church
"ftrong against the Saints of God, and well fa-
"voured and Glorious, that it may appear very
"taking to the World, and may win in all Men
"to it, that are not taught of God, and renew-
"ed by his Spirit. And thus Antichrift ferves
"himfelf of all Learning and Learned men;
"whereas Divine Learning, and the Teaching of
"God, he could never in any measure fubject to
"himfelf, but is always difcovered, refifted and
"overcome by it.


Martin Luther faith, "That whofoever it was, Martin Lu "whether Alexander of Hales, or Thomas of "Aquine, who firft inftituted Universities; he "was a Star fallen from Heaven to Earth, who "received the Key of the bottomless Pit, and "opened it, and brought forth into the Church, "Philofophy, long ago dead and damned by the "Doctrine of the Apostles; and from the Smoak "of the Bottomless Pit, that is, Philofophy, came M. Luther "forth Locufts on the Earth; that is, faith he, Babylon. "Populus Univerfitatum, è Philofophia natus, the "People of the Universities, born and bred of "Philofophy, &c. thus Luther.

De Captie.

Abbas Joachim Calaber, who was long before Joachim these, and flourished about the year 1230. in his Calaber, Commentary on Jeremy the Prophet, speaks to this purpose: "That the Sixth Angel, menti"oned, Rev. 9. opens the Bottomlefs Pit, and "brings out Philofophy into the Church; "and out of the Smoak of this Doctrine Locusts "proceeded, and are spread over all the Church into every Fruitful place; and thefe Locufts,



he faith, are Scholaftici & Magiftri, qui nunc "facie tenus blandiuntur ut decipiant, nunc cauda "tenus feriunt ut fubvertant fimplices & incantos; "that is, the Locufts are Scholars and Masters, "(according to the Academical Degrees) who "fometimes flatter with their Countenances to de"ceive, and fometimes ftrike with their Tails, "that they may fubvert the Simple and Unadvi"fed. And to these Scholars and Masters, the "Ignorant and Common People refort; and they "open to them the old Cifterns of Heathenish

Learning and Difciplines, long ago stopt up by "the Doctrine of the Apostles; and thefe Cifterns "they open, by teaching Philofophy to the Peo

ple: But they fhut up the Living Fountain of "Saving Water, that is, the Word of Faith: "But the Spirit of the Lord (faith he) in the "following Prophets, whom the Lord fhall raise up, idola ftudiorum carnalium vifitabit, fhall vifit the Idols of Carnal Studies, maintained and "kept up by Secular Stipends.

Further he faith, "That as Antichrift brings "forth his Mark, which is, Philofophical Do"&trine in the Church of Chrift, and by this "Mark all his Teachers and People are known; "fo there fhall rise up against these, fuch as have "the Mark of Chrift, or the fign of Than in their "foreheads; that is, the Open and Manifest Do"&trine of Chrift Crucified. And as the Signs "of Mofes deftroyed the Signs of the Magicians, "fo fhall the Word or preaching of the Crofs, "destroy all Philofophical Doctrine, and Humane "and Secular Learning out of the Church. And then the Children, and Youth, and Men of all Ages, Sorts, and Conditions, fhall be taught no other Doctrine in the Church of Chrift, than that which is found in the Scriptures, even in the Writings of the Prophets and Apoftles; and that not according

according to any Humane and Philofophical Underftanding, but according to the Teaching and Mind of the Spirit. And God by all his true Servants, shall deftroy the Studies of Carnal Doctors, and Mafters in Divinity, and fhall diffipate all Secular and Philofophical Learning, by the word of Truth in their mouths. And fo fhall the Church be Reformed aright, when the Doctrine of Chrift only fhall be received and esteemed of, and shall live and flourish among Christians.

And thus as Antichrift hath laid afide the Scriptures, and all true Spiritual and Divine Learning out of his Schools and Universities,and hath brought into them, instead thereof, Philofophy and Humane Learning (and fo thefe Schools are moft unlike to the Schools of the Prophets) fo in due time, when God fhall undertake to Reform his Church, all this fort of Learning fhall be caft out again, as dirt and dung, and the plain word of the Gospel only fhall prevail and flourish among the Christian People; Which Time the Lord haften for his Elects Sake.


That they who have endeavoured to pull down Schools, 2.Error. have always been Men who were found Enemies to Religion; fo Julian the Apoftate fhut up the Doors of the Schools, because he would have all Religion to go



True it is, that they who fought the Subver- Answer. fion of the Chriftian Schools, wherein the Do&rine of the Gospel is purely taught without the Mixture of Philofophy and Heathenifm, they all have been, and are very Enemies to the true Religion: But they that feek to put down Heathenish Schools, and to erect Christian, or to reform the Schools of Heathen into Christian, or to remove Heathenifm out of Chriftian Schools, they


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