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I said, and said no more but what my thoughts Did warrant me was likely.


Tell thy story; If thine consider'd prove the thousandth part Of my endurance, thou art a man, and I Have suffer'd like a girl: yet thou dost look Like Patience gazing on kings' graves, and smiling

Extremity out of act. What were thy friends? How lost thou them? Thy name, my most kind virgin? 141 Recount, I do beseech thee: come, sit by me. Mar. My name is Marina. Per.

O, I am mock'd, And thou by some incensed god sent hither

To make the world to laugh at me.


Or here I'll cease. Per.

Patience, good sir,

Nay, I'll be patient.

Thou little know'st how thou dost startle me, To call thyself Marina.

Mar. The name

Was given me by one that had some power,

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Did mock sad fools withal this cannot be : My daughter's buried. Well where were you bred ?

I'll hear you more, to the bottom of your story, And never interrupt you.

Mar. You scorn: believe me, 'twere best I did give o'er. 169 Per. I will believe you by the syllable Of what you shall deliver. Yet, give me leave: How came you in these parts ? where were you [me;

bred ?

Mar. The king my father did in Tarsus leave Till cruel Cleon, with his wicked wife, Did seek to murder me and having woo'd A villain to attempt it, who having drawn to do't,

A crew of pirates came and rescued me; Brought me to Mytilene. But, good sir, Whither will you have me? Why do you

weep? It may be,


You think me an impostor: no, good faith;
I am the daughter to King Pericles,
If good King Pericles be.

Per. Ho, Helicanus !
Hel. Calls my lord?

Per. Thou art a grave and noble counsellor, Most wise in general: tell me, if thou canst, What this maid is, or what is like to be, That thus hath made me weep? Hel. I know not; but Here is the regent, sir, of Mytilene Speaks nobly of her.


She would never tell Her parentage; being demanded that, She would sit still and weep.


Per. O Helicanus, strike me, honor'd sir; Give me a gash, put me to present pain; Lest this great sea of joys rushing upon me O'erbear the shores of my mortality,

And drown me with their sweetness. O, come hither,

Thou that beget'st him that did thee beget; Thou that wast born at sea, buried at Tarsus, And found at sea again! O Helicanus,

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This, my last boon, give me,
For such kindness must relieve me,
That you aptly will suppose

Per. Give me my robes. I am wild in my beholdO heavens bless my girl! But, hark, what

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The music of the spheres! List, my Marina. Lys. It is not good to cross him; give him way.

Per. Rarest sounds! Do ye not hear?
My lord, I hear. [Music.
Per. Most heavenly music!
It nips me unto listening, and thick slumber
Hangs upon mine eyes: let me rest. [Sleeps.
Lys. A pillow for his head :

So, leave him all. Well, my companion friends,
If this but answer to my just belief,
I'll well remember you.

240 [Exeunt all but Pericles.

DIANA appears to PERICLES as in a vision. Dia. My temple stands in Ephesus hie thee thither,

And do upon mine altar sacrifice. [gether, There, when my maiden priests are met toBefore the people all,

Reveal how thou at sea didst lose thy wife : To mourn thy crosses, with thy daughter's, call And give them repetition to the life.

Or perform my bidding, or thou livest in woe; Do it, and happy; by my silver bow !


What pageantry, what feats, what shows,
What minstrelsy, and pretty din,
The regent made in Mytilene

To greet the king. So he thrived,
That he is promised to be wived
To fair Marina; but in no wise
Till he had done his sacrifice,
As Dian bade: whereto being bound,
The interim, pray you, all confound.
In feather'd briefness sails are fill'd,
And wishes fall out as they're will'd.
At Ephesus, the temple see,
Our king and all his company.
That he can hither come so soon,
Is by your fancy's thankful doom.



SCENE III. The temple of Diana at Ephesus; THAISA standing near the altar, as high priestess; a number of Virgins on each side; CERIMON and other Inhabitants of Ephesus attending.

Enter PERICLES, with his train; LYSIMACHUS, HELICANUS, MARINA, and a Lady.

Per. Hail, Dian! to perform thy just command,

I here confess myself the king of Tyre;
Who, frighted from my country, did wed
At Pentapolis the fair Thaisa.

At sea in childbed died she, but brought forth
A maid-child call'd Marina; who, O goddess,
Wears yet thy silver livery. She at Tarsus
Was nursed with Cleon; who at fourteen years

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Reverend sir, The gods can have no mortal officer More like a god than you. Will you deliver How this dead queen re-lives?


I will, my lord.
Beseech you, first go with me to my house,
Where shall be shown you all was found with

How she came placed here in the temple;
No needful thing omitted.

Per. Pure Dian, bless thee for thy vision! ] Will offer night-oblations to thee. Thaisa, 70 This prince, the fair-betrothed of your daughter,

Shall marry her at Pentapolis. And now,
This ornament

Makes me look dismal will I clip to form;
And what this fourteen years no razor touch'd,
To grace thy marriage-day, I'll beautify.
Thai. Lord Cerimon hath letters of good
credit, sir,
My father's dead.

Per. Heavens make a star of him! Yet there, my queen,

We'll celebrate their nuptials, and ourselves Will in that kingdom spend our following


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I know you not. Per. You have heard me say, when I did

fly from Tyre,


I left behind an ancient substitute:
Can you remember what I call'd the man?
I have named him oft.

So, on your patience everinore attending, 100 New joy wait on you Here our play has ending. Exit




Cymbeline interweaves with a fragment of British history taken from Holinshed, a story from Boccacio's Decameron (9th Novel of 2nd Day), the Genevra of the Italian novel corresponding to Shakespeare's Imogen. The story is told in a tract called Westward for Smelts, 1620 (stated by Steevens and Malone to have been published as early as 1603); but Shakespeare appears in some way, directly or indirectly, to have made acquaintance with it as given by Boccacio. The names of the two princes Shakespeare found, as well as the king's name, in Holinshed; but the incidents of their having been stolen, and their life, among the mountains of Wales, appear to have been invented by the dramatist. Dr. Forman records in his MS Booke of Plaies and Notes thereof that he saw Cymbeline acted; but he gives no date. His book, however, belongs to the years 1610-1611, and the metrical and other internal evidence point to that time as about the period when the drama must have been written. It is loosely constructed, and some passages possess little dramatic intensity. Several critics have questioned whether the vision of Posthumus (Act V. Sc. IV.) is of Shakespeare's authorship, and it is certainly poorly conceived and written. Nevertheless, the play is one of singular charm, and contains in Imogen one of the loveliest of Shakespeare's creations of female character. Except grandeur and majesty, which were reserved for Hermione and Queen Katherine, every thing that can make a woman lovely is given by the poet to Imogen: quick and exquisite feelings, brightness of intellect, delicate imagination, energy to hate evil and to right what was wrong, scorn for what is mean or rude, culture, dainty womanly accomplishments, the gift of song, a capacity for exquisite happiness and no less sensitiveness to the sharpness of sorrow, a power of quick recovery from disaster when the warmth of love breathes upon her once more, beauty of a type which is noble and refined. And her lost brothers are gallant youths, bred happily far from the court, in wilds where their generous instincts and love of freedom and activity find innocent if insufficient modes of gratification. As in all the works of this period, an open-air feeling pervades a great part of the drama; nature, itself joyous and free, ministers to what is beautiful, simple, or heroic in man, while yet by Shakespeare nature alone is never anywhere conceived as sufficient to satisfy the heart or the imagination of a human being. With reconciliation and reunion this, like the other Romances, closes. The faith of Posthumus in Imogen is of a half-romantic kind, unconfirmed by calm and deep acquaintance with her heart: that faith is not subtly poisoned, like the love of Othello, but suddenly, in one brief and desperate encounter, overthrown, His jealousy is not heroic, like Othello's; it shows something of grossness, unworthy of his true self. In due time penitential sorrow does its work, his nobler nature reasserts itself, and in the final reunion of parent and lost children, the erring husband is also restored to the quick-beating, joyous heart of his wife.

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SCENE I. Britain.

Could make him the receiver of; which he took,

The garden of Cymbe- As we do air, fast as 'twas minister'd, line's palace. And in's spring became a harvest, lived in

Enter two Gentlemen.

First Gent. You do not meet a man but frowns our bloods

No more obey the heavens than our courtiers Still seem as does the king.

Sec. Gent.

But what's the matter? First Gent. His daughter, and the heir of's kingdom, whom

He purposed to his wife's sole son-a widow That late he married-hath referr'd herself Unto a poor but worthy gentleman: she's wedded;

Her husband banish'd; she imprison'd: all
Is outward sorrow; though I think the king
Be touch'd at very heart.

Sec. Gent.
None but the king? 10
First Gent. He that hath lost her too; so is
the queen,

That most desired the match; but not a cour

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What's his name and birth? First Gent. I cannot delve him to the root: his father


Was call'd Sicilius, who did join his honor
Against the Romans with Cassibelan,
But had his titles by Tenantius whom
He served with glory and admired success,
So gain'd the sur-addition Leonatus ;
And had, besides this gentleman in question,
Two other sons, who in the wars o' the time
Died with their swords in hand; for which
their father,

Then old and fond of issue, took such sorrow
That he quit being, and his gentle lady,
Big of this gentleman our theme, deceased
As he was born. The king he takes the babe
To his protection, calls him Posthumus Leon-



Breeds him and makes him of his bed-chamber, Puts to him all the learnings that his time


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Is she sole child to the king?
First Gent.

His only child. He had two sons: if this be worth your hearing,

Mark it: the eldest of them at three years old, I' the swathing-clothes the other, from their


Were stol'n, and to this hour no guess in knowledge


Which way they went.
Sec. Gent.
How long is this ago?
First Gent. Some twenty years.
Sec. Gent. That a king's children should be

so convey'd,

So slackly guarded, and the search so slow, That could not trace them!

First Gent. Howsoe'er 'tis strange, Or that the negligence may well be laugh'd at, Yet is it true, sir.

Sec. Gent.

I do well believe you. First Gent. We must forbear: here comes the gentleman,

The queen, and princess.



Queen. No, be assured you shall not find 70 me, daughter,

After the slander of most stepmothers,
Evil-eyed unto you: you're my prisoner, but
Your gaoler shall deliver you the keys

That lock up your restraint. For you, Posthu..

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