848 Maunsell (Andrew). The First Part of the Catalogue of English Printed Books, vellum, with name, Edward Gywnn, on sides, J. Windet for A. Maunsell, 1595, folio (1958) Hazlitt, £5 15s. [The first catalogue of English books ever printed. Only this first part was issued.-Catalogue.] 849 Melancthon (Ph.) Epitome Chiliadum Adagiorum Erasmi Rott. ad Commodiorem Studiosorum usum per Hadr. Barlandium Conscripta; et de duplici Copia Verborum ac rerum commentarii duo (wormed), 2 vol. in 1, titles within woodcut borders, contemporary oaken boards, stamped pigskin, in new morocco case, Coloniae, E. Cervicornus, 1527, 8vo. (1785) Jones, £14 10S. [Philip Melancthon's own copy, with numerous emendations and additions in his handwriting, apparently prepared for a new edition. This printed edition of the "Copia Verborum" contains 154 chapters only, while later editions have 206. The additional chapters were here supplied in MS. At the end of the text is a transcript of a Commentary on the work by Wolfgang Meurer, and indices of the principal words. Melancthon's signatures appear throughout the volume in seven different ways, viz., P. M., Φιλιππ. μελανχ., Philippus Melanch., Ph. M., P. Mel., P. Me., Þi\iππvç.— Catalogue.] 850 Melancthon (Ph.) De Ecclesiae Autoritate et de Veterum Scriptis libellus, editio prima, ruled in red, title within woodcut border, crushed blue morocco, plain, doublé with the same, by Trautz Bauzonnet, fine copy, Witteb., Jo. Aug., 1539, 8vo. (1786) Clements, £2 25. 851 Melancthon (Ph.) Epistle made unto oure late Sovereygne Lorde Kynge Henry the Eight for the revoking and abolishing of the Six Articles, set forth and enacted by Certeyne of Our prelates, newly translated out of Laten into Englishe by J. C., black letter, calf, Printed at Weesell, 1547, 8vo. (1789) Maggs, £1 15s. 852 Merivale (Chas.) History of the Romans under the Empire, library edition, maps, 7 vol., tree-marbled calf extra, t. e. g., other edges uncut, 1852-62, 8vo. (1792) Bain, £4 853 Merle d'Aubigné (Dr. J. H.) History of the Reformation in Europe, in the Time of Calvin, 8 vol., 1863-78, 8vo. (1793) Sotheran, £1 135. 854 Milles (Thos.) The Catalogue of Honor, or Tresury of True Nobility, peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britain (with the Blount pedigree unmutilated), engraved title and numerous coats of arms (some coloured), title defective, old calf, W. Jaggard, 1610, folio (2214) Maggs, £2 95. 855 Milton (John). Works, first collected edition, old calf, rare, Printed in the year 1697, folio (2215) 856 Milton (John). Works, in Verse and Prose, Rev. John Mitford, portrait, etc., 8 vol., W. Pickering, 1851, 8vo. (1804) Pearson, £3 35. with Life by the calf gilt, m. e., Roche, £5 15s. 857 Milton (John). Poems, both English and Latin, compos'd at several times, Printed by his true Copies . Printed and published according to Order, first edition, portrait by Marshall (top and bottom margins slightly mended, 2 or 3 headlines very slightly shaved), blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, Ruth Raworth for H. Moseley, 1645, 8vo. (1805) Bain, £41 858 Milton (John). Poems, etc., upon Several Occasions, both English and Latin, etc., composed at several times, with a Small Tractate of Education to Mr. Hartlib (second edition), wanted portrait, title mended, calf gilt, gilt edges by F. Bedford, Printed for Thos. Dring, 1673, 8vo. (1806) Bain, £2 12s. 859 [Milton (John)] [Comus]. A Maske Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, on Michaelmasse Night, before the Rt. Hon. John Earle of Bridgewater, etc., the excessively rare original edition, title slightly mended, last leaf backed, otherwise perfect, morocco extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1637, 4to. (2137) Quaritch, £150 860 Milton (John). Of Reformation touching Church Discipline in England, two Bookes, first edition, 1641-A Briefe Discourse of the Troubles begun at Frankeford in Germany, A.D. 1554, about the Booke of Common Prayer, G. Bishop, 1642-Service Discipline and Forme of the Common Prayers, etc., used in the English Church of Geneva, W. Cooke, 1641 [Henderson (Rev. A.)] Government and Order of the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, J. Bryson, 1641-Doctrine and Discipline of the Kirke of Scotland, ib., R. Young, 1641 -Hartlib (Sam.) A Briefe Relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure Ecclesiastical Peace amongst Protestants, A. Crooke, 1641, all scarce pieces, in I vol., calf, 4to. (2138) Quaritch, £6 861 [Milton (John).] Of Reformation touching Church-Discipline in England, etc., two Bookes written to a Friend, first edition, Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641-Of Prelatical Episcopacy, first edition, ib., 1641-Animadversions upon the Remonstrants Defence against Smectymnus, first edition (wanted pp. 45-48), ib., 1641-The Reason of Churchgovernment urg'd against Prelaty, by Mr. John Milton, first edition, E. G. for John Rothwell, 1641-An Apology against a Pamphlet call'd a Modest Confutation of the Animadversions against Smectymnus, first edition, ib., 1642, in 1 vol., 4to. (2139) Maggs, £26 15s. 862 Milton (John). Tetrachordon; Expositions upon the four chief places in Scripture which treat of Mariage, or Nullities in Mariage, first edition, Printed in the yeare 1645, 4to. (2140) Quaritch, £3 863 [Milton (John).] An Answer to a Book, Intituled, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, or a Plea for Ladies and Gentlewomen, and all other Married Women Against Divorce, etc., G. M. for W. Lee, 1644, 4to. (2142) Quaritch, £2 45. 864 Milton (John). Colasterion: a Reply to a Nameless Answer against The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, by the Former Author, J. M., first edition, Printed in the year 1645, 4to. (2143) Quaritch, £5 865 [Milton (John).] The Judgement of Martin Bucer concerning Divorce, written to Edward the Sixt and now Englisht (Preface signed John Milton), first edition, M. Simmons, 1644, 4to. (2144) Quaritch, £4 4s. 866 Milton (John). Areopagitica, a Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing to the Parliament of England, first edition, very rare, Printed in the yeare 1644The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, the Author, J. M., first edition, M. Simmons, 1649, in I vol., 4to. (2145) B. F. Stevens, £22 867 Milton (John). The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates; proving that it is lawfull . . . for any who have the power, to call to account a Tyrant, or Wicked King, and after due conviction to depose, and put him to death, etc., the author J. M., first edit., mor., M. Simmons, 1649, 4to. (2146) Quaritch, £3 18s. 868 Milton (John). Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book intit❜led Eikon Basilike, the Author J. M., published by Authority, first edition (top word of title shaved), morocco gilt, gilt edges, M. Simmons, 1649, 4to. (2147) Sotheran, £3 16s. 869 Milton. Eikon Aklastos; the Image Unbroken, a Perspective of the Impudence, Falsehood, etc., in a Libell entitled Eikonoklastes against Eikon Basilike (by Joseph Fane), original edition, half morocco, Printed Anno Dom. 1651, 4to. (2148) Ellis, £3 16s. 870 Milton (John). The Readie and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, and the Excellence thereof, etc., the Author J. M., first edition, half morocco, Printed by T. N. and sold by Livewell Chapman, 1660, 4to. (2150) Quaritch, £2 871 Milton (John). Paradise Lost: A Poem, written in Ten Books, by John Milton, first edition (before the Argument and Errata), second title-page, morocco gilt, gilt edges, Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, etc., 1667, 4to. (2151) Maggs, £85 872 Milton (John). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books, the Author John Milton, first edition, eighth title-page, with the 7 leaves of Argument and Errata, the third title-page dated 1668 (slightly mended), inserted, russia gilt, Printed by S. Simmons and are to be sold by T. Helder, 1669, 4to. (2152) Ellis, £11 873 Milton (John). History of Britain, that part especially now called England (second edition), portrait by Faithorne (margins mended), panelled calf gilt, J. M. for Sp. Hickman, 1671, 4to. (2153) Ellis, £2 18s. 874 Milton (John). Paradise Regained, a Poem in IV. Books, to which is added Samson Agonistes, first edition, calf extra, gilt edges by W. Pratt, fine copy, J. M. for John Starkey, 1671, 8vo. (1808) Pickering, £10 5s. 875 Milton (John). Defensio Secunda Pro Populo Anglicano-Et pro se defensio contra Alex. Morum, first editions, 2 vol. in 1, 1654-55-Jo. Miltoni Artis Logicæ, first edition, portrait by Dolle, half morocco, S. Hickman, 1672, 8vo. (1810) Jones, £1 18s. 876 Missale Romanum Pii V. Pont. Max. jussu editum et Clementis VIII. auctoritate recognitum, red and black, full-page woodcuts and woodcut initials, contemporary oaken boards, stamped blind floreate ornaments, gilt edges, Venet. ap. Juntas, 1618, 4to. (2156) W. Brown, £1 18s. 877 Missale Secundum Usum Ecclesiae Sancti Andreae in Scotia (de Arbuthnott), a limited number privately printed, uncut, Burntisland e prelo de Pitsligo, 1864. 4to. (2158) ... Baker, £2 1s. 878 Mommsen (Theodor). History of Rome, translated by Dr. W. P. Dickson, new edition, 4 vol., calf gilt, m. e., Bentley, 1868, 8vo. (1818) Quaritch, £4 12s. 879 More (Sir Thos.) The Apologye of Syr Thomas More, Knyght, first edition, black letter, title within woodcut border (5 leaves of "fauts escaped" at the end), old calf, W. Rastell in Fletestrete, 1533, 8vo. (1964) Sotheran, £4 18s. 880 More (Sir Thos.) A Dyaloge, wheryn he treatyth of dyvers maters as of the Veneracyon and Worshyp of Ymages and Relyques, prayng to Sayntes, etc., newly oversene, black letter, No name of printer, 1530-The Supplycacyon of Soulys. agaynst the Supplycacyon of Beggars, black letter, first edition (W. Rastell), n. d., in 1 vol., new vellum, folio (2220) Ellis, £8 8s. 881 More (Sir Thos.) The Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere, both parts, black letter, 2 vol., vellum, W. Rastell, 1532-33, folio (2221) Ellis, £4 882 Morisyne (Rycharde). An Invective Ayenste the Great and detestable vice, treason, wherein the secrete practices, and traiterous workinges of theym that suffrid of late are disclosed, black letter, title within woodcut border (neatly inlaid), old calf gilt, with Roxburghe arms, gilt edges, T. Berthelet, 1539, 8vo. (1967) Maggs, £2 18s. 883 Morland (Sam.) History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piemont, dedicated to the Lord Protector, brilliant impression of the portrait by Lombart, map, and copperplate engravings, old calf, H. Hills, 1658, folio (2222) Bull, £2 175. 884 Motley (J. L.) History of the United Netherlands, 4 vol., 1860, and Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vol., 1864, uniform calf gilt, sprinkled edges, 1860-64, 8vo. (1971) Ellis, £4 17s. 6d. 885 Muir (Wm.) Life of Mahomet, maps, 4 vol., Smith, Elder and Co., 1861, 8vo. (1974) Craigie, £1 18s. 886 Napier (John, of Merchiston). Rabdologiae, seu Numerationis per Virgulas, Lib. II., cum Appendice de expeditissimo Multiplicationis Promptuario, etc., authore et inventore Jo. Nepero Barone Merchistonii Scoto, first edition, plates, old calf, Edinburgh, A. Hart, 1617, 8vo. (1981) W. Brown, £2 10s. 887 Napier (John, of Merchiston). A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes, translated into English by Edw. Wright, with the addition by H. Briggs, etc., original calf, S. Waterson, 1618, 8vo. (1982) Richardson, £5 17s. 6d. 888 Napier (Mark). Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose and of the Viscount Dundee, portraits, 5 vol., blue cloth, Edinburgh, 1856-59, 8vo. (1983) Roche, £1 15s. 889 Napier (Maj.-Gen. Sir W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsular, new edition, 6 vol., Boone, 1856, 8vo. (1985) Young, £125. 890 Napoleon I. Memoirs, dictated to Gourgaud and Montholon -Last Days, by Dr. Antommarchi-Private Life, by De Chaboulon-Exile, by O'Meara-Historical Inquiry, by B. Mounteney-Anecdotes of Court and Family (Anon.)— Narrative of the Surrender, by Captain Maitland - and Letters from St. Helena, by Warden, portraits, etc., together 17 vol., half calf gilt, uniform, 1816-26, 8vo. (1986), Hazlitt, £6 12s. 6d. 891 National Manuscripts of Scotland (Facsimiles of the), photozincographed by Sir Henry James, numerous facsimiles, 3 vol., half roan, 1867-71, atlas folio (2226) Young, £3 125. 892 National Manuscripts of Ireland (Facsimiles of the) photozincographed by Sir Henry James, J. T. Gilbert, etc., numerous facsimiles, 4 vol. in 5, half roan, 1874-84, atlas folio (2227) Young, £13 10S. 893 Nisbet (Alex.) System of Heraldry, Speculative and Practical, with the true Art of Blazon, etc., new edition, numerous coats of arms, 2 vol., half bound, uncut (back of vol. i. loose), Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1816, folio (2230) W. Brown, £,6 10s. 894 Nisbet (Alex.) Heraldic Plates, originally intended for his System of Heraldry," reproduced with notes by A. Ross and F. J. Grant, numerous illustrations (200 copies printed) Edinburgh, G. Waterston, 1892, 4to. (2188) 66 Dunthorne, £2 125. 895 Newman (Card. J. H.) Lives of the English Saints, 12 vol,, half bound, Toovey, 1844, etc., 8vo. (1997) Young, £2 10s. 896 Niel (P. G. J.) Portraits des Personnages Français les plus illustrés du XVIe Siécle, 48 tinted portraits, 2 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., Paris, Lenoir, 1848-56, imperial folio (2229) Maggs, £2 2s. 897 Northumberland (Earl of). Regulations and Establishment of the Houshold at Wresill and Lekonfield Castles, begun A.D. 1512 (with Preface by Bp. Percy), morocco extra, gilt edges, Privately printed, 1770, 8vo. (2007) Ridler, £1 11s. 898 Norton (Thos.) To the Quenes Maiesties poore deceived Subjectes of the North Countrey, drawen into rebellion by the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, newly perused and encreased, black letter, morocco, gilt edges, H. Bynneman for L. Harrison, 1569. 8vo. (2008) Brown, £3 18s. 899 Nowell (Alex.) A Reproufe of a Booke entituled A Proufe of Certayne Articles in Religion denied by M. Juell, set furth by Thos. Dorman, B.D., and printed at Antwerpe, 1564, black letter, large copy, signature on title, half calf, Henry Wykes, 1565, 4to. (2190) Ridler, £2 6s. 900 [Nowell (Alex.)] Catechismus, sive prima Institutio, Disciplinaque pietatis Christianae, latinè explicata (first edition of Nowell's Larger Catechism) (inner margin of title inlaid, corners of several leaves mended) morocco, blind stamped ornaments, Reg. Wolfius, 1570, 4to. (2191) Quaritch, £1 18s. 901 Nowell (Alex.) Ă Catechisme or First Instruction and Learn |