Shakespeare (W.) Fourth Folio (1685), |
III, 1808, 6604, 6921*
Shakespeare (W.)
quartos, 1018, 2581, 3441, 5192, 6605 Shakespeare, Illustrations to:
Shaw (H.) Dresses of the Middle Ages, 1019, 5538
Shaw (H.) Elizabethan Architecture, 1809 Shaw (H.) Illuminated Ornaments, 1020 Shaw (S.) History of Staffordshire, 5672 Shelley (Mrs.) Frankenstein, 4094
(Boydell, 1803), 3473, 4552, 6499, 6606 Shelley (P. B.) Alastor, 2189
(1893, Kelmscott), 205, 3114, 3165 Shakespeare (W.), Privately printed and other Books, etc., relating to (J. O. Halliwell), 5198-5203 Shakespeare (W.) Sonnets (Dowden), 6431 Shakespeare (W.) Various Plays (Modern Illustrated), 3440 Shakespeare (W.) Works: Henry V. (1608, 4to.), 6603
Shakespeare (W.) York), 3442, 3445 Shakespeare (W.) 3841, 3843 Shakespeare (W.)
Master Arden of Faver- sham (1633, 4to.), 6602* Midsummer Night's Dreame (1600, 4to.), 2474* Midsummer Night's Dreame (1892, Quar- itch), 3842* Troublesome Raigne of King John (1591, 4to.), 5536* Two Gentlemen of Verona (1808, 8vo.), 3448
Works (Abbey, New
Works (Boydell), 3446,
Works (Bankside Ed.),
3444 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Bell), 3433 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Collier), 3437 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Furness), 4291 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Halliwell), 3447 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Hanmer), 3439 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Irving), 3320 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Johnson, Stee- vens, and Reed), 2187
Shakespeare (W.) Works (Knight), 112, 2681, 3438, 3443, 5194 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Malone), 3434 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Pickering), 1017, 3435-6
Shakespeare (W.) Works (Staunton), 4551 Shakespeare (W.) Works (Steevens), 2680,
Shakespeare (W.) Works (Temple Ed.),
Shakespeare (W.) Works (Wright), 4093, 5193
Shakespeare Portraits (Wivell), 5581 Shakespeare Society. Publications, 3450, 3674: 4550
Shakespeare Society, The New, 2582 Shakespeare's Library (Hazlitt), 3449 Sharpe (R. B.) Monograph of the Alcedi- nidæ, 6138
Sharpe (R. B.) Monograph of the Hiru- nidæ, 6139
Shaw (Geo.) Naturalists' Miscellany, 5537 Shaw (H.) Decorative Arts, 6843
Prometheus Unbound,
2190, 4095, 5540 Shelley (P. B.) Queen Mab, 6607 Shelley (P. B.) Six Weeks' Tour, 4553 Shelley (P. B.) St. Irvyne, 4293 Shenstone (W.) The School-Mistress, 2191* Shepherds' Calendar, The, 1810, 3139, 3181,
3945, 4490, 5541, 1544-5
Sheraton (T.) Cabinet Maker, 3844 Shipley (M. A.) On Artificial Flies, 1313 Shipley (W.) Art of Fly Fishing, 1373-4 Shirley (E. P.) English Deer Parks, 5542 Shirley (J.) Dramatic Works and Poems (1833), 6433, 6678, 7054
Shirley (T.) Angler's Museum, 1395 Shoberl (F.) World in Miniature, 113 Shropshire Archæological Society, 237 Sibbald (J.) Scottish Poetry, 1021, 3610 Sibylline Oracles, The (1545), 4971 Sidney (Sir P.) Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, 4555 Sidney (Sir P.) Works, 3675 Siebmacher (J.) Work on Lace, 4833 Sigonius (C.) De Antiquo Jure Italiæ, 2341 Silva (F. de). Segunda Comedia, 1227 Silvestre (J. B.) Universal Palæography,
Slater (J. H.) Book-Prices Current, 114, 2583, 3202, 4377, 5204, 5396,* 5955 Sleidan (J.) Chronicle, 2192
Sloane (Hans). Voyage to Jamaica, 3322 Sloane (W. M.) Life of Napoleon, 2976 Small (J. W.) Scottish Woodwork, 1812
Smart (Hawley). Sporting Novels, 343
Smee (A.) My Garden, 5543.
Smith (Albert). Christopher Tadpole, 345
Historie of Virginia, 1025,
Smith (C. H.) Britain, 4972 Smith (C. L.) The Smoking Hunt, 2475 Smith (Geo.) Angler's Magazine, 1378 Smith (I.) Iconographia Scotica, 115 Smith (J.) Catalogue Raisonné, 6142, 6790 Smith (J. E.) Plantarum Icones, 3323, Smith J. R.) Bibliography of Angling, 1379
Ancient Costume of Great
Smith (J. V. C.) Fishes of Massachusetts, 1380
Smith (R. A.) The Scottish Minstrel, 2977* Smith (Sir W.) Atlas of Ancient Geog- raphy, 452 Smith (Sir W.) Smith (Sir W.) 116, 2683 Smith (Sir W.) graphy, 116
Christian Antiquities, 2684 Dictionary of the Bible,
Greek and Roman Bio-
Smith (T.) Every Man his own Fisher- man, 1381
Smith (T. A.) Reminiscences, 2193 Smith (W.) British Diatomaceæ, 6791 Smith (W.) Old Yorkshire, 5205 Smollett (T.) Humphrey Clinker, 1028 Smollett (T.) Ode to Independence, 6610 Smollett (T.) Peregrine Pickle, 1027, 2194,* 5890 Smollett (T.)
Roderick Random, 1026,
3702, 4102, 5889 Smollett (T.) Roderick Random (Illustra- tions to), 6355
Smollett (T.) Various Works, 4102 Smollett (T.) Whole Works, 2584, 2978 Snape (A.) Anatomy of the Horse, 2342 Sobieski (C.) Female Fortitude, 1029 Societa Entomologica Italiana Bulletino,
Société d'Aquarellistes Français, 6734 Société des Aqua- Fortistes. (Euvres, 2980 Société, Entomologique Belge. Annales,
Société, Entomologique de France.
nales, 5029 Solanus (Narcissus). Concordiæ Pharma- copolarum in Medecinis, etc., 1813 Soldus (Jac.) Opus de Peste, 4973 Solinus Julius). Polyhistor, 4916,* 4974 Solis (Virgil). Wappenbüchlein, 4975 Solon (L. M.) Art of the Old English Potter, 4295
Somersetshire Archæological Society. Pro- ceedings, 240, 3325 Somerville (Lord). Memorie of the Somer- villes, 1030
Somerville (W.) The Chase, 346-7 Songs of Scotland, 349, 1031 Songs of the Chace (1811), 348, 1436 Songs (various). See Subject Index Sotheby (S. L.) Principia Typographica,
Sowerby (J.) English Fungi, 7055 Sowerby (J.) Exotic Mineralogy, 2810 Spalding Club. Publications, 1033, 5114 Spectator, The, etc., 4, 6735
Speculum Humanæ Salvationis, 1817* Speculum Vitæ Christi (1494), 2195* Speed (J.) Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the World, 241, 1818 Spenser (E.) Colin Clout, 1036, 2196 Spenser (E.) Shephearde's Calendar, 3139, 3181, 4556
Spenser (E.) The Faerie Queen : (1590-6), 1035, 2685* (1611), 1819, 3237 (1894-6), 3238 (1897), 5544 Spenser (E.) Works:
Spenser Society, Publications, 5206 Spera (F.) Exemplum Desperationis, 2343 Spilbergen (Geo.) Speculum Orientalis, etc., Navigationum, 4976
Spilsbury (Jno.) Prints from Gems, 3552 Spirito della Perusia (L.) Il libro de la Ventura, 1820
Sporting Anecdotes, 2344
Sporting Magazine, The, 3573, 3676-9, 6143-4 Sporting Magazine, The New, 3678 Sporting Review, The (Journal), 3087 Stafford Gallery, The, 3553. Stafford (Thos.) Pacata Hibernia, 1037 Stainton (H. T.) The Tineina, 5085 Stanfield's Coast Scenery, etc., 3889 The Congo-Darkest Stanley (H. M.)
Africa, 2981, 3088, 3451 Stanley (T.) Poems, 4163 Stapleton (Sir R.) Satires of Juvenal, 5818 Statistical Society Journal, 5086
Statius (P. P.) An Essay on (Stephens), 2686
Statutes, 991-3, 1003, 1630, 1974*-5,* 3631, 3792,* 3896*
Staudinger (O.) Lépidoptères, 5087 Steinfeld Missal (MS.), 1821* Stendhal (M. de.) La Chartreuse de Parme, 2982 Stephanus de Urbibus. 2345 Stephens (Geo.) Stephens (J. F.) Stephens (no.) 5892
Runic Monuments, 1822 Entomology, 2812, 5088 Essayes and Characters,
Sterne (L.) Letters, 6736 Sterne (L.) Sentimental Journey:
(1st ed., 1768), 1038, 6613, 6736 Sterne (L.) Tristram Shandy, 6736 Sterne (L.) Works (1780), 2687 Maison Rustique, Stevens and Liebault. 1385-6, 3946 Stevenson (R. L.) The Davos-Platz bro chures, 3326, 5281-99, 6988-95.
Stevenson (R. L.) Various Works in one lot, 4103, 7003-4
Stevenson (R. L.) Various Works, mostly
Letter to Mr. Stevenson's
Light for Lighthouses, 5275
Marguerite, The, 5285, 6995 Markheim (MS.), 6612 Martial Elegy, 7007
Memories and Portraits, 362, 364 Men and Books, 362
Moral Emblems, 5281, 5298, 6989-90 New Arabian Nights, 356, 5546 Not I, and other Poems, 6988 Pentland Rising, 350, 5276-8
Prince Otto, 363-4
Rob and Ben, 5280
Silverado Squatters, 364, 7000* St. Ives, 4108
Story of a Lie, 6996*
Testimonials, 354, 5273,
(1720), 3554*
(1754), 5676
Stowe (H. B.) Minister's Wooing, 4558 Stowe (H. B.) Uncle Tom's Cabin, 367, 3993, 4426
Strabo. Geographia, 1823-4
Strange (Sir R.) Historical Prints, 6614 Street (G. E.) Gothic Architecture, 1229 Strutt (J.) Dictionary of Engravers, 3453 Strutt (J.) Dresses and Habits, 3454 Strutt (J.) Manners and Customs, 3452 Strutt (J.) Regal and Ecclesiastical An- tiquities, 3455
Strype (Jno.) Works, Complete, 1056 Stuart and Park. The Variety Stage, 4559 Stuart (J.) Antiquities of Athens, 5893 Stuart (J.) Book of the Deer, 5114, 6793
Stuart (J.) Sculptured Stones of Scotland, 1033, 6792
Stubel (A.) Kulter und Industrie Süda- merikanischer Völker, 3890
Thermal Influence of Forests, 2197, Stud Book, The, 3948
To F. J. S. Davos, 5545
Travels with a Donkey, 352, 4104 Treasure Island, 365, 4108, 5548 Thomas Stevenson, 6999 Virginibus Puerisque, 355 War in Samoa, 4106, 6998
Whole Works (1894-8), 6611, 7008 Stewart (J.) Plocacosmos, 3947 Stewart (W. C.) Caution to Anglers, 1387 Stirling (Earl of). Register of Royal Letters, 1040
Artists of Spain,
Cloister Life of
Don John of
Miscellaneous Procession of
Stirling Maxwell (Sir W.) Tables of Vesalius, 1053 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) 366, 1047 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Charles V., 2983. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Austria, 1044, 4296, 6434. Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Horatiana, 1051 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Essays, 2983 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Pope Clement VII., 1041-2 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Magnificent, 1043 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Holy Land, 1045-6 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) The, 1052 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) 1048-50, 2983 Stirlings of Keir, The. Armorial Bearings,
Solyman the Songs of the
Turks in 1533,
Various Works,
Stith (W.) Discovery of Virginia, 6487 Stoddart (R. R.) Scottish Arms, 1054" Stoddart (T. T.) Angling Reminiscences, 1437
Studio, The (Journal), 3240
Stukeley (W.) Itinerarium Curiosum, 5894
Sturm (J.) Deutschlands Fauna, 5089 Suckling (A.) History of Suffolk, 3713 Suckling (Sir J.) Fragmenta Aurea, 4164, 6615
Suckling (Sir J.) Works, 4556
Suetonius. Vitæ XII. Cæsarum, 2198, 2477 Suidas. Lexicon Græcum, 2346
Suiset (Dr.) Liber Calculationum, 4979 Sully, Mémoires de, 3774*.
Supplementum. Incipit liber qui dicit, 5551 Surrey Archæological Collections, 3327, 6146
Surrey Demoniack, The, 1977*
Surtees (R.) History of Durham, 5682 Surtees (R. S.) Ask Mamma, 374, 2480,
Surtees (R. S.) Handley Cross, 372-3, 2479,
2985, 3328, 4115, 4560, 5678, 6363 Surtees (R. S.) Hawbuck Grange, 370,
Surtees (R. S.) Hillingdon Hall, 2985, 4118 Surtees (R. S.) Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jolli ties, 368-9, 4111-2, 4297, 6360
Surtees (R. S.) Plain or Ringlets, 375, 2200, 2481, 2690, 4562, 5681
Surtees (R. S.) Romford's Hounds, 376, 2482, 2688, 2984, 4117, 5679
Surtees (R. S.) Sponge's Sporting Tour, 371, 2478, 2689, 4114, 6362
Surtees (R. S.) Various Works, 377, 4563 Surtees Society, Publications of the, 5207, 6147, 6616
Sussex Archæological Society's Collections, 242, 2691, 6680, 6844
Swainson (W.) Fauna Boreali-Americana, 3507, 6925
Swedenborg (E.) Prodromus Philosophiæ, 3611*
Sweet (R.) Flora Australasica, 3253, 5552
Question, The, 4566 Siena, 5209,* 6148 Studies in Song, 5210 The Queen Mother, Various Works, 2585-6,
William Blake, 4565
Swinburne (A. C.) Swinburne (H.) Memoirs of the Courts of Europe, 6042
Switzerland. Vues Remarquables, 2201* Sydenham Society and New Sydenham Society's Publications, 4335, 4344 Sydney (Sir P.) See Sidney Sylvestre (J.) Parliament of Vertues Royal, 6845
Sylvius (Eneas). Le Remede Damour, 4911 Symonds (J. A.) Life of Cellini, 3457 Symonds (J. A.) Life of Michelangelo, 4567 Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy, 5554, 6149, 6437
Syntax (Dr.) in Paris, 6364
Syntax (Dr.) Tour through London, 4399 Syntax, Tours of Dr. See Combe (W.)
Tableau de la Croix, 2202
Taboreau (Jac.) Les Poésies de, 5211 Tacitus (Cornelius). Annales (1604), 4345 Tacitus (Cornelius). Annalia (circa 1470), 1059,* 6619*
Tagliente (G. A.) Work on Lace, 4834 Tagliente (Gio.) La Vera Arte de Scrivere, 1546
Tannahill (R.) Poems and Songs, 3458 Tanner (R. P.) Societas Jesu Apostolorum Imitatrix, etc., 4980-1
Tans'ur (W.) A Compleat Melody, 2587 Tante (C.) Ornaments for Jewellers, 6620 Tapisseries du Roi René, 1825
Tartaglia (N.) Arte of Shooting, 1979' Tasso (T.) Gerusalemme Liberata, 2986-7, 3555, 6439, 6682
Tasso (T.) Godfrey of Bulloigne, 2611, 6438 Tasso (T.) Rime et Prose, 1980* Tassoni (A.) La Secchia Rapita, 2205* Tate (Geo.) History of Alnwick, 4298 Tate (N.) The Innocent Epicure, 1389 Taunton (T. H.) Portraits of Race Horses,
Tennyson (Lord). Idylls of the King, 6683 Tennyson (Lord). In Memoriam (1st ed., 1850), 4125, 6795
Tennyson (Lord). Lotus Eaters, The, 6621 Tennyson (Lord). Maud (Kelmscott), 206, 380, 3115, 3159, 4486, 5304
Tennyson (Lord). Memoir, by his son, 4569 Tennyson (Lord). Ode on the Death of Wellington, 4126 Tennyson (Lord). Enone, 5556 Tennyson (Lord). Passing of Arthur, The,
6622* Tennyson (Lord). Poems: (1830), 2692, 4121
(1833), 2693, 4122, 4568
(1842), 4123, 5557, 66z3 (1862), 6440
Tennyson (Lord). Poems by Two Brothers,
Thacker (R.) Lord Coleraine's School at Longford, 3892* Thackeray (W. M.) cular (1839), 5566* Thackeray (W. M.) 4130, 6371 Thackeray (W. M.) Thackeray (W. M.) Thackeray (W. M.)
Book of Snobs, 391,
Britannia, The, 6927 Clevedon Court, 3683*
Sketches, 385-6,* 2483, 6368, 6685 Thackeray (W. M.) Constitutional and Public Ledger, 4300*
Thackeray (W. M.) English Humourists,
Thackeray (W. M.) The Tripos-Granta, and other pieces, 6365
Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, 389, 3775, 4129, 6372-3
Thackeray (W. M.) Virginians, 2988 Thackeray (W. M.) Works:
Tondalus. De Raptu Animæ, 4992* Tooke. History of Prices, 5091 Tornberg (C. J.) Ibn-el-Athiri, 3242 "Touchstone (S. F.)" English and French Stallions, 2696*
Tours of Dr. Syntax. See Combe (W.) Town Talk, or Living Manners, 5223
(1878, Edition de Luxe), 2211, 2989, Tracey (R.) Vox Piscis, 1392
(1883-6), 400 Thackeray (W. M.) Works (Various), 401-2, 2988, 4127*
Thackerayana. MSS., Sketches, etc., 403 Thames Angler, The, 1308, 1442
Theakston (M.) British Angling Flies, 1359 Theakston (M.) Natural Flies, 1391 Theatre. See Doran, Bell, Inchbald Theatric Tourist, The, 6378* Theatrical Biography, 6379
Theatrical Inquisitor, The Journal), 3461 Theatrical Observer, The (Journal), 3460 Theatrum Illustratum, 3459* Theatrum Tragicum Actorum, 119 Theocritus. Ecloga, 1833
Theophrastus. Historia Plantarum, 1834 Theramo (J. de). Belial, 1835-6, 4986 Thesaurus Amicorum, 1987*
Thesaurus Cornucopiæ, 2477, 2491, 4301 Theseus de Coulongne. L'Hystoire, 4987 Theuriet (A.) Nos Oiseaux, 3684 Thibaut (G.) Academie de l'Espée, 5895 Thier. Mehrs und des Luffts, 4988 Thierry-Poux (O.) Monuments de l'Im- primerie en France, 1837
Thiers (A.) Histoire de la Revolution Française, 120, 1086, 3462
Thiers (A.) Histoire du Consulat, 1087,
Thirlwall (C.) History of Greece, 1088, 5683 Thoinan (E.) Les Relieurs Français, 2991 Thomaeus Leonicus (N.) De Varia His- toria, 2349
Thomas de Sancta Maria. Arte de tañer Fantasia, 4989
Thomas. Un an à Rome, 5212 Thomas Aquinas. See Aquinas Thomas (J.) Religious Emblems, 1221 Thomas (Wm.) Historye of Italye, 1089,* 3686
Thomaso (E.) Tratado de Esgrima, 4990 Thompson (D. W.) Fun and Earnest, 4456 Thomson (Capt.) Court of Cupid, 3090 Thomson (D. C.) Life and Labours of H. K. Browne, 2372, 4385, 6380 Thoresby (R.) History and Topography of Leeds, 126
Thornbury (W.) Greater London, 2695 Thornton (A.) Don Juan, 6150 Thoroton (R.) Nottinghamshire, 3556, 5568, 5684, 6796
Thorpe (B.) Ancient Laws and Institutes,
Tracey (W.), The Testament of, 6686 Tracts. Collections of:
Admonitions (Puritan), 421-2 Archæological, etc., 3008
Catechisms, Various (in English), 611-2
Darien. Relating to the Scots Colony, 5768-70
Fisheries, 5787
French (1589), 690 German (1638), 722
Historical (English), 5768-70
Miscellaneous (English), 5773, 5792,
5812, 5839, 5883, 5905 Occultism, 617
Papal Bulls in Latin, 582, 830 Popery, 446-8
Porteus (Capt.), Relating to, 996 Scotch Military, 997, 5792
Scotch (Various), 999, 1002, 5883 Sermons by Knox, 801
Theological (by Milton), 860-1 Theological (English), 458,* 463, 801, 981-2, 5852
Young Pretender, 966 Tracts for the Times, 121
Traill (H. D.) Social England, 2979, 3463
Trapezontius (Geo.) Rhetorica, 5571 Treatyse of the Donation gyven to Syl vester, Pope of Rhome, by Constantine, 641
Tregear (G.) Rum Jokers, 5572 Trésor de Numismatique, 3557 Trials. Various :
Causes Célèbres et Interessantes, 6700 Celebrated Criminal (1825), 37, 218, 6737
New Trials for Adultery, 4334, 4346, 6152
Trials for Adultery, 5573 Various Trials, 6153
Trimmer (Mrs.) Fabulous Histories, 2733 Tristram (W. O.) Coaching Days, 2697* Tristran. Les Grands Proesses, 1843 Trithemius (J.) Polygraphie, 4993 Trollope (A.) Novels, 406 Trollope (A.) Orley Farm, 2438 Trott (N.) Laws of the British Plantations in America, 1232 Troueset. Dictionnaire Encyclopédique, 2485
Troyes (J. de). La Chronique de Louis XI., 4848
Tryon (G. W.) Marine Conchology-In- vertebrata, 3331
Tuccaro de l'Abruzzo (A.) Trois Dialogues,
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