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supplies, 20; rescues Smith, 28, 48; | Paccamaganant, Pory at, 353.
gives a boy to Powhatan, 56; is Pace, informs the governor of the

chosen councillor, 123; private com-
mission, 152; friendship for Pow-
hatan, 167; sells swords to the
Indians, 400; Relatyon, 4.

Newport News, 412; settlement at,
349; named, 349 n.
Nickoles, John, 140.
Nonsuch, fort, 195.
Northampton County, 351 n.

Norton, Thomas, 159; death, 371.

Ocanahonan, inhabitants of, 45,


Ocanindge, discourse concerning peace,

Oconor, Dius, 160.
Onancock, 352.

Onawmanient, Indian village, 386.
Onawmanient Indians, 86.
Onianimo, purposes to kill Savage,


Opechancanough, 115, 165, 378; sec-
ond successor of Powhatan, 35 n.;
holds Smith a prisoner, 44-48; to
assist in the war against the Mona-
cums, 59; entertains Smith, 60;
asks the release of his friends, 69;
entertains Newport, 135; confer-
ence with Smith, 170; Smith over-
powers, 172-173; visit to Smith,
175; Spelman gives information to,
274-275; becomes the king of
Ozinies, 324; promises to avenge
the murder of certain colonists, 333;
confirms the peace with the colo-
nists, 334, 349; suspicions aroused
by, 345; conspiracy against Savage,
354; treachery, 357, 372, 376, 382;
leads in the great massacre, 358;
plot to overthrow, 384.

Opitchapam, 115, 165, 376; trades
with Smith, 60.
Opussoquionuske, Queen, 34 n.

Oraniocke, Indian village, Smith visits,


Orapakes, Indian village, 85, 85 n.,

Outponcas, 105.

Ovid, Sandys's, 348 n.

Oysters, abundance of, 10.

Ozinies, 89, 323, 324, 387.

Indian uprising, 363, 379 n..

Paltsits, Victor H., 76 n.
Pamacacack Indians, 86.
Pamunkey River, 46, 46 n., 362, 370;
described, 50, 85.

Pamunkeys, 85, 113, 388; friendship
of, for the colonists, 35-36; country
of, 35 n.; character, 63; conspiracy
of, 67-70, 376; certain colonists
imprisoned by, 378; Yeardley at-
tacks, 385.

Pananuaioc, 53 n.
Panawicke, 53.
Pansarowmana, is given to Newport,


Parahunt, son of Powhatan, 33 n.
Parker, William, recovered, 315, 316.
Part, John, 160.
Partridge, 194.

Paspaheghe Indians, 84; entertain
Percy, 13; visit Percy, 15-16, 17;
colonists trade with, 39; colonists
befriended by, 48, 53; conspiracy
of, 67-70; removal of, to Sandy
Point, 275 n.; Percy's attack upon,


Paspihegh, Bay of, 39.
Passe, Simon de, 237, 326.
Patuxent Indians, 87; aid sought by,
105-106; Pory visits, 352.
Patuxent River, described, 87; Smith
explores, 150.

Pawlett, 256; elected a burgess, 250.
Payankatank River, 48; Smith ex-
plores, 150.

Pazatican Indians, 372.
Pearls, found, 10, 34.
Pecock, Nathaniel, 126, 162.
Peirce, Captain William, 140, 237, 426.
Peirce, Jane, 237.
Pembroke, 232.
Pennington, Robert, death, 21.
Percy, George, 125; biographical
sketch of, 3; sails from London,
5; in the West Indies, 6-9; enters
Chesapeake Bay, 9; explores the
shores, 10-14; visits Indian chiefs,
12-14; builds fortification, 15;
explores the James River, 17; re-
turns to settlement, 18; wretched
condition of, 21-22; visits the


Chickahominies, 157; voyage in
search of provisions, 161-173; ap-
pointment as president, 196; dep-
uty-governor of Virginia, 212; ill-
ness, 200, 294; attacks the Pas-
paheghs, 300; Observations, 3, 5-23.
Perez, Marco Antonio, death, 222.
Perkins, Francis, 140.

Poole, Robert, 381; accusations of,
against Spelman, 274-275; treach-
ery of, 337; makes known the plot
of the Indians, 382.

Port Royal, colony at, 227, 230; de-
struction of the settlement at, 189,
231, 313.

Porto Rico, 8 n., 219, 219 n.

Persey, Abraham, view concerning the Pory, John, 151, 162; speaker of the

tobacco law, 259, 260.

Phelps, Thomas, 160.
Phettiplace, Michael, 140, 162.
Phettiplace, William, 76, 119, 121,

134, 140, 162, 195 n.; voyage to
the Pamunkey country, 170, 170 n.;
contribution to the Proceedings of
the English Colony, 151-200.

Philpot, Henry, 159.
Phitz-James, Captain, 194.
Phoenix, vessel, 27, 64, 64 n., 71 n.,
137, 141.

Piankatank River, 48; Smith explores,

Pickhouse, Dru, 21, 125.
Pierse, Thomas, sergeant of the gen-

eral assembly, 251.
Pinkerton, J., General Collection of
Voyages, 291.

Pising, Edward, 126, 147, 162, 163.
Pit, Sir William, 405.
Pizarro, murder, 366.

Plymouth, England, Dale reaches,


Plymouth, Mass., Pory aids the colo-
nists at, 281.

Pocahontas, Smith rescued by, 28,
326, 327; sent as a peacemaker
to Jamestown, 69, 139; is returned
to Powhatan, 70; friendship for
Smith, 199; Spelman rescued by,
295; marriage, 237, 251, 310, 327;
Rolfe's reasons for marrying, 239-
244; capture, 307-308, 327; bap-
tism, 316; visit to England, 321,
325; education, 325; presentation
at court, 329; death, 330.
Pochins, son of Powhatan, 11 n.
Pocoughtronack, description of, 49.
Point Comfort, fort at, 200, 200 n.,
212, 223; Spanish ships at, 217, 218,


Polentine, John, elected a burgess, 249.
Pollington, John, 426.

assembly, 248, 251, 255; biographi-
cal sketch, 281; illness, 283; visits
many Indian chiefs, 352-355; letter
of, 282-287; observations of, 351-
355; Proceedings of the Virginia
Assembly, 245-278; translation of

Leo Africanus, 281.

Pory, Peter, 140.
Potapacos, 86.

Potomac Indians, wars of, 49; number
of, 86; ask aid of Smith, 105-106;
attack the Nacostans, 377; attempt
to liberate Sarah Boys, 378; Madi-
son attacks, 381-384.

Potomac River, described, 86; source
of, 105; Smith explores, 144-145;
country surrounding, 213; trading
expeditions to, 202, 300, 307, 372.
Pott, John, 426; arrival at Jamestown,
349; deputy-governor, 349 n.
Pott or Pots, Richard, 76, 119, 121, 140,
195 n.; compiles Smith's manuscript,
75; contribution to the Proceedings
of the English Colony, 179-200.
Pountas or Powntis, John, member of
the council, 345, 426.
Poutrincourt, Sieur de, reëstablishes
the colony at Port Royal, 227.
Powell Brook, 360 n.
Powell, Captain William, 160, 170,
172, 173, 256, 389; elected a burgess,
249; petition of, 268; political of-
fices, 268 n.; payment made to, 275-
276; expedition against the savages,
379; in command at Jamestown,
379 n.

Powell, Henry, 162.
Powell, John, 140, 141.
Powell, Nathaniel, 76, 119, 121, 126,
134, 147, 162, 194; contribution to
the Proceedings of the English
Colony, 121-204; account of the
explorations in Chesapeake Bay,
151; search for Raleigh's lost

colony, 188; contribution to the | Quiyoughcohanock River, 83.
Generall Historie, 316-325; deputy- Quiyoughcohanocks, 13 n., 84; Smith
governor, 335, 360 n.; murdered
by the Indians, 360, 363 n.

Powhatan, Smith meets, 46; friend-
ship of, for colonists, 52-53, 396;
Smith entertained by, 54-60; Smith
trades with, 57-58; war plans, 59;
treachery of, 67-70, 168-170; sends
Pocahontas to Smith, 69; territories
of, 113; personal appearance, 114;
character, 115-116; conquers the
Payankatanks, 116; colonists aided
by, 131; entertains Newport, 134-
135; conspiracy of, 138-139; coro-
nation, 152-155, 399; policy of,
to starve the colonists, 157;
Smith's determination to surprise,
161; conference with Smith, 164-
168; designs against Smith, 174,
181, 327, 327 n.; abandons Mero-
comoco, 177; Ratcliffe slain by,
200; refusal to trade with colonists,
295; attitude respecting the capture
of Pocahontas, 308; concludes a
peace with Dale, 309-310; captures
Smith, 326; death, 334.

Powhatan, Indian town, 33, 34, 34 n.,
84, 85, 113; Smith attempts to
buy, 193; colonists take possession
of, 195.

Powhatan Creek, location, 84.

Powhatan Indians, 89, 105, 124; war

methods of, 106-107.

Powhatan River, 370; described,

Prat, John, 162.
Pretty, George, 140.

Price, revolt of, 303.
Proctor, Mistress, 370.
Prodger, Richard, 140.

Profit, Jonas, 126, 141, 147, 162.

Prosperus, ship, 274.

Purchas, Samuel, Pilgrimes, 3, 208;
marginal note by, 5 n.; prints
Percy's Observations, 3; an abridg-
ment of Smith's Description of Vir-
ginia, 75.

visits, 39; assist the colonists, 188.
Quiyoughquosicke, Indian deity, 51.

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 89; lost colony
of, 152, 163, 188.

Ramirez, Captain Diego, relation of,

Ransacke, Abraham, 140.
Rappahannock Indians, Percy en-
tertained by, 13; friendship of, for
the colonists, 20; Smith visits, 47;
number of, 86.

Rappahannock River, 89, 105, 387;
discovery, 47; described, 86; Smith
explores, 150.

Rasawrack, Smith is taken a prisoner
to, 44.

Ratcliffe, John, 125; sickness, 36;
president of the colony, 22, 37, 128;
in authority at Jamestown, 71 n.;
is chosen councillor, 123; attempted
abandonment of the colony, 130;
extravagance, 141; deposed, 147;
imprisonment, 151; enmity toward
Smith, 194, 1963; fort built by, 200;
is sent to Point Comfort, 294; death,
37, 200, 295.
Rawhunt, 69.
Read, James, 126, 141, 162.
Rice, John Holt, ed., Works of Captain
John Smith, 291.

Rich, Sir Nathaniel, opposition to the
tobacco contract, 450; accusations
against, 458.

Rich, Sir Robert, see Warwick, Earl


Richards Cliffs, 143.
Rickahake, 355.

Righkahauck, Indian village, 41.
Roanoke, lost colony of, 17 n.
Robinson, Conway, 248.

Robinson, John, 126; with Smith on
the Chickahominy, 43; death, 44.
Robinson, Mary, donates a fund for a
church, 339, 339 n.
Rodes, Christopher, 140.
Rodes, William, 20 n., 21, 126.

Quentin, Father Jacques, 229; settle- Roffingham, elected a burgess, 250.

ment of, 227.

Quia Creek, 86 n.

Quiyough, see Quia Creek.

Rolfe, John, biographical sketch of,
237; letter to Sir Thomas Dale, 239-

244; reasons for marrying Poca-

hontas, 239-244; petition, 269;
contribution to the Generall Historie,
302-316, 328-339; marriage to Po-
cahontas, 310, 327; educates Poca-
hontas, 316; visit to England, 321.
Rolfe, Thomas, 238, 330.
Rolfe's Creek, 185 n.
Rose, 160.

Rosingham, Ensign, 256.
Royall James, ship, 350.
Russawmeake, 105.

Russell, John, 156, 159, 162, 163.
Russell, Robert, 140.

Russell, Walter, 76, 119, 121, 146, 170,

175; contribution to the Proceed-
ings of the English Colony, 141-147;
discovers the designs of the savages,

Russell, William, 159.
Russell's Isles, 142, 352.

Rymer, Fædera, 406.

Sabbath, law concerning, 273.
Sagadahock, see Maine.

Saint Croix Island, French settlement
at, 230; destruction of the settle-
ment at, 227, 313.

St. Michael, island, 331.

St. Sauveur, 230 n.
Salt-works, 352.
Sambage, William, 159.
Samuell, 170.

Sands, Thomas, 126.

Sandy Point, 13 n.; Paspahegh Indians

remove to, 275 n.

Sandys, Sir Edwin, 429; treasurer, 335;
policy toward the colonists, 247;
political leadership, 335 n.; efforts
to establish a university, 337 n.;
government, 293, 421, 434, 446;
accusations against, 447; efforts
to retain the charter, 453 n.

Sandys, George, treasurer, 348, 426;
experiments, 348 n.; report con-
cerning the Indians, 363.
Santa Maria, see Chesapeake Bay.
Santo Domingo, 219, 219 n.
Sarah Constant, ship, 122 n.
Sassafras, 434, 434 n.
Savage, Richard, 140, 170.
Savage, Thomas, interpreter, 140;
is given to Powhatan by Newport,
56, 134; is returned to Jamestown,

68; accompanies Hamor to Pow-
hatan, 313; Namenacus seeks, 352;
first permanent settler on the
Eastern Shore, 352 n.; quarrels
with Indian chiefs, 353; conspiracy
against, 354.

School, free, subscription for, 350,
350 n.

Scot, Nicolas, 126, 160.
Scrivener, Matthew, 140; becomes
president of the colony, 37 n., 147;
is elected councillor, 52; accom-
panies Smith to Powhatan, 53;
experiences in a bog, 58; traffics
with Indian chiefs, 60; accompanies
Newport, 61, 133-135; trouble with
the Indians, 66; in authority at
Jamestown, 71 n.; accompanies
Smith to Nansamund, 160; is left
in charge at Jamestown, 161;
death, 174.

Sea Venture,, ship, 191 n.
Secowocomoco Indians, 86.
Sedan, 398.
Shackaconias, 105.
Sharpe, Samuel, 249, 256, 426.
Shelley, Walter, 250, 256; death, 260,

260 n.

Sherley, Sir Thomas, 207.
Shortridge, Geoffery, 160, 162.
Sicklemore, John, see Ratcliffe, John.
Sicklemore, Michael, 140, 141, 147,
162, 163; failure to find Raleigh's
colony, 188.

Silk, attempt to make, 90, 348 n.; law
concerning the manufactureof,


Silkworms, destruction, 381.
Silver, discovered, 156.
Simonds, Doctor William, 140, 294,
294 n., 297; revises Smith's manu-
script, 75; contribution to the
Proceedings of the English Colony,
179-204, 297 n.; contribution to the
Generall Historie, 294-297; death,


Small, Robert, 126, 141.

Smith, Alice, mother of Captain John
Smith, 27.

Smith, George, father of Captain John
Smith, 27.

Smith, Captain John, True Relation, 4,
28, 30-71; Map of Virginia, 28,

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191; Generall Historie of Virginia,
New England and the Summer Isles,
5 n., 28, 31, 208, 217, 294-407;
critical estimate of his works, 29;
Mappe of the Bay and River, 75, 76;
letter of, to Sir Edward Semer, 76-
77; Description of Virginia, 80-
118; Proceedings of the English
Colonies in Virginia, 119-204; A
Description of New England, 191;
New England's Trials, 191; True
Travels, 28, 291; letter of, to Queen
Anne, 325-328.

Smith, Captain John, biographical
sketch of, 27-28; reaches Chesa-
peake Bay, 32; establishes a settle-
ment, 33; explores James River,
33-34, 123-124; return to the fort,
35, 52, 61, 177; illness, 36; trades
with the Indians, 37-38; goes on
trading expedition, 39-40; explores
the Chickahominy River, 41-43;
capture, 44, 396; experiences as a
prisoner, 45-51, 130-131; at Wero-
wocomoco, 47, 163; conference
with Powhatan, 48-49; visits Pow-
hatan, 53-60, 133-135; promises
of, to Powhatan, 55; trades with
Powhatan, 57, 59; in a bog, 58;
is entertained by Opechancanough,
60; trouble with the Indians, 63,
66-70; quarrels with Martin, 66 n.;
savages ask aid of, 105-106; cen-
sures his enemies, 117-118; sails
for Virginia, 122; arrest, 124-125,
124 n.; accuses Wingfield, 127;
conspiracy against, 129, 196; re-
builds the fort, 137; treatment of
the Indians, 138-139, 177-178, 182-
183; first voyage to the Chesa-
peake Bay, 141-147; on the Poto-
mac, 145; second voyage to the
Chesapeake Bay, 147-151; among
the Toghwoghs, 149-150; president
of the colony, 151; management
of the colony, 151, 156, 179-
180, 186-187, 190, 192; attitude
toward Powhatan's coronation, 152-
155; visits the Chickahominy Ind-
ians, 157; efforts to depose, 158;
voyage to the Pamunkey country,
161-173; conference with Pow-
hatan, 164-168; reaches the Pamun-


key country, 170; discourse with
Opechancanough, 170-173; attempt
to poison, 176; fight with the king of
Paspahegh, 181; makes peace with
the Indians, 183; Volda's treachery
made known to, 189; departure
for the Falls, 193; is injured by
gunpowder, 195, 398; sails for Eng-
land, 196; character, 197;
cusations against, 198-199;
sures the colonists, 208; comments
on the revocation of the charter,
293; visit to Pocahontas, 328;
opinion concerning the defence of
the colony, 370, 370 n.; proposal,
373-375; opinion concerning the
Indians, 379-380; opinion con-
cerning the attacks upon the Ind-
ians, 379, 379 n., 385-389, 385 n.;
reviews his administration, 398-
399; answers to the questions of the
Commissioners, 399-405; opinion
as to the government of Virginia,


Smith, Roger, 426.
Smith, Sir Thomas, 306 n., 418 n.;
treasurer of Virginia, 320, 331 n.;
political defeat, 335 n.; efforts to
secure the dissolution of the Vir-
ginia Company, 421; government,
422-425, 437, 454, 455 n.;
political leadership, 429; deposed,
446, 446 n.; commissioner of Vir-
ginia, 455; accusations against,

Smith's Fort, 185 n.
Smith's Island, 141, 141 п., 355; salt-
works at, 352.
Smyth, John, of Nibley, 338 n.
Smyth's Hundred, delegates from,
250; law concerning, 266.
Snarsbrough, Francis, 126.
Somers, Sir George, political positions,
191, 191 n.; arrival at Jamestown,
201, 296; return to England, 202;
death, 203; at the Bermudas, 300.

Soraphanigh Indians, 143.
South Sea, 152; belief concerning,
59 n.; report of, 147; English
designs concerning, 219.

Southampton, Earl of, treasurer,
247, 344, 345 n.; political leader-
ship, 429; administration of, 293,

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