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provides the Representatives with needed documents, books, stationery, &c., delivers messages for members and officers, keeps in order the office of the R. W. Grand Secretary, and executes his orders. For these services the Grand Lodge pays him a suitable salary.

2. The R. W. GRAND CHAPLAIN opens and closes the Grand Lodge with prayer to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.

3. The R. W. GRAND GUARDIAN guards the door of the Grand Lodge-room, proves every brother before admission, prevents the entrance of persons not duly qualified, and permits none to retire without the P. W.

4. The R. W. GRAND MARSHAL marshals the Grand Lodge of the United States in processions and visitations, and makes all necessary arrangements for the comfort and accommodation of visitors and members.

5. R. W. DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND SIRES act for the Grand Sire, and by his direction execute the laws. and mandates of the Grand Lodge of the United States in their respective Districts. They are agents of the Grand Lodge under the instructions of the Grand Sire, and are to obey his instructions in all he is commanded to perform for the good of the Order. They are agents also of the Grand Secretary, and are to obey his special instructions in matters pertaining to his office. Each has general supervision in his District over all Subordinates working under charters granted by the Grand Lodge of the United States. They are not to interfere with the State Grand Lodges or Encampments, and must report their acts and doings semiannually to the Grand Sire.

A D. D. G. Sire must be in good standing in his Subordinate Lodge and Encampment, have attained the rank of P. G. and the degree of R. P., and, in States

where there is a Grand Encampment, he must also be a member of the same.

§ 4. Elective Officers.

These are the Most Worthy Grand Sire, the R. W. Deputy Grand Sire, R. W. Grand Recording Secretary, R. W. Grand Corresponding Secretary, and R. W. Grand Treasurer, who are elected biennially, (except the G. C. Secretary, who serves during the pleasure of the Grand Lodge,) and are installed at the stated meeting of the succeeding year, except in elections to fill vacancies. The elections take place on the second day of the annual session, commencing with that of Grand Sire, and a majority of all the votes cast (counting blank ballots) is necessary to a choice.

1. The R. W. GRAND TREASURER shall keep the moneys of the Grand Lodge, pay all orders drawn on him by the Grand Sire, attested by the Grand Secretary under seal of the Grand Lodge. He shall lay before the Grand Lodge, at its annual meeting, a full and correct statement of his accounts.

2. The R. W. GRAND CORRESPONDING SECRETARY shall carry on the correspondence of the Grand Lodge, under its direction or that of the Grand Sire, and lay a Report and abstract of the same before the Grand Lodge at its annual session. He shall perform such other duties appertaining to his office as may be required by the Grand Lodge, and pay over to the G. Recording Secretary all moneys paid him for the Grand Lodge.

3. The R. W. GRAND RECORDING SECRETARY, in addition to the duties usual to the office of Grand Secretaries generally, shall report to the Grand Lodge, at each annual communication, a tabular abstract of the

returns received from the several Grand and Subordi. nate Bodies under jurisdiction, and a statement of those which have failed to report; and he shall distribute, as soon as possible, copies of the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, to each member one copy; to each Subordinate under immediate jurisdiction, one copy; and to each Grand Body twice as many copies as it has Subordinates in jurisdiction. He is authorized to print two hundred copies of his annual report for the use of members at the annual session. And he must give bond in the sum of two thousand dollars, to be approved by the Grand Sire, for the faithful discharge of his duties; and he receives a stated salary for their performance.

NOTE. The combined duties of both Secretaryships have been, and yet are discharged by J. L. Ridgely, Esq., of Baltimore, to whose efficiency and zeal the Order is much indebted for its success and prosperity for many years past.

4. The R. W. DEPUTY GRAND SIRE opens and closes all meetings of the Grand Lodge; examines the Representatives as to their qualifications previous to taking their seats, and reports to the Grand Sire; supports the Grand Sire by his advice and assistance, and presides in his absence; and in case of the death, disqualification, or refusal to serve of that officer, he performs his duties until the next stated meeting.

5. The M. W. GRAND SIRE, in addition to the duties common to the chief executive and presiding officer of a Grand Body, selects and forwards by the Grand Representatives, or other safe agencies, the A. T. P. W. to all parties entitled to it, so that the same shall go into operation on the first day of January in each year. He is authorized to fill vacancies in the Grand Offices,

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6. The PAST GRAND SIRES are not officers of the Grand Lodge of the United States, but are entitled to seats therein during life, though not permitted to vote, and only allowed to speak in its sessions by express permission.

§ 5. Regalia and Jewels.

"REGALIA for Grand Representatives shall be a collar of purple velvet, not more than four inches in width, with a roll of scarlet velvet on the upper edge, around the neck. The trimmings to be of yellow metal; the collar to be united in front with three links, from which may be suspended such medal or medals as the member may be entitled to wear.

"P. G. Representatives, and the Officers and Past Officers of the Grand Lodge of the United States, to wear the regalia above described.

"The JEWEL of the Grand Sire, and Past Grand Sire, shall be a medal three inches in diameter, of yellow metal, on one side of which shall be the coat-ofarms of the United States, surrounded by an ornament edging of silver.

"Representatives and Past Representatives shall be entitled to wear medals of the size and style above, with the coat-of-arms of the State represented."—Digest, p. 74; By-Laws of G. L. U. S., Article 25.



In this Chapter we propose to consider a few items which could not well be included in any of the foregoing; and to place in a connected view some which were necessarily presented in a disconnected form in the preceding portions of the Manual.

§ 1. Diplomas and Cards.

These can be lawfully issued only by the Grand Lodge of the United States. Wherefore all engraved Certificates of membership, designed to supersede or occupy the place of the Diploma of said Grand Lodge, are unauthorized, and it is illegal for any officer of our Lodges or Encampments to sign the same, or affix thereto the seal of the body of which he is a member. So, also, all cards not emanating from the Grand Lodge of the United States, and signed by its Grand Secretary, are illegal and void. In times of trouble, for greater security, some Grand Lodges and Grand Encampments have ordered them to be countersigned by their Grand Secretary or Grand Scribe.

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