The Doctrine of Universal Restoration, Examined and Refuted: and the Objections to that of Endless Punishment Considered and Answered: Being a Reply to the Most Important Particulars Contained in the Writings of Messrs. Winchester, Vidler, Wright, and WeaverConference-Office, 1808 - 164 pages |
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affertion againſt aion aionion alfo alſo anfwer Apoftle becauſe believe cafe caft caufe Chriftian confiftent creatures day of judgment defigns deftroyed devils Dialogues Divine doctrine duration earth endleſs eternal evil exiftence exiſtence expreffed faid faints faith falvation fame faved favour fays fecond death feems fenfe ferve feven fhall fhew fhould fince finners fire fome ftand ftate fubdued fubject fuch fufferings fufficient fuppofe furely future puniſhment fyftem God's gofpel happineſs hath heaven hell himſelf holy Ifrael impoffible infinite inhabitants itſelf Jefus Chrift Jerufalem Jews judgment juft juftice laft lefs liberty loft Lord ment mercy mifery moft moral muft muſt neceffary obferves paffage perfon poffible pray preached prefent prifon promiſe prove punishment purpoſe queftion reafon reconcile refpecting Reftoration refurrection reprefented Samaria Scriptures ſhall Sodom Spirit thefe theſe things thofe thoſe thouſand tion tranflation Univerfal Univerfalifts unto uſed Vidler wicked Winchefter word wrath