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Latin, 1446-9

Various Works in

Albyn's Anthology, 426

Alesius (Alex. Scetus) Ordinatio Eccle-
siæ, 2594

Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Various Works,

Alexander Gallus. Doctrinale Compen-
diosa, 438

Alphonsus de Spina. Fortalicium Fidei,

Ambrose (St.) Concordance (MS.), 1452
Ambrose (St.) Hexameron, 1724
Amor erga Jesum, 4606

Andrews (L.) Holy Devotions, 2280
Anna (Saint). Legende, 4610
Answere of the Preachers at Basile, 444
Answer to a Godly Man's Letters, 2361
Ante-Nicene Christian Library, 442
Antichrist, A Description of, 445
Antoninus (Archiep.) Summa Confessio-
num, 4612

Apianus (P.) Inscriptiones Sacrosanctæ,

Ars Moriendi, 4617-18

Articles agreed upon by the Bishoppes,


Articles to be enquired of, 450
Ashwell (John). Lettres, 2363
Astexanus de Ast (J.) Summa de Casi-
bus, 1469-71

Augsburg Confession of Faith, 454
Augustine (S.) De Arte predicandi, 455
Augustine (S.) De Civitate Dei, 1472-6
Augustine (S.) De Consensu Evangelist-

arum, 2007

De Vita Christiana, 456
El Alma, 2284

Augustine (S.)

Augustine (S.)

Augustine (S.)

Homilie, 3904

Augustine (S.)

Opera Varia, 4620-24

Augustine (S.)

Sermones, 1477-8

Augustine (S.) Soliloquium, 3905

Aurbach (J. de). De Confessione, 4625
Balbus (J. de).

Catholicon, 1480

Bale (John). Englyshe Votaryes, 3591
Bale (John). Apology, 460

Bale (John). Brefe Cronycle, 459.
Balmanes (Hy.) Confession of Faith, 461
Bancroft (Archbp.) Dangerous Proceed-
ings, etc., 5706

Barclay (R.) Apology for the Quakers,

Bentley (T.)

Monument of Matrons,

Bernard (I.) Oratio Pia, 2288


Bernardus (S.)

Sermones, 1483

Bertandus (J.)

Encomium, 1886

Beza (Theod.) Histoire Ecclesiastique,


Beza (Theod.) Various Works, 465-6,


Bible in Spain (Borrow), 3204


See General Index

Biblia Innocentium (Mackail), 196

idpai. Directorium Humanæ Vitæ, 1511

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Breviaries. See General Index
Brigitta (St.) Revelationes, 1535-6
Bromyard (J. de). Summa Prædicantium,

Bullinger (H.) An Exhortation, 583
Bulls, Various Papal, 582

Bunyan (John). Various Works, 2026
Calderwood (D.) Altar of Damascus, 594
Calvin (J.) Catechism and Various

Works, 595-603, 721, 2303, 2343, 4686
Calvin Society's Publications, 604
Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical,
606, 4687

Caracciolus (R.) De Penitentia, 4689
Cartwright (T.) Answere to the Rhemis
Testament, 608

Carve (T.) Itinerarium, 609

Catechisms. Various, 611-12

Catherine of Siena. La Divina Provi-
dentia, 4691

Catherine of Siena. Legenda (MS.), 1550
Cavalleriis (J. de). Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ
Trophaea, 613

Choul (G. du). Religion des Romains,

Christian Conduct, Tracts on, 5690
Chrysostom (S.) Omeliæ, 4824

Church Reform. Answere of the V. C. of
Oxford, 627

Clark's Foreign Theological Library, 630
Codex Alexandrinus, 470
Codex Sinaiticus, 472

Codex Vaticanus, 471

Coleridge (S. T.) Constitution of Church
and State, 633

Comestor (P.) Historia Scholastica, 1566
Conclavi de Pontifici Romani, 4716
Confession of Faith, The, 636-40, 990

Confessyon of the Fayth of the Ger-

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Theology, Religious Ceremonies, Eccle-
siastical History (continued):
Donne (Jno.) Paradoxe of Self-homicide,

Dunlop (Wm.) Collection of Confessions
of Faith, 675
Durandus (G.)

Officium, 4744

Rationale Divinorum

Edward VI. Injunctions, 780

Eikon Aklastos (Fane), 869

Eikon Basiliké, 50

Eikonoklastes (Milton), 868

Ellis (H.) Pseudochristus, 1918
Emblems (Wither). See Emblems

Entretiens Spirituels, 4253
Epistolæ S. Pauli, 1582

Erasmus (Desid.) See General Index
Essex (Earl of). Funeral Sermon, 5784
Estienne (R.) Les Censures des Theolo
gians, 678

Eusebius. Historia Ecclesiastica, 1919
Faber (G. S.) Pagan Idolatry, 3045
Fasciculus Myrrhe, 4755

Faule of the Romyshe Churche, 971
Featley (Dan.) The Dippers Dipt, 5785
Fenton (G.) Christian Pollicie, 5433
Field (F.) Origenis Hexaplorum quæ
Supersunt, 53

Floure of the Commandments, 1567
Forbes (Bishop). Kalendars of Scottish
Saints, 682

Forbes (Dr. John). A peaceable Warn-
ing and the Answere, 683-4
Forbes (Jno.) Irenicum, 3927

Forlong (J. G. R.) Rivers of Life, 1177
Fox (John). Acts and Monuments. See
General Index

Fox (John). Rerum in Ecclesia Gestarum,
687, 3628

Francis Assisi. Legend, 1595
Francis (St.) Die Legend, 4762

Frith (John). Various Polemical Works,

Gardiner (Bp.) De Vira Obediencia,


Gardiner (Bp.) Explication of the Catho-
lique Fayth, 716

Gardyne (A.)

Garden of Grave and
Godlie Flowers, 5440
Gautriche (P. P.) L'Histoire Sainte,


Geiler Von Kaisersperg (J.) Der Passion,

Golden Legende, The, 209

Gomes (R. P. D.) Commentaria, 4777
Goudinel (C.) Pseaumes de David, 4780
Gratianus. Decreta Patrum, 1614-5
Gregory IX. Decretals, 1616-9
Gregory the Great. Moralia, 1620-1
Gritsch (Jo.) Quadragesimale triparti-
tum, 1622

Gualla (Jac.)


Guild (W.)

Sanctuarii Papiæ Liber,

Old and New Roman

Catholik Faith, 5801

Guilhelmus de Gouda.

De Expositione

Mysteriorum Missæ, 4791

Hall (Bp. Jas.) Virgidemarium, 743
Helyot (P.) Ordres Monastiques, 3745
Henry VIII. Assertio Septem Sacre-

mentorum, 747-9

Henry VIII. Various Theological Works,

Herbert (Lady). On Hearing Mass, 1181

Theology, Religious Ceremonies, Eccle-
siastical History (continued):
Hermann (Archbp. Col.) Religious Con-
sultation, 758

Hermes. De Potestate Dei, 4795
Hindu Pantheon, The (Moor), 7051
Holthusius (J.) Compendium Cautionum,

Homilies, 764-5

Hooker John).

Works, 767-9

Various Theological

Hortulus Animæ, 1653

Hortulus Precationum, 2318

Hour Books.

See General Index

Hugo de Prato. Sermones, 1657

Hugo de Sletstat. Quadruvium Ecclesiæ,


Hugo de S. Victoire. Didascalion, 1658
Hugo de S. Victoire. Larre de Lame,

Imitatio Christi (à Kempis), 6548
Indulgentiæ, 4815-7, 6632

Inman (T.) Ancient Faiths, 4476
Institor (H.) Defensio Ecclesiæ, 1662
Internelle Consolation, Le Livre Institule,

Jameson (Mrs.) Works by. See General

Jerome (St.) Epistolæ, 1634-7
Jewell (Bp.) Apologie, 787
Johannes de Sancto Laurentio. Postillæ
Evangeliorum, 1665

Joye (Geo.) Jeremy the Prophete, 790
Keble (John). The Christian Year, 792
Keith (Geo.) Churches Visible in New
England, 3052

Kempis (Thomas à). De Imitatione
Christi, 1230

Knight (R. P.) Worship of Priapus, 2563
Knox (John). An Answer to Blas
phemous Cavillations, and other Theo-
logical Works, 795-803, 3646
Latimer (Bp.) Sermons, 811

Laudes Mariæ Virginis (Kelmscott), 216
Laurentic (St.) Doctrina, 4839
Legenda Aurea (Voragine), 1108
Leger (J.) Histoire des Vaudoises, 4840
Leighton (Dr. Alex.) Sion's Plea against
the Prelacie, 812

Leslæus (Jo.) Afflictio Animi, 814
Linne (G.) Necessarie Treatise, 1941
Lombardus (P.) Glossa, 1685-6
Luther (M.) Passional Christi, 4855
Luther (M.) Tracts in Latin, 826-31
Lyra (Nic. de). Postilla super Bibliam,


Lyra (Nic. de).
S. Pauli, 1695
Lyra (Nic. de).
Test., 4822

Postilla super Epistolas

Postilla super Nov.

Mamotrectus super Bibliam, 1698
Maria, Defensio Virginitatis, 1699
Mather (C.) Magnalia Christi Ameri-
cana, 846

Matthæus de Cracovia. Tractatus Cor-

poris Christi, 2145

Melancthon (P.) De Ecclesiæ Autori-
tate, 850

Melancthon (P.) Espistle to Henry VIII.,

Methodius (S.) De Revelatione, 4872-3
Meung (J. de). Testament et Codicilles,

Milton (John).

Works by, 860-1

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Columbanus ad Hi-

Olde (Jno.) Acquital of Edward VI., 986
Orarium, 904

Orcharde of Syon, 1725

Ordinary of Crysten Men, etc., 1726, 1960
Palanterius (J. P.) In Hymnos Explana-
tio, 2156

Parsons (R.) Various Works, 908-9
Passio Christi, 3789

Passio Domini, 4903

Paulus de Sancta Maria. Dialogus, 1740
Pelagius (.) De Planctu Ecclesiæ, 1741
Penry (Jno.) Exhortation and other
Works, 913-4

Picart (B.) Religious Ceremonies, 3420
Pisis (R. de). Pantheologia, 1749-50
Pitra (J. B.) Spicilegium, 1217
Pole (Card.) Il ritorno del Regno d'
Inghilterra alla Catholica Unione, 4914
Pomeranius (Jo.) A Compeēdious Letter,

Ponet (Jno.) An Apologie, 920
Ponet (no.) Politike Power, 919
Popish Apparel, Tracts on, 446-8
Porter (Fr.) Annales Ecclesiastici, 4917
Processionum Libri, 4923-4
Prudentius (A.) Hymní, etc., 949
Psalters. See General Index
Rappresentatione di S. Apollonia, 5516
Ravenscroft (Tho.) Booke of Psalmes,

Ridley and Latimer.

Prison, 969

Conferences in

Reformatio Camaldulensis Ordinis, 4941

Reges Tres, 1778*

Regule Congruitatum, 4942

Religious Emblems, 1221

Renan (E.) Origines des Christianisme,

Repos de Conscience, 4947

Ringmannus. Passio Christi, 4950

Rollocke (R.) History of the Passion,

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Tracts for the Times, 121
Tunstall (Bp.)

VIII., 1090

Sermon before Henry

Tuppius (D. L.) Adversus Restitutionem
Synodi, 1091

Turner (Dr. W.) Romishe Fox, 1093
Turrecremata (J. de). Expositio super

toto Psalterio, 1845, 2813
Tyndale (Wm.) An Exposicion, 790.

See also General Index

Utino (L. de). Sermones Aurei, 4996
Valera (C.) Two Treatises, 1102
Verstegan (R.) Theatrum Crudelitatum
Hæreticorum, 2214, 2243

Vigerius (M.) Decachordum, 5011
Voragine (Jac. de). Legenda Aurea,

Watson (Bp.) Holsome and Catholyke
Doctrine, 5218

Wickliffe (Jno.) Wycklyffe's Wicket,

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Topography (continued):

Fosbrooke (T. D.) Abstracts of Records, 4451

Rudder (S.) New History, 4546

Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Berry's Genealogies, 3017

Englefield (Sir H.) Isle of Wight, 3039 Park (J. J.) Topography of Hampshire,


Warner (R.) Collections, 2591
Woodward (B. B.) History, 249


Berry's Genealogies, 3015

Chauncy (Sir H.) Antiquities, 159 Clutterbuck (R.) History of Hertford,


Cussans (J. E.)

Newcome (P.)

History, 6811

Abbey of St. Alban, 6919

Salmon (N.) History, 6919


Boys (W.) Collections for a History of Sandwich, 16

Berry's Genealogies, 3014

Harris (J.) History, 184

Hasted (E.) History, 185

Lambarde (W.) Perambulations of Kent, 809

Leybourne Church, Heart-shrine in, 68


Beck (T. A.)

Abbey of Furness, 4229

Croston (Jas.)

Hutton (W.)

County Families, 5991
Blackpool, 5152


Roby (Jno.)

Court Leet Records, 5989
Traditions of Lancashire,


Ackermann (R.) Microcosm of London, 2 Ackermann (R.) Westminster Abbey, 6738

Birch (G. H.) London Churches, 5949
Dart (Jno.) Westminster Abbey, 5771
Dugdale (Sir W.) St. Paul's, 3501
Faulkner (T.) Fulham, 6709

Faulkner (T.) Hammersmith, 6708
Faulkner (T.) Kensington, 6762
Jesse (J. H.) London, 192

Londina Illustrata, 2592

Lysons (D.) Environs of London, 91

Malton (J.) London and Westminster,


Microcosm of London, 3669

Pennant (T.) Account of London, 6724 Stow (J.) Survey, 3554,

Tempest (P.) Cryes of London, 2203 Thornbury (W.) Greater London, 2695 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, 2592


Dugdale (Sir W.) St. Paul's, 3501
Park (J. J.) History of Hampstead,

4517 Robinson (W.) Robinson (W.)

ington, 6784

History of Enfield, 3079
History of Stoke New-

Robinson (W.) History of Tottenham, 6783

Stow (Jno.)

Survey of London and Westminster, 5676

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