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Biography (continued):

D'Horsay, or the Follies of the Day
(Mills), 325

Dickens (Č.) A Gossip about his Life
(Barnard), 2704

Dickens (C.) By Pen and Pencil (Kitton),

Dickens (C.) Life of (Forster), 3798
Dictionary of National Biography, 6039
Donne (Dr.), Life of (Walton), 1428
Du Barri (Mdme.) Memoirs (Fouché),

Dundee (Visct.) Memoirs (Napier), 888
Edward (V.) Life (More), 1955

Elizabeth de Valois. Life (Freer), 6063
Elizabeth (Queen). Life, by Creighton,

Elizabeth (Queen). True and Royall

Historie (Darcie), 654

Elliot (Grace). Journal of my Life, 6049
Elliston (R. W.) Memoirs, 3771
England's Selected Characters (Breton),

Falstaff (Sir John), Life of (Brough), 22,

Fathers, Lives of the (Jerome), 1639-41
Flamendes, La Legende des, 1681
Forrest (Edwin). Life (Alger), 3382
Foster (J.) Alumni Oxonienses, 175-6
Frêne (Marquise de). Mémoires, 2894
Friedrich II., History of (Carlyle), 1162
Garrick (D.) Life (Davies), 6711
Garrick (D.) Memoirs, 6305-6
George II. Memoirs (Walpole), 1111
George III. Memoirs (Jesse), 5457
George III. Memoirs (Walpole), 1113
George IV. Memoirs (Greville), 736
Goldsmith (O.), Life of (Forster), 3393
Grammont (Count). Memoirs, by Hamil

ton, 57

Granger (J.) Biographical History, 5621
Greek and Roman Biography (Smith), 116
Grimaldi (Joseph). Memoirs, by Dickens,

Gronow (Capt.) Recollections, 307
Guises, The. Legende de Charles, Car-
dinal de Lorraine, 2235
Hamilton (Lady). Memoirs, 6833
Hayward (A.) Biographical Essays, 6713
Henri III. Court and Times (Freer), 6063
Henri IV. Life (Freer), 6063
Henry VIII. Life (Brewer), 3355
Herwologia Anglica (Holland), 761
Heyligen Leben, Die, 1679

Heywood (T.) Lives of Nine most
Worthy Women, 2101

Highwaymen, Robbers, etc., Lives of
(Johnson), 3523

Hind (Jas., the Robber). Life, 3641,

Hommes de la Révolution, Les, 6025
Hommes Illustrès. Vies de (Beza), 5733
Hooker (Bp.), Life of (Walton), 1430
Hunt (Leigh). Autobiography, 4475
Italian Poets (Rosetti), 4531
James II. History (Fox), 6819
Jerome (St.) Life of (Eusebius), 4797

John of Barneveld. Life and Death
(Motley), 2958

Johnson (Dr.) Life, by Boswell. See
General Index (Boswell, J.)

Jones (S.) New Biographical Dictionary,


Jordan (Mrs.), Life of (Boaden), 5633

Biography (continued):

Josephine (Empress). Memoirs (Ducrest),

Josephine (Empress). Memoirs (Fouché),

Juan II. Cronica (Guzman), 1623
Judges of England (Foss), 2526

Kean (Edmund). Life (Cornwall), 6315
Kean (Edmund). Life (Hawkins), 3396,

Keats (Jno.) Life and Letters, 4484
Kemble (J. P.) Memoirs, 6316-7
Khallikan's Biographical Dictionary, 1729
Kingston (La Duchesse). Histoire de sa
Vie, 2923

Kit Kat Club. Memoirs, 4268
Lane (Theodore). Life (Egan), 6717
Louis XIV., Court of (Ducrest), 6042
Louis XV. Memoirs (Ducrest), 6042
Luther (Martin). Vita (Laingaeus), 808
Macready (W. C.) Reminiscences, 6321
Mahomet, Life of (Muir), 885
Mainrhardus (St.) Incipit Passio, etc.,

Marbot (General). Mémoires, 2943
Margaret Queen of Scotland, Life, 843
Marguerite d'Angoulême, Life of (Freer),

Marie Antoinette. Iconographie (Gower),


Marie Antoinette, La Vie de (Nolhac),

Marie Antoinette. Private Life (Cam-
pan), 1156

Mary Queen of Scots (Buchanan), 579
Mary Queen of Scots, History of (Mait-
land Club), 839

Mary Queen of Scots. Large collection
of Works relating to, 2219:46
Mary Queen of Scots. Muerte de la
Reyna (Vega), 3093

Mary Queen of Scots (Udall), 6442
Mary Stuart. A Biography (Skelton), 238
Mathews (C. J.) Life, by Dickens, 6324
Memoirs of a Protestant (Goldsmith), 5443
Mémoires Contemporaines (1828), 5492
Men of Mark, 2776

Michelangelo. Life, by J. A. Symonds,

Milton (John). Life (Masson), 845
Montespan (Mdme.) Memoirs (Ducrest),

Montpensier (Mdlle. de). Memoirs, 6105
Mytton (John). Memoirs, by Apperley,

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Reynolds (Sir J.) Life, by Northcote, 6329
Richard III. Life (Buck), 5117
Richard III. Memoirs (Jesse), 5456
Kichardson (J., the Showman. Life, 6330
Romney (G.) Life, by Hayley, 3286
Komualdus (St.) Vita (Damiano), 4957
Rowlandson, the Caricaturist (Grego), 179
St. Francis, Life of, 3672

Saim Simon. Mémoires, 2973
Saints, Lives of the (Newman), 895
Sanderson (Bp.). Life of (Walton), 1431
Scott (Sir Walter). Life, by Lockhart,

Sewyn (George) and His Contemporaries
Jesse), 3521.

Seven Champions, The History of the Cohnson), 3637

Shakespeare (W.) Life of (Chalmers), 6185

Stakespeare and his Times (Guizot), 740 Siddons (Mrs.) Memoirs (Boaden), 6359 Smith (T. Assheton). Reminiscences,

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Talleyrand. Memoirs (Fouché), 6056
Tennyson (Lord). Memoir, 4569
Theatrical Biography, 6379
Vestris (Madame). Memoirs, 6382
Victoria (Queen), Life of (Holmes), 4284
Victoria (Queen). Memoirs (Greville), 736
Virgin Mary. Cursus Virginis Marie, 4727
Virgin Mary. La Vida (Perez), 4904
Virgin Mary. Vita (Cornazzano), 4719
Vocalists, Queens of Song (Clayton), 5412
Wallace (Sir W.) Life and Acts, 1110
Walpole (H.) Memoirs (Warburton), 124
Walton (I.), Life of (Zouch), 1433-4
William IV. Memoirs (Greville), 736
Wilson (Harriette). Memoirs, 2351
Wodrow (R.) Biographical Collections,


Woffington (Peg). A Tribute (Daly), 4430 XIII.

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Caus (S. de). Hortus Palatinus, 1904 Crescentius (P. de). Herbal (in German), 2096

Clusius (C.) Rariorum Plantarum Historia, 3259

Curtis (W.) Botanical Magazine, 43
Curtis (W.) Flora Londinensis, 5418
De Candolle (A. P.) Various Botanical
Works, 6868

Desfontaines (R.) Flora Atlantica, 6869
Dodoens (R.) Herball, etc., 1578
Edward's Botanical Register, 3274
Elliott's Botany of S. Carolina, 3276
Evelyn (Jno.) Silva, Terra, 1585
Gaetner (J.) De Fructibus Plantarum,

Gerarde (J.) Herball, 1604-5

Greville (R. K.) Cryptogamic Flora, 6663
Harvey (W. H.) Nereis Australis, 6888
Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica,
et Australica, 6889-90
Herbal, The Grete, 1631

Hill (Dr. J.) British Herbal, 3519
Hooker (Sir W. J.) See General Index
Horsfield (T.) Plantæ Javanicæ, 3049
Hortus Sanitatis, 2107

Hulme's Familiar Garden and Wild Flowers, 1174-5

Humboldt et Blonpand. Plantæ Æquinoctiales, 3290

Jacquin (N. J.) Icones Plantarum, 1664 Linden (J.) Iconography of Orchids, 3825 Linden (J.) Pescatoria, 3298

Lindley (J.) Collectanea Botanica, 3299 Lindley (J.) Rosarum Monographia, 3300 Lindley (J.) Sertum Orchidaceum, 3301 Linnean Society. Journal of Proceedings,

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Botany (continued):

Pratt (Anne). Flowering Plants, 6914
Prodromus Flora Nova Hollandice,

Roxburgh (W.) Plants of the Coro-
mandel, 3314,

Rudge (E.) Plantarum Guianæ Icones,

Ruiz (H.) Flora Peruviana, 3317
Sander (F.) Reichenbachia: Orchids,


Smith (J. E.) Plantarum Icones, 3323
Sowerby (G. B.) Genus Conus, 2808
Sowerby (J.) English Botany, 1228
Sowerby (J.) English Fungi, 7055
Stevenson (R. L.) Thermal Influence of
Forests, 2197

Stirpium Icones, 1976

Sweet (R.) Flora Australasica, 3253
Theophrastus. De Historia Plantarum,

Turner (W.) Herbal, 1989

Vauquelin (J.) Les Foresteries, 6797
Verhaudlungen der K. K. Zoologish-
Botanischen Gesellschaft, 5092
Wallich (N.) Plantæ Asiaticæ, 3334
Warner (R.) Orchidaceous Plants, 3335
Brasses (Monumental): See also Monu-


Cotman (J. S.) Sepulchral Brasses of
Norfolk, 2389


Arts Soniptuaires, Les, 2494

Giraud (J. B.) Meubles en Bois sculpté,


Heaton (J. A.) Furniture, 6071
Heppelwhite (A.) Cabinet-Maker, 4794
Holtzapffel (C.) On Turning, 4263
Parker (Geo.) Japanning, 5856
Sander's Carved Woodwork, 1805
Sheraton (T.) Cabinet-Maker's Drawing
Book, 3844

Small (J. W.) Scottish Woodwork, 1812
Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaire Rai-

sonné du Mobilier, 6689
Vredeman (J.) Plusieurs Menuiseries,


Ellacombe (H. T.) Church Bells of
Devon, 172

Carpets. See Tapestry
Catalogues. See General Index
Charts. See also Atlases

American Maps and Charts, 5698

De Hooghe (R.) Plans des Villes, etc.,

Goos (P.) Die Zee-Atlas, 5798
Ireland, Maps of, 4820-21

Johnston (A. K.) Atlases, 3869
Mappe-Monde. Various, 4860-2
Mercator's Atlas (1595), 5840
Palestine, Map of (1572), 4901
Portulanos. Various, 4918-20
Versailles. Plans, Profils, etc., 3558
Chivalry. See Romances of Chivalry

Anjou. Cronique (Bourdigne), 1529
Bouchard (A.) Croniques de Bretaigne,


Brabant. Cronyke, 1531-2

Caxton's Chronicle, 3782

Champier (Simphorien). Croniques, 1553-4
Chronicle of Perth, 838

Chronicle of St. Albans, 1557

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Grafton's Chronicle, 1613

Halle (Ed.) Chronicle, 1931
Hardynge's Chronicle, 3632
Hearne (T.), Chronicles edited by, 63
Higden (R.) Polycronycon, 1642-3
Holinshed's Chronicles, 64
Lanquet (T.) Chronicle, 810
Lilius (G.) Chronicon, 3757
Louis XI. Chronique, 4848
Monstrelet's Chronicles. 54
Nuremberg Chronicle, The, 1558
Rolewinck (W.) Fasciculus Temporum,

Sleidan's Chronicle, 2192
Stow's Chronicle 5677
Strutt's Chronicle, 3453
Classics-Greek and Latin:
Delphin Classics, 170

Malet (Capt.) Annals of the Road, 319
Newhouse (C.) Scenes on the Road, 2441
Reynardson (C.) Down the Road, 337
Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days, 2697

Cocking and its Votaries (Taylor), 2307

American Journal, 2779

Martyn (T.) Figures of Shells, 2802-3
Sowerby (G. B.) Index of Shells, 2809
Sowerby (G. B.) Thesaurus Conchy-
liorum, 6924

Tryon (G. W.) Marine Conchology, 3331
Wood (W.) Index Testaceologicus, 6692

Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee, 3042
Scriptural Concordances. See Theology

Closet for Ladies and Gentlemen, 5413
Glasse (Mrs.) Art of Cookery, 4257
Kidd's Fashionable Cookery, 2759

Opera nova che insiegna apparechiar, etc.,

Costumes. See General Index (Costumes)
Crests. See Heraldry

Crime and Criminals:

Annals of Newgate, 3194

Dumas (A.) Celebrated Crimes, 6043
Esquemeling (J.) Bucaniers of America,

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Crosses (Monumental).


Cruising. See Yachting

See Monu- | Drama, The (continued):

Customs. See Folk-Lore, Manners

Chambers', 5120
Lardner's, 87

Caroso da Sermoneta (F.) I1 Ballarino,

De La Cuisse (Sieur). Le Répertoire des
Bals, 5774

Essay towards a History, 3372
Etrennes à Terpsichore, 2058
Grove (Lily). On Dancing, 144

Rameau (P.) Le Maître à Danser, 5515
Traite des Danses, 5690
Decorative Art. See Architecture, Fine

Deer Stalking, etc.:

Collyns (C. P.) Chase of the Wild Red
Deer, 276

Grimble (A.) Deer-Stalking, 2638
Scrope (W.) Deer-Stalking, 341
Shirley (E. P.) English Deer Parks, 5542
Stuart (John). Book of Deer, 5114
Designs. See also Cabinet Making, Fine

Designs for Leeds Pottery, 6564
Fisbach (F.) Ornamente der Gewebe, 3381
Jones (Inigo). Designs, 5816

La Fueille (D.) Livre Nouveau, 6562
Le Pautre (Jean). Dessins divers, 6566
Marot (D.) Opera, 4864

Ornaments des Poues des Vaisseaux,

Schmidt (A.) Designs for Snuff Boxes, 6600

Tante (C.) Ornaments for Jewellers, 6620 Distillation:

Porta (J. B.) De Distillatione, 5866 Drama, The. See also Plays:

Actors by Daylight-Gaslight, 3339-40
Astley's Theatre. Play Bills, Views, etc.,

Bell's British Theatre, 2608
British Drama (Cumberland), 3356
British Theatre (Inchbald), 3357

Collier (J. P.) English Dramatic Poetry,
Dodsley (R.)
Doran (Dr.) Their Majesties' Servants,

Collection of Old Plays,

Dramatists of the Restoration, 3376
Dramatists, Old, 3765

Ebers (J.) Seven Years of Her Majesty's
Theatre, 3379

Egan (P.) Life of an Actor, 295
Galerie Théâtrale, 3387

Geneste (J.) The English Stage, 3390
Glasgow Dramatic Review, 3391

Hazlitt (W.) The English Stage, 4321-2
Ireland (J. N.) The New York Stage,


Kenrick (T.) British Stage, 6207
Labiche (E.) Théâtre Complet, 2926
Molière. Illustrations pour le Théâtre de
Molière, 2951

Old English Plays (Bullen), 5118
Oxberry (W.) New English Drama, 3417
Prynne (W.) Histrio-Mastix, 5513
Racine (J.) Théâtre, 6422

Repertoire du Théâtre François, 2968

Stuart and Park. The Variety Stage, 4559

Theatre, British. See General Index

Théâtre Complet (Beaumarchais), 4363
Theatrical Inquisitor, 3461

Theatrical Observer, 3460

Theatrum Illustratum, 3459*

Theatrum Tragicum Actorum, 119
Driving. See Coaching

Ecclesiastical History. See Theology
Educational. See Lexicons
Effigies. See Brasses

Album de Musée de Boulaq (Marriette), 3228

Æsyptische den Museen zu Berlin, 3582 Deverell (R.) Hieroglyphics, 3374 Emblems:

Alciatus (And.) Emblemata, 4594-6 Iconologie (Allegories, Emblemes, etc.), 6546

Junius (H.) Emblemata, 3750 Reusnerus (N.) Emblemata, 1971 Sambucus (J.) Emblemata, 5153 (note) Wither (Geo.) Emblems, 3248 Entomology:

Curtis (J.) British Entomology, 5046
De Gees (C.) Histoire des Insectes, 169
Donovan (E.) British Insects, 5048
Doubleday (E.) Diurnal Lepidoptera,


Fowler (Canon). Coleoptera, 6884
Harris (M.) Aurelien, 3518

Humphreys and Westwood. Moths and
Butterflies, 65

Lewin (J. W.) Lepidopterous Insects of
New South Wales, 5070
Martyn (T.)


Morris (F. O.) Purchas (S.) 5870 Ronalds (A.) 1360-6

Entomologist Anglois,

British Moths, 1212 Political Flying Insects,

Fly Fishers' Entomology,

Scott (A. W.) Australian Lepidoptera, 5084

Stainton (H. T.) His Entomological Library (arranged alphabetically), 5027


Stephens (J. F.) Entomology, 2812
Walker (F.) Insecta Britannica, 5093
Westwood (J. O.) Arcana Entomologica,
Westwood (J. O.)
Westwood J. O.)


British Moths, 5096
Exotic Entomology,

Westwood (J. O.) Oriental Entomology,


Wood (W.) Index Entomologicus, 6691 Ethnology. See Anthropology Fables. See Folk-Lore


Arcussia de Capre (C.) Fauconnerie, 1877

Brodrick (W.)


Falconer's Favourites,

Maison Rustique,

Fredericus (Imperator). De arte Venandi cum Avibus, 4763 Stevens and Liebault. 1385-6 Turbervile (Geo.) 1844, 3703

Book of Falconrie,


Schreiber (C.) Fans, 5533

Works on Fans, 3861

Farming. See Agriculture

Agrippa (C.) Scientia d'Arme, 4202
Alfieri (F.) La Scherma, 4598
Angelo (D.) Utility of Fencing, 4206
Angelo (H.) School of Fencing, 4204-5
Angelo (H.) Treatise on Fencing, 4206
Bruching (J. G.) On Fencing, 4207
Capoferro (R.) La Scherma, 4688
Danet (M.) L'Art des Armes, 4208-9
Ettenhard (F. A. de). Works on (in
Spanish), 2075-6, 4210, 4748
Fabris (S.) Practica d'Arme, 1920
Gheyn (J. de). Exercise of Armes, 1927
Girard (P. J. F.) Fait des Armes, 4211
Gomard (A. J.) L'Escrime, 4212
Grassi (G. di). Various Works, 1930, 3630
Grose (F.) Military Antiquities, 4213
Hope (Sir W.) Various Works, 1937
Hungarian and Highland Broadsword,

Liancourt (S. de). Le Maistre d'Armes,

Marozzo (A.) Works, 3650, 4865-6
Merignac (E.) Histoire de l'Escrime, 4215
Petten (N.) Worstel Konst, 4216
Rolando (G.) Modern Art of Fencing,

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(Payne), 4134


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Car-
roll), 3988

Alice's Adventures Under Ground (Car-
roll), 2031

Anecdotes of the Turf, etc. (Egan), 296
Arabian Nights. See General Index
Arthur O'Leary (Lever), 2140

Ask Mamma (Surtees), 374

Barnaby Rudge (Dickens), 6269
Battle of Life (Dickens), 5422
Bellesdon Coplow (Franklin), 2413
Black Arrow (Stevenson), 364
Bleak House (Dickens), 2881
Boccaccio (Giov.) See General Index
Book of Snobs (Thackeray), 391
Book of Wisdom and Lies (Kelmscott),

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Fiction (continued):

Christmas Carol (Dickens), 2397,
Christopher Tadpole (Albert Smith), 345
City of Dreadful Night (Kipling), 74
Coila's Whispers (Fraser), 2253
Colville Family (Smedley), 4100

Comédie de Notre Temps, La (Bertall),

Comic Tales and Sketches (Thackeray),

Commissioner, The (James), 4042

Contes d'Espagne et d'Italie (Musset),

Contes Drolatiques, Les (Balzac), 4361
Contes à Rire (Nouveaux), 2863
Contes et Nouvelles (Margaret de
Navarre), 3062

Contes Moraux (Marmontel), 5642
Contes Rémois, Les (Chevigné), 2861
Count of Monte-Cristo (Dumas), 4447
Crichton (Ainsworth), 3965

Cricket on the Hearth (Dickens), 6279
Curious Dance, A (Dickens), 4010
Dame aux Camelias, La, 2889
David Copperfield (Dickens), 2881
Decameron (Boccaccio), 1514
Desperate Remedies (Hardy), 4027
Dombey and Son (Dickens), 2786
Don Juan (Thornton), 6150
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 274
Dorando (Boswell), 5397

Doublets, a Word Puzzle (Carroll), 2030
Dramatic Tales and Romances, 2626
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Stevenson),

Dynamiter, The (Stevenson), 7003
Eccentric Tales (Kosewitz), 313

Echoes, by Two Writers (Kipling), 2111
Emilia in England (Meredith), 4074

English Spy, The (Westmacott), 412
Evelina, or Female Life in London, 301
Fabliaux et Contes des Poètes François,

Famille Cardinal, La (Helévy), 2911

Fanny the Little Milliner (Rowcroft),

Farina (Geo. Meredith), 4072

Flyers of the Hunt (Mills), 327

Folle Journée, La, 6490

Fortunes of Torlogh O'Brien (Le Fanu),

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus,

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