These happen'd accidents: till when, be cheerful, Set Caliban and his companions free: [Aside. Untie the spell. [Exit ARI.] How fares my gracious sir? There are yet missing of your company Some few odd lads, that you remember not. Re-enter ARIEL, driving in CALIBAN, STEPHANO and TRINCULO, in their stolen apparel. Ste. Every man shift for all the rest, and let no man take care for himself; for all is but fortune:-Coragio, bully-monster, Coragio!3 Trin. If those be true spies, which I wear in my head here's a goodly sight. Cal. O Setebos, these be brave spirits, indeed! How fine my master is! I am afraid He will chastise me. Seb. Ant. Ha, ha; my lord Antonio? Very like; one of them Is a plain fish, and, no doubt, marketable. 4 Surely Prospero's meaning is: "I will relate to you the means, by which I have been enabled to accomplish these ends; which means, though they now appear strange and improbable, will then appear otherwise." Anonymous. I will inform you how all these wonderful accidents have happened; which, though they now appear to you strange, will then seem probable. An anonymous writer pointed out the true construction of this passage, but his explanation is, I think, incorrect. Malone. 3 Coragio!] This exclamation of encouragement I find in J. Florio's Translation of Montaigne, 1603: You often cried Coragio, and called ça, ça." Again, in the Blind Beggar of Alexandria, 1598. Steevens. 4 Is a plain fish,] That is, plainly, evidently a fish. So, in Fletcher's Scornful Lady, "that visible beast, the butler," means the butler, who is visibly a beast. M. Mason. It is not easy to determine the shape, which our author designed to bestow on his monster. That he has hands, legs, &c. we gather from the remarks of Trinculo, and other circumstances in the play. How then is he plainly a fish? Perhaps Shakspeare himself had no settled ideas, concerning the form of Caliban. Steevens. Pro. Mark but the badges of these men, my lords, Then say, if they be true:5-This mis-shapen knave,➡ His mother was a witch; and one so strong 6 That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, Cal. I shall be pinch'd to death. Alon. Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? Seb. He is drunk now: where had he wine? Alon. And Trinculo is reeling ripe: Where should they Find this grand liquor, that hath gilded them?3— 5 true:] That is, honest. A true man is, in the language of that time, opposed to a thief. The sense is, Mark what these men wear, and say if they are honest. Johnson. 6 His mother was a witch; and one so strong That could control the moon, &c.] This was the phraseology of the times. After the statute against witches, revenge or ignorance frequently induced people to charge those, against whom they harboured resentment, or entertained prejudices, with the crime of witchcraft, which had just then been declared a capital offence. In our ancient reporters, are several cases, where persons charged in this manner, sought redress in the courts of law. And it is remarkable in all of them, to the scandalous imputation of being witches, the term-a strong one, is constantly added. In Michaelmas Term, 9 Car. I. the point was settled that no action could be supported on so general a charge, and that the epithet strong did not inforce the other words. In this instance, I believe, the opinion of the people at large was not in unison with the sages in Westminster-Hall. Several of these cases are collected together in I. Viner, 422. Reed. That could control the moon,] From Medea's speech in Ovid, (as translated by Golding,) our author might have learned that this was one of the pretended powers of witchcraft: 66 and thee, O lightsome moon, "I darken oft, though beaten brass abate thy peril soon." Malone. 7 And deal in her command, without her power:] I suppose Prospero means, that Sycorax, with less general power than the moon, could produce the same effects on the sea. Steevens. 8 And Trinculo is reeling ripe: Where should they Find this grand LIQUOR that hath gilded them?] Shakspeare, to be sure, wrote-grand 'LIXIR, alluding to the grand Elixir of How cam'st thou in this pickle? Trin. I have been in such a pickle, since I saw you last, that, I fear me, will never out of my bones: I shall not fear fly-blowing." Seb. Why, how now, Stephano? Ste. O, touch me not; I am not Stephano, Pro. You'd be king of the isle, sirrah? Ste. I should have been a sore one then.2 but a the alchymists, which they pretend would restore youth and "Yet coming from him, that great medicine hath, But the joke here is to insinuate that, notwithstanding all the boasts of the chemists, sack was the only restorer of youth and bestower of immortality. So, Ben Jonson, in his Every Man out of his Humour:-" Canarie, the very Elixir and spirit of wine." This seems to have been the cant name for sack, of which the English were, at that time, immoderately fond. Randolph, in his Jealous Lovers, speaking of it, says," A pottle of Elixir at the Pegasus, bravely caroused." So again, in Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas, Act III: "Old reverend sack, which, for aught that I can read yet, "Was that philosopher's stone the wise king Ptolemeus "Did all his wonders by." The phrase too of being gilded, was a trite one on this occasion. Fletcher, in his Chances:-" Duke. Is she not drunk too? Whore. A little gilded o'er sir; old sack, old sack, boys!" Warburton. As the alchymist's Elixir was supposed to be a liquor, the old reading may stand, and the allusion holds good, without any alte ration. 9 Steevens. fly-blowing.] This pickle alludes to their plunge into the stinking pool; and pickling preserves meat from fly-blowing. Steevens. 1 but a eramp.] i. e. I am all over a cramp. Prospero had ordered Ariel to shorten up their sinews with aged cramps. Touch me not alludes to the soreness, occasioned by them. In his next speech Stephano confirms the meaning by a quibble on the word sore. Steevens. be 2 I should have been a sore one then.] The same quibble occurs afterwards, in the Second Part of King Henry VI: "Mass, 'twill sore law then, for he was thrust in the mouth with a spear, and 'tis not whole yet." Stephano also alludes to the sores about him. Steevens. Alon. This is as strange a thing, as e'er I look'd on.3 Cal. Ay, that I will; and I'll be wise hereafter, Pro, Go to; away! Alon. Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it. Seb. Or stole it, rather. [Exeunt CAL. STE. and Trin. Pro. Sir, I invite your highness, and your train, To my poor cell: where you shall take your rest For this one night; which (part of it,) I'll waste With such discourse, as, I not doubt, shall make it Go quick away: the story of my life, And the particular accidents, gone by, Since I came to this isle: And, in the morn, Alon. Pro. I'll deliver all; And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales, And sail so expeditious, that shall catch Your royal fleet far off.-My Ariel;—chick,— That is thy charge; then to the elements Be free, and fare thou well!-[aside.] Please you draw near [Exeunt. This is as strange a thing, as e'er I look'd on.] The old copy, disregarding metre, reads "This is a strange thing as e'er I look'd on." For the repetition of the conjunction as, &c. I am answerable. Steevens. 137 EPILOGUE. SPOKEN BY PROSPERO. NOW my charms are all o'erthrown, 4 With the help of your good hands.] By your applause, by clapping hands. Johnson. Noise was supposed to dissolve a spell. So, twice before, in this play: Again: "No tongue; all eyes; be silent." hush! be mute; "Or else our spell is marr'd.” Again, in Macbeth, Act IV. sc. i: "Hear his speech, but say thou nought." Again, ibid: "Listen, but speak not to 't." Steevens. N |