(1525, London), 1597 (1530, Paris), 1596 (1574, Paris), 2412 2811 Venice, divers . Amour, 5819 (1803, Hafod), 54, 3384 (1844), 710 (1848, Hafod), 2411 (n. d., Paris), 1926* Froissart (Sir J.) Trial Pages (Kelmscott) Froude (J. A.) Catherine of Arragon, 711 English in Ireland, 713 Elliott's Botany of South Carolina, 3276 Ellis (F. S.) Sir Degrevant, 3138, 3179 Englefield (Sir H.) Isle of Wight, 3039, 3505 English Dialect Society. Publications, 6051 Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Con- Entomological Magazine, 5050 Entomological Society (London), 5051 "Ephemera.' See Fitzgibbon (E.) Epistole Evangelii Lectioni, etc., 5429 Erasmus (Desid.) Opera Omnia, 6883 Esobar (L. de). Las quatrocientas respu- Esquemeling (J.) Bucaniers of America, Essai sur la Musique, 2406 Essay on Angling (1840), 1296 Essay on Fornication (1735), 3043 Estienne (R.) Les Censures des Theo- Etrennes à Terpsichore, 2058 Ettenhard (F. A. de). Works on Fencing, Faber Stapulensis (J.) Musica, 4752 Fabliaux et Contes des Poètes Franças Fabricius (J. C.) Illustratio Iconographica Fabris (S.) Practica d'Arme, 1920, 4751 Fairbairn (J.) Book of Crests, 52 Fairfax (T.) Complete Sportsman, 1297 Fanti Ferrarese (Sig.) Thesauro de Scr.t- Fanti Ferrarese (Sig.) Triompho di For- Faule of the Romyshe Churche, 971 Faulkner (T.) History of Fulham, 6709 Favre (M. de). Les Quatres Heures de la Featley (Dan). The Dippers Dipt, 5785 Fedrici. Viaggi nell' India, 4756 5131, 6396 Les Avantures de Telemaque, Fenton (G.) Forme of Christian Pollicie, Fenton (R.) On Usurie, 5842 3044 Ferdusi. Shah-Nameh (Persian MS.), 1590 Fielding (H.) Amelia, 4015, 5786 4015, 5132 The Case of Bosavern Pen- Tom Jones, 681, 2080, 3696, Fielding (H.) Various Works, 302, 4015 (1871-2), 174, 2525 (1882), 6055 (1893), 3278 Fierrabras. Eyn schöne Kurtzweilige, etc., Figaro Illustré, 4255 Fillastre (G.) La Thoison d'Or, 1591 | Finaguerra (M.) Florentine Picture Fisbach (F.) Ornamente der Gewebe, 3381, Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir, 1298 1592 Fisher (T.) Frescoes at Stratford, 5134 Fisherman's Magazine and Review, 1299 Fitzgerald (E.) Agamemnon, 2634 Galerie Théatrale, 3387 Germain (P.) Elements d'Orfevrerie, 6535 Gesner (Dr.) Newe Jewell of Health, 5795 English), 1927* Maniement d'Armes (in Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall: (1838-9), 723, 6399 (1846), 6885 (1855), 4455 (1862), 2314, 2529 Galien. L'Hystoire du Chevalier Galien, Gibbs (Jas.) Book of Architecture, 5796 1602 Galilei (V.) Musica Antica, 4768 Galle (Philip). Engraved Portraits, (1572- Galleries, English. See under their titles Gallucius (J. P.) 5139 Theatrum Mundi (1587), Reales, 4769 Gardiner (Bp.) De Vera Obedientia, 717 Gardiner (S. R.) History of England, 718, 6662 Gardiner (S. R.) Prince Charles and the Gardyne (A.) Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers, 5440 Garnett (Dr.) William Blake, 4453 Garrick (D.) Trip to Paris (MS.), 6304 Gascoigne (Geo.) Whole Works: (1587), 4153. Gaskell (Mrs.) Novels and Tales, 2895 Glanville (B.) De Proprietatibus Rerum, Glascock (Capt.) Land Sharks and Sea Glasgow Dramatic Review, 3391 Glasse (Mrs.) Art of Cookery, 4257, 6536 Alchemy, 5797. Goddam (A.) Libri Sententiarum, 4774 Goethals (F. V.) Miroir des Nobiliares, Various Works in German, 2087 Werke, 2900 Works (in English), 3392 Goez (J. F. de). Exercises d'Imagination, | Grace (S.) Family of Grace, 178 (1798), 2729 (1817), 2416, 6342 (1823), 2417, 6341 (1890), 303, 4020, 4319, 4459 Goldsmith (O.) Works: (1822), 2766 (1825), 2901 (1854), 727, 4019, 5619 Gomara (F. L.) Indes Occidentales, 4776 Goncourt (E.) L'Art du Dix-Huitième Gondar (J.) Chroniques Françoises, 5620 Googe (B.) Whole Art of Husbandry, 3699 Gordon (H. P. and G. E.) Etchings, 4778 1057 Gore (Mrs.) Modern Chivalry, 55 Gorio (B.) L'Historio di Milano, 4779 Gotch (J. A.) Architecture of the Re- Goudinel (C.) Pseaumes de David, 4780 Birds of the Himalayas, Gould (John). Monograph of the Rampha- Gould (John). Monograph of the Trogonidæ, Gower (Jo.) De Confessione Amantis: (1532), 1612 Gower (Jo.) Ovid's Festivalls (1640), 2089 Gowrie (Earl of). Conspiracie (1603), 730 Graesse (J. G.) Trésor de Livres Rares, 731 Grafton (R.) Chronicle: (1568-9), 1613 Graham (S.) Anatomie of Humours, 732 Grampion Club Publications, 733-4 Granger (J.) Biographical History, 5621 Grant (Jas.) Scottish Tartans, 6068 Grassi (G. di). On Fencing, 1930,* 3630 Gray (G. R.) Entomology of Australia, Gray (T.) Elegy, 4022 Gray (T.) Ode performed in the Cambridge Gray (T.) Odes, 4259 Gray (T.) Poems, 4023 Green (J. R.) History of the English Green (M. A. E.) Lives of the Princesses Rowlandson the Caricaturist, Decretales, 1619* Greenwood (W.) Passion of Love, 4154, Greville (R. K.) Cryptogamic Flora, 6663, |