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Paul Pry was there, running his nose into every one's business-I came upon the busy-body, sipping THERE is nothing which goes so far toward plaan ice with his satanick majesty, in a corner, who cing young people beyond the reach of poverty, as by-the-by, was the best mask in the assembly-economy in the arrangement of their domestick afa person of exquisite form in a suit of black, with red fairs. It is as much impossible to get a ship across claws, toes, and horns; a pair of wings, made of black the Atlantick, with half a dozen butts started, or as gauze, with red veins running through them, and in many bolt-holes in her bottom, as to conduct the constant motion, expanded from his shoulders, and a concerns of a family without economy. It matters most liberal length of tail, whose forked tip, he car- not whether a man furnish little or much for his ried very gallantly over his arm. His distended family, if there is a continual leakage in the kitchen, goggle-eyes disturbed many a tête-a-tête, as he or in the parlour, it runs away, he knows not how, thrust himself between, and broke a soft sentence, and that demon, waste, cries more, like the horseor tender sentiment. He was every where, and leach's daughter, until he that provides has no more always to play the devil. Even Brother Jonathan to give. It is the husband's duty to bring into the was among the medley, trying to drive a bargain. house, and it is the duty of the wife to see that nothFaust and Margaret appeared for a short time. I ing goes wrongly out of it; not the least article, recognised a young German student, that I knew, however unimportant in itself, for it establishes a and there was a painful resemblance, in the reality, precedent; nor under any pretence, for it opens the to the character assumed, that the sunny smile of his fair companion could not dissipate.

A short time previous to the carnival, some Piedmontese peasants exhibited through the streets of Rome, a pair of dancing bears, that performed their usual tricks to the great diversion of the crowd, that collected around them. A well-arranged skin, transformed some way into Bruin, was led about by a chain, and performed the feats of his rivals to perfection, not forgetting the usual finale of handing about his hat and receiving with bearish civility the coppers that he thrust into his huge mouth, which served him for a pocket. But to record half the tricks and frolicks of the carnival at Rome, would be an endless task. At one time, you are accosted by a smiling peasant-girl, that claims an acquaintance, and suddenly blinds you with the contents of a powder-puff, concealed beneath her apron. At another, a tug at your button arrests your notice, and turning to see from whence it comes, a handful is presented of all sorts, and a pair of scissors snapped in your face of course, you imagine yours among them, and feel for the extent of your loss, which is greeted with a shout of laughter, at your expense, or a rap across the knuckles from the wooden sword of a harlequin, or the present of a string of macaroni from Pulcinello, by way of consolation.

In such scenes, passed off the carnival during eight days, from two o'clock in the afternoon, until midnight. On the last day, after the races, the Corso presented the singular appearance of thousands of lights, displayed at windows, carried in carriages, and by those on foot. He is, indeed, unfortunate, that cannot afford a light on the occasion. It is every one's business, to put out his neighbour's light, and preserve his own as long as he can. It is impossible to give an idea, of the effect produced-of the confusion, and glitter, when witnessed from a commanding position. At last, the lights gradually disappear, and the remainder of the evening is spent at the theatre, or at the table, to take a farewell of its luxuries. In the morning, Rome presents a gloomy picture the city seems in mourning, for the happy faces of yesterday are no where to be found; there is not even a smile, that would have then passed for dejection.

There is a pleasure in weeping over afflictions for which none have ever wept before.

door for ruin to stalk in. A man gets a wife to look after his affairs, and to assist him in his journey through life. The husband's interests should be the wife's care, and her greatest ambition carry her no farther than his welfare and happiness, together with that of her children. This should be her sole aim, and the theatre of her exploits in the bosom of her family, where she may do as much toward making a fortune as he positively can do in the countingroom or workshop. It is not the money earned that makes a man wealthy; it is what is saved from the earnings.

A good and prudent husband makes a deposite of the fruits of his labour with his best friend-and if that friend be not true to him, what has he to hope? if he dare not place confidence in the companion of his bosom, where is he to place it? A wife acts not for herself only, but she is the agent of many she loves, and she is bound to act for their good, and not for her own gratification. Her husband's good is the end at which she should aim, his approbation is her reward. Self-gratification in dress, or indulgence in appetite, or more company than his purse can well entertain, are equally pernicious. The first adds vanity to extravagance-the second fastens a doctor's bill to a long butcher's account, and the latter brings intemperance, the worst of all evils, in its train.

An Olden song.

DOST thou love the blue to see,
In the boundless summer sky?
Sweeter blue I'll show to thee
In the orbit of an eye?

Roses of the purest red

Thou in every clime dost seek;

I can show a richer bed,
In a single damask cheek.
Thou wilt talk of virgin snow,
Seen in icy Norway land;
Brighter, purer, I can show,
In a little virgin hand!

Still for glittering locks and gay,
Thou wilt ever cite the sun;
Here's a simple tress-I pray,
Hath HE such a golden one?

Choose each vaunted gem and flower,
That must, sure, with triumph meet;
Come then to my beauty's bower,
Come and cast them at her feet!

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inches and three quarters in length, and an inch and a quarter in depth when closed.

THE Condor is one of the largest of the rapacious The beak of the condor is straight at the base, birds. In size it is little, if at all, superiour to the but the upper mandible becomes arched toward the bearded griffin, the lämmergeyer of the Alps, with point, and terminates in a strong and well-curved which Buffon was disposed conjecturally to confound hook. The basal half is of an ash-brown, and the it, but to which it bears at most but a distant rela- remaining portion toward the point is nearly white. tion. The greatest authentick measurement scarce- The head and neck are bare of feathers, and covered ly carries the extent of its wings beyond fourteen with a hard, wrinkled, dusky reddish skin, on which feet, and it appears rarely to attain so gigantick are scattered some short brown or blackish hairs. a size. M. Humboldt met with none that exceeded On the top of the head, which is much flattened nine feet, and was assured by many credible inhab- above, and extending some distance along the beak, itants of the province of Quito that they had never is attached an oblong, firm caruncle or comb, covered shot any that measured more than eleven. The by a continuation of the skin which invests the head. length of a male specimen somewhat less than nine feet in expanse was three feet three inches from the tip of the beak to the extremity of the tail; and its height, when perching, with the neck partly withdrawn, two feet eight inches. Its beak was two

The organ is peculiar to the male. It is connected to the beak only in its anterior part, and is separated from it at the base in such a manner as to allow of a free passage of the air to the large oval nostrils, which are situated beneath it at that part. Behind

the eyes, which are somewhat elongated and not sunk beneath the general surface of the head, the skin of the neck is, as it were, gathered into a series of descending folds, extending obliquely from the back of the head, over the temples, to the under side of the neck, and there connected anteriorly with a lax membrane or wattle, capable of being dilated at pleasure, like that of the common turkey. The neck is marked by numerous deep parallel folds, produced by the habit of retracting the head in which the bird indulges when at rest. In this position scarcely any part of the neck is visible.

male is also said to remain with her young for a whole year.

The habits of the condor partake of the bold ferocity of the eagle, and of the disgusting filthiness of the vulture. Although, like the latter, it appears to prefer the dead carcass, it frequently makes war upon a living prey; but the gripe of its talons is not sufficiently firm to enable it to carry off its victim through the air. Two of these birds, acting in concert, will frequently attack a puma, a lama, a calf, or even a full-grown cow. They will pursue the poor animal with unwearied pertinacity, lacerating it incessantly with their beaks and talons, until it falls xhausted with fatigue and loss of blood. Then, having first seized upon its tongue, they proceed to tear out its eyes, and commence their feast with these favourite morsels. The intestines form the second course of their banquet, which is usually continued until the birds have gorged themselves so fully as to render themselves incapable of using their wings in flight. The Indians, who are well acquainted with this effect of their voracity, are in the habit of turning it to account for their amusement in the chase. For this purpose they expose the dead body of a horse or a cow, by which some of the condors, which are generally hovering in the air in search of food, are speedily attracted. As soon as the birds have glut

Round the lower part of the neck, both sexes, the female as well as the male, are furnished with a broad white ruff of downy feathers, which form the line of separation between the naked skin above and the true feathers covering the body below it. All the other feathers, with the exception of the wingcoverts and the secondary quill-feathers, are of a bright black, generally mingled with a grayish tinge of greater or less intensity. In the female the wingcoverts are blackish-gray; but the male has their points, and frequently as much as half their length, white. The wings of the latter are consequently distinguished from those of the female by their large white patches. The secondary quill-feathers of both sexes are white on the outer side. The tail is short and wedge-shaped. The legs are exces-ted themselves on the carcass, the Indians make sively thick and powerful, and are coloured of a bluish-gray, intermingled with whitish streaks. Their elongated toes are united at the base by a loose but very apparent membrane, and are terminated by long black talons of considerable thickness, but very little curved. The hinder toe is much shorter than the rest, and its talon, although more distinctly curved, is equally wanting in strength; a deficiency which renders the foot much less powerful as an organ of prehension than that of any other of the large birds of the Raptorial order.

their appearance armed with the lasso, and the condors, being unable to escape by flight, are pursued and caught by means of these singular weapons with the greatest certainty. This sport is a peculiar favourite in the country, where it is held in a degree of estimation second to that of a bullfight alone.

In tenacity of life the condor exceeds almost every other bird. M. Humboldt relates that during his stay at Riobamba he was present at some experiments which were made on one by the Indians who had taken it alive. They first strangled it with a The condor has been observed throughout the lasso and hanged it on a tree, pulling it forcibly by whole range of that immense chain of mountains the feet for several minutes; but scarcely was the which traverses the continent of South America, lasso removed, when the bird arose and walked from the straits of Magellan to the seventh degree about as though nothing had occurred to affect it. of nor th latitude. It appears, however, to be much It was then shot with three balls discharged from a more common in Peru and Chili than in any other pistol at less than four paces, all of which entered part of the chain, and is most frequently met with at its body, and wounded it in the neck, chest, and aban elevation of from ten to fifteen thousand feet domen; it still, however, kept its legs. Another above the level of the ocean. Here, in the regions ball struck its thigh, and it fell to the ground; this of perpetual snow, they may be seen grouped to- was preserved by M. Bonpland for considerable gether to the number of three or four, but never in time as a memorial of the circumstance. Ulloa had the large troops in which the true vultures some- previously asserted that in the colder parts of Peru times assemble, on the bold points of the jutting the skin of the condor was so closely covered with rocks, many of the most remarkable of which are feathers that eight or ten balls might be heard to designated by the natives with names derived from strike it without penetrating its body. M. Humboldt's the bird that haunts their pinnacles. It is only bird did not die of its wounds until after an interval when driven by hunger that it descends into the of half an hour. plains, which it quits as soon as its appetite is sati- The stories which have long been current, on the ated, unable, as it would seem, to support for any authority of credulous travellers, imputing to the great length of time, the increased weight of the condor a propensity to carry off young children and atmosphere and the warmer temperature of the low-even to attack men and women, appear to have orier world. On such occasions it rarely perches on ginated solely in that common feeling which delights the branches of the trees, but generally takes up a position on the ground, for resting on which its comparatively straight talons are peculiarly fitted. It is said that the female bird builds no nest, but deposites its eggs upon the bare rock without protection of any kind. These eggs are stated to be perfectly white and three or four inches in length. The fe

in regarding mere possibilities in the light of positive facts. M. Humboldt declares that he never heard of an instance in which a child was carried off, although the children of the Indians who collect the snow on the mountains for sale, are constantly left sleeping in the open air in the midst of these birds, and offer of course a temptation which would

be irresistible if not counteracted by some peculiar instinct. With respect to the risk incurred by men, while he confesses that two of these birds would be dangerous enemies for a single man to encounter, he states that he has frequently approached them within ten or twelve feet, as they sat three or four together perched upon the rocks, and that they showed no disposition to attack him. The Indians of Quito, moreover, unanimously assured him that men have nothing to apprehend from the condors. The eagle, however, has been known to attack and carry off children.

Bishop Heber, in his travels in India, passed through a mountainous district, where sad complains were made of their carrying off infant children; and we remember some years ago, in the Alps, that on a high-pointed pinnacle of inaccessible rock, jutting out from a peak of snow, near the summit of the Jung Frau, one of the highest of the Alpine range of mountain, there might be seen the tattered remains of the clothing of a poor child, who had been carried up by a lämmergeyer, or bearded vulture, from a valley below, in spite of the shouts of some peasants whe saw the bird pounce upon its prize.

A more fortunate fate awaited a child in the isle of Skye in Scotland, where a woman having left it

in the field for a short time, an eagle carried it off in its talons across a lake, and there deposited its burden; some people herding sheep perceived it, and hearing the infant cry, hurried to the spot, and found it uninjured. The name of the child was Niel, but he was afterward distinguished and called by a Gaelick word, signifying eagle. In Sweden, a deplorable circumstance occurred to the mother of a child; she was working in the fields, and had laid her infant on the ground, at a little distance; soon after an eagle darted down and carried it off. For a considerable time the wretched woman heard the poor child screaming in the air; but there was no help. She saw it no more; in a little time she lost her reason, and is, we believe, still living, confined in the lunatick asylum of the town near which it happened.

On Tirst Holm, one of the Ferrce islands, situated between the north of Scotland and Iceland, a similar fact occurred; an eagle caught up an infant lying at a little distance from its mother, and carried it to its nest, situated on a point of a high rock, so steep, that the boldest bird-catchers had never ventured to attempt to climb it; the mother, however, ascended, and reached the nest, but, alas! too late : the child was dead, and its eyes torn out.

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may explain in some degree the cause of so unusual an attack. The brave little boy did not receive a scratch, though there can be little doubt, that had the bird not been weakened by hunger, a blow or two from its sharp strong beak would have penetrated through the scull into the brain, and caused instant death.

But the most striking story we have met with, is | bird's stomach, it was found entirely empty, which the brave behaviour of a little boy in the state of New York. Two boys, the one seven, and the other five years old, were amusing themselves by trying to reap, while their parents were at dinner. A large eagle soon came sailing over them, and with a sudden sweep attempted to seize the eldest, but luckily missed him. The bird, not at all dismayed, alighted at a short distance, and in a few moments repeated his attempt. The bold little fellow, however, gallantly defended himself with the sickle, which he fortunately held in his hand, and when the bird rushed upon him, resolutely struck at it. The sickle entered under the left wing, and the blow having been given strongly, went through the ribs, and piercing the liver, proved fatal. On opening the

Eagles of this particular sort are very common in that part of the country, and are often known to carry off a turkey, or even a goose, but this was the first instance of their attacking children, though in New South Wales, a celebrated navigator, Captain Flinders, met with something of the same sort. He was walking with some of his officers, when a large eagle, with a fierce aspect, and outspread wing, was

and as far as they could judge, uninhabited, so that the eagles might never have seen men before.

seen bounding toward them, but stopping short at about twenty yards off, he flew up into a tree. Soon after, another bird of the same kind discovered him- The immense power of wing of the rapacious birds self, and flying above their heads, made a sudden however, is more decidedly shown by the fact of so pounce downward, but checked himself before he ac- small a bird as the kestrel, weighing only six ounces tually touched them. Captain Flinders supposed and a half, and having an expansion of wing of only that they took him and his party for Kangaroos, which twenty-seven inches, having been known to dart upwhen sitting up on their hind legs, according to their on a weasel, an animal its equal, nearly, in size and usual habit, are about the height and form of a man. actually mount aloft with it. As in the case of the On these animals the eagles were observed to feed, eagle, it suffered for its temerity, for it had not prohaving been seen watching quietly in the trees till ceeded far, when both were observed to fall from a a kangaroo made its appearance, when down they considerable height. The weasel an oil unhurt, but flew and tore it in pieces in an instant. Probably the kestrel was found to have been killed by a bite this was the truth, for the country was very desolate, I in the throat.

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The following is a strong corroboration of the truth the jay. Not long ago, some boys observed a hawk of the story just mentioned, as far as the powers of flying after a jay, which, on reaching, it immediately a hawk to raise comparatively heavy weigh's, but is attacked, and both fell on a stubble-field, where more curious, as exhibiting the courage displayed in the contest appeared to be carried on; the boys hastone of the most timid animals in defence of its young. ened up, but too late to save the poor jay, which was It occurred in Yorkshire. In the spring, a gentle-at the last gasp; in the agonies of death, however, nan walking in the fields saw a small hawk, attempt- it had contrived to infix, and entangle its claws so ing to fly off with some prey it had just pounced up- firmly in the hawk's feathers, that the latter, unable , but evidently prevented by the weight of its capure from rising to any height above the ground. It was pursued by a hare, which whenever it came within her reach, attacked it with her paws, and at last succeeded in knocking it down, when it dropped its prey. At this moment, the gentleman ran forward and the hawk and its pursuer both made their retreat; upon his reaching the spot where the prey had been dropped, he found it to be a fine leveret, which at once explained the cause of the parent hare's gallant attack on the hawk. It was wounded on the side of the head, and was bleeding, but the gentleman left it in a furrow, hoping that the wound might not prove fatal, and that the mother might find it and reap the reward of her maternal attachment.

It may seem extraordinary that they should presume to meddle with living things of their own size and weight, but it is still more remarkable that they should occasionally wage successful warfare with birds still larger than themselves, as for instance with

to escape, was carried off by the boys, who brought it home, when on examination it proved to be a kestrel. The sparrow-hawk of North America, (Falco sparverius,) which is more nearly allied to the kestrel than ours, is often known to attack the bluejay of that country. No wonder that jays have a great dislike to this hawk, and never fail to annoy it by every means in their power. Sometimes they will follow in order to plague it, at other times, they, by imitating his note, will deceive and draw it from its haunts. In return for all this abuse, the hawk now and then revenges itself by killing and eating the fattest of its persecutors.


THE cut opposite represents the opossum. A genus of marsupial, or pouched animals, inhabiting the American continent, and the first animals of this singular order which are known to naturalists. Their generick characters are ten incisive teeth in the up

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