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be not (as they fpeak) a good Philofopher, and School-Divine. So that the Univerfity for its infide, is the felf-fame now, as it was in Wickliff, Hus, or Luthers time, being informed and poffeffed with the fame Heathenifh and Antichriftian Doctrine, now as then: Yea, many of the felf-fame outward and Antichriftian Forms and Follies ftill remain with them, more than with any other People in the Nation again; even to their Hoods, Caps, Scarlet Robes Doctoral Ring, Kifs, Gloves, their Doctoral Dinner and Mufick? neither could they ever yet to this day find in their hearts to lay afide their very Prevaricator, which is fome notable Varlet picked out of the University, and brought forth in the prefence of all the Heads, Students, Scholars, and all the great refort of Minifters and People, at their Publick Commencement, to make fhipwrack of Faith and a good Confcience before them all; and in open defiance of the Gofpel, which ftands in Faith and Love, to abufe, and deride, and jeer, and reproach all forts of Perfons, of all Ages, Sexes, Profeffions, and this prefently after their Divinity Ats, which is a Wickedness the very Heathen would be ashamed of, and which plainly declares what kind of Divinity is taught and learned in the Univerfuy, which can endure, allow, countenance, and be merry at that, which fo highly contradicts Gods Word, and grieves his Holy Spirit; yet because it makes them merry after a full Dinner, and puts more joy into their Hearts, than the Holy Scriptures, they could hitherto difpenfe withal, to this day.

0 And fo however Religion for the Outward Form, hath been much Reformed in these Nations, yet the Universities as the ftrongest Holds which Antichrift hath had amongst us, have ftill remained much what the fame, not only as to the Inward Subftance of all things, to wit, their StaNA 2

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tutes, Philofophy, and Divinity, but also in a great measure to their Outward Forms, as they were into their first Antichriftian Inftitution.


Wherefore it was neceflary alfo, that I fhould o be plain and free for Chrifts fake, and his Churches, to against these (as Luther calls them) Stews of Antichrift, and Dens of Thieves, who have been, and ftill are the conftant and fruitful Seed of Antichrifts Kingdom in the World, out of which it t might fuddenly on all occafions and opportuni- " ties grow up afresh, how greatly foever it had been before wafted and deftroyed among the People, by the clear Word of God, and his mighty Pre vidences and Works accompanying it.

Now as it was neceffary this Work fhould be done, fo through the Grace of Chrift, was I made willing to do it, feeing nobody else more fit and able did appear. And well knowing, that be that provokes the Universities and Clergy againft him, provokes Principalities and Powers, and the Rulers of the Darkness of this world against him; as is evident in the Example of Wickliff,Hus, Luther, T dal,and others; I have therefore according to Chris Counsel, fate down and counted the cost of this Undertaking, and after all do fay, the Lord is on my fide, I will not fear what man can do unto me. And fo I commit thee Chriftian Reader, to that Grace which is from God, to keep thee in this new bour of Temptation, if the Lord fuffer it to come forth upon the Earth.

4. Again, if any fhall Object in reading this Reply, that I my felf make use of Humane Learning, whilst I speak against it.

I Answer, what part of Philofophy is here made ufe of? or who of the Heathens are here quoted? I have chiefly made ufe of the Teftimony of fome faithful Chriftians, who have lived in feveral ages, and yet have all witneffed by the fame Spirit, the


fame Truth. And it is no more Humane Learning to quote Believers in the Church fince Chrift, than to quote the Patriarchs and Prophets before Chrift, or the Apostles and Evangelifts which immediately followed him.

5. And laft of all. If any fay, I my felf relate to Object. the University, why then do I fpeak against it thus?

I answer, that I neither do, nor will relate to Answer. the University, as it is polluted with any of the abominations herein mentioned: But as by the Providence of God alone, I have been brought to that Relation in which I now stand, and continue in it, against the Wills and Workings of many; fo thro' his good Pleasure I will remain, till he fhall otherwife difpofe of Me; and during my Sojourning with them, I will not fail to teftifie against their evil, and to endeavour to win all thofe, whom God fhall perfwade to receive his Truth, from Heathenifm to the Gospel, and from Antichrift to Chrift.

Wherefore let none be offended that I am made willing to hazard and part with my Worldly Accommodations for Chrifts Names fake; but let them rather praise the Grace of God, which hath enabled me to witness a good Confeffion, what ever Worldly Difadvantage I might run into thereby. Wherefore, Welcome the Righteousness, Power, Wildom, Truth, Word, and whole Kingdom of Chrift, though they fwallow up all my Earthly Accommodations: For fuch Fear and Love of his Name, hath the Lord graciously put into my Heart, that I would not willingly conceal any thing of his moft precious Truth, either to gain or to preferve to my felf the whole World. And fo, Righteous Father, not my will be done, nor theirs, but Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven.

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The Rehearsal of





Mr. Sydrach Simpfons Errors.


For Sions fake I will not bold my peace, and for
Ferufalems fake I will not reft, until the
Righteoufnefs thereof go forth as brightness,
and the Salvation thereof as a Lamp iba


R. Sydrach Simpfon at the Commencement, Anno 1653. Preaching to the Univer fuy Congregation in Cambridge, and to many others, especially Minifters there gathered together at that time, from feveral parts of the Nation, among other things, he let fall in that Difcourfe of his, thefe Grofs and Antichriftias Errors.

The Rehearsal of the Errors.

the Brrors. 1. He brought in that Scripture, 2 King. 6. ver, 1, 2. which was his Text; the words whereof are thefe: And the Sons of the Prophets faid unto Elifba, Bhold now the Place where we dwell with thee, is too Arait for us; let us go we pray thee unto Jordan, and Take thence every man a beam, and let us make ma Place where we may dwell: and be answered, Goyo. This Scripture he used to prove the Lawfulness and Religioufnefs of the prefent Universities, and the fefulness and Neceffity of Humane Learning to the







Church and Miniftry of the New Teftament. And what the Scripture fpeaks of thofe Shools, he brought to countenance, encourage and juftifie thefe; adding, that if it were objected, That that was the Old Teftament: He did anfwer, That the Old and the New were not diftinct Teftaments, but Administrations; thereby holding forth, that the Uni❤ verfities now, are anfwerable to the Schools of the Prophets that were then; and that the Universities are as agreeable to the New Teftament, as the Schools of the Prophets to the Old.

2. That They who have endeavoured to pull down Schools, have always been Men who were found Enemies to Religion. So Julian the Apoftate shut up the doors of the Schools, because he would have all Religi on to go down.

3. That the knowledge of Heavenly things cannot come to us but by things on Earth, and that all Divinity is fwadled in Humane Learning.

4. That Paul was brought up at the feet of Gaamaliel, and that God took him fo fitted, and made bim an able Minifter of his Church.

5. That mens hatred to God, doth as well appear in their hatred to Humane Learning, as if they hated the Scriptures.

6. That if the Spirit teach without Means, men may as well be without the Ordinances, as without the Universities and Humane Learning.

7. That men now are not to receive the Spirit, in that immediate way to understand the Scriptures, in which it was given to them who wrote the Scrip


8. That men now are to get Knowledge by Studies and Humane Learning, and not by Infpiration.

9. That Humane Learning is as the Out-works 10 the Fort of the Gospel, and as the outer Court to the Temple of the Gospel; and so, if you will keep the Fort well, you must keep the Ontworks ftrang ; and if Nn4

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