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N. T. defective and mended, otherwise large and sound, sold with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Prynted by Rychard Grafton & Edw. Whitchurch, 1539, folio (773) Bull, £19 10s.

[First edition of the Great, or Cranmer's, or Cromwell's Bible. It was being printed in Paris by Fr. Regnault, under Coverdale's supervision, when the work was interrupted by the Inquisitors, and in consequence finished in London. It has the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potiphar's in the heading to Gen. xxxix.-Catalogue.]

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537 Bible. The Byble in Englyshe... truly translated after the Veryte of the Hebrue and Greke, by the diligent studye of dyvers excellent lerned men. with a table to fynde the Epystles and Gospels, after Salysbury Use, black letter, woodcut titles (the first mended and mounted, the 3 leaves of Kalendar, etc., and last 3 leaves of N. T. in facsimile, leaf in Apocrypha defective, several margins mended, otherwise a fairly good copy, sold with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, T. Petyt and R. Redman for T. Berthelet, April, 1540, folio (774) Bull, £20 [Second edition of the Great or Cromwell's Bible. Has the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potiphar's in heading to Gen. xxxix.-Catalogue.]

538 Bible. The Byble in Englyshe .

with a prologe thereinto made by the reverende father in God Thomas Archbysshop of Canterbury. This is the Byble apoynted to the use of the Churches, black letter, fine woodcut titles in compartments, woodcuts and ornamental initials, first title inlaid, a few margins shaved and slightly mended, otherwise a sound, genuine, and perfect copy, morocco extra, with blind stamped ornaments, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges by Rivière, Prynted by Richard Grafton, fynisshed in April, 1540, folio (775) Quaritch, £40 [The second edition of the "Great Bible," and the first with Cranmer's preface. Very rare and an unusually fine copy. It has also the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potiphar's in heading to Gen. xxxix.-Catalogue.]

539 Bible.

The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest Volume (Cranmer), auctorysed and appoynted by the Commaundemente of Oure moost redoubted Prince and Sovereign Lorde Kynge Henrye the VIII. to be frequented and used in every Churche, oversene and perused by Cuthbert (Tonstall) Byshop of Duresme and Nicholas (Heath) Bishop of Rochester, black letter, woodcut titles, woodcuts and initials (first and second titles, first leaf of Prologue, and last leaf in facsimile, Kalendar much mended, margins of a few leaves mended, otherwise a very good copy, with a certificate of F. Fry, sold with all faults), oaken boards, stamped leather, E. Whitchurch, finished in November, 1540, folio (776) Sotheran, £50

[The fourth edition of the Great or Cranmer's Bible. The arms of Lord Cromwell erased from titles. - Catalogue.] 540 Bible. The Byble in Englishe . . . after the translacion appoynted to bee read in the Churches, black letter, woodcut 4


titles and ornamental initials (corner of first title mended, some side margins cut into, otherwise perfect and an excellent copy), morocco, gilt edges, Edw. Whitchurche, 1549, Dec. 29, folio (777) Leighton, £14

[A portion of this Bible was probably printed abroad, or set up here from foreign types. It seems to have been intended for a companion to the Reformation Prayer-book issued the same year, as it contains the Psalms which are absent from the Prayer-book.-Ed.]

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541 Bible. The Byble in English . . . accordyng to the translatiō that is appointed to be read in Churches, black letter, woodcut titles and initials (first title and first of Genesis mended, "Names of al the Bokes and last leaf of Revelation in facsimile, some margins cut into, but a good copy generally), morocco extra, gilt edges, E. Whytchurche, 1553, folio (778) Bull, £8 15s.

[The last folio edition of the Great Bible printed by Edward Whytchurche.-ED.] 542 Bible. The Bible in Englishe . . . according to the Translation that is appointed to be read in Churches (Cranmer's) black letter, 2 woodcut titles, full-page woodcut of Adam and Eve in Paradise, and many small woodcuts in the text (title mended and mounted, 2 leaves of Kalendar wrongly placed within the Prologue, 2 leaves in Psalms slightly defective, otherwise a good copy, sold with all faults, old calf, Imprinted in White Crosse Strete, by Wm. Harrison, 1562, folio (779) Bull, £5 7s. 6d. 543 Bible. The Bible in Englyshe of the largest and greatest Volume . according to the translation appointed by the Queenes Majesties Injunction to be read in all Churches, black letter, sub-titles (3) within woodcut borders in compartments of biblical subjects, with initials J. M. (Jehan Mallart), O. T. title, next leaf and last 2 leaves of N. T. in facsimile, leaf in Calendar defective and mended, margins of preliminary leaves mended, otherwise a very large, sound and excellent copy, with all faults), morocco gilt, antique style, gilt edges by Rivière, Rouen, at the Coste and Charges of Richard Carmarden, 1566, folio (780) Ridler, £10 15s.

[A rare edition of Cranmer's Bible, with the Order for Morning and Evening Prayer; seldom found perfect.Catalogue.]

544 Bible. The Most Sacred Bible, which is the holy scripture... translated into English, and newly recognised with great diligence after most faythful Exemplars by Richard Taverner, black letter, woodcut initials (title, next leaf and 5 leaves at end in facsimile, leaf of "Names of the Bokes" much mended, signature K in N. T. missing, as in all copies, otherwise in sound, genuine, and most excellent condition, brown morocco, with blind stamped ornaments, gilt edges by Ramage, Prynted by John Byddell for Thomas Barthlet (sic), 1539, folio (781) Quaritch, £27 10S. [Taverner's First Edition. Another edition appeared the same year, but in 4to. Taverner died in the vear 1575, at

the age of 70. He graduated at Benet College, Cambridge, and subsequently migrated to Oxford. He afterwards joined the Inner Temple.-ED.]

545 Bible. The Bible (Genevan or "Breeches ") translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, with most profitable annotations (and Two Tables) whereunto is added the Psalter of the Common Translation agreeing with the Booke of Common Prayer; and the Booke of Common Prayer, black letter (one version of the Psalms in roman), the leaf before the title and the title mounted, otherwise a most excellent copy of a rare edition, calf, with old sides inlaid, gilt edges, C. Barker, 1578, folio (782) Quaritch, £7 12s. 6d.

[The Common Prayer in this volume is a peculiar, remarkable, and very rare edition, having alteration in the Rubrics supposed to have been made under Puritan direction. (See Clay's reprint for the Parker Society.)—Catalogue.] 546 Bible. The Bible and Holy Scriptures . . . translated according to the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable Annotations (Genevan or "Breeches"), first title in facsimile (margins of preliminary leaves and some at end_mended, with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Edinburgh, A. Arbuthnot, 1579 (N. T., T. Bassandyne, 1576), folio (783)

Ellis, £10

[The first edition of the Bible printed in Scotland. The Bassandyne Bible.-ED.]

547 Bible. The Bible. . . translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke (Genevan or Breeches "), with most profitable annotations, and two Tables, roman letter, maps and woodcuts, C. Barker, 1582-Booke of Common Prayer, with the Psalter after the Great Bible, black letter, woodcut initials (title soiled), C. Barker, 1581-Whole Booke of Psalmes in Metre, with apt Notes, black letter, J. Day, 1580, in 1 vol., vellum, silver corners, etc., folio (784) Bull, £4 2s. 6d. 548 Bible. The Bible, translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, with most profitable Annotations, with Two Tables, etc. (Genevan or "Breeches"), black letter, fine woodcut titles and ornamental initials, and large plate of Adam and Eve in Paradise, bound in 2 vol., old calf, C. Barker, 1583, folio (785) Ridler, £2 10S.

549 Bible.

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The Bible... translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke . . . with most profitable annotations (Genevan or Breeches"), with Two Tables, ruled in red, Edinburgh, And. Hart, 1610-Whole Booke of Psalmes in English Meeter by Sternhold and others, with apt notes, ruled in red, Lond. Stat. Co., 1609, in 1 vol., old English morocco, with blind and gilt ornaments, folio (786) W. Brown, £5 10s. 550 Bible. The Bible... translated according to the Hebrew and Greek, with most profitable annotations (Genevan or "Breeches "), margins of 2 or 3 leaves mended, calf gilt, m. e., Amst., T. Stafford, 1640, according to the copy printed at Edinburgh by A. Hart, 1610, folio (787) W. Brown, £2 6s. 551 Bible. The Bible: that is the Holy Scriptures contained in

the Old and New Testament (Genevan or "Breeches" and
Tomson), with most profitable annotations; Speed's Genea-
logies and Two Tables, woodcut title (corner mended), and
woodcuts, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, R. Barker, 1616, folio
Maggs, £2 25.
[The last folio edition of the "Breeches" version printed
in England. Catalogue.]

552 Bible. The Holie Bible, black letter, woodcut title, containing portrait of Queen Elizabeth within ornamental border, portraits of the Earl of Leicester on title of second part, and Cecil Lord Burleigh at the beginning of the Psalms, numerous fine woodcuts within borders, ornamental and other initials (Leda and swan, etc.), title backed and slightly mended, oak boards, morocco extra, joints, vellum, fly-leaves, gilt edges, R. Jugge, 1568, folio (790) Body, 29

[First edition of the Bishops' Bible, and an exceptionally fine and perfect copy, very rarely found in such condition. A certificate as to perfectness and genuineness by Francis Fry inserted. Catalogue.]

553 Bible. The Holie Bible, black letter, portrait of Queen Elizabeth on first title, that of the Earl of Leicester on the second, and Lord Burleigh on the third, map, woodcuts, and woodcut initials of classical subjects (Leda and swan, etc.), title and last leaf inlaid and portions supplied in MS., leaf after title mended, margins of map and of a few leaves of text mended), otherwise a complete, sound, and genuine copy, morocco extra, g. e., R. Jugge, 1572, folio (791) Sotheran, £12 10s. [The second folio edition of the Bishops' Bible. A note of Francis Fry certifying the genuineness of the copy throughout inserted.-Catalogue.]

554 Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New, authorised and appointed to be read in Churches (The Bishops'), black letter, woodcut titles (that to the O. T. mended and backed), morocco extra, gilt edges by Tuckett, fine copy, R. Barker, 1602, folio (792) Sotheran, £7

[This edition probably formed the model of the 1611 edition of the Authorized Version.-Catalogue.]

555 Bible. The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the Original Tongues, first edition of K. James' or the Authorized Version, with Genealogies, etc., woodcut titles, russia, R. Barker, 1611, folio (793) Sotheran, £35

[A fine sound copy, genuine throughout, see MS. note by F. Fry inserted. It has the "He" reading in Ruth, and the duplicated passage in Exod. xiv. 10.-Catalogue.] 556 Bible. The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the Original Greek, etc. (K. James's), black letter, engraved title dated 1611, woodcut title, 1613 (both mended), with genealogies, map, etc., morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, 1611-13, folio (794) Sotheran, £8 10s.

[The second issue of the first edition of the Authorized Version, with the "She" reading in Ruth iii. A certificate from Francis Fry as to the genuineness and completeness of this copy pasted in cover.-Catalogue.]

557 Bible (Holy) translated out of the Original Tongues, LARGE PAPER (25 copies printed), 2 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges, Edinburgh, Sir D. Hunter Blair and J. Bruce, 1811, 8vo. (263) Hopkins, £4 10s. [This edition is one of the two mentioned before the Bible Patent Committee as more nearly approaching immaculateness than any other in existence.-Catalogue.]

558 Bible. The Speaker's Commentary on the Holy Bible, by Bishops and other Clergy, edited by Canon Cook, 10 vol. in 11, J. Murray, 1871-81, 8vo. (265) Bull, £4 2s. 6d. 559 Bible Illustrations. Figure del Vecchio Testamento, con Versi Toscani per D. Maraffi, first edition with Italian verses, numerous woodcuts by Le Petit Bernard, Lione, J. de Tournes, 1554-Figure del Nuovo Testamento con versi Italian da Maraffi, fine woodcuts by J. Moni, ib., 1559Figures de la Bible (et du Nouveau Testament) illustree de huictains françoys, first edition, numerous fine woodcuts by J. Moni, Lyon, G. Roville, 1565-70, in 1 vol., morocco gilt, with autograph and MS. note by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and signature of "J. Stella Pictore Francese, 1632," at the end of the Italian part, 8vo. (267) Maggs, £5 5s. 560 Bibliothecæ Regiæ Catalogus (per Fr. A. Barnard), portraits of George III. and Barnard, 5 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, Bulmer and Nicol, 1820-25, folio (1059) Ridler, £1 135. 561 Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. Bibliographical Notices of the Library of the Rt. Hon. Thos. Grenville, by J. T. Payne and H. Foss, 4 vol., 1842-72, 8vo. (269) Ellis, £2 10s. 562 Bie (Jacques de). Les Vrais portraits des Rois de France tirez de leurs Monumens, Sceaux, Medailles, ou autres effigies, seconde édition, augmentée avec des Vies des Rois par H. de Coste, LARGE PAPER, frontispiece and portraits, vellum, Paris, Camusat, 1636, folio (1060) Maggs, £1 10s. 563 Bigmore (F. C.) and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of Printing, numerous facsimiles, 250 copies printed, 2 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., 1880-86, 4to. (702) Quaritch, £3 Antiquities of Rimell, £3 14s.

564 Billings (R. W.) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Scotland, 4 vol., cloth gilt, 1852, 4to. (703) 565 Bindings. Album de Reliures Artistiques et Historiques, accompagné de notes explicatives par le Bibliophile Julien, 72 fine facsimiles of superb bindings, 2 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Paris, 1869-71, royal 4to. (705) W. Brown, £2 2s. 566 Bisset (And.) Omitted Chapters in the History of England,

Struggle for Parliamentary Government, and Essays on Historical Truth, 5 vol., 1864-77, 8vo. (276) Sotheran, £1 178. 567 Black Book of Taymouth (The) with Other Papers from the Breadalbane Charter-Room, printed by the Marquis of Breadalbane for private circulation, coloured facsimile plates, view, etc., Edinburgh, 1855, 4to. (709) Leighton, £5 15s. 568 Blackwood (Adam). Adversus Georgii Buchanani Dialogorum de Jure Regni apud Scotos pro Regibus Apologia, first edition, old calf, Pictavis, F. Pagaeus, 1581, 4to. (710) Ellis, £2 10s.

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