Page images
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English Mansions (Richardson), 6122
Escurial. Views, 6529

Europe, Picturesque, 5861

Europe. Views of Cities of, 5899 Flanders, Sketches in (Prout), 2454 Grampians. Scenery of the (Robson), 4287

Great Britain and Ireland (The Copper
Plate Magazine), 2619

Holy Land (D. Roberts), 3836
Kent, Views in (Buck), 2793

Kip (J.) Nouveau Théâtre, 6549
London and Paris (Caricatures), 2938
Marylebone Gardens. Views, etc., 6323
Moscow, Historical Sketch of, 3068
Mysore, Scenery in (Hunter), 6825
Naples and the Campagna, 2470
Northamptonshire, Views in (Buck), 4336
Oxfordshire, Views in (Buck), 4337.


Les Promenades, de (Alphand),

Paris. Tableaux (Marlet), 3063
Paris, Views of, 3766-8

Paris, Views of (Nash), 3540

Paris. Vues des Palais, etc. (Rigaud), 6593

Persepolis, Views of, 3880

Pleasure Gardens of London (Rogers) 2169

Pyrenees. Album Pittoresque, 425
Ranelagh Gardens, Views, etc., 6326
Rangoon, Views near (Moore), 3538
Rome. Les Maravilles de Rome, 4956
Rome. Un An à Rome (Thomas), 5212
Saxony. Vues en Saxe, 5575
Scotland. Royal Palaces (Brown), 23
Scotland. Views (Clerc), 5725-6
Seats of Noblemen and

(Burke), 5599.


Severn, The, Views of (Harral), 61
Stanfield (C.) Coast Scenery, 3889
St. Petersburg. Views, 2448

Switzerland. Vues Remarquables, 2201
Turner's Annual Tours, 2775

Vauxhall Gardens. Views, etc., 6381
Venice. Calli e Canali, 3893
World in Miniature, 6357-8

Visitations (Heralds'):

Cambridgeshire, 156

Cheshire, 5522

Durham, 5612

England and Wales, 3333

Voyages and Travels:

Africa, In Darkest (Stanley), 2981 America. Mundus Novus (Vespuccius), 5006-8

America. Voyage des Isles Camercanes, 4876

America. Voyage (Hennepin), 4792-3 America. Voyages (De la Salle), 5915 America. Voyages (Hakluyt), 3046 America. Voyages (Humboldt), 6765 America. Voyages of an Indian Interpreter, 2798

America. Voyages (varicus, in one lot), 3716

[merged small][ocr errors]

Challenger," Voyage of the, 6754
China, Embassy to (Ogilby), 5851
Cevennes. Travels with a Donkey
(Stevenson), 352

Charles II. Voyage en Hollande, 3030
Charles II. Voyage to Holland (Lower),
Circumnavigation (Cook), 5124
Circumnavigation (Frobisher), 4764-5
Circumnavigation (La Perouse), 6776
Circumnavigation (Vancouver), 6930
Congo, The (Stanley), 2981
Continent, The. Six
(Shelley), 4553
Coryat's Crudities, 643

Weeks' Tour

Damascus and Palmyra (Addison), 405
Dampier (W.) Voyages, 6812
De Bry (T.) Grands Voyages, 2025
De Bry (T.) Petits Voyages, 6702
Egypt. Description de l'Egypte, 3860
Egypt, etc. Itinerario (Varthema), 5000
France. Description Générale (Des-
champs), 3742

France. Sentimental Travels (Rowland. son), 6344.

Great Britain, Picturesque Voyage round (Daniell), 2394

Guiana, Discovery of (Raleigh), 2166 Guinea. True Description of (Linscho ten), 2431

Hakluyt (R.) Collection of Voyages, 1625

Hakluyt Society, The, 6069
Holy Land.


Voiage (Breydenbach),

Howard (Lord). Travels of (Crowne),


Indies, East. Navigation to the (Frampton), 3691

Indies, East. Viaggio (Fedrici), 4756
Indies, East. Voyages (Pinto), 715

Indies, East and West. Navigation (Spilbergen), 4976

Indies, East and West. Voyages (Linschoten), 2431

Indies, West. New Survey (Gage), 715 Italy, Pictures from (Dickens), 6282 Jamaica. Voyage to (Sloane), 3322 Japan, Embassy to (Ogilby), 5851

Kamschatka. Cruise of the Marchesa to (Guillemard), 59.

Labrador. Residence at (Cartwright),


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Voyages and Travels (continued): Missouri, Sources of the (Lewis and Clarke), 6777

Moon, Voyage to the (Godwin), 725
Naples and the Campagna Felice, 2470
Newfoundland, Discovery of (Whit-
bourne), 4306

North Pole (Franklin), 5857
North-West Passage (Parry), 5857
Palestine. Sanctarum Peregrinationum
Narratio (Breydenbach), 4680
Paris. Séjour de Paris (Nemeitz), 2959
Persepolis (Nöldeke), 3880
Polar Sea (Franklin), 5857

Purchas (S.) His Pilgrimage, 5869
Purchas (S.) His Pilgrimes, 6837
Raleigh (Sir W.) Voyages and Adven
tures, 2457

Sandys Travailes, 715

Scotland. Itinerarium Septentrionale, 728 Scotland. Navigatione du Roy Jacques V., 2109

Siberia. Voyage (Chappe d'Auteroche), 1906

Southern Hemisphere (Hawkesworth), 62

Voyages and Travels (continued):
South Seas (Parkinson), 3071
Spain and Morocco (Roscoe), 4479
Speculum Nauticum (Wagenaar), 5019
Turkey, Navigations into (Nicolay), 4894
Turkey. Voyage en Turquie (Hom-
maire de Hell), 1648

Wales. Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin,

Weights and Measures:

Hunter (A.) Weights and Measures of
Scotland, 5808

Wood-carving. See Cabinet-making
Writing. See Penmanship

Art de Bâtir les Vaisseaux, L', 3845
Charnock (J.) Marine Architecture, 4242
Crescentio (B.) Nautica Mediterranea,

English Pilot, The, 4985

Evelyn (J.) Navigation and Commerce,

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Book-Prices Current.

[OCTOBER 24TH, 25TH, AND 26TH, 1898.]



(No. of Lots, 1006; amount realised, £1,041 95.)

I A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol., first edition, 1847-48-Comic History of Rome, first edition, n. d., coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, specimen wrappers bound up, calf extra, uniform, by Tout, 8vo. (357) £3 7s. 6d. 2 Ackermann (R.) The Microcosm of London, or London in Miniature, numerous coloured plates by Rowlandson and Pugin, 3 vol., old calf gilt, 1808, 4to. (871) Churchill, £11 10s. 3 Addington (W.) Cupid and Psyche, done into English, by W. Addington, with Discourse by Andrew Lang, LARGE PAPER, with plate in 2 states, morocco, g. t., uncut, 60 copies printed, D. Nutt, 1887, 8vo. (42) Cuttle, LI IIS.

4 Addison (J.) The Spectator, portrait and numerous plates by Stothard and others, 8 vol., old morocco extra, gilt edges, 1803, 8vo. (761) Bain, £2 8s. 5 Amman (Jost.) Stand und Orden der H. Romischen Catholischen Kirchen, 102 woodcuts of religious orders by Jost Amman, calf extra, Franckfort-am-Mayn, 1585, 4to. (608) Ridler, £1 6s.

6 Anderson (J.) Scotland in Early Christian Times, numerous woodcuts, 2 vol., calf extra, g. t., uncut, 1881, 8vo.-Scotland in Pagan Times, numerous woodcuts, calf extra, g. t., uncut, 1883, 8vo. (526, 527) Maggs, £1 135.

7 Arabian Nights. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, translated by Capt. Sir R. F. Burton, reprinted from the Original Edition, and edited by L. C. Smithers, 12 vol., "Library Edition," 70 original illustrations from paintings by A. Letchford, uncut, t. e. g., 1897, 8vo. (187) C. Brown, £5 10s. 8 Bacon (Francis, Lord). Works, with Life, 10 vol., portrait, half calf, m. e., 1803, 8vo. (372) Britwell, 1 8s. 9 Baring-Gould (S.) Iceland its Scenes and Sagas, first edition, numerous illustrations and a map, uncut, 1863, 8vo. (355)

Hill, £2 Is.

10 Bible (Holy) with Commentary, edited by Canon Cook-New Testament, vol. ii., iii., and iv., 1880-81, 8vo. (219)

Higham, L1 35. II Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti et sacrorum canonum addite concordantie ex viginti libris Josephi de antiquitatibus et bello judaico excerpte, gothic letter in double columns, nearly 150 woodcuts, and numerous initial letters, old stamped mor., Nuremburg, 1521, folio (336) Parsons, £i 12 Boccaccio. Le Décaméron de Jean Boccace, traduit par Le Maçon, 5 vol., portrait, vignettes and numerous plates after Gravelot, Eisen, Boucher, and Cochin, engraved by Aliamet, Baquoy, etc., morocco gilt, gilt edges, Londres (Paris), 1757, 8vo. (189) Parsons, £4 4s. 13 Boccaccio. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (Il Boccaccio), now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by John Payne, 3 vol., parchment, uncut, t. e. g., Privately printed for the Villon Society, 1886, 4to. (290) Edwards, £2 125. 14 Book-plates. Journal of the Ex-Libris Society, edited by W. H. K. Wright and A. J. Jewers from the commencement in July, 1891, down to vol. v., part 6, June, 1895, inclusive, in the original parts, 4to. (323) Maggs, £16s. 15 Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, edited, with numerous additions and notes, by J. W. Croker, 5 vol., portraits, 1831, 8vo. (348) Ridler, £145.

[One of the best editions of Boswell's Life of Johnson. The Portraits were engraved by Finden.-ED.]

16 Boys (W.) Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent, numerous plates of views, antiquities (the two at p. 851 missing), etc., in 2 vol., calf gilt, Canterbury, 1792, 4to. (474) Ridler, £2 6s.

17 Breviarium. Portiforium seu Breviarium, ad insignis Sarisburiensis ecclesie usum: accuratissime castigatum, cum multis annotatiuculis, etc., pars hyemalis, gothic letter, printed in red and black (wanted A iiii. and v. of Proprium de Sanctis), otherwise a large and sound copy in calf gilt, gilt edges, Lond., J. Kyngston et H. Sutton, 1556, 4to. (477)

19 British Museum.

Ridler, £10

18 British Museum. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum, vol. ii. to xxvii., numerous coloured plates, 1875-95, 8vo. (4) Quaritch, £26 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum, by G. A. Boulanger, 3 vol., numerous plates, 1893-96, 8vo. (5) Quaritch, L1 IIS. 20 British Museum. Descriptions of New Species of Hymenoptera, by F. Smith, 1879-List of Hymenoptera, vol. i., Tenthredinidæ and Siricidæ, by W. F. Kirby, 16 coloured plates, 1882-Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata, by O. Thomas, 28 plates, some coloured, together 3 vols., 1888, 8vo. (7) Quaritch, £1 18s. 21 Broglie (Duc de). Mémoires du Prince de Talleyrand, 4 vol., portraits, half morocco, uncut, t. e. g., 1891, 8vo. (96) Young, LI IS.

22 Brough (R. B.) Life of Sir John Falstaff, illustrated by Geo.

Cruikshank, half calf, 1858-Duplicate set of the Etchings, 8vo. (398) Sotheran, £2 18s. 23 Brown (W.) Select Views of the Royal Palaces of Scotland, with illustrative descriptions by J. Jamieson, numerous plates, proofs on India paper, morocco extra, gilt edges, Edinburgh, 1830, 4to. (602) Young, £175. 24 Bruce (Rev. J. C.) The Roman Wall, a Historical, Topographical and Descriptive Account of the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus, illustrations, half morocco extra, g. t., 1851, 8vo. (529) Grieve, £1 4s. 25 Bruce (J. C.) The Roman Wall, a Description of the Mural Barrier of the North of England, third and best edition, tinted plates, plans and woodcuts, half bound, uncut, 1867, 4to. (442) Maggs, £4 14s. 26 Burns (Robert). Works, Poetry, and Prose, 6 vol., portrait, illustrations and facsimiles, Edinburgh, 1895, 8vo. (190) Sotheran, £1 4S. 27 Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland, from Agricola's Invasion to the Revolution of 1688, 7 vol., uncut, 1867-70, 8vo. (352) Bull, £3 3s. 28 Butler (S.) Hudibras, edited, with large Annotations, etc., by Dr. Grey, 2 vol., portrait, and numerous plates after Hogarth, 1744-Genuine Remains, with Notes by Thyer, 2 vol., 1759, mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Morrell, 8vo. (365) Edwards, £1 16s. 29 Butler (Saml.) Hudibras, edited with Life by T. Nash, with fine full-page plates and vignettes and portrait, handsomely printed in large type, 3 vol., morocco, tooled back and sides, and gilt edges, Rickaby, 1793, 4to. (318) Maggs, £3 18s. [Only 200 copies printed. In this copy some of the illustrations were in duplicate and proof state.-Catalogue.] 30 Buttes (H.) Dyets Dry Dinner: consisting of eight severall Courses, Fruites, Hearbes, Flesh, Fish, Whitmeats, Spice, Sauce, Tabacco (wanted page 5, and one or two leaves cut into), morocco gilt, g. e., 1599, 8vo. (467) Pickering, £2 25. [The Wilbraham copy sold for £10 5s. See BOOK-PRICES CURRENT, vol. xii., No. 6170.-ED.] 31 Byron (Lord). Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, original and translated, morocco, tooled back, gilt edges by Rivière, Newark, 1807, 8vo. (31) Cattle, £2 10S.

[A few copies of this work were printed on Large Paper. These were issued first and vary materially in the setting up. The presence of several textual errors in these copies points to the conclusion that they were produced independently, in part at least.-ED.]

32 Byron (Lord). Works, with Letters, Journals, and Life, by T. Moore, 17 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, half morocco, t. e. g., 1832-33, 8vo. (351) Cattle, £26s. 33 Cæsar (Julius). The Eight Bookes of Caius Julius Cæsar, conteyning his martiall exployts in the Realme of Gallia and the Countries bordering upon the same, translated out of Latin into English by Arthur Golding, black letter, morocco extra, 1590, 4to. (610) Maggs, £2 18s.

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