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to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vol. in 2, morocco, plain, g. on m. e., Edinb., Constable, 1824, 4to. (168) Sotheran, £1 18s. 6799 Yorke (Philip). The Royal Tribes of Wales, 12 portraits, morocco, with gilt ornaments, gilt edges, Wrexham, J. Painter, 1799, 4to. (167) Quaritch, £1 185.




(No. of Lots, 1183; amount realised, £1,278 os. 6d.)

[NOTE.-A large number of books in this collection were sold in "parcels." These have not been reported.-ED.]

6800 Alison (A.) History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution to 1815, portraits, 14 vol., uncut, 1849-50, 8vo. (260) George, £18s. 6801 [Apperley (C. J.)] Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, o Halston, Shropshire, by Nimrod, second edition, with Additions, coloured plates by Alken and Rawlins, original cloth, gilt edges, Ackermann, 1837, royal 8vo. (870) Sotheran, £8 15s. 6802 Artists' Repository (The) and Drawing Magazine, numerous plates, some coloured, and ovals in red, 4 vol., half calf, T. Williams, n. d., 8vo. (25) Maggs, £3 125.

6803 Baker (Geo.) The Newe Jewell of Health, wherein is contayned the most excellent Secretes of Phisicke and Philosophie, gathered out of most approved Authors by Dr. Gesnerus, black letter, woodcuts, old calf, H. Denham, 1576, 4to. (203) Edwards, £1 135. 6804 Blomefield (Fr.) Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk, original edition, numerous plates, pedigrees, coats of arms, plan of Norwich (mended, modern portrait inserted (some leaves stained, sold with all faults), 5 vol., half russia, Fersfield, 1739-Lynn, 1775, folio (230) £11 IOS. 6805 Brathwayt (R.) Essaies upon the Five Senses, revived by a new Supplement, second edition, revised and enlarged, by the Author, original sheep, 1655, 8vo. (310) Maggs, £3 6806 Brooke (Thos.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Printed Books at Armitage Bridge House, Huddersfield, portrait and vignette on title, 2 vol., 100 copies printed for private circulation, Ellis, 1891, 8vo. (11) Ellis, £1 6s. 6807 Carthew (G. A.) The Hundred of Launditch and Deanery of Brisley, and a History of West and East Bradenham, co. Norfolk, plates, 4 vol., Norwich, 1877-83, 4to. (143) Lewine, £5 155.

6808 Cartwright (Geo.) Journal of a Residence of Sixteen Years

on the Coast of Labrador, portrait and maps, 3 vol., uncut, Newark, 1792, 4to. (114) H. Stevens, £3 7s. 6d. 6809 Collinson (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, map and plates, 3 vol., calf, Bath, printed by R. Crutwell, 1791, 4to. (505) Walford, £4 5s. 6810 Cranmer (Archbp.) A Confutatio of Unwritte Verities both in the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments and pithy reasons, etc., translated and set forth by E. P., original edition, black letter, original vellum, n. p. or d. (R. Wolfe, 1558), 8vo. (307) Bull, £2 9s. 6811 Cussans (J. E.) History of Hertfordshire, containing an Account of the Descents of the Manors, Pedigrees of Families connected with the County, Antiquities, Local Customs, etc., extensively illustrated with large full-page plates of country seats, antiquities, etc., 3 vol., half morocco, gilt backs, uncut, t. e. g., 1870-81, folio (1164) Edwards, £4 6812 Dampier (Capt. Wm.) Collection of Voyages, maps, charts, and other illustrations, 4 vol., old calf, Knapton, 1729, 8vo. (27) Maggs, £2 14s. 6813 Davis (Sir J.) Nosce Teipsum, his Oracle expounded in two Elegies, whereunto is added Hymnes of Astrea, first edition, original vellum, ties, fine copy, 1619, 8vo. (304) Hazlitt, £10 6814 Dickens (Chas.) A Christmas Carol, third edition, coloured illustrations and woodcuts by John Leech, presentation copy to "Douglas Jerrold from his friend Charles Dickens, Jan., 1844," Chapman and Hall, 1843, 8vo. (759) James, £20 6815 Dickens (Chas.) The Cricket on the Hearth, first edition, illustrated by Leech, Maclise, Crowquill, etc., presentation copy to Douglas Jerrold from his friend Charles Dickens, Dec. 18, 1845," 1846, 8vo. (760) James, £22 6816 Dolby (A.) Church Embroidery, Ancient and Modern, practically illustrated, plates, 1867, 4to. (338) Bull, LI 135. 6817 Domesday Book, with Additamenta and Indices by Sir Henry Ellis, 4 vol., russia, m. e., 1783-1816, folio (366)

Buchanan, £3 175. 6818 Flatman (T.) Poems and Songs, first edition, original calf (no portrait), 1674, 8vo. (306) Ellis, £4 6819 Fox (C. J.) History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second, portrait, extra illustrated by the insertion of upwards of 40 portraits, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 1808, 4to. (336) Ellis, £2 12s. Historical Account of Dunwich, Blithburgh, Southwold, plates, old calf, Printed for the Author, 1754, 4to. (139) Roche, £5 15s.

6820 Gardner (Thos.)

6821 Gurney (Daniel). The Record of the House of Gournay, compiled from Original Documents, with Supplement, numerous illustrations (with the star leaves), half morocco gilt, t. e. g., uncut, Privately printed, 1848-58, 4to. (116)

Quaritch, £3 15s.

6822 Haines (Rev. H.) Manual of Monumental Brasses, numerous illustrations, Parker, 1861, 8vo. (21) Hatchard, £2 4s. 6823 Hamilton (Sir W.) Campi Phlegraei, Observations on the

Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies, map and 54 coloured plates, 2 vol. (no supplement), half bound, 1775, folio (371)

Behn, £1 135. 6824 Hooker (Sir W. J.) British Jungermanniæ, 88 coloured plates, russia gilt, Longmans, 1816, 4to. (113) Wheldon, £3 6825 Hunter (Jas.) Picturesque Scenery in the Kingdom of Mysore, 40 coloured plates, and portrait of Tippoo Sultaun, half bound, E. Orme, 1805, oblong atlas folio (804)

Spencer, £1 9s. 6826 Hutchinson (Wm.) History of the County of Cumberland and places adjacent, plates, autograph letter inserted, 2 vol., calf, Carlisle, 1794, 4to. (507) Walford, £2 4s.

6827 Isumbras. The hystory of Syr Isebras, black letter, three. perfect leaves, nearly uncut, and portions of 9 other leaves, half morocco, W. Copland, n. d., 4to. (468)

Leighton, 17s. 828 Jefferys (T.) The American Atlas; or, a Geographical Deby scription of the Whole Continent of America, wherein are lineated at large its several Regions, Countries, States denn rds, and chiefly the British Colonies, engraved on and Istantes, all coloured, first edition, old half binding, 49 copper-palio (933) 1778, imperial Maggs, £2 25. ook to the Eastern and Northern

6829 King (R. J.)

Handstrations, 3 vol., uncut, 1862-69,

Cathedrals, numerous
8vo. (49)

Edwards, £1 18s. Source of the Missouri

6830 Lewis and Clarke. Travels to the 804-1806, maps, uncut,

and across the American Continent,
Longman, 1814, 4to. (119)

H. Stevens, £2 125.

6831 Lyndewoode (W.) Constitutiones Provincales, black letter, old calf, Emprinted by Richard Pynson, n., 8vo. (308)


Pickering, £25

6832 Montaigne (M. de). Essayes or Morall Politike ad Militarie Discourses done into English by John Florio, thrd edition, engraved title, original calf, 1632, folio (368)

Pickering, £2 18s. 6833 Nelson (Lord). Letters to Lady Hamilton, 2 vol., uncut, 1814-Memoirs of Lady Hamilton, portrait after Ronney, 1815, 8vo. (15) A. Jackson, £ 5s. 6834 Nichols (J.) Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century, 9 vol.-Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eigh teenth Century, vol. i.-vi., portraits, together 15 vol. in 16, original boards, uncut, 1812-31, 8vo. (261) George, £3 6835 Pepys (Sam.) Diary and Correspondence, from his MS. Cipher in the Pepysian Library, with Life and Notes by Lord Braybrooke, deciphered, with additional Notes, by Mynors Bright, Woodbury type portraits, also a number of extra portraits on India paper inserted, LARGE AND THICK PAPER copy, 6 vol., half morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., 1876-79, imperial 8vo. (1051) Maggs, £3

6836 Perrot and Chipiez. History of Art in Ancient Egypt, Phonicia, Chaldæa and Assyria, Sardinia, Asia Minor, Phrygia,

Lydia, and Persia, etc., translated from the French, illustrations, 10 vol., art cloth, 1883-84-85-90-92, imperial 8vo. (763) Quaritch, £7 IOS 6837 Purchas (Sam.) Hakluytus Posthumous, Purchas, his Pilgrimes, in five Bookes, separate sheet maps, engraved maps in the text, and woodcuts, 5 vol., vol. i. wanted engraved title, vol. ii. leaf of imprint at end, vol. iii. list of "maps and peeces cut in brasse," otherwise a sound and excellent copy, with all the maps, not subject to return, old calf, W. Stansby for H. Fetherstone, 1625-26, folio (533) Edwards, £6 6838 Randolph (T.) Poems with the Muses Looking Glasse and Amyntas, first edition, original calf (slightly wormed), Oxford, L. Lichfield for F. Bowman, 1638, 4to. (344)

Ellis, £5 155.

[On the blank leaf at the end were written the names Tho. Randolph, Joh. Buxton.-Catalogue] 6839 Repton (A.) Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening, coloured plates, original boards, uncut, 1794, oblong 4to. (339) Pickering, 4 IOS. 6840 Sallust. Here begynneth the famous Cronicle of Warre, whyche the Romaynes hadde agaynst Jugurth, translated into Englyshe by Syr A. Barklaye, and nowe perused by Thomas Paynell, black letter, J. Waley, 1557, 4to. (202) Maggs, £3 10S. 6841 Schliemann (Dr. H.) Troy and its Remains, Mycenæ, Ilios and Troja, numerous illustrations, 4 vol., F. Murray, 1875-78-80-84, 8vo. (750)

Maggs, £2 12s.

6842 Scott (Sir W.) The Pirate, first edition, 3 vol., boards, uncut, 1822, 8vo. (910) Sabin, £2 25. 6843 Shaw (Henry). Decorative Arts Ecclesiastical and Civil of the Middle Ages, original edition, chromos and woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt and gauffered edges, W. Pickering, 1851, 4to. (153) Maggs, £2 45. 6844 Sussex Archæological Collections, illustrating the History and Antiquities of the County, numerous plates, vol. i.-viii., J. R. Smith, 1848-56, 8vo. (54) George, £5 15s. 6845 Sylvester (J.) The Parliament of Vertues Royal; The Second Session of the Parliament of Vertues Royal, 2 parts in 1 vol., original calf, 1614-20, 8vo. (313) Maggs, £4 6846 Watson (Rev. John). History and Antiquities of Halifax, portrait and plates (stained), calf, 1775, 4to. (510) Walford, £3 35. 6847 White (Rev. Gilbert). Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, Co. Southampton, first edition, plates, half bound, uncut, fine copy, B. White and Son, 1789, 4to. (128)

Russell, 19 15s. 6848 Wildrake. The Cracks of the Day, edited by Wildrake, second edition, frontispiece, portraits of horses and owners, etc., Ackermann, 1843, imp. 8vo. (919) A. Jackson, £3 15s. 6849 Willins (E. P.) Quaint Old Norwich, 50 plates, 1884, 4to. Hatchard, 1 5s.




(No. of Lots, 1169; amount realised, £1,605 os. 6d.

[NOTE. AS in the case of the two preceding sales, a large number of books in this collection were sold in “parcels.”—ED.]

6850 Addison (J.) Works, portraits and plates by Hayman, 4 vol., calf gilt, y. e., Birmingham, Baskerville, 1761, 8vo. (311) Banbury, £1 12s. 6d. 6851 Arabian Nights, translated by the Rev. E. Forster, numerous engravings from pictures by R. Smirke, proofs before letters, 5 vol., LARGEST PAPER, old morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, 1802, 4to. (303) Banbury, £7 5s.

6852 Archæologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, vol. xliv.-lvi., part i., numerous plates. 25 parts, cloth, 1873-98, 4to. (50) Hitchman, £6 12s. 6d. 6853 Bertolonius (Ant.) Flora Italica, sistens plantas in Italia et in Insulis circumstantibus sponte nascentes, 10 vol., half calf gilt, Bononiae, 1833-54, 8vo. (71) Quaritch, £2 6854 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, woodcuts by T. Bewick, 2 vol., first edition, imperial paper, russia extra, fine copy, 1797-1804, 8vo. (269) Bain, £9 10s. 6855 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, woodcuts by T. Bewick, third edition, royal paper, russia extra, fine copy, 1792, 8vo. (270) Young, £1 8s. 6856 Bible (Holy) translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable Annotations, etc., first edition of the Genevan or 66 Breeches" Version, woodcuts, titles mended, margins cut into, wanted end of table, sold with all faults, mottled calf, gilt edges, Geneva, Rowland Hall, 1560, 4to. (625) Quaritch, £4 IOS. 6857 Biblia Sacra Latina cum Prologis S. Hieronymi, lit. goth., 2 vol., double columns, 48 lines, without marks, headings of the books printed in red (Hain, 3053), numerous large and small ornamental capitals, carefully coloured by a contemporary hand, original binding of oaken boards covered with stamped pigskin, clasps, Absque nota, dated 1475 at end of Apocrypha (Basil., B. Richel), folio (738)

Quaritch, £12 6858 Bradford the Martyr (John). Hebræa Chaldæa Græca et Latina Nomina virorum mulierum populorum idolorum, etc., quæ in Bibliis leguntur, original calf, Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1537, 8vo. (538) J. Roberts, £4 125.

[An interesting relic of the celebrated John Bradford, with his autograph signature and motto, "Dñs regit me et nihil mihi deerit,” on title.—Catalogue.]

6859 Bradshaw (H.) Henry Bradshaw Society Publications, facsimiles, vol. i.-xiv., uncut, 1891-97, 8vo. (778) Tregaskis, £6

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