Page images

Laing (D.) Golagrus and Gawane, 726*
Laing (H.) Ancient Scottish Seals, 807,
5720, 6773-4

Laingaeus (J.) Vita Lutheri, 808
Lamb (C.) Adventures of Ulysses, 4054
Lamb (C.) Album Verses, 6563

Lamb (C.) Essays of Elia, 1194, 2134, 3056
Lamb (C.) John Woodvill, 4053
Lamb (C.)

Mrs. Leicester's School (1st ed.,

1809), 2649*
Lamb (C.) Poetical Recreations, 2133*
Lamb (C.) Rosamund Gray, 4052
Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakespeare, 2794,

[blocks in formation]

Laurentio Justiniano. Doctrina, 4839
Laurentius (A.) Historia Anatomica, 5824
Lavater (S. S.) Essays on Physiognomy:
(1789), 3526, 5825

Lawrence (Sir T.) Engravings from his
Works, 3824

Lawson (Jno.) Voyage to and History of
Carolina, 543, 6478
Leben der Heiligen, 1679*
Leben Jesu, 1680

Lebrun (J. B. P.) Travested, 6345

Le Caron (L. C.) Questions diverses, 5826
Lechford (T.) Plain Dealing, 5359, 6484
Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England,
Lecky (W. E. H.)

[blocks in formation]

Rationalism in Europe,

Romancero y Monstro

Lee (O. A. J.) British Birds, 6089
Leeds Pottery Designs, 6564

Le Fanu (J. S.) Torlogh O'Brien, 4058
Le Gangneur (G.) Works on Penmanship
(in French), 5827

Legaré (G.) Livre des Ouvrages d'Orfev-
rerie, 6565

Legende des Flames, La, 1681

Leger (J.) Histoire des Vaudoises, 4840
Legrand d'Aussy. Fabliaux, 3753, 6406
Legros (A.) Etchings, 3873, 5484
Leighton (Dr. A.)

Prelacie, 812*

Sion's Plea against the

Le Laboureur (I.) Memoires de Michel de
Castelnau, 3527

Leland (J.) Itinerary, 813
Le Muet (P.)

Leo I. (Papa).
Leo Africanus.

The Art of Fair Building,

Epistolæ, 2138

Description de l'Afrique,

[blocks in formation]


Leslie (F.) Early Races of Scotland, and
other Works, 814-6

Leslie (Jno.) Defence of Marie Queene of
Scotlande, etc., 817-8, 2233-4
Lessing (G. E.) Emilia Galotti-Nathan
der Weise, 2139

Lessons of Thrift, 6010

Letarouilly (P.) Edifices de Rome Moderne,

Letarouilly (P.) Le Vatican, 3875
Lettres et les Arts, Les, 2934
Levaillant (F.) Oiseaux de Paradis, 2796
Levaillant (F.) Perroquets, 2795

Lever (C.) Arthur O'Leary, 2140, 3756,

Lasphrise (Capt.) Euvres, 5823

Lever (C.)

Harry Lorrequer, 6318

Latham (J.) History of Birds, 221

Lever (C.)

Luttrell of Arran, 2936

Lathy (T. P.) The Angler, 1323

Lever (C.)

Nuts and Nut-crackers, 2935

Latimer (H.) Sermons, 811

Lever (C.)

One of Them, 2936

Laudes Mariæ Virginis (Kelmscott), 216,
3135, 3182

Lever (C.)

Tales of the Trains, 6320

Lever (C.)

Works, 2937, 4061, 5636

Laujon (De.) Les A-propos de la Société,

Lever (C.)

Works (various), 3059


Lewin (J. W.) Insects of N. S. Wales, 5070

Lewin (Wm.) Birds of Great Britain, 3528 | Loggan (D.) Cantabrigia Illustrata
Lewis and Clarke. Sources of the Missouri,
6777, 6830

Lewis (M. G.) The Monk, 4062
Lewkenor (Sir L.) Estate of English Fugi-
tives, 819*

Leybourne Church, Kent. Description of
the Heart-Shrine, 68

Liancourt (S. de). Le Maistre d'Armes,
1940,* 4214

Liber Davitica (Psalms), 1768

Libro de Marchi de Cavalli (1569), 3649
Lichtenberger (J.) Hec Practica Narrat,
etc., 4844

Lichtenberger (J.) Prognosticatio, 4843
Lidgate (J.) Fall of Princes, 6903

Liévre (E.) Les Arts Décoratifs, 1682
Life in Ireland, 316

Life in London. See Egan

Life of a Nobleman, 317

Oxonia Illustrata, 2656

Lombardus (Petrus). Glossa in Epistolas
Pauli-Glossa in Psalmos, 1685-6
London Chronicle, The, 5834
London Singer's Magazine, 4419
London and Paris (1798-99), 2938
Long (J.) Travels of an Indian Interpreter,

Longfellow (H. W.) Works, 3408
Longstaffe (W. H. D.) History of Darling-

ton, 1205

Longus. Daphnis et Chloe :

(1718, Paris), 2141, 2939, 3531,* 5157,

(1745, Paris), 3758, 4847, 5485
Longus. Daphnis et Chloe (the Regent's
Plates only), 2142

Lord (J. K.)

Island, 1325

Lilford (Lord). Figures of Birds, 2797, 3060, Loriquet (Ch.)
6000, 6567

Lilius (G.) Chronicon, 3757

Lilly (J.) Eupheues, 5486

Lilly (W., the Astrologer). Various Pamph-
lets, 5829

Lillywhite (F.) Cricket Scores, 3935
Iconography of Orchids, 3825
Orchidées, 3298*

Linden (J.)

Linden (J.)

Lindley (J.)

Lindley (J.)

Lorris (G. de).
Loudon (J. C.)

[blocks in formation]

Naturalist in Vancouver

Tapisseries, 1687, 2549
Le Roman de la Rose, 1780
Arboretum et Fruticetum,

Ladies' Flower Garden,

Louis XI. La Chronique, 4848
Louis XIV. Ses Amours, 6091

Louis XV. Fêtes données par la Ville de
Strasbourg, 4849

Louis XVI. Sacre et Couronnement de,

[blocks in formation]

Scottish Heraldic Manu-

[ocr errors]

Lover (S.)

Treasure Trove, 4064

Low (D.)

British Domestic Animals, 2550

Lowe (E.)

Collectanea Botanica, 3299
Rosarum Monographia, 3300
Lindley J.) Sertum Orchidaceum, 3301,
Lindsay (Sir D.)
script, 832
Lindsay (Sir D.) Works, 5830
Lingard (J.) History of England, 2653
Linne (W.) Necessarie Treatise, 1941*
Linnean Society. Journal, etc., 5071
Linschoten (J. H. Van). Voyages, 2431,
5831-2, 6901

Linton (W. J.) Masters of Wood Engraving,

4273, 4329
Lippmann (Dr. F.) Engravings, etc., by
Old Masters, 4490, 6052

Lipscombe (Geo.) History of Buckingham,

L'Isle (Fr. de). La Legende de Charles,
Cardinal de Lorraine, 2235
Listenius (M. N.) Rudimenta Musica,

Litta (P.) Famiglie Celebri Italiane, 3406
Little (Thomas). See Moore (T.)
Liturgies. See Breviaria, Common Prayer-
Books, Hour Books!
Liverseege(H.) Engravings from his Works,

Livy. Historiæ, 1683-4, 2322, 5833
Lloyd (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, 1324
Locher (Jac.) De Mula et Musa, 4846
Locke (J.) Human Understanding (1690),

Locker (E. H.) Naval Gallery of Green
wich Hospital, 4274

Locker (F.) Lyra Elegantiarum, 6368
Locker (F.) Poems, 2654, 3226*
Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Burns, 590

Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Scott, 3318, 4330

Lodge (E.) Portraits:

(1821-34), 821, 3530, 5638
(1835), 90, 1204, 2548, 2655
(1837-40), 2432

[blocks in formation]

Ferns, 1207, 2799, 6902, 7050

Lower (Sir W.) Charles II. in Holland,
825, 3532

Lowth (W. S.) Angling, 1326

Lozano (Don P.) Antiquedades España,


Lubke (W.) History of Sculpture, 3227
Lucan. Pharsalia:

(Venice, 1502), 4850
Lucan. Pharsalia (commentary on, 1475),

Lucan, Suetonius,
(Paris, 1480), 4851*
Lucian in English, 1689, 6092
Lucifer (the Theosophical Journal), 2433
Lucretius. Della Natura delle Cose (1754),

and Sallust. Opera

1942, 2434, 3759

Lucretius. De Rerum Natura, 1690, 5158
Lucretius. Eisen and Cochin's original
Drawings, 2435

Ludolphus de Saxonia. Vita Christi
1691-2, 4852-3, 6570

Lully (Raymund). Arbor Scientiæ, 1693
Lully (Raymund). Ars Inventiva, 1694
Lundie (no.) Miscellaneous Poems, 5440
Luscinius (O.) Musurgia, 4854
Luther (M.) Passional Christi, 4855
Luther (Martin). Various Works in Latin,

Lydgate (J.) See Lidgate
Lylie (J.) See Lilly (J.)

Lyndewoode (W.) Constitutiones

[blocks in formation]

Lyra (Nic. de). Postilla super Nov. Test., | Marguerite (Reine de Navarre), Nouvelles

Lysons (D.) Environs of London, 91,* 2658,
5488, 6904

Lysons (D. and S.) Magna Britannia, 223,
2436, 2657, 2800

Lysons (S.) Roman Antiquities, 4506
Lytton (Lord). Novels (Various), 4065

Macaulay (Lord). History of England :
(1849-61), 92, 1208
(1856), 2940
(1879), 6407
(1881), 318

Macaulay (Lord). Lays of Ancient Rome,

Macaulay (Lord). Works (Various), 318,


Macaulay (Lord). Works, 833, 5639, 6718
Mace (T.) Musick's Monument, 5159
Machin (L.) The Dumbe Knight, 4856
Mclan (R. R.) Clans of the Scottish
Highlands, 834, 6093

Mackail (J. W.)" Biblia Innocentium, 196,

3102, 3154

Mackenzie (E.) Northumberland-New-
castle-on-Tyne, 2768-70

Maclauchlan (H.) The Roman Wall, 5836
Maclean (Sir J.) History of Trigg Minor,


Maclean (Sir J.) Lives of the Berkeleys,


Macrobius. Opera Varia, 3787
Magazine of Art, 158

Magazine of Botany (Paxton), 3308
Magna Charta, 835

Magnus (J.) Historia Gothorum, 1696
Magnus (O.) Historia de Gentibus Septen-
trionalibus, 836, 1697, 3701, 5160
Magny (O. de). Les Amours, 6408
Mahony (F.) Father Prout, 2552
Maidment (Jas.) Excerpta Scotica, 1000*
Maine (Duc de). Mercure Galante, 4275
Mainrhardus (St.) Passio, 4857
Mair (P. H.)
Maitland Club.

Bericht de loblicher, etc.,

Publications, 837-41

Maitland (W.) History of Edinburgh, 841
Malet (Capt.) Annals of the Road, 319*
Malfilatre. Narcisse, 93.

Mallet (D.) Edwin and Emma, 5258
Malory (Sir T.) King Arthur, 1467, 5587
Malot (Hector). Romans Divers, 2941
Malton (J.) London and Westminster,


Malton (J.) View of Dublin, 4276, 6627
Mamotrectus super Bibliam, 1698
Män (W. Von). Das Leiben Jesu Christi,
1943, 4859

Mandeville (Sir J.) Cose del Mondo, 1944*
Manning (O.) and Bray (W.) History of
Surrey, 5643, 6905

Manuale ad usum Ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis,

Mappe-Monde. Old Maps, 4860*-2
Maravilles de Rome, Les, 4956*
Marbot (Général). Memoirs, 2943
March (A.) Les Obres, 1209*

March (J.) The Jolly Angler, 1327-8
Marco Polo's Travels:

(1871, Yule), 842, 6094
Marcolini da Forli (F.) Le Sorti, 4863*
Margaret, Queen of Scotland. The Idea
of a Perfect Princesse, 843


(1558, 1st ed.), 3062*
(1698), 3936

(1780), 2944

(1792), 94, 5640, 6095
(1886), 2945

(1894), 2095, 3303,

Marguerite (Reine de Navarre). Les Sept
Journées, 5641

Marguerites de la Marguerite, 6409

Maria. Defensio Virginitatis Mariæ, 1699
Mariette-Bey (A.) Album de Musée, 3228
Marineus (L.) Pandit Aragoniam hoc opus,


Marius-Michel. La Reliure Française, 5489
Markham (G.) A Way to Get Wealth,
1338-41, 1946, 5837

Markham (G.) Compleat Angler, 1332
Markham (G.) Compleat Husbandman,

Markham (G.) Country Contentments, 1337
Markham (G.) Gentleman's Academie,

Markham (G.) Hunger's Prevention, 1330
Markham (G.) Markham's Maister Peece,
2811, 5838, 6571*

Markham (G.) Pleasures of Princes, 1333-5
Markham (G.) Various Works, 1329-41
Markham (G.) Whole Art of Husbandry,

Marlborough Gems, The, 4508
Marlet. Tableaux de Paris, 3063
Marlowe (C.) Jew of Malta, 95*
Marlowe (C.) Works:

(1850), 3064, 6667

Marmontel (J. F.) Contes Moraux, 5642,

Marot (D.) Opera, 4864*

Marozzo (Á.) Arte dell' Armi, 4865-6, 3650
Marryat (Capt.) Masterman Ready, 4277
Marryat (Capt.) The Naval Officer, 3304
Marryat (Capt.) Works, 2946, 4067
Marshall (C.) Gardening, 1294
Marston (J.) The Malcontent, 6322
Martial. (Áldus, 1501), 3585
Martial. Epigrammata, 2323

Martial and Naval Achievements of Great
Britain, 2660, 2663, 6096, 6778

Martin (H.) Histoire de France, 2947
Martinet (F. N.) Histoire des Oiseaux, 1701
Martyn (B.) Colony of Georgia, 6486
Martyn (T.) Entomologist Anglois, 2801
Martyn (T.) Figures of Shells, 2802-3
Martyr (P.) A Spyrytuall Pearle, 844
Martyr (P.) Epistle to the Duke of Somerset,

Marvy (L.) Sketches after English Land-
scape Painters, 323-4,* 6377, 6906
Marx (C.) Le Capital, 1702

Marylebone Gardens, Portraits, etc., re-
lating to the, 6323
Mary Queen of Scots.

Works relating to:

Copie d'une Lettre, 2144, 2224-7
Defence of, etc. (Leslie), 817*-18
Historia (Bizari), 3653*

La Rhétorique (Fouquelin), 3651*
Mary Stuart (Skelton), 238, 6097
Muerte de la Reyna (Vega), 3093
Ode sur la morte, 3652*

Successi d'Inghilterra (Rosso), 3654
Mascall (L.) Booke of Fishing, 1342-4
Mason (Nic.) See Angelus à S. Francisco

Massinger (P.) Plays, 3655
Masson (Prof.) Cavaliers de Napoléon, 6098
Masson (Prof.) Life of Milton, 845
Masson (Prof.) Napoleon at Home, etc.,


Masters (M. T.) Vegetable Teratology, 5066
Mather (C.) Magnalia Christi Americana,

Mather (Cotton). Various Works,

Mather (Rich.) Various Tracts by, 5839
Mattheus de Cracovia. Tractatus Corporis
Christi, 2145

Mathews (C. J.) Life, 6324

Maurice (Thos.) Richmond Hill, 5644
Maurile de S. Michel (F.) Voyage des Isles
Camercanes, 4867*

Maurus Scotus (R. A. P.) Narratio Mortis,

Maximilian (Rex.) Der Aller-Durleucht-
igste Ritter, etc., 2437

Maximus (Valerius). Factæ et Dictæ,

Maxwell (W. H.) Irish Rebellion, 320,
847, 4331, 6013, 6208

Maxwell (W. H.) The Field Book, 1345
Maxwell (W. H.) Wild Sports, 1345
Mayer (A. M.) Sport with Rod and Gun,


Mayer (L.) Views in Egypt, 3584
Mayhew (A.) Paved with God, 4068
Mayhew (Bros). Greatest Plague of Life,
321, 3760, 4192, 4420

Mayhew (Bros.) Whom to Marry, 322, 4191
Mayhew (H.) Image of his Father, 2324
Mayhew (H.) Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, 225
McLachlan (R.) European Fauna, 5072
Medhurst (W. H.) Chinese Dictionary,


Meerut Universal Magazine, 3065

Meibomius (M.) Antiquæ Musica Auctores,

Meigen (J. W.) Insecten, 5073

Meinhold (W.) Sidonia the Sorceress, 211,
3110, 5338

Mela (P.) Libri de Situ Orbis, 1703
Melancthon (P.) Various Works, 849-51
Meliadus de Leonnoys. Faictz darmes, 1704
Mellon (H.) Wyndham's Strictures, 5491*
Melodia Prudentianæ, etc., 4870
Melville (Whyte). Novels, 414
Mémoires Contemporaines, 5492

Memoirs of a Woman of Intrigue (1787),

Ménard (René). La Vie Privee, 2553

Mennher de Kempten (P. M.) Practique
brifve, 4871

Mennis (J.) Musarum Deliciæ, 6411
Mercator (G.) Atlas (1595), 5840

Mercure de France, Le, 2143

Mer des Histoires, Les, 1705, 2135
Meredith (Geo.) Emilia in England, 4074
Meredith (Geo.) Farina, 4072
Meredith (Geo.) Jump to Glory Jane, 4075*
Meredith (Geo.) Poems (1851), 4071, 6572
Meredith (Geo.) Modern Love, 4073
Meredith (Geo.) Various Works, 4070-71
Meredith (Geo.) Works, 4278, 6099
Merian (M.) Topographia Franconiæ, 5493
Merignac (E.) Histoire de l'Escrime, 4215
Merivale (C.) History of the Romans, 852,
Merle (W. H.)
Mérouvel (Chas.) Romans Divers, 2948

Odds and Ends in Verse,

Merry Medley, The, 5841
Meteor, The, 4421, 6209*
Methodius (Episcopus). De Revelatione,
etc., 4872-3, 6907

Meung (J. de). Testament (MS.), 1706
Meursius (J.) Elegantiæ Latini Sermonis,

Meyrick (S. R.) Ancient Armour, 3409,
3533, 5645

Meyrick (Sir R.) History of Cardigan, 5646
Michael (A. D.) British Oribatida, 5074
Michault (P.) La Dance des Aveugles, 1948*
Michel (F.) Les Ecossais en France, 5647
Microcosm of London, 3669, 6347.
Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome,

Millais (J. G.) Game Birds, 6100
Milles (T.) Catalogue of Honor, 854
Millière (P.) Lepidoptères, 5075
Mills (J.) D'Horsay or the Follies of the
Day, 325

Mills (J.) Flyers of the Hunt, 327
Mills (J.) Life of a Foxhound, 326, 328,

Mills (J.) Sportsman's Library, 1346
Milton (John). Areopagitica, 866
Milton (John). Colasterion, 864
Milton (John).

Comus (1st ed., 1637), 859

Milton (John).

Doctrine of Divorce, 863-4

Milton (John).

Eikonoklastes, 868-9

Milton (John).

Free Commonwealth, 870

History of Britain, 873

Judgement of Martin Bucer,

Milton (John).
Milton (John).

Milton (J.) Paradise Lost:
(1667), 871, 2146, 5494
(1668), 6668

(1669), 872, 5495, 6573

(1695), 3534

(1741), 1707

(n. d., Doré), 5648

Milton (J.) Paradise Regained:

(1671), 874, 6574

(1715), 3534

(1742), 1707

Milton (J.) Poems upon several occasions :

(1695), 3534

(1785), 2662*
(1791), 2662*

Milton (J.) Poetical Works:

(1645), 857

(1673), 858

(1697), 855

(1758), 5244-5
(1794-97), 3535
(1835), 4076

(1851), 856

Milton (J.) Sonnets (1883), 6414

Milton (J.) Tenure of Kings, 866-7
Milton (J.) Tetrachordon, 862

Milton (J.) Works in Prose and Verse,
(1851), 856, 6413

Milton (J.) Works (Various), 860-1, 875
Mirabeau (Count). Various Memoirs by,

Mirabilis Liber, 4874
Mirrour of Policie, 5842

Mirys (S. D.) Figures de l'Histoire, 2147
Miscellanea Genealogica et

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Monumenta Sacra Inedita (Lips., 1855-70),

Moor (E.) Hindu Pantheon, 7051

Moore (A.) Annals of Gallantry, 6210

Missale Romanum, 876, 1211, 1950,* 3827, Moore (Jos.) Views near Rangoon, 3538

4879-80, 4881, 6908

Missale Sarisburiensis, 1210, 6909

Moore (Sir J.) England's Interest, 1260,


Missale Secundum Usum Ecclesia Sancti Moore (T.) Ferns of Great Britain, 2957,
Andreæ, 877

Missale Trajectenum, 1712*

Missale Vratislaviensis, 4882

Misselden (E.) Free Trade, 5496

3305, 7052

Moore (T.) Irish Melodies, 2555

Morant (A. W.) Armorial Bearings of the
Knights of St. Esprit, 5650

Mitchell (W. A.) Pleasure and Utility of Mordant de Launay. Herbier Général, 5498

Angling, 1347

Mitford (J.) Johnny Newcome, 329
Modelius (M.) Septem Psalmi Davidici,

Moderate Intelligencer, The, 5843
Modern Art, 2554

Modo de incoronare lo Imperatore, Il, 4885
Moggridge (J. T.) Flora of Mentone, 5076
Molière (M. de). Illustrations pour le
Théâtre, 2951

Molière (M. de). Le Festin de Pierre, 2149*
Molière (M. de). Euvres :

More Miseries of Human Life, 6349
More (Sir T.) Apologye, 879

More (Sir T.) Confutacyon of Tyndale's
Answere, 881

More (Sir T.) Glaubwurdige Anzaygung,
des tods Hern Thomæ Mori, 4889
More (Sir T.) History of Richard III., 3657
More (Sir T.) Life of Edward V., 1955
Supplycacyon of Soulys, 880
Utopia, 207, 1716, 3111, 3656,

4888, 5845*

More (Sir T.)

More (Sir T.)

More (Sir T.)
Morisyne (R.)

Workes (1557), 97, 1954*
Invective Ayenste Treason,

Churches of Piemont, 883,

Memoirs of Bartholomew

(1666), 5497

(1682), 2148*

(1734), 3057, 3757*

(1773), 6415

(1788), 6910

(1821), 2950

(1873), 6719
(1875), 4077
(1883-96), 2952

Molitor (U.) De Lamiis, 1951, 4886, 6911
Momachus (R.) See Monachus
Mommsen (T.) History of Rome, 878, 2953-4
Monachus (R.) Bellum Christianorum,


Moncreiff (W. T.) Old Booty, and other
Works, 2759

Mone (F. R.) Hymni Latini, 6669
Monnet (C.) Estampes (Révolution Fran-
çais), 3877

Monnet (J) Anthologie Françoise, 4155*
Monro (R.) His Expedition, 1952
Monstrelet (E. de). Chroniques, 54, 1714
Montaigne (M. de). Essays:

(1580, Bordeaux), 6576
(1588, Paris), 1953,* 6575*
(1603, London), 5161
(1632, London), 6832
(1872, Paris), 2150
(1892-3), 4279

Montanus (R. G.) L'Inquisition d'Espagne,

Montepin (X. de). Romans Français, 2955
Monte Regali (Vivaldus). Opus regale,

Montesquieu (Baron de). Le Témple de
Gnide, 96, 3536, 4156, 6103-4, 6577
Montfaucon (B. de). Antiquity Explained,
3537, 5844
Montfaucon (B. de).
Montfaucon (B. de). Monuments de la
Monarchie Françoise, 3410*

Antiquities of France,


Morland (S.)

Morley (H.)

Fair, 6178
Morley (John).
Morris (F. O.)

[blocks in formation]

5162, 5499, 6670
Morris (F. O.) British Moths, 1212, 2557
Morris (F. O.) Nests and Eggs, 1213, 5500
Morris (W.) Amis and Amile, 3120, 3170,
3661, 5307

Morris (W.) Amis and Amile, 6472 (vellum)
Morris (W.) Book of Wisdom and Lies,
3123, 3169

Morris (W.) Child Christopher, 3127, 3176,
3658, 3662, 5315, 5347

Morris (W.) Death of Jason, 1717
Morris (W.) Defence of Guenevere, 197,
3105, 3156, 5301

Morris (W.) Earthly Paradise, 214, 3141,
3184, 5318
Morris (W.)

Glittering Plain, 194, 3096,

[blocks in formation]

Morris (W.) Gothic Architecture, 6470

Morris (W.) Grettir the Strong, 4507
Morris (W.) John Ball, 198, 3103, 3152, 5335
Morris (W.) King Coustans, 3125. 3168,
3660, 5310

Morris (W.) King Coustans, 6473 (vellum)
Morris (W.) King Florus, 5351, 6471

Morris (W.) Life and Death of Jason,
3128, 3173, 5163, 5314.
Morris (W.) Love is Enough, 3140, 3189,

[blocks in formation]
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