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county of Wayne, in what is locally known as the South Wash, which is connected with the canyon of the Fremont River, and this in turn is tributary to the Colorado.

The formation in the neighborhood of the deposit in question is mostly sandstone and argillite, with a top dressing of erratic boulders of lava. Innumerable fantastic forms in stone declare the cutting power of water and wind; indeed, the entire region has been the site of wonderful eroding action. Ripple marks in great distinctness are frequent in the sandstone of this region and other evidences of lake formation are common.

The most convenient way to reach the deposit from the north is by way of either the Grand Wash or the Capitol Wash, spurs of the Fremont Canyon, both of which abound in scenes which are terribly grand. As one leaves the deep canyons, however, and enters the side washes, the scenery assumes a milder, though a scarcely less diversified, character.

Here and there along the gorges are outcroppings of gypsum, varying in degrees of purity; and seams of this material cut through the country rock in all directions. In places, veins of satin spar, as thin as a sheet of note-paper, or even an inch in thickness, can be traced for many hundreds of yards upon the surface of the ground in uninterrupted course, except for intersecting planes of the same material. On the walls of the ravines and canyons places are seen where spar veins cross and recross each other with bewildering profusion. Here (Fig. 1) is a sketch of such seams in an exposed face eight by twelve feet on the steep side of a ravine.

Gypsum in all varieties may be found within a short radius, fibrous and scaly laminæ, plaster-stone or rock-gypsum in masses, lumps of pure alabaster, and fragments of selenite crystals are scattered along the washes and strewn upon the bench-lands, as they have been left by the fierce floods which tore them loose from the place of formation. These occurrences form an encouraging introduction to the superb deposit of crystals already mentioned.

The crystals occur in a cave, and this is inclosed by a thick shell forming a mound which stands in relief on the side of a hill

bounding the Wash. Of this formation, a good idea may be gained from Fig. 2, which is reproduced from a photograph. The mound is somewhat of an egg-shape, 35 feet in length east and west, 10 feet in breadth, and of an average height of 20 feet from the ground on the lower side; all outside measurements. This selenite mass seems to have been left exposed by the weathering of the loosened friable sand and clay, of which the hill whereon the mound is situated is composed. The mound consists entirely of selenite, the outside having a somewhat battered and roughened appearance from the action of the wind-driven sand; yet the whole exterior is made up of the exposed ends and sides of crystals, and in the sunlight the formation glistens with indescribable beauty. The outer walls are generally regular, though there are a few depressions and sheltered niches, within which small prisms of selenite nestle snugly, in groups.

The entrance to the cavern faces the east, and when first observed by the writer it was about six feet in height, and three and a half in width. The cave can be travered to a depth of 26 feet. Generally the crystals project from either side toward the central line of the cavern, approaching each other within about three feet, though some of the largest crystals extend entirely across the cavern like huge beams.

Fig. 3 is from a photograph of the interior of the cave, one massive crystal having been sawn off to afford a better view. The floor of the cavern consists mostly of sand, probably deposited by water in flood times, and carried in at all seasons by winds. Projecting out of the sandy floor are the terminations of many superb crystals. Inside the cavern, a yard from the entrance, the crystals descend within three feet of the bottom, so that one has to

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The writer's attention was first attracted to the place through receiving several small specimens of the selenite from sheepherders, who had discovered the deposit while searching for feeding-places, and who claimed to have found a mine of mica, which they called "isinglass." Their disgust was great when assured, by the conclusive experiment of holding a bit of the material in the flame of a candle, that the stuff was not what it seemed. I first visited the place in April last, and my rapture at the superb display of crystal beauty was checked by the evidences of vandalism on every hand. Some of the finest crystals had been hacked and carved, and cow-boys' initials were scratched and cut on almost every prismatic face which the light could reach. Visiting the place again six months later, I found that still greater destruction had been waged, and, becoming convinced that good crystals would soon be difficult to obtain, I took steps to secure legal claim to the land, and proceeded to remove the remaining crystals of greatest value to a place of safety. Under the auspices of the Deseret Museum of Salt Lake City, the work of removal is still in progress. Already over twenty tons of most beautiful crystals have been taken out and shipped to this city.

Some of the finest specimens will probably be on exhibition in Chicago next summer.



SINCE the International Congress of Electricians in Paris in 1881, the most eminent physicists have been agreed as to the theoretical values to be assigned to the three fundamental units of electrical measurement; but it has been a matter of ten years' labor on the part of many distinguished investigators to embody these theoretical definitions in practical units for universal use.

Up to the date mentioned the two units of resistance in use were the British Association (B.A.) unit and the Siemens unit. Only the former represented an attempt to construct an ohm corresponding to the theoretical definition. The B.A. unit has served a useful purpose, but it is now known to be 1.34 per cent too small. The legal ohm" was provisionally adopted in 1883 by an in

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Prisms of perfect form and varying in length from one to five feet, and in weight from ten to one hundred pounds, are of frequent occurrence. One of the most regular yet taken out is four feet long, and the widest faces are six inches across. Cleaved slabs are obtainable six feet in length, and two and a half feet in breadth. One of the longest perfect prisms yet obtained extends fifty-one inches, and from one of its faces nineteen smaller crystals sprout. Twins are common, as are also compound terminations of very complicated structure. A magnificent group, weighing over six hundred pounds, was removed from the floor of the cavern; it was set up on the outside and photographed (see Fig. 4).

As to the babit of the crystals, in the midst of such variety it is difficult to specify. Prisms short and stout, also long and comparatively slender, are numerous; and of twins, the "swallowtail" vie with the cruciform and penetration varieties in points of abundance and perfection. Some of the crystals are of perfect transparency, and cleaved slabs of this quality are common. Sometimes the prisms inclose sand and clay, which is so distributed as really to add to the beauty of the crystals in the eyes of all save the mineralogist. When fracture planes are made visible by striking a crystal containing such impurities, the particles appear on the internal planes as on shelves of glass.

FIG. 4.

ternational committee to which the Congress of 1881 bad committed the subject. It was in the nature of a compromise, and fixed the practical ohm as the resistance at 0° C. of a column of mercury one square millimeter in cross-section and 106 centimeters long. Competent investigators, like Lord Rayleigh and Professor Mascart, contended that a column 106 3 centimeters in length was nearer the true value; but a few smaller values obtained by some well-known physicists decided the adoption of the mean value 106 centimeters. This conclusion satisfied no one, and the "legal ohm" was never legally or officially adopted by any European or American government.

Subsequently, Professor Rowland came forward with his determination of 106.32, and errors were found in the data of some who had contended for the lower values. Hence the number 106.3 has been tacitly accepted for two or three years already, and it is now believed that this does not differ from the true value by more that two units in the fifth figure; that is, the length of the mercurial column representing the true ohm is not less than 106.28 and not more than 106.32 centimeters.

Somewhat over two years ago a commission was appointed by the British Board of Trade to draft an Order in Council" as a legal settlement of the units to be employed by the Board of Trade Electrical Bureau, and hence as the legal electrical units for Great

Britain. After this committee had made its report, but before the Order in Council" had been signed by the Queen, an intimation was received from Professor von Helmholtz that something might be done toward international agreement if the order were delayed till he could communicate in person the results of the most recent determinations in Berlin. Accordingly von Helmholtz and some others were invited to be present at the British Association last August, and to sit with the famous B.A. "committee appointed for the purpose of constructing and issuing practical standards for use in electrical measurements." The report of the committee, recently published. says: During the Edinburgh meeting the committee were honored with the presence of Dr. von Helmholtz, M. Guillaume of Paris, Professor Carhart of the United States Dr. Lindeck and Dr. Kahle of the Berlin Reichsanstalt. These gentlemen came by invitation to consider the question of establishing identical electrical standards in various countries." The committee had two long sessions, and there were present Professor Carey Foster, chairman, Lord Kelvin, Professors Ayrton, Perry, and Sylvanus Thompson, Dr. Oliver Lodge, Mr. Glazebrook, secretary, Mr. Preece of the Post Office, Major Cardew of the Board of Trade Bureau, and others.

The most important results of these conferences were the abandonment of the time-honored B.A. unit, the disregard of the "legal" ohm, and the adoption of the mercury standard of 106.3 centimeters. The reports from Berlin and Paris showed most conclusively that mercurial standards, set up with the precautions recently adopted, agree with surprising accuracy. The uncertainty of the relation between the centimeter and the gramme was avoided by defining the mass of the mercury column of 106.3 centimeters in length, which has a resistance of one ohm. It is 14.4521 grammes. This corresponds to a specific gravity for mercury of 13.5956. In reality the square-millimeter cross-section remains the elementary definition, but with the specification that this is arrived at by mercurial weighings."

Standards of resistance for industrial purposes in solid metal will still be made as heretofore. But it must be borne in mind that such resistances, especially when made of alloys, should be kept at a temperature near the one at which they have been standardized; otherwise small changes take place in the resistance, due perhaps to a kind of annealing and recrystallizing


It was further agreed with regard to the unit of current that the number 0.001118 should be adopted as the number of grammes of silver deposited per second from a neutral solution of nitrate of silver by a current of one ampere. This corresponds to 4.025 grammes per hour. The silver voltameter, with the proper manipulation, becomes, therefore, a secondary standard for the determination of the unit current.


The electromotive force of the Clark standard cell has been re-determined both in Berlin and Cambridge, England, within a year or two; and the results are in rather surprising agreement. comparison of these determinations led the B. A committee to decide upon 1.434 as the number of volts representing the electromotive force of the old form of Clark cell at 15° C. containing a saturated solution of zinc sulphate and crystals in excess. This is .001 volt lower than the value heretofore assigned to this cell. It was not determined to adopt this form of cell as the standard, but only to decide upon its voltage when set up by competent persons in accordance with certain specific directions. My own form of Clark cell is perfectly portable, has an electromotive force of 1.44 volts at 15° C., and its change of electromotive force with temperature is only half as great as that of the old Clark cell containing crystals.

We have as yet in this country no bureau where concrete standards of resistance and standard instruments for other electrical ubits are preserved. Such a bureau, under federal control, is greatly to be desired. Germany has its Reichsanstalt, under the direction of von Helmholtz, in Berlin; England has not only the standards of the British Association in the keeping of Mr. Glazebrook at Cambridge, but also the Board of Trade Bureau in London, under the directorship of Major Cardew. Mr. Glazebrook undertakes the comparison and certification of standard coils for the English-speaking world while the bureau in London issues

certificates of instruments for commercial purposes in Great Britain.

Government bureaus mean certified standards and legally adopted units. The decisions of the B. A. committee last August were with the full concurrence of Professor von Helmholtz, and it is understood that the German government will adopt the B.A. proposals. The committee appointed by the Board of Trade in London has already made its supplementary report in accordance with the conclusions of the B. A. committee, and these units will doubtless very soon acquire a legal character in England. The coming electrical congress in (hicago will afford an opportunity for official delegates to adopt these same units for their respective countries, and official ratification will then naturally follow. Lord Kelvin (Sir Wm. Thomson) predicted at the close of the Edinburgh meeting that the system of units adopted by the B.A. committee will become thoroughly international. It should be the duty and pleasure of all electricians to contribute toward this result.



THE discussions of Mr. Iddings' relating to the crystallization of lava have led him to conclusions that will undoubtedly prove of vast significance in the attempt to ground the study of rocks in a firm and sure foundation. Heretofore, most petrographers have busied themselves with descriptions of rock-types, confining their discussions principally to the mineralogical composition and the structure of the specimens studied, and to their similarity to other specimens assumed as types. Such work as this is of course absolutely necessary to the right treatment of rock classification.

It is evident that we must first know the characteristics of bodies to be classified before we can hope to separate them into genetic groups. But the time has now come when students of rocks must seek for a generalization that will do for their science what the atomic theory has done for chemistry or the theory of evolution for the biological sciences, viz.. elevate petrography from the position of a descriptive science to that of a philosophical one. Mr. Iddings's recent studies in the causes producing the differences noted in different lavas emanating from the same volcanic centre, and the generalizations drawn from them, will go far toward affording a philosophical basis for rock classification, and, consequently, toward the inception of a broader study of rocks in their relationships to each other than has heretofore been possible.

The rocks on the surface of the earth all tend toward the production of a few simple types, in which tendency may be traced the action of chemical laws, under the definite conditions existing at the surface, producing from unstable compounds those that are most stable under these conditions.

Mr. Iddings believes that the relation existing between chemical action and the conditions under which it occurs is discoverable not only in the breaking down (degradation) of rocks, but also in their construction. He believes that the intimate gradations in composition and structure that are known to exist between the types of eruptive rocks are due to the action of chemical laws under changing but definite conditions-conditions that are determined largely by the position of the magmas from which the rocks are derived. If this be true, petrographers have at last a thread to which they can tie the results of their investigations : they have offered them a conception as to the cause of the existence of eruptive rock-types, whose discussion pro and con will compel them to study not simply rock-specimens, but rather rock-masses, in the attempt to learn just what relations exist between their various parts, with respect to composition and structure, and to discover the conditions under which these parts were formed. In other words, petrography, as the result of this discussion, will become petrology, just as 'natural history" has become biology."

1 J. P. Iddings, The Origin of Igneous Rocks, Bull. Philos. Soc., Washington, vol xii, 1892, p. 89.

It is not the theory of a science which urges the progress of that science, but it is the attempt to discover whether or not the sug gested theory will explain the facts of the science, that leads to the latter's rapid development. The suggestion of the atomic theory demanded its discussion, and it was this discussion that advanced chemistry to the position it now occupies among the exact sciences. The theory of evolution did not by any means explain away the difficulty of accounting for the existence of many species of living things, but it was the attempt to discover whether the theory is founded on a secure basis or not, that has led to the wonderful progress of biology within the past quarter of a century. So the mere suggestion of Mr. Iddings's theory as to the origin of eruptive rocks, because of its comprehensiveness, is bound to lead to discussion that will in the end give us a conception of the cause of the almost infinite variety among these bodies more simple than any other conception that has thus far been held.


Mr. Iddings was highly favored in the beginning of his studies by the opportunity afforded him of comparing the deep-seated portions of a series of rocks with their surface equivalents. Electric Peak and Sepulchre Mountain, in the Yellowstone National Park, are separated from each other by a great fault, in consequence of which the intrusive stock and its apophyses of Electric Peak are brought to the same horizon with the dykes and surfaceflows of Sepulchre Mountain.

Upon comparing the Electric Peak intrusives with the Sepulchre Mountain effusives, it was found that, although each group comprehends a complex series of rock-types, the two groups have, on the whole, a striking similarity in composition. Certain characteristic minerals found in the intrusives are also common in the effusives. Moreover, the transition between the members of each series is so very gradual that it is impossible to draw any sharp line between the different types. These facts indicate the existence of a close relationship between the typical intrusives of Electric Peak and the typical effusives of Sepulchre Mountain, and a unity of origin for the members of each series, with a gradual change in the conditions under which the different members were formed. Though the individual members of the effusives differ markedly in structure from the members of the intrusive group, the two groups are regarded as having resulted from the cooling of what was originally one mass of magma, but which, in consequence of a differentiation of its parts, became separated into various magmas differing in composition. The differentiated magmas, upon their extrusion from the depths, consolidated as widely differing rocks, either of the intrusive type, or of the effusive type, according as the magmas cooled beneath the surface or upon it.

Examination of other regions of eruptive rocks reveals the same relationship existing between the various rock-types occurring in them. There is a more or less striking similarity in some respects between all types occurring within a region covered by rocks extruded from a single centre, and a marked difference between these and the series of rocks of other regions. Thus the rocks of a single eruptive centre are more closely related to each other than to similar mineralogical aggregates originating at a different centre, or, as Mr. Iddings expresses it, the rocks of a single centre are consanguinous.

No matter how different in mineralogical composition and in structure, all the products of a given centre consanguinous products should be grouped together in a classification of rocks, rather than rocks of similar mineralogical composition and similar structure from widely separated regions of volcanic activity. The differences in structure and mineralogical composition of consanguinous rocks are the result of the differentiation of the magma from which they were derived, together with differences in the conditions under which the differentiated parts of this magma were cooled. Their chemical peculiarities are the direct result of the chemical nature of the homogeneous magma before its differentiation into parts. If this notion is correct, the succession of products originating during the course of a volcanic extrusion should be “from a rock of average composition through

2 The Eruptive Rocks of Electric Peak and Sepulchre Mountain, Yellowstone National Park. 12th Aun. Rep. Director U. S. Geol. Survey, p. 569,

siliceous and more siliceous ones to rocks extremely low in silica and others extremely high in silica, that is, the series commences with a mean and ends with extremes."

It will be the endeavor to discover whether this law of succession expresses the facts in the case or not, that will advance the science of petrography to that of petrology. If Mr. Innings's law of succession is found to hold, the future classification of rocks will be based upon the principle of consanguinity; there will be grouped in the same great division types of different mineralogical composition and of different structure, while the different great divisions will be based primarily upon chemical considerations. What these chemical considerations are to be it is difficult at present to foresee..

Whatever may be the future classification of rocks, however, it is quite certain that petrographers are in the main right in distinguishing between rocks of different structures and different mineralogical composition by different names. There is a fashionable tendency apparent among English and American petrographers to decry the habit of naming these slight differences, not because the number of rock-types in nature is in reality small, but simply because the terminology of petrography by the addition of these names becomes large as if we could increase the simplicity of the science by refusing names to the objects of whose study it consists. The same tendency has been observed also in the history of chemistry. Some inorganic chemists have objected seriously to the introduction of the many new terms into organic chemistry, and yet nothing has done more to advance this particular phase of the science than its system of nomenclature. It is easily understood why geologists should object to the increase in rock names, since this increase necessitates a greater amount of labor upon their part in becoming acquainted with the terms. But why petrographers should object to a more accurate designation of the objects of their study is not understandable. It would seem to the writer that for petrographical purposes every rocktype that differs in some one essential feature from all other rock types should receive a distinctive name, in order that its differences might be emphasized. If all the types with major characteristics in common should be grouped under the same name, we should lose sight entirely of their minor characteristics that may be exceedingly important as throwing light on the relation of composition and structure to the conditions under which the rocks were formed. Again, it is much more convenient to speak of a keratophyre than of a "granophyric granite differing from ordinary granophyre in the possession of anorthoclase instead of orthoclase." This difference between keratophyre and granophyre, though of insignificant importance from the point of view of the geologist, ought to be of considerable importance to the specialist in rocks. It may express simply a difference in the original constitution of the magma from which the rock was formed, or it may be the expression of peculiar conditions under which solidification took place. In either case the difference is of importance and should be emphasized.

It would appear that the difficulty to the geologist of acquainting himself with the complete terminology of petrography might be avoided by grouping rocks in accordance with their chemical composition and structural similarities, and by dividing the groups according to the differences prevailing among their members. Geologists need take account merely of the great groups, while petrographers would require to become acquainted with their subdivisions.

In denying the necessity of expressing in their names the comparatively slight differences noted between many rocks, it will not do to say that petrography is simply a branch of geology and that there is no room for the study apart from geology. The methods of petrography are entirely different from those of geology; in many cases they are as different from those of the lastnamed science as are those of paleontology. Petrography is the special science dealing with some of the materials of geology. Unless it is recognized as distinct from geology it will never become of the importance that it will otherwise assume, and cannot aid geology as it should do. If it be regarded as something worthy of study for its own sake, then it is necessary to label the objects of its study so that they may be handled conveniently,

and it is advisable to express as much in the labels as may suffice for a pretty complete knowledge of the objects labeled. If this notion is a correct one, let us welcome the designation of differences in rocks by their names, and not seek to lose sight of these differences in contemplating simply likenesses. On the other hand, it is well to exercise care in the selection of types to be named, so as to avoid as far as possible the lumbering of the terminology with needless expressions. Discrimination must, of course, be exercised in the naming of types, and experience must decide as to the value of any proposed name. The writer would prefer that the varietal names should be based upon mineralogical composition, and that adjectives should express the structural differences, where the structure of the variety departs from the characteristic structure of the group.

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FOR some years meteorologists have been in doubt as to the nomenclature of clouds, greatly to the retardment of this important and practical branch of the science. The nomenclature of Luke Howard answered very well for a time, but with our advanced knowledge it scarcely answers at all. It is not simple enough for beginners, nor elaborate enough for those well advanced. Many of the systems proposed lately are simply modifications of this old nomenclature, and retain its faults. Unfortunately, in cloud classification we are met with many difficulties at the outset, we cannot collect and label clouds in a cabinet for reference, but here photography may aid us much. From personal experience it has been found quite possible to portray even the most delicate and fleecy clouds with sufficient accuracy to leave no doubt as to their type. It is proposed in this article to lay before the readers of Science a simple scheme of cloud nomenclature suitable for beginners and those unable to devote much time to the study. On this simple scheme can be founded a more elaborate system for skilled nephologists.

It will soon strike any one who notices weather phenomena ever so casually, that clouds have a tendency to assume one of two well-known forms or shapes, either a heapy or globular form, or that of thin sheets or layers. Clouds in the first form are known as cumulus (cumulus, a heap) clouds. In the second as stratus (stratus, a layer) clouds. Once it is clearly understood that all clouds be divided into these two types as a starting-point, and belong to one or other of these types, the question of a minute sub-division becomes, comparatively speaking, easy.

It may be well to give here a cloud definition. A cloud is vapor, which has ascended or descended in the atmosphere from a position having a temperature or density greater than the portion of the atmosphere it ascends or descends to, which is then unable to retain it in its invisible form. According to the physical state of the position it is attracted to, so will be the form it will assume on becoming condensed. It will be seen from this that the shape of a cloud is more or less determined by its physical surroundings, and consequently it affords a valuable index, not only to the state of the immediately surrounding atmosphere. but also to the weather we may expect, and this frequently some time before any instrumental warnings are indicated.

Cumulus is essentially the cloud of the lower atmosphere, as, although it sometimes tops to great altitudes, yet its formation commences at a, comparatively speaking, low level. Cumulus clouds assume varied and fantastic shapes, and vary very often from clouds of enormous extent to small nubecules, still there is in them a distinct and marked similarity, which must be easily recognized. There are three forms of cumulus clouds from which rain falls, viz.: 1. Bold, massive cumulus with feathery tops, which appear to be composed of ice crystals, and are like the high variety of stratus known as cirrus; 2. bold, massive cumulus with all clearly defined borders, only seen in the tropics; 3. fleecy, ill-defined cumulus. The first may be accompanied by either snow, hail, or rain, with a decided increase of wind, and, in fact,

is a squall, which often gives warning hours before it reaches the observer. In the second is heavy rain with little increase of windforce, and at sea is the kind of cloud which sometimes accompanies waterspouts; and the last has only drizzling rain and no increase in wind-force.

Stratus is formed in all layers of the atmosphere. On the ground it is fog, in the lower atmosphere as covering the sky oftentimes for days in anticyclone areas; in the middle layers in brokenup or more or less circular patches constantly, though erroneously, called cirro-cumulus or cumulo-cirrus, and in the highest layers as the well-known cirrus or curl-cloud. It is the cloud of the finest settled weather, and also of the front of cyclonic disturbances, but there can be no mistaking these two conditions. In the former case, it forms a pall over the whole sky, perhaps broken here and there by a rift, through which a blue sky, quite free from other clouds, may be seen, and appearing in all directions in lines parallel to the horizon. The first sign of any change is preceded by the disappearance of this cloud, and the formation of fine threads of cirrus over the sky; these threads gradually grow closer and closer together until the sun or moon shines through surrounded by a halo. As the cloud gets thicker (seems to grow in the air) this too disappears, rain begins to fall, and a cyclonic disturbance is well under way. In the first case the stratus was in the form of a cloud of great superficial extent and small depth, in the second it has great depth and uniformity of texture.

Cloud observing is a difficult branch of meteorology, yet no great advances can be made in the physics of the atmosphere until we have a better knowledge of its movements, and this article is written in the hope that those interested in the subject may not be appalled by the apparently hopeless condition of cloud nomenclature. For if we could have a series of observations taken carefully on even this simple basis, they would be of more value than the majority of observations taken now; and this especially applies to observations at sea, as it is to the sea we must look for the most valuable meteorological observations. Personal experience has shown that observers, while finding it comparatively easy to distinguish between cumuliform clouds and stratiform clouds and the different altitudes at which they float, yet often make great mistakes when they have to deal with the subdivisions as they are at present determined.


FIVE lectures on anthropology are to be given on Monday afternoons by Daniel G. Brinton, M.D., LL.D., at the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, admission free. Tickets can be obtained at the Academy from Dr. E. J. Nolan, secretary. Feb. 13, The Bonds of Social Life; Feb. 20, The Growth of the Arts; Feb. 27, The Progress of Religions; Mar. 6, Language and Literature; Mar. 13, Folk-Lore, or the Past in the Present.

The Royal Academy of Sciences of Turin announces that the ninth Bressa Prize, consisting of 10,416 francs, will be awarded to any scientific author or discoverer who, during the years 1891-94, shall, in the judgment of the Academy, bave made the most important or useful discovery or published the most valuable work on physical and experimental science, natural history, mathematics, chemistry, physiology, and pathology, as well as geology, history, geography, and statistics.


- From the American Book Company we have received the four latest volumes of their English Classics for Schools. They "Ivanhoe," by Sir Walter Scott (484 pages, 50 cents); "Julius Cæsar," by Shakespeare (114 pages, 20 cents); "Ten Selections from the Sketch-Book," from Washington Irving (149 pages, 20 cents); and The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers," from the Spectator, by Addison, Steele, and Budgell (148 pages, 20 cents). The first-named volume is provided with a serviceable glossary, and all are well printed, on good paper, and are neatly bound.

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