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forces, has released upwards of 180 from chains, since the first of October, which has added greatly to our strength. If the coloured people of Virginia do not think proper to come out, the Lord will bring help to the colony from some other quarter, for these re-captives are ready to fight as hard for the protection of the colony, as|| any of the rest of the inhabitants. I mention these circumstances that you may look through them to the time foretold in prophecy; i. e. Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. We have very few meetings but that some of the

native born sons of Ham are present, and they begin to learn to read and sing the praises of God. I should think that among your large population of coloured people, that if the love of themselves did not bring them out, the love of God would, for here is a wide and extensive missionary field.

Please let the

My respects to all. coloured brethren in your church hear this letter read. Farewell.

Very respectfully, yours, in the bond of christian affection.




individuals, of their willingness to renew their subscriptions.

The Board of the Education Society in FROM the ninth report of this Society, that city, which have for several years read at their late annual meeting in united their efforts with this Society Hamilton, Madison County, it appears past in support of but one institution, have the whole number of scholars, now in the taken the subject of the proposed building Seminary at that place is 42; 30 of whom under consideration, and transmitted are more or less aided by the funds. results highly favourable to the object. Seven of the whole number are Indians They have it in contemplation to make from the Carey station, whose expenses are arrangements for sustaining a part of the assumed by the Baptist Board of Foreign expenses, and also for perpetuating their Missions, in connexion with appropria-generous support to the School. tions from general government.

A class of sixteen students have just completed their course of studies, and are about to enter the field of public labour. The whole number who have completed their education and gone out from the Seminary since its establishment, is 58. A stone building is in a state of forwardness; it is to be 100 feet long and 60 wide, four stories high, containing thirty-six rooms for study and nearly as many for lodging, together with a large chapel, a room for a philosophical appa. ratus, and large convenient rooms for recitations. Another stone building is to be erected, for a boarding house, 48 feet long and 34 wide, two stories high from the foundation, making a cellar of one half of the basement story, and a kitchen of the other; the upper story to contain a large dining hall, and other convenient rooms for a family: the whole to be done the present year, for $950. The Society also own a farm of 123 acres, lying near the Seminary, valued at $4,000.

The Education Society in Connecticut continue to sustain their friendly relations to this institution. They annually send to it their students and their aid; and about three hundred dollars have recently been contributed from that quarter towards the building, and about a hundred to be applied to the expenses of the school, together with some articles of clothing.


THE Convention of the Baptist Denom ination of the State of Ohio, commenced its session in Zanesville, on Monday, the 22d of May last, and continued by adjournments until Wednesday evening, when it adjourned until the 4th Monday in May next, to meet again in Zanesville. Unanimity of sentiment prevailed among the delegates composing the Convention; and each one seemed willing to sacrifice There were seventeen temporary his private interest for the public good. scholarships obtained in the city of New-A desire to spread the Gospel in that York and vicinity, for the term of three State seemed the only wish by which years, which terminates with this anni- every member was actuated. versary. The agent has visited that city, and received assurances from a number of AUGUST, 1826.

The introductory sermon was preached at 11 o'clock on Monday, by the Rev.


James M'Aboy, and divine service was performed in the Baptist Meeting-House, every evening during the session. The house was generally crowded, and the congregations unusually solemn. The ministers were much engaged in preaching, and private brethren in singing the songs of Zion-yea, all seemed to say 'It is good to be here.'

held at Dunstable, on Wednesday, the 14th June, at which time a sermon was delivered by the Rev. J. COOKSON, of Lowell, a collection taken in aid of its funds, and its ordinary business transacted. This Society has received during the three years of its existence, $240,57 cts.


The Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer both reside in Zanesville, where the Board will meet on the first Monday afternoon of every month, to transact the business of the Convention during its recess; and in the evening engage in prayer for the spread of the Gospel. The Board at its meeting on the follow-nesday, June 28, in the old Baptist Meeting Thursday, employed an agent, our highly esteemed brother Corbly Martin, to travel through the state, and advance

the best interest of the Convention.


Held its eighth anniversary on Wed

Rev. Wm. Taylor, of Sanbornton, deliving House in New London, when the ered a very interesting and important discourse from Gal. iii 10. "As we have therefore opportunity let us do good," &c. It will shortly be printed by request of the Society.

After the sermon, the Secretary's Report was read and accepted, as also the From the Annual Report of the Board Treasurer's Report, in moving and secof Managers it appears, that the work of onding the acceptance of which, several Domestic Missions has very specially oc- interesting addresses were delivered. A cupied the attention of this Society. resolution also passed, expressive of the Through its aid, a new Baptist Church, gratitude of the Society to Almighty God consisting of 22 members, was constitut- for the measure of success which attended April 13, 1826, in the city, and Eldered the labours of the Society, and its John C. Murphy, late a member of the missionaries the past year. After which Oliver-Street Church, has taken the pas- the Society was re-organized by choosing toral care of the new Church. They Rev. Otis Robinson, President; Ferdiworship at the Mission-House in Broome-nand Ellis, Vice-President; N. W. Wilstreet, Through the agency of this Soci- liams, Secretary; Wm. Cate, Treasurer; ety, the gospel has been preached occa- Wm. Taylor, Phineas Richardson, Michsionally in Newburgh and its vicinity; ael Carlton, Joseph Davis, John Atwood, in Cattskill, Volney, Richland, Vienna, and John B. Gibson, Trustees. Camden, Redfield, Fish Creek, Florence, Stockton, Westfield, Erie, Ashtabula, Kingsville, Randolph, N. Y. and in Cassawago, Penn. At Randolph, Crawford, co. between 20 and 30 have been added to the church withing a few months. Twenty-one had been previously baptized. The labours of Rev Mr. Tucker are mentioned as specially owned of the Lord. This Society maintains a very friendly intercourse and correspondence with the Baptist State Convention of New-York, and contributed $50 to its funds in the last year. The receipts of this Society, since the last annual meeting, were about $500, and its disbursements nearly the same amount. Rev. SPENCER H. CONE, the active pastor of the Olive-Street Baptist Church, is the Secretary.


Lately incorporated by the General Court, held its first meeting under charter, June 28th last, elected its officers, formed its by-laws, and received several sums of money for missionary and education purposes, with pleasing prospects of being useful to the cause of religion and learning. Joseph Colby, Esq. of New London, President; Rev. James Barnaby, of Deerfield, Secretary. The Rev. Dr. Bolles, Corresponding Secretary of the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United

MIDDLESEX BAPTIST MISSIONA- States, being present, delivered by re


The third anniversary of the Middlesex Baptist Missionary Society, (Mass.) was

quest an interesting sermon from 1 Cor. xv. 25. For he must reign, until all enemies are put under his feet.

REVIVALS OF RELIGION. I am happy to say that they remain



Sept. 19th, 1825.

A great revival of religion commenced here in April last. Many stout hearted sinners, many proud worldly men, have been made to feel their need of pardoning grace, and apparently bow to the sceptre of Immanuel. About 158 persons during the last four months, have united to the Baptist and Congregational Churches in this town, besides a small number with the Methodists, and others have experienced religion who have made no covenant profession.

steadfast in the faith. Yours, &c. JONATHAN BLAKE.

Rev. Daniel Sharp.


Sardinia, (Erie Co.) June 12, 1826. Forty-four have united with the Baptist Church, and appear established in truth generally; many of these are persons of the first respectability in town. Our meetings continue full on the Sabbath, so that we are obliged to make use of the grove for our chapel, to accommodate the people who attend. The Church now consists of between 80 and 90. They feel very anxious indeed, to have constant preaching, at least half the time, and under the existing circumstances of the Church and the state of society around, it is very important they should be so supplied. I think of these "few sheep in the wilderness," and intreat for them. I am now endeavouring to influence the minds of the people in favour of the Sabbath schools; we have a number which will soon be in operation; some already have commenced. It is a novel thing, in this place, but I hope we shall succeed to some good advantage; the greatest obstacle will be the want of Jsuitable books; some have no bibles and (no other books suitable for small children. Many families are so poor, they think

The religious excitement has now somewhat abated. But there is still a mighty and powerful spirit of prayer prevailing among many of the converts and old professors, and some cases of hopeful conversions have occurred every week. I believe that for 15 weeks past, the Baptist Church in this place, have been to the water side every Sabbath, besides once or twice on week days. May the Lord add to his people, be they ever so many, an hundred fold.



Stockton, (Chataugue Co.) N. Y. they are not able to own a bible. One
May 29th, 1826.

Rev. Sir,

I would inform you that I have been labouring as a missionary, since I wrote you last, and the Lord seems to have in

remembrance this wilderness. It buds

But as

man heard that I was coming to visit him, and he sent and borrowed a bible, for fear that I should find him without one.


should be glad could I get a few to dis-
Pray that I may be prudent and humble,
tribute among some who are really needy.
and directed in the path of duty.

Your much obliged servant and brother,




and blossoms as the rose, and we hope is
bringing forth fruit. At Cold Spring the
Lord has been pouring out his spirit.
Between thirty and forty persons have Rev. Daniel Sharp.
professed a hope in the mercy of God.
I felt it my duty, as there was no other
minister that could visit them, to pay
some attention to their case.
there was a Presbyterian Church, and a
Methodist Society, most of the converts
have joined them. Six have been bap-
tized and united with the Church. The
three little Churches which were gathered
in that vicinity are prosperous. Two of
them have about doubled in numbers,
since they were received to the fellow-
ship of our Churches the last year, and

"On the first Sabbath in this month, forty-four persons were received to the communion of the Baptist Church in this city; 34 of whom were baptized that morning, and ten the first Sabbath of May. In Beaufort, too, several additions have lately been made to the Baptist Church.



DIED, at Holmesburg, Penn. on Friday, May 26, 1826, Dea. THOMAS HOLME. Deacon Holme was born and brought up, on the place where he died. His parents were both members of the Baptist Church at Lower Dublin, sometimes called Pennypack. His mother was a daughter of the great Abel Morgan, who for some years served the two churches of Philadelphia and Lower Dublin. He made a profession of religion in the year 1786, and was baptized by the late Dr. Rogers, in the absence of Dr. Jones, who was then pastor of the Church. He was set a part to the office of a Deacon in the year 1806, and surely of him we may say, that he used the office of a Deacon well, and purchased to himself thereby, a good degree, and great bold-|| ness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. The following, among other traits in his character, are worthy of imitation.

same principle proceeded his punctuality
in attending in the house of the Lord. He
would be there in time,
The people,
between his house and the place of wor-
ship, a distance of about four miles, used
to say on a Lord's day morning, "It is
time for us to get ready, for there is
Deacon Holme's carriage going by."

He was a peace-maker. Many difficulties between individuals he has settled, and the church has known nothing of them. He was rigid in his adherence to "The Golden Rule," given by the King of Zion in case of individual offences, If thy brother shall trespass against thee, &c. If any one came to him with a complaint, which was often the case, his first question used to be, Have you been to him, and talked the matter over with him? If the answer was in the negative, he would say with emphasis, Go to him; I can do nothing for you till you go to him, and converse on the subject between yourselves. If there was any business, which involved more than ordinary responsibility, Deacon Holme was sure to be employed on the Committee. On such occasions he used to say, "Well, if the church says I must go, I will do the best I can." BlessCan-ed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God. Deacon Holme certainly bore this lineament of his Heavenly Father in a very eminent degree.

He was a plain man. Under this epithet, is intended to imply more than mere habit or manner of living, or wearing of apparel, though in these things also, he gave a good example; but here we mean to include the virtues of integrity, temperance, and uprightness. He seems to have been incapable of any thing like deception or disguise. dour and simplicity marked all his doings. As he was a plain man, he pursued a plain path.

He was a man of ardent piety. This indeed was evident in the whole tenor of his life. It was witnessed in his intercourse and dealings with his neighbours; in his promptitude and seriousness in reproving sin, and in his attention to family religion. It will be long remem bered with what satisfaction he told friend, that his sons, soon after they made a profession of religion, began to take a part with him in the devotions of the family. "Yes," said he, "if I am absent, family worship will be carried on." His piety appeared moreover in his manner of attending to every religious duty. If he prayed or heard, he seemed to do it with his might. It will be impossible for those who knew him to forget his seriousness and earnestness in hearing the word of life. He seemed to eat it. Whosoever was listless or inattentive, he was not; and the first symptoms of feeling and tenderness in the assembly, would be found in his heaving breast and weeping eye. He listened as if he would not lose a syllable. From the

Finally, he was given to hospitality. His house and his heart were always open to receive the passing stranger, and especially the servants of God, in whose company he enjoyed great satisfaction His piety as well as his hospitality invited them under his friendly roof. One instance of his liberality shall close this brief obituary. There was a young man by the name of William Fifefield, a total stranger to Mr. Holme until he became a member of the church which was about four years ago. He was an interesting youth, and many once thought that the Lord would have employed him in his vineyard; but an inscrutable providence has disappointed our expectations. About the commencement of the present year, William appeared evidently to be sinking, under the grasp of an inveterate pulmonary disease. Being "a stranger in a strange land," he was invited to the house of Deacon Holme, and there he found a home indeed. For some days it was doubtful which of the twe should

first have his dismission. In the event Her mind naturally intelligent was imhowever, the master of the house had the proved by education, to which she depreference, so as to be ready to welcome voted herself with ardour and assiduity. his guest to a better and more enduring|| She had been the subject of frequent rehabitation, an house not made with hands || ligious impressions and convictions. In eternal in the heavens. It was a most her 18th year, when a season of unusual affecting, instructive, and delightful duty excitement existed in the church, of to visit the chambers where these good which her parents were members,t she men met their fate," for they were "priv- was deeply affected, though for sometime ileged beyond the common walks of virtu- | she concealed her feelings. She was ous life." They seemed as if running a race, tempted to despair, in reflecting on her and although neither of them had any previous resolutions and impressions, raptures, yet each had a steady hope, which had been obliterated by the vaniwhich triumphed over the fear of death, ties of youth. A grove which had been and was full of immortality! One morn- a favourite scene of solitary musing, was ing the Deacon, hearing the family say now resorted to for earnest prayer. One something about William, thought he evening after being much engaged in this was dead. "Ah!" said he, " poor Wil- exercise, she returned from this retreat, liam is gone; well, you must give him a to her chamber in such agony, that her decent burial as if he was one of the involuntary exclamations called up her family." The young man, however, parents, who were apprehensive of sudsurvived his benefactor nearly two weeks, den illness; but found the cause of her but the dying parent's request was care- distress to be the burden of guilt. The fully complied with by the family. Their tempter suggested that her day of grace souls are again united in the same society, was gone. Her father prayed by her, and on more equal terms, where each and pleaded with such fervour the merits feels, that all the good he ever did or of the Redeemer, that she felt a degree ever received, should be ascribed to of hope and the day following, while engreat and sovereign grace." Their gaged in devotion at her usual place of bodies rest together in perfect equality, retirement, she experienced full deliverin the ancient cemetery belonging to the ance. The trees, the sky and earth, apchurch, until the mandate be given, peared to her full of God and expressive Gather ye my saints together unto me, of his love. A visible change of counthose who made a covenant with me by tenance now bespoke internal peace and a sacrifice. purified serenity; with which her temper and conduct harmonized. She felt not the extacy which some professed; but exhibited a living proof of the transforming power of grace. She delighted in religious conversation, and expatiated freely on the great things which God had done for her soul. She soon made a public profession of her faith by baptism. Not long after she was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Singleton. Her kind and gentle demeanour endeared her to him. Her domestic economy was exemplary. Her affection to her parents seemed to increase when she became herself a parent, and her visits to them were highly gratifying. In returning the fourth Sabbath of July, 1825, from an attendance on the Lord's supper, where she had been much elevated in religious affection, her child was taken very ill. After some days she removed it to her father's house, and there after constant watching and anxiety, was herself seized with fatal ill

The church of which these persons were members, has been greatly afflicted recently, having lost ten of its number by death, within eight months, among whom was their valuable brother Malachi Taylor. He was a humble, modest, unassuming person, but yet active and useful in no common degree. The loss is greater, in this case, as he was but in middle age, and might have been of much service to the church for many years to come. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Yet surely, we may utter the prayer of the ancient church. Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, and the faithful fail from among the children of men.


Another instance of an early and happy exit, is furnished in the decease of Mrs. CAROLINE SINGLETON, who died at Robertville, S. C. on the 4th of August, 1825, in her 20th year. She was the daughter of Mr. Lawton, the offspring of pious parents, and the descendant of progenitors eminent for piety.*

*Her grandfather, Joseph Lawton, was many years the useful and revered Deacon of the Church, at Black Swamp, Beaufort District: her maternal grandfather, Dr. George Mosse, formerly of the Euhaw Church, was long distinguished for enlightened devotion, liberality and zeal.

ness. At its commencement she felt a presentiment of death; lamented that she had not lived as much devoted to God as she ought; but expressed assurance of interest in his pardoning and redeeming love. Her malady affected her much with stupor, and occasionally with delirium ; so that for some days she spoke

†The church at Black Swamp, having its seat at Robertville,

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