Croxley Edition The Complete Works of Edited by Charlotte Porter and Helen A. Clarke Volume The First Part of Henry the Fourth Society of English and French Literature PR 948575 2753 .F5 5 Text. First Folio, 1623. Line Numbering. EXPLANATORY At top of page, Globe Edition, every poetical line of which is numbered; at side of page, First Folio, every typographical line of which is numbered. Lines put between brackets in text are not numbered, because they are not in First Folio. Brackets Indicate stage directions, etc., in Globe, or parts of text in Globe but not in First Folio, these parts being given here as they appear in the earliest or the earliest complete Quarto. Italic Words In margins, thus, 1 blunt, refer to and explain obscure words. Foot-notes Cite in italics First Folio words emended; in bold-face, emendations adopted in Globe; in small capitals, earliest editions or first editor printing that emendation. Abbreviations. IQ. equals First Quarto, 2Q. Second Quarto, and so on; 1, 3-52. equals First, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Quartos, all substantially agreeing; Q2. equals all early Quartos. 2F. equals Second Folio, 3F. Third Folio, and so on; 2-4F. equals Second, Third, and Fourth Folios, all substantially agreeing. 1. equals line, 11. equals lines |