Page images

Grose (F.) Antiquities of Ireland, 6886
Grose (F.) Antiquities of Scotland, 58,
2532, 6886

Grose (F.) Military Antiquities, 4213, 6886
Grote (G.) History of Greece:
(1846-57), 6400

(1862), 4260

(1872), 2533, 3219, 4466
Gruner (L.) Buckingham Palace Pavilion,

Gruner (L.) Décorations de Palais et
d'Églises en Italie, 1180
Grünpeck (Jos.) Speculum Naturale, 4785
Grünpeck Jos.) Spiegel der Naturlichen,
etc., 4786

Gruyer (F. A.) Les Quarante Fouquet,

Grynæus (S.) Novus Orbis, 5800

Gualla (Jac.) Sanctuarii Papiæ, etc., 4787
Guercino. Recueil d'Estampes, 2909
Guest (C.) The Mabinogion, 739, 2659
Guevara (A. de). Dottrina de Cortegiani,

Guichard (E.) La Grammaire de la Couleur,

Guidi (M.) Ornamenti d'Architettura, 4789
Guido ce Monte Rotherii. Manipulus
Curatorum, 4790

Guild (W.) Old and New Roman Catholick,

Guilhelmus de Gouda. Tractatulus, 4791
Guillemard (F. H. H.) Cruise of the
"Marchesa," 59

Guilmard (D.) Les Maitres Ornemanistes,

[blocks in formation]

(1598-1600), 1625

Hakluyt Society.

Publications, 6069, 6541

Halévy (L.) La Famille Cardinal, 2911
Halford (T. M.) Floating Flies, 1314
Halkett (S.) and J. Laing. Dictionary of
Anonymous Literature, 742

Hall (E.) Lancaster and York, 1931*
Hall (no.) Select Observations on English
Bodies, 5143.

Hall (Jos.) Virgidemiarum Sixe Bookes,

Hall (S. C.) Baronial Halls, 147
Hall (Thos.) Funebria Floræ, 5144

Hallam (H.) Constitutional History of
England, 744, 2912

Hallam (H.) Literature of Europe, 744

[blocks in formation]

Hardy (Thos.) Various Works (1st editions),

Hardyng (J.) Chronicle, 3632*
Harland (J.) Lancashire Ballads, 60
Harleian Miscellany, The, 2536
Harleian Society's Publications, 5146-7, 5622
Harman (T.) Groundworke of Conny-
Catching, 1932*

Harral (T.) Views of the Severn, 61
Harris (J.) History of Kent, 184
Harris (Moses). The Aurelian, 3518
Harrisse (H.) Bibliotheca Americana, 6477
Harrisse (H.) Notes on Columbus, 745
Harrison (Jas.) Exhortation to the Scottes,

Harvey (Dr. W.) Anatomical Exercita-
tions, 3929*

Harvey (W. H.) Nereis Australis, 6888
Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica,

Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica.
Harvie-Brown and Buckley. Vertebrate
Fauna of Sutherland and the Hebrides,

Hasse (Signor). Comic Tunes, etc., 1933*
Hasted (E.) History of Kent, 185, 5623
Hawkesworth (J.) Voyages, 62
Hawkins (F. W.) Life of Edmund Kean,
3396,* 6314-5

Hawthorne (N.) Works, 3397

Hayley (W.) Life of Romney, 3286*
Hayward (A.) Essays and Sketches, 6713
Hazlitt (W.) Liber Amoris (1823), 4323

Hazlitt (W.)

Various Works, 4320-3

Hearne (T.

Various Chronicles, 63

Heath (W.)
Heath (W.)

Life of a Soldier, 4028

Various Illustrations by, 3394

Heaton (J. A.) Furniture and Decoration,


Greca et Latina

Heber's Racing Calendar, 6121
Hebraea, Chaldæa,
Nomina, 6858
Hefner-Altenech (J. H.)
Mittelalters, 7043


Hefner-Altenech (J. H.) Trachten, Kunst-
werke und Geräthsschaften, 1624

[blocks in formation]

Henry VIII.

Previdelli, 751*

Henry VIII. Copia Originalis, 746
Henry VIII. Illustrissimi ac Potentissimi
Regis Sententia, etc., 752
Henry VIII.

Institution of a Christian

Man, 750, 754
Henry VIII. Repudio Della Reina Anna
di Cleves, 2094*

Henry VIII. The True Dyfferes, etc., 753*
Hepplewhite (A.) Cabinet Maker, 4794
Heptameron, The. See Marguerite (Reine
de Navarre)

Herbal. The Grete, 1631

Herbert (G.) Remains, 757, 6402

Herbert (Lady). Methods of Hearing Mass,

Herbert (T.) Some Yeares Travaile, 3047
Herborn (Nic.) Locorum Communium, 4843
Herculanum et Pompei, 1182, 5148
Hercules of Greece, History of, 3633*
Heresbachius (C). Husbandrie, 1935*
Hermann (Archp. Col.) Simple and Re-
ligious Consultation, 758,* 1936*

Hermes Trismegistus. De Potestate Dei,

Herodian. History of the Romayne Em-
perors, 1632

Herodotus. Historiæ, 1633, 4796, 5803
Herold (B. J.) Germanicarum Antiqui-
tatum Libri, 2316

Herp (H.) Speculum Aureum, 6461
Herrera (Ant. de). Indes Occidentales, 5447
Herrich Schäffer (G. A. W.) Schmetter-
linge von Europa, 5064
Herrick (R.) Hesperides, 3707, 6542
Herrick (R.) Poems (Kelmscott), 3126, 3177
Hesiod. Opera, 2317

Hewitson (W. C.) Exotic Butterflies, 5065
Heyligen Leben, Die, 1679*
Heywood (John). Spider and the Flie,

Heywood (T.) Hierarchie, 2103, 7044
Heywood (T.) Nine most worthy Women,


Heywood (T.) Troia Britannica, 2102
Hibbert's Shetland Islands, 2781
Hieronymus (S.) Epistolæ, 1634*-7*
Hieronymus (S.) De Vitis Patrum, 1639-41
Hieronymus (S.) Opera Varia, 1638
Hieronymus (S.) Vita, 4797

| Higden (R.)

Higgins (G.)
Higgins (G.)
Hill (A. G.)
Hill (Dr. J.)

Polychronicon, 1642*-3, 3816,

Anacalypsis, 6074, 7045
Celtic Druids, 7046
Organs of the Renaissance,

British Herbal, 3519
Hills (R.) Etchings of Cattle, 2419
Hilton (W.) Scala Perfectionis (1533), 3048
Hind (James, the Robber). History of,
etc., 4261

Hind (James, the Robber). No Jest like a
true Jest, 3641*

Hipkins (A. J.) Musical Instruments, 4472
Hippocrates. Opera Varia, 1644

Hirth (G.) Les Grand Illustrateurs, 3867
Historians of Scotland, 1001

Historical Manuscripts' Commission Re-
ports, 5149.

Hitchins (F.) History of Cornwall, 186,
2420, 2790, 2806

Hobbes (T.) Complete Works, 2640, 6891
Hodgkin (J. E. and E.) English Pottery,

Hodgson (J.) History of Northumberland,

Hofland (T. C.) British Angler's Manual,

Hofmeister (W.) The Higher Crypto-
gamia, 5066

Hogarth (W.) Works:

(Baldwin and Cradock), 2421
(Trusler), 4262

(Various), 2913, 3817

Holbein (H.) Dance of Death:
(1538), 6715

(1547), 4798*

(1549), 1645*

Icones Veteris Testamenti,

Holbein (H.)


Hoibein (H.) Imitations of. See Chamber-
laine (J.)

Holbein (H.) Portraits, 759
Holinshed (R.) Chronicles:

(1577, 1st ed.), 760,* 5448
(1586-7), 64, 1646*

Holland (H.) Herwologia Anglica, 761,
2104, 4456

Holme (R.) Academy of Armoury, 5624
Holmes (R. R.) Queen Victoria, 4284,

Holthusius (J.) Compendium Cantionum,
Monuments Typo-
Holtrop (J. W.)

graphiques, 762, 1647
Holtzapffel (C.) On Turning, 4263
Holy Graal. L'Hystoire du Sainct Greaal
(1523), 1803

Homer. Iliad, Odyssey, etc., 763, 2641-4,
3818, 4264, 4801, 5625
Homes (N.) Dæmonologie, 5804
Homilies. Certayne Sermons, 764-5
Hommaire de Hell (X.) Voyage en Tur-
quie, 1648

Hondius (Jod.) Historia Mundi, 766
Hone (W.) Everyday Book, etc,, 6310
Hood (T.) Whims and Oddities, 4029
Hook (W.) Lives of the Archbishops, 187
Hooker (W. J.) British Jungermanniæ,
3288, 6824
Hooker (W. J.)
Hooker (W. J.)

Hooker (W. J.)

Exotic Flora, 6892
Flora Boreali-Americana,

Musci Exotici, 3289, 6893

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Hugo de S. Victore. Didascalion, 1658
Hugo de S. Victore. Larre de Lame, 4810
Hugo Senensis. Canon Avicennæ, 1659
Hugo (T.) Nunneries of Somerset, 188
Hugo (T.) The Bewick Collector, 2745
Hugo (V.) Les Misérables, 2915
Hugo (V.) Novels (1895), 4033
Hugo (V.) Euvres, 3400, 6077.

Hugo (V.) Various Works in French, 1914
Hulme (F. E.) Garden Flowers, 1174
Hulme (F. E.) Wild Flowers, 1175.
Hulsius (L.) Sammlung von Sechs und
Zwanzig, etc., 4811*

Humboldt et Bonpland. Various Works,
3290, 6765

Hume (D.) History of England:

(1792-6), 2646

(1806, Bowyer's edition), 189, 3520,

[blocks in formation]

1661, 2791, 5151

Humphreys (H. N.) Illustrations of Frois-
sart, 2411, 6660

Humphreys and Westwood. British Butter-
flies, 6

Hunt (Leigh). Autobiography, 4475
Hunt (Leigh). Jar of Honey, 4034
Hunt (Leigh). Various Works, 2422
Hunter (A.) Scotch Weights and Measures,

Hunter (J.) Hallamshire, 5629
Hunter (J.) Scenery in Mysore, 6825
Hunterian Club Publications, 777

Hurault (Jac.) Politicke Discourses, 580g
Husenbeth (F. C.) Emblems of Saints, 2647
Hutchins (J.) History of Dorsetshire, 6078
Hutchinson (R.) The Image of God, 6493
Hutchinson (W.) History of Cumberland,


Hutton (C.) Compendious Measurer, 2732
Hutton (W.) History of Birmingham, and
other books, 5152

Ibis, The (Indexes), 66*

Iconologie des Allegories, Emblems, etc.,

Illustrations of British Sports, 2319
Imbert. Le Jugement de Pâris, 2423, 3749
Inchbald (Mrs.) British Theatre, 3357
Indagine (J.) Palmistry, etc., 4814
Index Librorum Prohibitorum (1559), 778*
Indispensable Accomplishments, 5311
Indulgentiæ, 4815-17

Ingleby (C. M.) Shakespeare's Century of
Prayse, 5195.

Inglis (A.) Disputatio Juridica, 5810
Ingoldsby Legends. See Barham
Injunctions given by King Edward VIth,

Inman (Thos.) Ancient Faiths, 4476
Innes (Cosmo). Historical and other works.

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[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

Keith (Geo.) Churches in New England, | Kipling (R.) Writings in Prose and Verse


Kelham (R.) Domesday Book, 5634
Kelmscott Press Publications, 194-216, 2426,
3150-92, 3643-4, 5300-52. See also under
Authors' names

Press Publications. Books
printed on vellum, 6468-73
Kelmscott Press Publications, Complete
sets of the, 3096-3149, 6933-87
Kelmscott Press Publications. Woodcuts,
leaflets, etc., 3144, 3146, 3149, 3186, 3190,
4485-90, 5165

Kempis (Thomas à). De Imitatione:

(1503), 3953

(1659), 4812

(1679), 4813

(1803), 6548

(n. d.), 1230

Kennedy (M.) Reponse de, 1006
Kenrick (1.) British Stage, 6207
Kent (Countess of). Choice Manual, 1939*
Ketham (J. de). Fasciculus Medicinæ, 4626
Kidd's Fashionable Cookery, 2759
Kidd's Practical Angler, 1393
Kilkenny Archæological Society.

actions, 217

(Edition de
6560, 7020
Kirby (R. S.)

Luxe), 4050, 4267, 6083-4,

Wonderful Museum, 6716
Kircher (A.) Musurgia Universalis, 5819
Kit-Cat Club Memoirs, 4268, 4332

Kitton (F. G.) Charles Dickens, 2763, 6297
Knight (C.) Gallery of Portraits, 794, 2429,
3388, 4497

Knight (E.) Dictionary of Mechanics, 5154
Knight (H. G.) Ecclesiastical Architec-

ture, 1193

Knight (R. P.) Worship of Priapus, 2563
Knight and Lacey. Trials, 218, 2428
Knip (Mdme.) Les Pigeons, 3296
Knolles (R.) Historie of the Turkes, 1675
Knox (J.) An Answer to blasphemous
Cavillations (1560), 800, 5820

Knox (J.) Confession and Declaration, 795
Knox (J.) Correspondence about his House,

Knox (J.) Historie of the Reformation
(1584), 802*-3*

Knox (J.) Various Works, 795-803, 3646*
Kock (Paul de). Romans divers, 2925
Trans- Kobel (J.) Wapen des heyligen, etc., 4828
Köhler (B.) Tractenbilder für die Bühne,

Killigrew (Sir W.) Plays, 3402*
King (R. J.) Eastern and Northern Cathe-
drals, 6829

King (T. H.) Mediæval Architecture, 1192
Kinglake (A. W.) Crimea, 312, 793
Kingsley (C.) Various Works, 4049
Kingston, La Vie et les Aventures de la
Duchesse, 2923

Kip (J.) Britannia Illustrata, 3872, 5461
Kip (J.) Nouveau Théâtre de la Grande
Bretagne, 6549

Kipling (R.) Various Stories and Poems,
mostly first editions:

Autograph MSS., 6550

Barrack Room Ballads, 4493

City of Dreadful Night, 74, 2119-20,
2127, 2542, 3292, 5465, 6555, 7011
City of Dreadful Night (cancelled
edition), 2121*
Departmental Ditties, 69, 2112-3,
2541, 3225, 3645, 3933, 4050, 4496,
5462-3, 5467-8, 5471-2, 6557, 7018-9
Echoes, by Two Writers, 2111, 2427,
3932, 6551, 7013

Horsmonden School Budget, 6554
Jungle Books, 4494

In Black and White, 71, 78-9, 6558
Letters of Marque, 75, 83, 2123*-5,
2543, 3223, 5469,* 6552, 6556
Phantom Rickshaw, 72-3. 81, 3293
Plain Tales from the Hills, 2115-6,

3222, 3294, 4492, 5470

Quartette, 2128, 3221, 5464, 5466,

[blocks in formation]

Kolben (P.) Present State of the Cape,

Kozewitz (W. F.) Eccentric Tales, 313,
4190, 6002

Labiche (Eugène). Théâtre Complet, 2926
Laborde (J. B. de). Choix de Chansons:
(Paris, 1773), 2039*-40, 6561
(Paris, 1773, Reprint), 4498
(Paris, 1881), 6085

Laborde (L. de). Voyage de l'Arabie
Pétrée, 3823

La Bruyère (Jean de). Les Caractères de
Théophraste (in English), 3405

La Clos (C. de). Les Liaisons Dangereuses.

Lacroix (P.) Les Arts du Moyen Age, etc.,

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