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[blocks in formation]

Turnebe (A.) Epithalamium, 2245
Turner (J. M. W.)
3243, 6928

Turner (J. M. W.)
Turner (J. M. W.)

Harbours of England,

Liber Studiorum, 5896
Views of England and
Wales, 1092, 3244, 6626, 6687, 6929
Turner (W.) Herbal, 1989, 3092
Turner (Wm.) The Romishe Fox, 1093
Turrecremata (J. de). Various Works,
1845, 2813

Tusser (T.) Good Husbandry, 3699
Tuting's Racing Calendar, 6121

Tweedie (W.) The Arabian Horse, 2698
Tyard (P. de). (Euvres, 6441

Tyndale (Wm.) A Briefe Declaration, 1095
Tyndale (Wm.) An Exposicion, 790*
Tyndale (Wm.) Obedyence of a Christian
Man, 1094, 1096, 1099*

Tyndale (Wm.) Parable of the Wycked
Mammon, 1094*

Tyndale (Wm.) Practyse of Prelates, 1097
Tyndale (Wm.) Supper of the Lorde, 1098
Tyndale (Wm.) Tracy's Testament, 6686

Ubaldino (P.) Discourse concerning the
Spanishe Fleete (1590), 3704.
Ubaldino (P.) Regno di Scotia, 1100
Udall (Wm.) Life and Death of Mary
Queen of Scots, 6442

Uffizio della Settimana Santa, 2212
Universal Angler, The, 1394

Upcott (W.) English Topography, 2699
Ussher (Arbp.) Whole Works, 1101
Utino (L. de). Sermones, 4996

Uzanne (O.) Various Works, 407, 3776, 4575

Vacher (S.) Italian Ornament, 1846
Valentia. Aureum opus regni Valentiæ,

Valentine and Orson, 1848

Valera (C.) Two Treatises, 1102

Valerius Épiscopus. Epistola ad propin-
quum Suum, 4997

Valerius Maximus. Dictorum Factorumque
Exempla, 1849

Valla (L.) De Elegantia Latinæ Linguæ,

Vallance (A.) Art of Wm. Morris, 3245,
5574, 6106

Vallancey (Chas.) De Rebus Hibernicis,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

(1588), 2243*

(1607), 2244

Vertue (Geo.) Works of Hollar, 4576*
Vespuccius (A.) Mundus Novus (Letter,
1504), 5006, (1521), 5007

Vespuccius (A.) Paesi Novamente Retro-
vati, 5007-8

Vestris (Madame). Life and Adventures,

Vetusta Monumenta, 6931

Vicars (J.) Sight of ye Transactions, 1104
Vicentino (N.) L'Antica Musica, 5009
Vico (Eneas). Le Imagini delle Donne
Auguste, 5010

Victoria (Queen) and Louis Philippe. Corre-
spondence, 1105

Vie Parisienne, La, 2993
Vigerius. Decachordum Christianum, 5011
Viggiani dal Montone (A.) Lo Schermo,

Vignola (J. B.) Orders of Architecture,

[blocks in formation]

Vines (R.) Funeral Sermon (Earl of Essex,
1646), 5784

Violet (T.) An Appeal to Cæsar-Petition
against the Jewes, 2814

Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaires, etc.,
2700, 3464, 4577, 6688-9

Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Lectures on Architec
ture, 3465

Virgil. Bookes of Eneidos, 5901.2
Virgil. Bucolica, 1106, 1994*

Vancouver (G.) Voyages, 6930


Bucolica, Georgica et Æneid (1798),

Van Dyck (A.) Icones Principum, 5897
Vanegas (Alexo.) Primera Parte de las
differencias, etc., 4999*

[blocks in formation]

Varthema. Itinerario, 5000*


Opera (in French, 1554-5), 5013

Vasari (G.) La Vite de Pittori, 5001*


Opera Omnia:

Vaudois. Histoire Memorable, 1103
Vaughan (W.) The Golden Fleece, 5898,

[ocr errors]

(1492), 3332

[ocr errors]

(1502), 1107

[ocr errors]

(1517), 1857

[ocr errors]

(1654), 3894

[ocr errors]

(1757), 5256

Vauquelin (J.) Les Foresteries, 6797
Vauxhall Gardens, History of, 6381
Vavasore (G. A.) Works on Lace, 4835-6
Vecellio (C.) Habiti Antichi et Moderni,

[blocks in formation]

Virgil (Polydore). Abridgment of the
Notable Worke of, 1991*
Viridarium Illustrium Poetarum, 1858
Virulus (Car.) Formulæ Epistolares, 5014
Visitations (various), 156, 3333, 5612, 5622
Vita et beneficiis Jesu Christi, 1859*
Vitruvius. De Architectura, 1517 (MS.),


[blocks in formation]

Euvres Complètes, 4303, 6690

Voltaire. Romans et Contes, 122, 2995,
5214, 5685, 6158

Voragine (J. de). Legenda Aurea, 1108,
1868-72, 1995-6, 5017

Vredeman de Vriese (Paul).
Menuiseries, 5018


Vues en Saxe et en Boheme, 5575
Vyner (R. T.) Notitia Venatica, 408

W. (W.) The Vermin Killer, 1321
Wagenaar (L. J.) Speculum Nauticum,

Waite (A. E.) Black Magic, 246, 3094
Walker (Dr. A.) Beauty in Women, 3953,

Walker (F.) Insecta Britannica, 5093
Walker (H.) Expedition to Canada, 5369
Wallace (A. R.) Distribution of Animals,

Wallace (Jas.) Orkney Isles, 1109
Wallace (Sir Wm.) Life and Acts, 1110,

[blocks in formation]

Wallis (A.) Bookbinder's Art, 1873
Wallis (R.) Architectural Antiquities of
Cambridge, 3246

Wallendarfer. De Metheorologicis, 5020
Wallwork (J.) Modern Angler, 1398
Walpole (H.) Anecdotes of Painting, 247,
3562, 3576, 5577, 6162, 6444
Walpole (H.) Letters, 409, 1115, 2817, 3954,
4580, 6163, 6445

Walpole (H.) Noble Authors, 248, 2486,
2816, 3575, 4579

Walpole (H.) Reign of George II., 1111
Walpole (H.) Reign of George III., 1113-14
Walpole (H.) Works (1798), 1112
Walsh (J. H.) British Rural Sports, 1399
Walton (Isaac). Life of Donne, 1428, 6874
Walton (Isaac). Life of Hooker, 1430*
Walton (Isaac). Life of Sanderson, 1431-2
Walton (Isaac). Lives:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hampshire, 2591

Warner (R.) Orchidaceous Plants, 3335
Warner (W.) Albion's England, 5580
Warren (S.) Ten Thousand a Year, 4135
Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 6217
Watson (Bp.) Holsome and Catholyke
Doctryne, 6218

Watson (J.) Halifax, 6846

Watson Jas.) Scots Poems, 1007
Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica, 125,*
1117, 3563, 5219, 6798

Watts (I.) Divine Songs, 2740

Way (G. L.) Le Grand Fabliaux, 2734
Weigel (T. O.) Die Anfänge der Drucker-
kunst, 1874

Welford (R.) Men of Mark, 2776
Wells (J.) Contemplative Angler, 1435
Westell and Owen. Tour of the Thames,

Westmacott (W.) English Spy, 412, 3095,
4428, 6383-4

Westwood (J. O.) Anglo-Saxon and Irish
MSS., 1118, 3466, 6628

Westwood (J. O.) Arcana Entomologica,

[blocks in formation]

Westwood (J. O.) Palæographia Sacra
Pictoria, 19

Westwood (T.) Quest of the Sancgreall, 1436
Wharton (Geo.) An Astrological Judgment
(1645), 5829

Wheatley (H.) Rod and Line, 1437
Whims and Oddities for the Young (1828),

Whistler (J. M.) Nocturnes, etc. (Photo-

graphs), 3247

Whitaker (T. D.) Ducatus Leodiensis, 3559,


Whitaker (T. D.) History and Views of
Richmondshire, 3560, 5689

Whitaker (T.¡D.) History of Craven, 2818

Whitaker (T. D.) Loidis and Elmete, 126, | Wordsworth (W.) An Evening Walk, 2315,
3559, 5688

Whitbourne (R.) Plantation of Newfound-
land, 4306

White (G.) Natural History of Selborne:
(1789), 3564,* 6847

White (G.) Naturalist's Calendar, 1997*
White (J.) A Rich Cabinet, 1438
Whitehead (W. T.) Occult Philosophy,


White's Sporting Scenes, 1439

Whitgift (J.) Answer to a factious libell,

Whitman (Walt). Leaves of Grass, 6629
Whitty (J.) Tales of Irish Life, 6020
Whole Art of Fishing, 1440
Whymper (E.) Scrambles amongst
Alps, 413


Whyte-Melville (G. J.) Novels, 414
Wickliffe (J.) Wycklyffe's Wicket, 1120-21
Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 5097
Wight (J.) Mornings at Bow Street, 2265,

4000, 6021

Wigstead (H.) Excursion to Brighthelm-
stone, 6356

Wilde (Oscar). Various Works, 4136
Wildrake. Cracks of the Day, 6848
Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Ancient Egyptians,


Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, 2592
Seven Goulden Candle-
Williams (G.)

stickes, 2350
Williamson (T.) Oriental Field Sports, 3336,

Willins (E. P.) Old Norwich, 6849

Wills, Calendars and Abstracts of, 2487-8,

Willshire (W. H.) Ancient Prints, 1235
Wilson (A.) American Ornithology, 3579
Wilson (A.) History of G. Britain, 3561
Wilson (Harriette). Memoirs, 2351
Wilson (S.) Province of Carolina, 6480
Winkles (H. L. B.) British Cathedrals, 128
Witches and Witchcraft. Various Works
on, 1999

Wither (G.) Campo-Musa, 5907
Wither (G.) Emblemes, 3248, 5906
Wither (G.) Juvenilia, 4165

Wither (G.) Vaticinium Causuale, 3847*
Wither (G.) Workes, 6447
Wits' Magazine, 6224

Wivell (A.) Shakespeare Portraits, 5581
Wolf (J.) Zoological Sketches, 6165
Wollick (Nic.) Opus Musicæ, 5021
Wood (J. G.) Natural History, 2997
Wood (W.) Index Entomologicus, 6691
Wood (W.) Index Testaceologicus, 6692
Woodburn's Gallery of Portraits, 3690*
Woodward (B. B.) History of Hampshire,
Eccentric Excursions,


Wood ward (G.)

Wordrop (O.) Book of Wisdom and Lies,
3123, 5328, 6961


Wordsworth (W.) Descriptive Sketches,
2315, 6630

Wordsworth (W.) Poems:

(1807), 3580
(1815), 3714
(1849-51), 1122
(1882), 6448

Wordsworth (W.) Yarrow Revisited, 3580
World in Miniature (Rowlandson), 6357-8
Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Historical Works, 1123
Wren (C.) Parentalia, 3895

Wright (T.) History of Essex, 2820
Wyatt (M. D.) Industrial Arts, 7056
Wycherley (W.) Miscellany Poems, 2702
Worde. An Indulgence
Wynkyn de

granted by, 6632
Wyther (G.) See Wither
Wyttfliet (C.) Descriptionis Ptolemaicæ
Augmentum, 5023

Xenophon. Cyrupaedia, 1876
Xenophon. Opera, 5024, 6633

Yarranton (A.) England's Improvement,


(1839-41-43), 1237, 3337
Yarrell (W.) British Birds:
(1843), 1236, 3337, 5583
(1845), 1238

Yarrell (W.) British Fishes:
(1836), 5582

(1841), 3337.

Yorke (Jas.) Union of Honour, 129
Yorke (P.) Royal Tribes of Wales, 6799
Yorkshire Archæological Association Publi-
cations, 6166
Yosy (A.)

Dress and Manners of the

Swiss, 3778
Young Angler's Guide, 1442
Young (E.) Night Thoughts (1797), 4371
Younger (J.) River Angling, 1443
Ysaie le Triste, Romance of, 5183*
Yule (H.) Book of Ser Marco Polo. See
Marco Polo's Travels

Zantani (A.) Medaglie, 2352
Zeiller (M.) Various Topographical Works,


Zochis (J. de). De Poenitentia, 5025*
Le Arti nella Citta di
Zompini (G.)

Venezia, 2489

Zoological Record, The, 5098

Zoological Society of London, Proceedings
and Transactions, 2821
Zoologischer Anzeiger, 5099
Zoologist, The, 5100

'der Stadt
Zundt (M.) MS. relating to
Zouch (T.) Life of Walton, 1433-4
Nurnberg," 5026
Zwinglius (H.) Accompt, Confession, etc.,


Zwinglius (H.) Death, etc., of Christ, 1125

Elliot Stock, Paternoster Row, London.



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