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(1525, London), 1597

(1530, Paris), 1596

(1574, Paris), 2412




. Amour,


(1803, Hafod), 54, 3384
(1812), 2635

(1844), 710

(1848, Hafod), 2411

(n. d., Paris), 1926*

Froissart (Sir J.) Trial Pages (Kelmscott)
3146, 3190

Froude (J. A.) Catherine of Arragon, 711
Froude (J. A.)

English in Ireland, 713

Elliott's Botany of South Carolina, 3276
Ellis (F. S.) Psalmi Penitentiales, 3121,

Ellis (F. S.) Sir Degrevant, 3138, 3179
Ellis (F. S.) Sir Isumbras, 3145, 3185
Ellis (G.) Early English Poets, 5128
Ellis (H.) Pseudochristus, 1918*
Elyot (Sir T.) Dictionarie, 3926
Emerson (R. W.) Works, 3380, 6050
Emmanuel (Rex Portugallia). Epistola, 4747
Encyclopædia, Chambers', 5120
Encyclopædia, Lardner's, 87
England's Helicon, 6882

Englefield (Sir H.) Isle of Wight, 3039,


English Dialect Society. Publications, 6051
English Pilot, The, 4985

Englishman's Hebrew and Chaldee Con-
cordance, 3042

Entomological Magazine, 5050

Entomological Society (London), 5051
Entomological Society (Philadelphia), 5052
Entomologische Zeitung, 5053
Entomologist, The, 5054
Entomologists' Annual, 5055
Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, 5056
Entretiens Spirituels, 4253

"Ephemera.' See Fitzgibbon (E.)
Epistolæ Sancti Pauli (MS.), 1582
Epistole et Evangelii et Letioni Vulgari,

Epistole Evangelii Lectioni, etc., 5429
Erasmus (Desid.) L'Eloge de la Folie, 2892,

Erasmus (Desid.) Opera Omnia, 6883
Erasmus (De sid.) Paraphrasis, 1984, 130
Ercolano. L'Antichità di Ercolano, 3506
Ernst (M.) Papillons d'Europe, 5057
Erondele (P.) French Schoole Maister, 51
Erondelle (P.) Nova Francia, 5699
Escurial. Views, etc., 6529

Esobar (L. de). Las quatrocientas respu-
estas, etc., 1173

Esquemeling (J.) Bucaniers of America,
173, 6481

Essai sur la Musique, 2406

Essay on Angling (1840), 1296

Essay on Fornication (1735), 3043
Essay on Hunting (1820), 2313*

Estienne (R.) Les Censures des Theo-
logiens, 678

Etrennes à Terpsichore, 2058

Ettenhard (F. A. de). Works on Fencing,

[blocks in formation]

Faber Stapulensis (J.) Musica, 4752
Fabian (R.) Chronicle, 4254
Fables Inédites, 6395

Fabliaux et Contes des Poètes Franças
(1808), 6658

Fabricius (J. C.) Illustratio Iconographica
Insectorum, 5058

Fabris (S.) Practica d'Arme, 1920, 4751
Fagan (L.) Engraving in England, 6054,

Fairbairn (J.) Book of Crests, 52

Fairfax (T.) Complete Sportsman, 1297
Faithorne (W.) Art of Graveing, 2078
Fane (Jos.) Eikon Aklastos, 869
Fane (Mildmay). Otia Sacra, 6467
Fans, Works on, 3861
Fasciculus Myrrhe, 4755
Fashionable Bores, 6303

Fanti Ferrarese (Sig.) Thesauro de Scr.t-
tori, 1546*

Fanti Ferrarese (Sig.) Triompho di For-
tuna, 4754*

Faule of the Romyshe Churche, 971
Faulkner (T.) History of Hammersmith
6703, 6761

Faulkner (T.) History of Fulham, 6709
Faulkner (T.) Kensington, 6762
Fauna Boreali-Americana, 3507

Favre (M. de). Les Quatres Heures de la
Toilette des Dames, 3626*

Featley (Dan). The Dippers Dipt, 5785
Febres (S. A.) Lengua General del Reyno
de Chile, 5432.

Fedrici. Viaggi nell' India, 4756

5131, 6396

Les Avantures de Telemaque,

Fenton (G.) Forme of Christian Pollicie,

Fenton (R.) On Usurie, 5842
Fenton (R.) Tour through Pembrokeshire,


Ferdusi. Shah-Nameh (Persian MS.), 1590
Fergusson (R.) Poetical Works, 680
Field (F.) Origenis Hexaplorum que
Supersunt, 53,

Fielding (H.) Amelia, 4015, 5786
Fielding (H.) Joseph Andrews, 4015
Fielding (H.) Miscellanies, 4015
Fielding (H.)
lez, 4016
Fielding (H.)

4015, 5132

The Case of Bosavern Pen-

Tom Jones, 681, 2080, 3696,

Fielding (H.) Various Works, 302, 4015
Fielding (H.) Whole Works:

(1871-2), 174, 2525

(1882), 6055

(1893), 3278

Fierrabras. Eyn schöne Kurtzweilige, etc.,

Figaro Illustré, 4255

Fillastre (G.) La Thoison d'Or, 1591
Filles de Joye, La Déroute des, 4757.

| Finaguerra (M.) Florentine Picture
Chronicle, 2082, 7039

Fisbach (F.) Ornamente der Gewebe, 3381,

Fisher (P.) Angler's Souvenir, 1298
Fisher (R.) Catalogue of Engravings, etc.,


Fisher (T.) Frescoes at Stratford, 5134
Fisheries, Tracts on, 5787

Fisherman's Magazine and Review, 1299
Fishing and Hunting, 1300

Fitzgerald (E.) Agamemnon, 2634

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
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Galerie Théatrale, 3387

[blocks in formation]

Germain (P.) Elements d'Orfevrerie, 6535
Germar (E. F.) Entomologie, 5061
Gesner (C.) Historia Animalium, 1606,

Gesner (Dr.) Newe Jewell of Health, 5795
Gessner (S.) Euvres, 3744, 5615*
Gheyn (J. de).

English), 1927*

Maniement d'Armes (in

Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall:

(1838-9), 723, 6399

(1846), 6885

(1855), 4455

(1862), 2314, 2529

Galien. L'Hystoire du Chevalier Galien, Gibbs (Jas.) Book of Architecture, 5796


Galilei (V.) Musica Antica, 4768

Galle (Philip). Engraved Portraits, (1572-
95), 2414

Galleries, English. See under their titles

Gallucius (J. P.)

Garcilasco de la

Theatrum Mundi (1587),

[blocks in formation]

Reales, 4769
Gardiner (Bp.) An explication of the Catho-
lique Fayth, 716

Gardiner (Bp.) De Vera Obedientia, 717
Gardiner (S. R.) Civil War, 720
Gardiner (S. R.) Government, etc., of
Charles I., 6662

Gardiner (S. R.) History of England, 718,


Gardiner (S. R.) Prince Charles and the
Spanish Marriage, 719, 6662
Gardiner (S. R.) Works (Various), 6662
Gardner (T.) Dunwich, Blithburgh, and
Southwold, 6820

Gardyne (A.) Garden of Grave and Godlie

Flowers, 5440

Garnett (Dr.) William Blake, 4453
Garnier (E.) Porcelain of Sèvres, 3389
Garrick (D.) Memoirs, 6305-6

Garrick (D.) Trip to Paris (MS.), 6304
Garsault (F. A. de). Le Nouveau parfait
Maréchal, 2636

Gascoigne (Geo.) Whole Works:

(1587), 4153.

Gaskell (Mrs.) Novels and Tales, 2895
Gautier (T.) Le Capitaine Fracasse, 2897
Gautier (T.) Mademoiselle de Maupin, 2896
Gautriche (P. P.) L'Histoire Sainte, 4770
Gavarni. (Euvres Choisies, 2898

[blocks in formation]

Glanville (B.) De Proprietatibus Rerum,

Glascock (Capt.) Land Sharks and Sea
Gulls, 6006

Glasgow Dramatic Review, 3391

Glasse (Mrs.) Art of Cookery, 4257, 6536
Glauber (J. R.) Works on Medicine and

Alchemy, 5797.

Goddam (A.) Libri Sententiarum, 4774
Glover (R.) Visitation of Cheshire, 5622
Godwin (Bp.) The Man in the Moon, 725
Goethals (F. V.) Dictionnaire Généalo-
gique, 5617

Goethals (F. V.) Miroir des Nobiliares,

Various Works in German, 2087

Werke, 2900

Works (in English), 3392

Goez (J. F. de). Exercises d'Imagination, | Grace (S.) Family of Grace, 178

[blocks in formation]

(1798), 2729

(1817), 2416, 6342

(1823), 2417, 6341
(1888, Paris), 4021

(1890), 303, 4020, 4319, 4459

Goldsmith (O.) Works:

(1822), 2766

(1825), 2901
(1845), 4018

(1854), 727, 4019, 5619

Gomara (F. L.) Indes Occidentales, 4776
Gomard (A. J.) L'Escrime, 4212
Gomes (R. P. D.) Commentaria, 4777
Goncourt. Journal de, 2902

Goncourt (E.) L'Art du Dix-Huitième
Siècle, 2904

Gondar (J.) Chroniques Françoises, 5620
Gonse (L.) L'Art Japonais, 2530, 3864, 4460
Goodman (Ch.) How Superior Powers
ought to be Obeyed, 801

Googe (B.) Whole Art of Husbandry, 3699
Goos (P.) Die Zee-Atlas, 5798
Gordon (A.) Itinerarium Septentrionale,
728, 5799

Gordon (H. P. and G. E.) Etchings, 4778
Gordon (P.) History of Robert Bruce, 729
Gordon (Sir R.) Earldom of Sutherland,


Gore (Mrs.) Modern Chivalry, 55
Gore (Mrs.) The Snow Storm, and other
Stories, 6007

Gorio (B.) L'Historio di Milano, 4779
Gosse (E.) Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets,

Gotch (J. A.) Architecture of the Re-
naissance, 6065

Goudinel (C.) Pseaumes de David, 4780
Gough (R.) British Topography, 7041
Gough (R.) Sepulchral Monuments, 56*
Goulart (J.) Wonders of our Time, 1929*
Gould (John). Birds of Australia, 3284
Gould (John). Birds of Great Britain, 6712
Gould (John). Birds of New Guinea, 6067
Gould (John).

Birds of the Himalayas,

Gould (John). Monograph of the Rampha-
stidæ, 3285, 3516

Gould (John). Monograph of the Trogonidæ,

Gower (Jo.) De Confessione Amantis:

(1532), 1612

Gower (Jo.) Ovid's Festivalls (1640), 2089
Gower (Lord R.) Iconographie de la Reine
Marie Antoinette, 5444)

Gowrie (Earl of). Conspiracie (1603), 730
Goya y Lucientes (F.) Caprichos al aqua
forte, 4781

Graesse (J. G.) Trésor de Livres Rares, 731
Graffigny (Mdme. de). Lettres d'une Péru-
vienne, 2090*

Grafton (R.) Chronicle:

(1568-9), 1613

Graham (S.) Anatomie of Humours, 732
Grammont, Count. Memoirs. See Hamil-
ton (A.)

Grampion Club Publications, 733-4
Grand-Carteret (J.) Les Mours et la Cari-
cature en France, 2906

Granger (J.) Biographical History, 5621
Granolachs (B. de). Lunarium; Eclypses,

Grant (Jas.) Scottish Tartans, 6068
Grant (Jas.) Sketches in London, 304
Grassetti (P. G.) Vita di S. Caterina da
Bologna, 5445

Grassi (G. di). On Fencing, 1930,* 3630
Gratianus. Decreta Patrum (1472), 1615
Gratianus. Decreta Patrum (MS.), 1614
Gratius Faliscus. Cynegeticon, 2637

Gray (G. R.) Entomology of Australia,
etc., 5062

Gray (T.) Elegy, 4022

Gray (T.) Ode performed in the Cambridge
Senate House, 5446

Gray (T.) Odes, 4259

Gray (T.) Poems, 4023

Green (J. R.) History of the English
People, etc., 2907, 4462, 5141

Green (M. A. E.) Lives of the Princesses
of England, 735

Rowlandson the Caricaturist,

Decretales, 1619*

Greenwood (W.) Passion of Love, 4154,
Grego (J.)
179, 4461
Gregory IX.
Gregory IX. Decretales (MSS.), 1616*-18*
Gregory the Great. Moralia, 1620*-21*
Gresset. Les (Euvres de (1811), 2091*
Greville (C.) Journal of George IV. and
William IV., 736, 2908, 3218, 4463
Greville (C.) Journal of Victoria, 736,
2531, 2908, 4463

Greville (R. K.) Cryptogamic Flora, 6663,

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