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any grievances, but to the religious inâructions of their spiritual pastors. It is much to be lamented that the English nation are much mistaken on this point. We cannot, indeed, be surprised at this, when the Irith Roman Catholics have a great number of writers employed in England, at this time, to mifreprefent the real ftate of Ireland, to vilify the government, and to calumniate the Proteftants; and they have fome of the public prints devoted to their fervice.


The English are thus led to believe that the Irifh Papifts are in a state of oppreffion, though they are in a much better fituation than their fellow religionifts in England. They enjoy the benefit of the conflitution as much as the Proteftants, except a right to fit in Parliament, and an admission to a few of the high confidential departments of the flate; to which not one in fifty thousand could even afpire. But it fhould be recollected that they difgraced their native country for more than a century and a half previous to the revolution by treasonable confpiracies, by rebellions, maffacres, and invitations to foreign powers, to affift them in feparating it from England; and yet during that space they enjoyed the full benefit of the constitution.

The following perfecutions were occafioned by the fanguinary principles infeparable from popery, and not by any difcontent excited by a deprivation of civil rights, of the Albigenfes and Waldenfes in the 13th century, under the 4th council of Lateran, which Mr. Plowden afferts is infallible in faith and morality, and not liable to deceit or error. Great numbers were burnt in England from the beginning of the 15th century till the reformation was established; and again in Queen Mary's reign, the perfecutions in the Cevennes, in the Netherlands, in France, and in Germany arole folely from the fame caufe. So late as the year 1732, 30,000 Proteftants, of the territory of Saltzburgh in Germany, were expelled from their country in the depth of winter, because they would not become Papifts; without clothes to cover them, or provifions for their journey; for they were not allowed to carry away their effects. This was contrary to the treaty of Weftphalia, by which the free exercise of religion was enfured to all the inhabitants of Germany. In the beginning of the year 1802, the elector of Bavaria gave the Lutherans in his dominions permillion to exercife their religion publicly, in their own way; and his Popish subjects made a ftrong remonftrance against it.

I fhall conclude with an obfervation of Mr. Locke, on the Intolerant Spirit of Popery, occafioned by the doctrine of exclufive falvation; which expofes the abfurdity of Mr. Plowden's affertion.

Neverthelefs, it is worthy to be observed, and lamented, that the most violent of these defenders of the truth, the oppofers of errors, the exclaimers against schifin, do hardly ever let loofe this their zeal for God, with which they are fo warmed and inflamed, unlefs where they have the civil magiftrate on their fide; but fo foon as court favor has given them the better end of the staff, and they begin to feel themselves the ftronger, then prefently peace and charity are to be laid afide; otherwife, they are to be religiously obferved. Where they have not the power to carry on perfecution, and to become mafters, there they defire to live upon fair terms, and preach up toleration. When they are not ftrengthened with the civil power, they can bear moft patiently, and unmovedly, the contagion of idolatry, fuperftition, and herefy, in their neighbourhood; of which, on other occafions, the intereft of religion makes them to be extremely apprehenfive. No


body, therefore, in fine, neither fingle perfons, nor churches, nay, nor even Commonwealths, have any just title to invade the civil rights and worldly goods of each other, upon pretence of religion. Thole that are of another opinion, would do well to confider with themselves, how pernicious a seed of discord and war, how powerful a provocation to endless hatreds, rapines, and slanghsers, they thereby furnish unto mankind. No peace and security, no not so much as common friendship, can ever be established or preserved amongst men, so long as this opinion prevails, that dominion is founded in grace, and that religion is to be propa gated by force of arms."-LOCKE ON TOLERATION.


Our readers may recollect that, in one of our late numbers, we profeffed our intention of entering into fome difcuffion on the fubject of the Irish Papifts, with a view to fhew the impolicy and the danger of acceding to the claims of those who have, recently, been to clamorous for what they, moft abfurdly, term Catholic Emancipation, but what we should rather regard as Popish ascendancy. But our able correfpondent has anticipated fo many of our observations and arguments, on this topic, that but little would remain for us to say. We thall, however, refume the fubject ourselves, unlefs our correfpondent, which we earnefily hope, fhould be induced to continue it, and to direct his attention to that part of it, which is connected with the claims fuccefsfully urged, fome years ago, by Mr. Grattan, who pledged himself, if our memory fail us not, that no farther claims would be urged, and that the Romanifts were completely fatisfied. In the mean time, we earnestly recommend the very important facts, ftated by our correfpondent, to the most serious attention of those who are entrusted with the government of the country, as well as to the noblemen and gentlemen who have been the inconfiderate advocates of the Papal claims, and to the PROTESTANT PUBLIC at large. Those facts are derived from fuch authority as leaves not a fhadow of doubt on our minds of their perfect authenticity; but, anxious for the establishment of truth, beyond most other confiderations, we challenge a confutation of all or of any of them, by any the Romish advocates who are employed in this country, for promoting the views of their Church, and for enforcing the pretensions of their party.They are damning facts, and, if not fhaken, muft be decifive of the question at illue.-EDITOR.





DID not receive your Magazine, though I am a conftant subscriber to it, for the month of April, till a few days fince, otherwife I fhould not have fuffered the letter of your correfpondent, who takes the fignature of B, on the "Irreverence of A Volunteer Corps," to pass fo long unnoticed. As I am always ready to judge favorably and charitably of the motives of men, where I think truth and propriety will bear me out, I fhall willingly attribute the zeal which is exhibited by your correfpondent to his regard for religion, and for decorum and decency in religious worship: but I must at the fame time take the liberty of obferving that in my humble opinion he has not taken the wifeft method of exhibiting his zeal in that cause. I am ready enough to allow that the indecency and "irreverence" of a certain nameless volunteer corps, which he notices in his letter, was reprehen



fible in the highest degree; but I think the mode in which that circumstance has been brought forward to the public notice, is, to fay the beft of it, extremely ill-judged. What I object to is that. the whole of this bufinefs has been conducted anonymously: if it was proper to bring forward the circumstance at all, it should have been done in an open and manly manner. The name of the letter-writer, the name of the volunteer-corps, and the name of the city formerly diftinguifhed for its attachment to the caufe of loyalty and religion," are all concealed! If it were right to conceal these particu lars from the public, it would also have been right in my humble opinion to have concealed the "irreverent" conduct of which the letter-writer juftly complains, from the public eye, or at leaft from the public at large. I think it might have had a very good effect if the circumitances mentioned by your correfpondent had been properly noticed and circulated only in the formerly loyal city, and its immediate neighbourhood, where the offence was given; because in fuch case it would have fixed the blame where it was justly due, namely upon one particular corps of volunteers which had given fuch just public offence. But the mode of caftigation which your correfpondent has thought fit to adopt. appears to me very likely to induce the public at large to think less favourably of the aggregate body of volunteers throughout the united empire than they ought to think. For it feems hardly poffible, that any other effect thould be produced by laying before the public inftances of the "irreverence of a volunteer corps," in a formerly loyal city-the indecorum of a nameless Earl in receiving the colours from the hand of his countess in a moft vulgar and indecorous manner; or fome few folitary inftances of volunteers exercising during the hours of divine fervice on the day more immediately dedicated to the honour and worship of Almighty God. Thefe circumstances have all very recently been detailed in the public prints of the day, and certainly muft tend to fix a ftigma on the whole body of Volunteers, who may naturally be expected to act in the fame improper manner, in a thousand inftances which have not been fubmitted to the public eye.

The Volunteer fyftem, Mr. Editor, has lately created very warm debates in the House of Commons; its partizans and adverfaries have certainly pushed their respective opinions to an extreme: on the one hand, ftating that the Volunteer force of the realm might be confidered as equal in difcipline to regular forces, and fuperior to them in exertion as being actuated by a fenfe of the great ftake they have to defend: on the other hand it has been faid that they are foldiers only for a review, and not for real service, and that they would probably turn their backs to the enemy at the first appearance of real danger; nay, a certain military character has thought proin the fenate, and explicitly declare he would rather comper to rife up mand a body of pealants armed with pitchforks, pikes, &c. than the best armed and beft difciplined volunteer corps in the united kingdom. The truth in all probability lies in the middle opinion. No impartial perfon can for an inftant believe that thofe whofe habits have hitherto been converfant only with the calm and peaceful scenes of domeftic life, can be equal in order and di cipline to those whofe bufinefs and profeffion are the ufe and exercife of arms: but again, it may fairly be fuppofed, that those who, from a deep fenfe of the magnitude of the danger which furrounded us, have voluntarily and patriotically stepped forward to defend whatsoever is near and dear to the heart of man, will contend with the enemy of God and goodness; and refif the proud and insolent disturber of the world's repose, and our most bitter and implacable enemy to long as life remains, I candidly own my


felf, Mr. Editor, a warm and feady friend of the volunteer-fyftem; as l am firmly perfuaded that if the plan had not been carried on to the extent which it now is we should long fince have ceafed to be a nation; and must therefore have bent beneath the iron yoke of a proud, an infolent, and an atheistical foreign ufurper. By rifing up unanimously, as though it were one man, in defence of our beloved king and glorious conftitution, we have, by the bleffing of Almighty God upon us, hitherto been able to fet at nought the threats of wicked men; and I hope, by the protection of the fame fupreme and all powerful being, we fhall ftill be preferved in fafety, But to come to the point which is more immediately the object of my pre fent addrefs. From the obfervations I have myself been enabled to make; and from the intelligence I have received from those whofe knowledge has been far more extended than my own; I am induced to believe that the charge brought against a particular volunteer-corps, by your correfpondent, and against other volunteer corps by different anonymous fcribblers in the various publications of the day, are fo far from being the character of the aggregate body of volunteers throughout the united kingdom; that they are, on the contrary, remarkable for their devout and exemplary attendance on divine worship; for their attention to military difcipline, and improve ment in the use of arms; and for every duty which is becoming in a chris tian soldier, and in those who voluntarily enlifted themselves in the service of their country, their king, and their God. Amongst the vast body of volunteers now in arms it is very likely fome acts of indecorum might be adduced against fome of them, but it is not furely becoming in any one to place thofe errors in the most glaring light before the public eye, neither do I conceive it can poffibly anfwer any one good purpose whatfoever. Let us fairly and impartially weigh their merits against their demerits, and I am apt to believe that the former will greatly outweigh the latter. For my own part, as a tingle individual, I think it my duty to express on every proper occasion that warm respect which I feel for the general merit of, and that fincere gratitude which I owe, the loyal and patriotic volunteers of the united kingdom, for their eminent fervices which they have already done, and are ftill ready to do in the hour of danger, for my dear King and beloved Country, Amidit the wreck of empires and the ruin of ftates; the revolutions and counter-revolutions which daily happen around us; may the glorious, free, and happy constitution of this united kingdom ftill remain; and may the bleffing and protection of Almighty power ftill overshadow us to the latest pofterity and remoteft annals of time.

Creech St. Michael,

June 10, 1804.

I am, Mr. Editor,

Your very obedient and humble Servant,

N. B. Our correfpondent B. tranfmitted to us the name of the corps, whofe irreverence he fo properly cenfured; and of the city in which the circumstance occurred. We did not then, nor do we now, think it neceflary to publish either.-EDITOR.


The great length of the interefting obfervations on the conduct and prin ciples of the Irish Papifts has obliged us to poftpone many articles of criticifm prepared for this Number, and the communications of feveral Cor refpondents, which were intended for infertion.



Review and Magazine;

&c. &c. &c.

For AUGUST, 1804.

Caligula intended to invade Britain, but that, by his fkittle head, fudden repentance, and foolish attempts against Germany, it came to nothing. Yet he came on as far as Batavia, where Adminius, the fon of Cunobeline, being, for fome offence, banished by his father, was, with thofe few that accompanied him, by this vain-glorious Emperor, taken into protection. Who thereupon bragg'd in his letters to the Senate, that the whole island was yielded to him. The iffue of this his expedition was, that he made his army march embattel'd to the fea fhore over against Britain, and commanded them to gather cockles, muscles, and other shell fishes into their helmets, terming them the fpoils of the conquered ocean; and, in memorial of this exploit, he built a high watch-tower, which was afterwards named Brittonhuis, and then returned to Rome, leaving his enemies, the Britons and Germans, to laugh at his ftrange folly and madness.




Thoughts on the Calvinistic and Arminian Controversy. By G. S. Faber, B. D. Pp. 46. 8vo. 1s. Rivingtons, London. 1804.

HE learned author of this pamphlet has given in his title-page the 6th article of our Church, and a quotation from the Bishop of Lincoln's late charge, each of them very applicable to his subject, and the latter fufficiently decifive, we think, of the prefent controverfy. He begins his judicious and fatisfactory little work by ftating, that all extraneous matter fhould be feparated from the points on which the controverfy turns, and that no, doctrines fhould be termed Calviniftic but fuch as belong exclufively to Calvinifm; that the Calvinist, in maintaining fome of the orthodox doctrines of our Church, has no right to claim them as entirely his own; and that our Church, in holding fome things in common with Calvinifm, is not therefore to be confidered


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