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no countenance or support in his Mission from any of the leading men of the colony; for, though they did nothing to oppose him, Sir William Johnson was the only person who lent him any active assistance. An extract from a letter, dated August 9, 1760, will prove that the operations of war did not altogether put a stop to the Missionary exertions of Mr. Ogilvie. He says

"By this I beg leave to inform the Society, that I left Albany on the 24th of June, in order to join the army, who were proceeding under General Amherst to Oswego. I tarried at Fort Hunter three days. I preached twice during that time, and administered the sacrament of baptism to several white and Indian children. The Mohawks were preparing for the field, and told me they should overtake me near the Oneida lake, at which place a considerable number of Indians joined us. General Amherst, being at the Oneida lake on the preceding Sunday, went up as far as the Oneida town. Upon his arrival there, he found them at their worship, and expressed a vast pleasure at the decency with which the service of our church was performed by a grave Indian sachem, They applied to the General to leave directions for me to come to the castle upon my arrival at the lake.

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"Agreeable to the General's directions, I went to the Oneida town the 18th day of July. I had sent a Mohawk Indian before, so that, upon my coming into their town, I found a large congregation met for Divine service, which was performed with great solemnity. Six adults presented themselves to be examined for baptism, who all of them gave a very satisfactory account of the Christian faith, and appeared to have a serious sense of religion. I baptized them, and immediately after joined them in marriage. They were three principal men, and their wives, who had lived many years together, according to the Indian custom. I baptized fourteen children; and, in all, I joined nine couple in the holy bands of marriage.

"I was much pleased with this day's solemnity; it would have been a noble subject for the pen of one of the Jesuits of Canada. I would to God we had labourers in this part of the vineyard, to

keep alive the spark that is kindled among some of these tribes, and spread the glad tidings of the Gospel among the numerous tribes with whom we have now a free communication. Besides my duty in the army, I attend the Indians, and give them prayers, as often, on week days, as the public service of the camp will admit; and on Sunday, the General always gives public orders for Divine service among the Indians.

"I hope soon to congratulate the venerable Society upon the entire conquest of Canada; and I pray God that, by that means, there may be an effectual door' opened for the propagation of the blessed Gospel amongst the heathen.”1

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The war, as is well known, was brought to a glorious termination by the capture of Quebec, under the command of Wolfe. After congratulating the Society on this happy result, Mr. Ogilvie proceeds to say, that, during the campaign, he had been particularly careful to perform all the offices of religion among the Indians, "great numbers of whom attended constantly, regularly, and decently." He concludes thus: "I am unable to express the universal joy and triumph that prevails amongst us at this period of public success. How remarkably has God in his providence sustained the cause, and restored the honour of our country, by the successes of the past and the glorious conclusion of this year. The inhabitants of this northern region of America are now happy in the quiet possession of their estates. No more leading into captivity;' a captivity big with danger and horror: no more complaining in our streets.' May all these happy events conspire to bring about a speedy, safe, and honourable peace. May the peaceable kingdom of the Redeemer universally prevail amongst mankind, and all the world know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent."

1 Original Letters, vol. xix. 1. 107.

Though our record is concerned principally with the labours and services of the Clergy, it would be ungrateful not to mention the names of some of the more distinguished lay benefactors of the Church in America. Among these, Mr. St. George Talbot deserves special notice. He gave several handsome donations for the erection and endowment of churches in New York and Connecticut; and at his death, in 1767, left nearly the whole of his estate, both real and personal, to the Society. As the will, however, was disputed by the heirs-at-law, the executors, after some years spent in negotiation, agreed to accept 1,300%. currency, as payment in full of all demands of the Society. But Mr. Talbot shewed his good will to the Society not only by gifts of money, but by going round in company with the Missionaries to visit the several churches. In 1762, he made a tour with Mr. Dibblee, of whom he reports, that he was indefatigable in his endeavours to serve the interest of true religion and our holy Church,-" whose services I find universally acceptable, and his life agreeable to his public character." He was surprised both at the number and devout behaviour of the people at North Castle, for the church could not contain them; but at Crompton, Peach Hills, and Croton, the state of religion, for want of a clergyman, was deplorable, and the people were left a prey "to various sectaries and enthusiastic layteachers," while those who were members of the Church had not the opportunity of joining in the Liturgy for years together. In 1763, he took another journey into Connecticut, and attended the Convention at Ripton, of which he gives the following brief account:-"The Rev. Dr. Johnson, being requested to preach, delivered an excellent, pathetical, spirited sermon, adapted to the occasion, and acceptable to the Clergy and all who had the pleasure to

hear him, pressing them to the utmost fidelity and diligence in doing the duties of their respective cures. Twelve Missionaries were present, who appear to be ornaments to their ecclesiastical profession, and very usefully employed, having had the opportunity to acquaint myself with the state of most of their respective Missions. Four or five promising young gentlemen, candidates for holy orders, were present." Among these he mentions Mr. Jarvis, of Middletown, who was afterwards Bishop of Connecticut.

Another eminent upholder of the Church was Sir William Johnson, already mentioned, who zealously exerted himself for the education and conversion of the Indian tribes. He also was among the most zealous in promoting the permanent establishment of the Church in America by the endowment of an episcopate. For this purpose he conveyed to the Society 20,000 acres of land in the neighbourhood of Schenectady, and on the 10th December, 1768, wrote as follows on the subject:-" We cannot have a Clergy here without an episcopate; and this want, as it has occasioned many to embrace other persuasions, will oblige greater numbers to follow their example; of which the dissenters are very sensible, and by pretended fears of an episcopal power, as well as by magnifying their own numbers and lessening ours, give it all possible opposition."


1 Original Letters, vol. xix. 1. 208.

2 Ibid. 1. 89.



Rev. Samuel Seabury, Father and Son-Rev. S. Seabury, Jun.-Report of Flushing-Of Jamaica-Effects of Quakerism-Loss of two Missionaries at sea-Promotion of Mr. Seabury to West Chester-Political troubles-Escape to Long Island-Persecution and Sufferings of the Missionaries-Rev. L. Babcock-Rev. Dr. Auchmuty-Rev. Leonard Cutting-Rev. P. Reading-Rev. John Sayre-Rev. Dr. Smith-Rev. S. Tingley-Rev. J. Leaming-Rev. John Stuart.

SEABURY is a name well known in the history of the Anglo-American Church. The first connected with the subject of our record who bore it, the Rev. Samuel Seabury, appeared before the Society on the 21st August, 1730; and, after due examination and inquiry, was appointed Missionary to New London, in Connecticut, on a salary of 501. a year. It was agreed at the same time "that a library of 10%., five pounds' worth of small tracts, and one dozen of Ostervald's Catechisms be allowed him." The inhabitants of New London at this period were 600, of whom 100 belonged to the communion of the Church, but there were only fourteen communicants. In a few years his congregation doubled, and very gratifying success attended his ministrations at some distant settlements, especially at Hebron, thirty miles off, where he was listened

1 Journal, vol. vi. p. 19.

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