Turnebe (A.) Epithalamium, 2245 Turner (J. M. W.) Harbours of England, Liber Studiorum, 5896 Tusser (T.) Good Husbandry, 3699 Tweedie (W.) The Arabian Horse, 2698 Tyndale (Wm.) A Briefe Declaration, 1095 Tyndale (Wm.) Parable of the Wycked Tyndale (Wm.) Practyse of Prelates, 1097 Ubaldino (P.) Discourse concerning the Uffizio della Settimana Santa, 2212 Upcott (W.) English Topography, 2699 Uzanne (O.) Various Works, 407, 3776, 4575 Vacher (S.) Italian Ornament, 1846 Valentine and Orson, 1848 Valera (C.) Two Treatises, 1102 Valerius Épiscopus. Epistola ad propin- Valerius Maximus. Dictorum Factorumque Valla (L.) De Elegantia Latinæ Linguæ, Vallance (A.) Art of Wm. Morris, 3245, Vallancey (Chas.) De Rebus Hibernicis, (1588), 2243* (1607), 2244 Vertue (Geo.) Works of Hollar, 4576* Vespuccius (A.) Paesi Novamente Retro- Vestris (Madame). Life and Adventures, Vetusta Monumenta, 6931 Vicars (J.) Sight of ye Transactions, 1104 Victoria (Queen) and Louis Philippe. Corre- Vie Parisienne, La, 2993 Vignola (J. B.) Orders of Architecture, Vines (R.) Funeral Sermon (Earl of Essex, Violet (T.) An Appeal to Cæsar-Petition Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaires, etc., Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Lectures on Architec Virgil. Bookes of Eneidos, 5901.2 Vancouver (G.) Voyages, 6930 Virgil. Bucolica, Georgica et Æneid (1798), Van Dyck (A.) Icones Principum, 5897 Varthema. Itinerario, 5000* Virgil. Opera (in French, 1554-5), 5013 Vasari (G.) La Vite de Pittori, 5001* Virgil. Opera Omnia: Vaudois. Histoire Memorable, 1103 (1492), 3332 (1502), 1107 (1517), 1857 (1654), 3894 (1757), 5256 Vauquelin (J.) Les Foresteries, 6797 Virgil (Polydore). Abridgment of the 1860 Euvres Complètes, 4303, 6690 Voltaire. Romans et Contes, 122, 2995, Voragine (J. de). Legenda Aurea, 1108, Vredeman de Vriese (Paul). Plusieurs Vues en Saxe et en Boheme, 5575 W. (W.) The Vermin Killer, 1321 Waite (A. E.) Black Magic, 246, 3094 Walker (F.) Insecta Britannica, 5093 Wallace (Jas.) Orkney Isles, 1109 Wallis (A.) Bookbinder's Art, 1873 Wallendarfer. De Metheorologicis, 5020 Walpole (H.) Noble Authors, 248, 2486, Walpole (H.) Reign of George II., 1111 Hampshire, 2591 Warner (R.) Orchidaceous Plants, 3335 Watson (J.) Halifax, 6846 Watson Jas.) Scots Poems, 1007 Watts (I.) Divine Songs, 2740 Way (G. L.) Le Grand Fabliaux, 2734 Welford (R.) Men of Mark, 2776 Westmacott (W.) English Spy, 412, 3095, Westwood (J. O.) Anglo-Saxon and Irish Westwood (J. O.) Arcana Entomologica, Westwood (J. O.) Palæographia Sacra Westwood (T.) Quest of the Sancgreall, 1436 Wheatley (H.) Rod and Line, 1437 Whistler (J. M.) Nocturnes, etc. (Photo- graphs), 3247 Whitaker (T. D.) Ducatus Leodiensis, 3559, 5688 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Views of Whitaker (T.¡D.) History of Craven, 2818 Whitaker (T. D.) Loidis and Elmete, 126, | Wordsworth (W.) An Evening Walk, 2315, Whitbourne (R.) Plantation of Newfound- White (G.) Natural History of Selborne: White (G.) Naturalist's Calendar, 1997* 3094 White's Sporting Scenes, 1439 Whitgift (J.) Answer to a factious libell, Whitman (Walt). Leaves of Grass, 6629 the Whyte-Melville (G. J.) Novels, 414 4000, 6021 Wigstead (H.) Excursion to Brighthelm- Wilde (Oscar). Various Works, 4136 127 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, 2592 stickes, 2350 Willins (E. P.) Old Norwich, 6849 Wills, Calendars and Abstracts of, 2487-8, Willshire (W. H.) Ancient Prints, 1235 Wither (G.) Campo-Musa, 5907 Wither (G.) Vaticinium Causuale, 3847* Wivell (A.) Shakespeare Portraits, 5581 249 Wood ward (G.) 2998 6631 Wordsworth (W.) Descriptive Sketches, Wordsworth (W.) Poems: (1807), 3580 Wordsworth (W.) Yarrow Revisited, 3580 Wright (T.) History of Essex, 2820 granted by, 6632 Xenophon. Cyrupaedia, 1876 Yarranton (A.) England's Improvement, 1441 (1839-41-43), 1237, 3337 Yarrell (W.) British Fishes: (1841), 3337. Yorke (Jas.) Union of Honour, 129 Dress and Manners of the Swiss, 3778 Zantani (A.) Medaglie, 2352 1124 Zochis (J. de). De Poenitentia, 5025* Venezia, 2489 Zoological Record, The, 5098 Zoological Society of London, Proceedings 'der Stadt 1126 Zwinglius (H.) Death, etc., of Christ, 1125 Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row, London. GENERAL INDEX ΤΟ Book-Prices Current. It has frequently been suggested by subscribers to BOOKPRICES CURRENT that it would be convenient to have a general Index to the first ten volumes. The issue of the tenth volume seemed to mark a suitable time to make such an Index, and to ascertain whether the subscribers would support such an undertaking sufficiently to enable it to be carried out. The peculiarly arduous work of compiling such an Index, and the great expense which it would entail in consequence of the nature of the work, will make it needful that all the present subscribers to BOOK-PRICES Current should each take a copy. It is proposed to issue the Index at One Guinea net if possible. The Publisher will be glad to receive all names of Subscribers now, as it is expected that the Index will be ready shortly. |