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Indeed I was very much to blame to have. these cruel, and unjust suspicions, and mus freely own wronged the poor creature very much, who was of a quite contrary temper." And had he had that discerning acuteness which many Europeans have, he would cer tainly have perceived my coldness and indif ference, and also have been very much concerned upon that account.

As we were walking up the same hillanother day, when the weather was so hazy at sea, that I could not perceive the continent; Friday, said I, don't you wish yourself to be in your own country, among your old friends and acquaintances? Yes, said he, me much glad to be at my own nation. And what would you do there Friday? Would you turn wild again, cat man's flesh and be savage as you were formerly? No. ho, (answered he, full of concern, and shaking his head) Friday now tell them to live good, tell them pray God, tell them to eat corn, bread, cattle, flesh, milk, no eat man again. But surely, replied I, if you should offer to do all this, they will kill you; and to manifest their contempt of such instruction, eat you up when they have done. He then put on a grave, yet innocent and smooth countenance, saying, No, they no kill me, they willing love learn: that is, that they would be very willing to learn: adding withall, that they had learned very much of the bear deil Will you, suid I, go back again, Friday? Ho

Man's that came in the boat.

smiled at that, and told me that he could not swim so far. But said I, I will make a canoe for you: Yes master, said he, me go if you go, me no go if you stay, I go, Friday! : why would you have them eat me up, and devour your kind master? No, no, said he, me make them no eat master, and me make them much love you; that is, he would tell them how I had slain his enemies, and thereby saved his life, for which reason he would make them love me; and then he related to me, as well as he was able, how exceedingly kind those of his nation were to the white or bearded men, as he called them, who in their great calamity, were drven into their country.

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It was from this time, indeed, I had strong inclinations to venture over, and use my utmost efforts, if possible, to join with these white bearded men, who undoubtedly were Spaniards or Portuguese; for, thought I, it must be certainly a better and safer way, to escape when there is a good company, than for me alone, from an island forty miles off the shore, and without any assistance, Some days after, Friday and I being at work, as usual, at the same time diverting ourselves with various discourses, I told him I had a boat which I would bestow upon him, whenever he pleased to return to his own nation; and to convince him of the truth of what I said, I took him with me to the other side of the island, where my frigate lay, and then taking it from under water (for I always kept it

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sunk for fear of a discovery) we both went into it to see how it would manage such an expedition.

And really never could any one be more dexterous in rowing than my faithful servant, making the boat go as fast again as I could. Well, now, Friday, said I, shall we now go to your much desired nation? But, instead of meeting with that cheerfulness I expected, he' looked very dull and melancholy at my saying so; which indeed at first surprised me, till he made me sensible, that his concern was about the boat's being too small to go so far a voyage. Upon which, I let him understand I had a much bigger; and, accordingly the next day went to the place, where the first boat lay, which I had made, when all the strength I had, or art I could use, failed me in my attempt to get it into the water: but now it having lain in the sun two and twenty years, and no care being taken of it all that while, it became in a manner rotten. My man told me, that such a boat would do very well for the purpose, sufficient to carry enough vittle, dring, bread, for that was his manner of talking. In short, my mind being strongly fixed upon my design of going over with him to the conti nent, I very plainly told him, that we would both go and make a boat full as big, and more proportionable than that, wherein he might safely return to his own nation: for it occurred to me, that most probably his great wish for a larger boat was altogether selfish, and that

provided he could himself return to his own country, he cared but little what became of me. Go your way, added I, since you desire it, and leave me alone by myself, as I was beforeI saved your life.

Never was any creature more thunderstruck than Friday was at these words: Go me away,! leave master away, said he, after a long silence, no, no, Friday die, Friday live not master gone; as though he had said, I neither can nor will live, if my master sends me from him. Friday felt towards me the greatest gratitude, and the most sincere love; he found me not only his deliverer, but his preserver and comforter; not a severe and cruel tyrant, but a kind, loving, and affable friend. He wanted for no, manner of sustenance; and when he was ill, or out of order, I was his physician, not only for his body, but his soul and therefore no wonder was it, that such an innocent creature, long since divested of his former natural cruelty, should have an uncommon concern at so cruel. a separation from me, which pierced him to the very soul, and made him desire even to die, rather than live without me.

After I had told Friday, in a very careless manner, that he should be at his liberty as soon as the boat was made, the language of his eyes expressed all imaginable confusion; when, immediately running to one of his hatchets, which he used to wear as a defensive weapon, he gives it into my hand, with a heart so full, that he could scarcely speak. Friday,.

said I, what is it you mean? What must I do with this? Only kill Friday, said he, Friday care not live long. But what must I kill you for, replied I again. Ah, dear master, what made you Friday save from eat à me up, so keep long Friday, make Friday love God, and now Friday send away, never see Friday more. And while he spoke thus, the tears ran down his cheeks in such a plentiful manner, that I had much ado to refrain from weeping also, when I beheld the poor creature's affection: so that I was forced to comfort him in the best manner I could, which I did, by telling him, if he was content to abide with me, I should be ever willing to keep him.

After Friday's grief was somewhat abated, more fully to convince me of his affection, he said, Omaster, me not care to be in my nation leave you here, me desire nation learn good, that's all; meaning that his desire was for the conversion of that barbarous people; and that he wished me to go with him. And indeed, I began to desire to go also, from my late discourse with Friday about these seventeen white bearded men, that had been driven upon the Barbarian coast; whom I designed to join, as the only means to further our escape. which intent, my man and I went to search for a proper tree to fell, whereof we might make a perigua or canoe, to undertake the voyage; and, indeed, we were not long in finding one fit for our purpose, there being enough of wood in the island to have built a fleet of large


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