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transient is the excitement of by nature, and distinguished by

circumstances, with no other claim to respect, the excitement of party which upheld them having subsided, both would have sunk into unhonoured graves. presAnd

party. Thus readily does time
correct the decisions of passion.
It is to me, evident, that to teach
us this lesson is one of the designs
of Divine Providence in the
ent dispensation. In it, I hear
the voice of God calling upon the
citizens of this country to bury in
this common grave every vestige
of party animosity, and to treas-ating.
ure up the instruction of this day's
recollections for the benefit of
succeeding ages.

2. The events which we have noticed teach us the utter worthlessness of party distinctions.

These venerable men were once, as we have remarked, the leaders of two opposite political parties. Each held as uncontrolled a sway over the movements of his adherents, and each was as worthy of that rank as any men who have ever been thus elevated. But now that the excitement of party has subsided, who considers this as adding one iota to their well earned reputation? Who records this upon the catalogue of their glories? Of all the millions who have mourned their deaths and honoured their memories, who is there that has thought or has cared which was the federalist and which was the republican? We see every where a disposition universal, as it is honourable, to pass over this question in silence, and to consider these events as accidents, which, though they could not be avoided, are not now to be remembered. This silence teaches us, that at this moment, we consider their party elevation as forming the shade, rather than the light upon the picture of their history. We do not so readily forget what is illustrious in the memory of the beloved dead.

You cannot then but perceive, that in the deliberate opinion of their fellow citizens, party eminence adds nothing to their reputation. No, great as they were

thus must it be always. Party distinction must, of necessity, be as evanescent as the excitement from which it arises is fluctu


It must always be the sport of circumstances, beyond the foresight and out of the control of any being but the Omniscient and Almighty God. man who yesterday rode upon the curling crest of its topmost wave, is to day descending to the abyss, and it is well if he be not to-morrow cast off the helpless and pitiable victim of misguided ambition.

3. We are taught by these events the true basis of political reputation.


The meteor glare which once shone upon the names of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson is extinguished, but these names are yet resplendent with glory. one thinks of them as politicians, and yet they are remembered, and will be remembered forever. They lived for their country, and although they were by accident the leaders of party, they loved not their party, but their country. They conferred substantial benefits upon man, and man will never forget them. On this adamantine basis rests their hope of earthly immortality.


A momentary popularity may confer evanescent distinction, or it may conduct to elevated office, but it cannot work impossibilities. It cannot make falsehood fact, nor turn the truth into a lie. cannot make the man who has not sought his country's good his country's benefactor. And let us all remember that history will in quire, nay, the deliberate judg ment of our own age will inquire, not what a man has said, but what he has done; and the meed of


aise will be awarded to him || praise-worthy, or wrong, accordone who has done worthily. ing to the circumstances of the Here then, we pray you, ye particular case. But this quesmen of the world, learn a lesson tion decided, we beg leave to of wisdom. Ye would be num- say, that a christian has no right bered among your country's bene-any where or under any circumfactors, be then what ye profess to stances to be any thing else than be, the benefactors of your couna christian. He must ask about try. Ye inveigh continually a political as well as any other against hypocrisy in religion, and act, the question, Is it right or in this we cordially join with you. wrong-and by the answer But tell us, can any hypocrisy that question must he be guidbe more disgusting than that ed. It is just as wicked to lie which is ringing perpetual changes about politics as to lie about meron the sacred names of country, chandise. It is just as immoral and principles, and freedom, and to act without reference to the patriotism, when every reflecting law of God at a caucus as any man knows that ye believe not the where else. To prefer our own one half of what ye utter, and are interests or the interests of party only promoting the interests of a to that of our country is treason particular party, or grasping at against that country, and sin the emoluments of an ardently de- against God. And it makes no sired office. matter whether that treason be And here permit me to remark, perpetrated with a ballot or a baythat unless I have utterly mis-onet, at the caucus or in the field. judged, a laxity of sentiment is liable to prevail to a most alarming degree upon this very important subject. It seems now almost taken for granted, that a man who takes any share in political arrangements must, under all circumstances, act with his party, let them act right or wrong. Forswearing at the outset allegiance to conscience and to common sense, he must obey his political leader, let him commend what he will, and applaud or decry a citizen in office or


candidate for office, not on account of his merits or demerits, but because he is or is not numbered with the adherents to a particular name. And what is worse than all, I fear that there are not wanting professors of the religion of Jesus Christ to whom these remarks do in simple truth apply.

Now, whether a christian may or may not be a politician, I have no question whatever to raise. It must be left to his own conscience and to the providence of God, and may be innocent, or

And still more, no man can more surely be putting an end to his religion, than by frequenting any circle which he must enter without his religion.

That man may

yet find himself in eternity without his religion, and it may not be there quite so easy as it is on earth to resume it. "There, is no shuffling." "Whosoever denieth me before men, him will I deny beforemy Father which is in heaven."

4. I remark, in the last place, that the lives which we have contemplated, will furnish to religious men a pleasing illustration of the nature of faith.

Faith, we have often told you, is that which brings the future to bear upon the present, with all the power of a visible reality. It is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen. It was by political faith, that these illustrious men, and their no less illustrious associates, overcame. I can illustrate this in no manner so well, as by an extract from a letter written by one of them on the fifth of July, 1776,

loose from the fetters which surround you, to set your affections on things above, and not on things on the earth. The crown of eternal life is promised unto him that overcometh. The retribution of a happy or a lost immortality are set before you, and Jesus Christ hath said, Unless a man deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me, he cannot be my disciple. Such, my hearers, is the condition of our being. God hath ordained that the future can only be obtained by a contempt of the present; nay, more, the present can only be enjoyed by living for the future.

the day after the signature of the declaration of Independence. "Yesterday the greatest question was decided which was ever debated in America, that these United States are and ought to be free and independent. The 4th of July will be a memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great American festival. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is The great question of this short worth more than all the means, life, then is, whether we will live and that posterity will triumph, al- by faith or by sight, for this life or though you and I may rue it, which the next, for time or for eternity. I hope we shall not. Now it was The difference of result in either precisely by this noble disdain of case, is precisely similar to that the present and the visible, and by which we have noticed when the yet more noble, acting for the speaking of political faith. He invisible and the future, that our who lives for the world that now fathers achieved the independence is, loses the approbation of the of their country, and surrounded heart-searching God, and his end their names with imperishable is shame and everlasting contempt. glory. And on the contrary, the men who on that trying hour acted only for the present and the visible, lost even the too well beloved object of their base born idolatry, and have consigned their names to merited and enduring contempt.

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We all duly appreciate the victories achieved by political faith. We all can estimate the glory of anticipating the events of a coming half century. Tell me then how much more glorious is it to anticipate the events of a coming eternity? It is to this that the gospel exhorts us. Too many of you are at this moment under a bondage more galling than the yoke of political oppression. The visible and tangible world engrosses all your cares and occupies all your affections. In the mean time eternity is forgotten, and ye are living utterly reckless of your weal or wo beyond the grave. The voice of God is calling you to break

He who, at the present, denies himself ungodliness and worldly lusts, and lives soberly, righteously, and godly, enjoys while here, the peace which passeth all understanding, and is crowned at the last, with glory, honour, and immortality. To this choice every one of you is called; and let me tell you, every one of you is, of necessity, making it. You contemplate with wonder the mighty interests which were suspended on that moment which decided this nation's independence. each one of you is called to a graver and more momentous decision. It is not, whether the sojourners on earth shall for a few years govern or be governed, but whether immortal beings, and those beings yourselves, shall suffer or enjoy throughout the long, long ages of an infinite eternity.


I have spoken of the glories of patriotism and of the honours be

stowed by an approving country. || bending before me in grateful adBut here it is my duty to tell you miration of patriotick service, that the record of the patriot is much as I might prize her tribute written upon a world that shall be before every thing earthly, I burned up. The praise of man would turn away from the overbreaks not the silence of the whelming spectacle, and renouncgrave, nor is it heard in that ing every claim to merit, would region which is beyond it. The draw near to the throne of the only freedom celebrated there, is Holy One of Israel with the prevthe freedom from sin. The song alent plea of the self-condemned which is sung by the multitude publican, "God, be merciful to which no man can number, is unto me a sinner." Let us then by Him that hath loved us, and faith anticipate that solemn half washed us in his own blood, and hour, and the judgment day that is made us kings and priests unto God. beyond it, and whilst we labour Better were it then, and therefore, without ceasing for the welfare of better is it now, that the tear of the country which is our dwelling penitence gathered in your eye,place for the night, fix our eye than that the plaudits of a stedfastly on the morning of the world should burst upon your ear.resurrection, and look for a city And at the last half hour of my which hath foundations, whose life, were the country that I love builder and maker is God. Amen.


ON COMPLIMENTARY EXPRESSIONS | idence, that a more correct taste




is making its way into the christian community.

Will you allow me, Messrs. Editors, to offer a few remarks on IN your Magazine for November another evil, which somewhat prelast, there is a communication on vails, and which is not less offenthe subject of praising ministers. sive to good taste, than it is to The great impropriety, and mani-christian piety. I refer to the fest evil tendency of that practice, usage, when there is more than are, I think there, justly describ- one minister in the pulpit, of conMost cordially approving the verting the last prayer into a comsentiments contained in that Es-plimentary address on the talents say, I have watched with some and zeal of the speaker. It is solicitude for proofs of its good quite too common, in this part of effects. If not greatly mistaken, worship, for brother ministers to I have already seen them. express themselves in the followhave not so many pompous ac- ing words. "We thank thee, O counts of ministerial services. God, for the interesting, approThe language of unmeasured priate, and excellent discourse praise is not dealt out so freely in which thy servant has delivered." relation to every ordination, ded- Sometimes thanks are given that ication, or missionary sermon that "such a burning and shining light is preached. This is as it should has been raised up," with the pebe. It exhibits the gratifying ev- tition, "that he may shine with

SEPT. 1826.

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increasing lustre as he advances | there were so few expressions of approbation.

It is time that we have done with all this. The object of a short address to the throne of

in years; and that his sun may be largest at its setting." The terms pathetick, solemn, judicious, able, eloquent, are in frequent use. Applause is occasionally adminis-grace, at the close of a sermon, tered with a little more delicacy, by informing the Lord how agreeably the people have been entertained."


should be, not to eulogize the speaker, but to supplicate the blessing of Almighty God, on what, at best, has been spoken in This very questionable prac- much weakness. Instead of ditice has indeed become so com-rectly or indirectly applauding mon, that the last prayer is look-the preacher, the earnest desire of ed upon as a kind of thermome- the person who conducts the closter, by which the congregation is ing devotion, should be, that the to ascertain the degree of indif- gospel of Christ which has been ference, approbation, or astonish-dispensed may be the power of ment, which marks the feelings of him, at least, who offers it. And should a minister dare to be singular by rising superior to this folly; should he feel a contempt for it, as altogether inconsistent with the simplicity and humility which Much more might be said why should always characterize christ- this practice, so far as it has exian worship, it is more than prob-isted, should cease. To flatter able that his motives will be misjudged. It will be decided at once, that his feelings towards the preacher are below the freezing point.

God unto salvation to those who have just heard it; and that they may leave the place, not so much in admiration of the preacher, as in a deep and humble conviction of their own utter worthlessness.

the vanity and pride of man in any religious service is very improper. But it is peculiarly so to do it in prayer. Were I officiating as a minister in the presence Nor are its evil effects by any of the most august assembly in means confined to hearers. While the world, I would not on any acthey are listening with anxiety, count speak of them in prayer, as not indeed, to hear "the fervent a respectable, talented, or digni and effectual prayer," but the opin-fied body of men. In the interion which may be given of their fa- course of life I would show the vourite preacher, he himself is in individuals composing this assemdanger of being lifted up with bly, all the respect due to their pride by ill-timed encomiums; or worth, office, and talents ; but of being mortified by supposed when presenting them before God, neglect. Ministers have been I could only speak of them as accustomed so long to this kind of creatures dependent upon him; compliment, that they naturally as men holding responsible stalook for it, especially if they have tions, but who can do nothing pronounced discourses which have without a divine blessing; or as cost them considerable labour. sinners, who like all others can What is the consequence? Why, have no hope of salvation except if they do not receive the usual through the mercy of God in our quantum sufficit of praise; and Lord Jesus Christ. Neither should especially if they receive none atI dare while in the attitude of an all, they feel disappointed. humble suppliant to give glory to will be well if there be no whis- a minister, whatever might be his perings, no jealousies, no private eminence. To use flattering exinquiries, why, in the last prayer, pressions in relation either to his


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