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6860 Braithwaite (R.) The British Moss- Flora, parts i.-x., plates, published by the Author, 1880-87, 8vo. (120) Quaritch, L1 6s. 6861 Breydenbach (Bern. de). Dis buch ist innhaltend die heilige reysen gein Iherusalem zu dem heiligen garb, etc., lit. goth., with all the rare folding plates and the scarce frontispiece, also 8 large spirited woodcuts in the text, some of the large plates defective in the folds and backed, sold with all faults as usual, large copy, old half binding, Durch Erhart rewich von Uttrich, yun der Statt Meyns (Mentz), 1486, folio (735) Hunter, £13 IOS. 6862 Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is, with all the kinds, causes, symptomes, prognostics, and severall cures of it, third edition, engraved title, backed, russia, m. e., 1628, folio (347) Banbury, £1 18s. 6863 Cervantes (M. de). Life and Exploits of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha, translated by Charles Jarvis, portrait and numerous plates after Stothard, 4 vol., old morocco extra, gilt edges, Miller, 1801, 8vo. (271) Maggs, £4 45.

6864 Cervantes (M. de). El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, nueva edicion, corregida por la Real Academia Española, portrait and numerous plates, 4 vol., calf gilt, Madrid, J. Ibarra, 1780, 8vo. (307) Quaritch, £3 15s. 6865 Congreve (W.) Works, consisting of his Plays and Poems, portrait and plates, 3 vol., calf, m. e., Baskerville, 1761, 8vo. (263) Quaritch, L1 15s. 6866 Copper-Plate Magazine, or Monthly Treasure for the Admirers of the Imitative Art, numerous portraits, views, etc., russia extra, gilt edges, 1778, 8vo. (305) Banbury, £2 6867 Coxe (W.) Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, map and illustrations by Sir R. C. Hoare and others, 2 vol., calf gilt, 1801, 4to. (318) Walford, £2 13s. 6868 De Candolle (A. P.) Mémoires sur la Famille des Légumineuses, Paris, 1825—Dix Mémoires du Règne Vegetal et Mémoire sur les Myrtacées, ib., 1828-38-Monographie des Campanulées, ib., 1830, numerous plates, 3 vol., half russia, 4to. (105) Quaritch, L1 6s. 6869 Desfontaines (Ren.) Flora Atlantica, sive Historia Plantarum quae in Atlante, Agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crescunt, 261 plates, 4 vol., half calf, uncut, Paris, Blanchon, 1800, 4to. (114) Quaritch, LI 6s. 6870 Donne (Dr. John). The First and Second Anniversaries : An Anatomie of the World, and Of the Progress of the Soule, first edition, half bound, N. Bradwood for S. Markham, 1612, 8vo. (376) Ellis, £3 6871 Donne (Dr. John). The First and Second Anniversaries: An Anatomie of the World, and Of the Progress of the Soule, second edition, calf gilt, gilt edges, A. Mathewes for T. Dewe, 1621, 8vo. (377) Pickering, £3 4s.

6872 Donne (Dr. John). Poems by J. D., with Elegies on the Author's Death, third edition, fine impression of the portrait by W. Marshall, calf, M. F. for John Marriott, 1639, 8vo. (378)

Ellis, £4

6873 Donne (Dr. John). Poems, by J. D., with Elegies on the Author's Death, to which is added divers copies under his own hand never before in print, portrait by W. Marshall, old calf gilt, J. Flesher for J. Sweeting, 1654, 8vo. (379) Tregaskis, £3 125.

6874 Donne (Dr. John). Devotions upon emergent Occasions and severall steps in my Sicknesse, fourth edition, frontispiece by Marshall (backed), morocco, C. Greene, 1634-The same, fifth edition, frontispiece by Marshall, morocco gilt, R. Royston, 1638-Walton (I.) Life of Dr. Donne, second impression, corrected and enlarged, old calf, 1658, 8vo. (380) Pickering, £3 35. 6875 Donne (Dr. John). Poems, by J. D., with Elegies on the Author's Death, first edition, autograph signature of "J. Donne" pasted on title, inscription on fly-leaf, “John King's booke of poems given by Dr. Henry King” (Donne's executor), "An. Dom., 1634" (no portrait), half morocco, M. J. for John Marriott, 1633, small 4to. (382)

Pickering, £8 155. 6876 Donne (Dr. John). Letters to Severall Persons of Honour, published by John Donne, Dr. of the Civil Law, first edition, portrait by Lombart, calf gilt, gilt edges, J. Flesher for R. Marriott, 1651, small 4to. (383) Quaritch, £2 18s. 6877 Donne (Dr. John). Letters to Severall Persons of Honour, published by John Donne, second edition, portrait by Lombart, numerous MS. additions inserted, original calf, J. Flesher, 1654, small 4to. (385) Tregaskis, £1 11S. 6878 Donne (Dr. John). Death's Duell, being the Doctor's Owne Funerall Sermon, preached at Whitehall in Lent, 1630, first edition, portrait of Donne in grave clothes, morocco gilt, T. Harper, 1632, small 4to. (386) Pickering, £5

6879 Donne (Dr. John). Death's Duell, another edition, portrait of Donne in grave-clothes, half morocco, B. Fisher, 1633, small 4to. (387) Pickering, 1 55. 6880 Donne (Dr. John). Sermon to the Honourable Company of the Virginian Plantation, 13 Nov., 1622, T. Jones, 1622Six Sermons upon Severall Occasions, Camb., 1634-Five Sermons upon Special Occasions, 1626 - Sermon on Judges v. 20, 1622, small 4to.-XXVI. Sermons, vol. iii., 1661, small folio (388) Tregaskis, £365. 6881 Donne (Dr. John). The First Anniversarie: An Anatomie of the World-The Second Anniversarie: Of the Progress of the Soule, by Occasion of the untimely Death of Mistriss Elizabeth Drury (in Verse), first edition, portrait by Marshall, inserted and inlaid, calf, M. Bradwood for S. Macham, 1612, 8vo. (374) Pickering, Lu 158. 6882 England's Helicon, and Lyrics from Elizabethan Romances and Dramatists, edited by A. H. Bullen, LARGE PAPER, 250 copies printed, 2 vol., Nimmo, 1887-90, 8vo. (404) Edwards, 1 6s. 6883 Erasmus. Opera Omnia, studio et opera Joannis Clerici cum notis, editio optima, 10 vol. in 11, morocco, gilt edges,

y J. Clarke (Dr. Th. Williams' fine copy), Lugd. Bat., 703-1706, 8vo. (706) Bain, £10 ler (Canon). The Coleoptera of the British Islands, arts i. to liii., in 49 parts, with a duplicate of part xxii., oloured plates, Reeve, 1886-91, 4to. (131) Quaritch, £5 155. bon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with Notes by Dean Milman, 6 vol., calf gilt, 1846, 8vo. (570) Edwards, £1 5s.

se (F.) Antiquities of England and Wales, with suppleent, 6 vol., 1783-87-Antiquities of Scotland, 2 vol., ARGE PAPER, 1789-91-Antiquities of Ireland, 2 vol., ARGE PAPER, 1791-97-Military Antiquities, 2 vol., LARGE APER, 1801, together 12 vol., numerous fine plates, russia xtra, joints, m. e., fine set, 4to. (317) Banbury, £7 kluyt (R.) Principal Navigations, Voiages and Disoveries of the English Nation made by Sea or over and, title and last leaf repaired, russia, m. e., 1589, folio 349) Maggs, £4 4s. rvey (W. H.) Nereis Australis: or, Algae of the Southern Ocean, 50 coloured plates, 2 parts, complete, Reeve, 1847-49, ito. (191) Wesley, £5 rvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica: or, a History of British Seaweeds, 360 coloured plates, 3 vol., half morocco ilt, uncut, Reeve, 1846-51, imperial 8vo. (173)

Quaritch, £3 3s. rvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica. a History of Australian Seaweeds, 5 vol., 300 coloured plates, Reeve, 1858-63, 4to. (128) Maggs, £4 4s. obbes (T.) Works (English and Latin), collected and edited by Sir W. Molesworth, portrait, 16 vol., original cloth, 1839-45, 8vo. (266) Maggs, £2 6s. ooker (Sir W. J.) Exotic Flora: containing Figures and Descriptions of New and Rare Exotic Plants, 232 coloured plates, 3 vol., half morocco, uncut, Edinburgh, 1823-27, imperial 8vo. (172) Maggs, £4 45. Tooker (Sir W. J.) Musci Exotici; containing the Figures and Descriptions of Foreign Mosses, LARGE PAPER, 176 coloured plates, 2 vol., half russia, 1818-20, 4to. (109) Wheldon, £1 18s. Looker (Sir W. J.) Flora Boreali-Americana; or, the Botany of the Northern Parts of British America, maps and 238 plates, 2 vol., half russia, Bobn, 1840, 4to. (110) Wesley, £8 Toræ ad usum Sarum, lit. goth., printed upon vellum within woodcut borders of Scriptural subjects. Dance of Death, etc., with five full-page woodcuts, etc., capitals illuminated (wanted 9 leaves, title and another leaf soiled, last leaf defaced, sold with all faults), old calf, Paris, Pigouchet, 1498, 8vo. (426) Bull, £5 17s. 6d. Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art, Legends of the Monastic Orders and of the Madonna, and Life of Our Lord, all first editions, 6 vol., 2 half calf gilt, rest cloth, 1848-64, 8vo. (427) E. Parsons, £4 Jones (Owen). Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by ex


rare full-page woodcut of the Crucifixion in contemporary colouring, a leaf supplied in contemporary MS., some leaves mended, few wormholes, large copy, original stamped Venetian binding, carefully repaired, gilt edges with the clasps, Venet., J. Herczog de Landoia, 1493, 4to. (654) Leighton, 10 IOS. 6909 Missale ad Usum Insignis Ecclesiæ Sarum, lit. goth., red and black, double columns, with musical notes, numerous woodcuts, large plate of Crucifixion and 1st leaf of Canon on vellum, wanted the 8 preliminary leaves and folios 67-72 in the Accentuarium, otherwise a fine copy, morocco gilt, gilt edges, Antw., C. Ruremund sumpt. Fr. Byrckman, 28 Mar., 1527, 8vo. (709) Bull, £9 15s. 6910 Molière (J. P. de). Euvres, avec des remarques, etc., par M. Bret, portrait and plates after Moreau, 6 vol., marbled calf, gilt edges, Paris, 1788, 8vo. (264) Banbury £1 12s. 6911 Molitor (Abricus). De laniis (sic) et phitonicis mulieribus, lit. goth., long lines, with 8 singular woodcuts, all in pure uncoloured state, few small wormholes, fine large copy, “Ex Constantia, A.D. 1489,” 8vo. (514) Ellis, £4 10s. 6912 Napier (W. F. P.) History of the War in the Peninsular, maps, 6 vol., half russia, 1828-40, 8vo. (257) Hill, £1 10s. 6913 Pennant (T.) Tour in Scotland, 3 vol., 1774-76-Tour in Wales, 2 vol., 1778—Of London, 1790—The Journey from Chester to London, 1782-British Zoology, 4 vol., 1776— Arctic Zoology, 2 vol., 1784-History of Quadrupeds, 2 vo!., 1781-Genera of Birds, 1781-Indexes to the Ornithologie of the Comte de Buffon, 1786-Literary Life, 1792, together 18 vol., numerous plates, views, etc., calf gilt, y. e., 8vo. (306) Bull, £2 4s. 6914 Pratt (Anne). Flowering Plants, Grasses, etc., of Great Britain, 6 vol. in 3, numerous coloured plates, half morocco, g. t., uncut, Warne. n. d., 8vo. (228) Roche, £2 10s. 6915 Purcell (H.) Orpheus Britannicus. A Collection of all the Choicest Songs for one, two and three Voices, portrait, rough calf, binding broken, 1706, folio (802) Ellis, £1 8s. 6916 Raynouard (Fr.) Choix des Poesies Originales des Troubadours, 6 vol., half calf, Paris, Didot, 1816, 8vo. (571)

Hill, £6 6917 Raynouard (Fr.) Lexique Roman, ou Dictionnaire de la Langue des Troubadours, 6 vol., mottled calf gilt, Paris, Silvestre, 1838, 8vo. (572) Hill, £2 14s. 6918 Royal Society. Philosophical Transactions from 1874 to 1898, and extra vol., numerous plates, 63 vol., 1874-98, 4to. (23) Quaritch, £37 6919 Salmon (N.) History of Hertfordshire, describing the County and its antient Monuments, map, 1728-Newcome (P.) History of the Ancient and Royal Foundation called the Abbey of St. Alban, map and plates, mounted to folio size, 1795, together 2 vol., extra illustrated by the insertion of about 100 scarce mezzotint and other portraits, views, etc. (354) Quaritch, £25 6920 Scott (Sir W.) Tales of My Landlord, the four series com

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