plates added, some proofs, half red morocco extra, g. t. uncut, Paris, 1864, royal 8vo. (745) A. Jackson, £2 25. 4549 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 25 vol., portrait and numerous plates, Edinburgh, A. and C. Black, 1854-57, 8vo. (750) Bain, £6 10s. 4550 Shakespeare Society Publications, 39 vol. in 12, half vellum, 1841-52, 8vo. (757) Sotheran, £5 10S. 4551 Shakespeare (W.) Works, edited by Howard Staunton, 15 vol., Edition de Luxe, numerous illustrations by Sir J. Gilbert, on India paper, half morocco gilt, g. t. uncut, 1881, 4to. (906) Roche, £5 5s. 4552 Shakespeare Gallery. Boydell's Collection of Prints Illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare, 100 engravings after Reynolds, Kauffman, Romney, Westall, etc., 2 vol., morocco, gold borders on sides, gilt edges, Boydell, 1803, atlas folio (961) Parsons, £15 4553 Shelley (P. B.) History of a Six Weeks' Tour through a part of France, Switzerland, Germany and Holland, etc., first edition. uncut, boards with label, enclosed in morocco case, Hookham, 1817, 8vo. (760) Bain, £1 125. 4554 Shelley (P. B.) Poetical Works, edited by H. B. Forman, 4 vol., portrait, plates, etc., presentation copy from the editor, 1882, 8vo. (763) Lewine, £1 6s. 4555 Sidney (Sir P.) The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia, third edition, Edward Malone's copy, woodcut title, old calf rebacked, W. Ponsonbie, 1598, folio (965) Whitby, £1 10s. 4556 Spenser (E.) The Shepheard's Calender, printed within borders, with illustrations by W. Crane, 1898-Suckling (Sir J.) Poems, woodcut border and initials, Dial Press, 1896, 2 vol., 8vo. (776) Dobell, Li 4557 Stevenson (R. L.) A Child's Garden of Verses, illustrated by C. Robinson, LARGE JAPANESE PAPER, 150 copies printed, uncut, with the pictorial cloth covers pasted on the inside of the boards, J. Lane, 1896, 8vo. (792) Jones, LI IS. 4558 Stowe (Mrs. H. B.) The Minister's Wooing, a Tale of New England, first edition, illustrations by " Phiz," in the original parts, enclosed in half morocco case, gilt and lettered like a book, 1859, 8vo. (800) Hornstein, £2 10s. 4559 Stuart and Park. The Variety Stage, a History of the Music Halls from the earliest periods to the present time, illustrated with 31 additional portraits, calf extra, g. t. by Wood, n. d., 8vo. (802) Dobell, £195. 4560 Surtees. Handley Cross, or Mr. Jorrocks' Hunt, first edition, coloured plates and illustrations by J. Leech, very clean copy, in original gilt cloth, 1854, 8vo. (805) Hornstein, £5 10s. 4561 Surtees. "Ask Mamma," or the Richest Commoner in England, first edition, coloured plates and illustrations by J. Leech, half red morocco, g. t., 1858, 8vo. (806) Curtis, £2 6s. 4562 Surtees. "Plain or Ringlets?" first edition, coloured plates and illustrations by J. Leech, original gilt cloth, uncut, 1860, 8vo. (807) Spencer, £3 6s. 4563 Surtees. Handley Cross, Romford Hounds, "Plain or Ringlets?" and Sponge's Sporting Tour, 4 vol., coloured plates and other illustrations by John Leech, Bradbury, n. d., 8vo. (808) Lewine, £1 105. 4564 Swinburne (A. C.) Poems and Ballads, first edition (name written on title), Moxon, 1866-Atalanta in Calydon, a Tragedy, Moxon, 1865, 2 vol., 8vo. (811) Maggs, £2 25. 4565 Swinburne (A. C.) William Blake, a Critical Essay, first edition, illustrations by W. Blake, some coloured, Hotten, 1868, 8vo. (812) Bain, £1 18s. 4566 Swinburne (A. C.) The Question, 1887, a Poem, first edition, calf extra, g. t., 1887, 8vo. (817) 4567 Symonds (J. A.) Maggs, £2 18s. 4568 Tennyson (Lord). Poems, first edition, morocco, gilt edges, Moxon, 1833, 8vo. (825) Sotheran, £2 2s. Bain, £1 25. 4569 Tennyson (Lord). A Memoir by his Son, 2 vol., portraits and plates, 1897, 8vo. (829) 4570 Thackeray (W. M.) The Irish Sketch Book, 2 vol., first edition, illustrations by the author, calf extra, g. t. uncut, by Tout and Sons, the cloth covers bound at the end, 1843, 8vo. (830) W. Daniell, £I 16s. 4571 Thackeray (W. M.) Works, Edition de Luxe, 24 vol., numerous plates and vignettes, all on India paper, 1878-79, 4to. (926) Young, £10 5s. 4572 Tom Raw, The Griffin: a Burlesque Poem, 25 coloured plates, half morocco, g. t., Ackermann, 1828, 8vo. (834) Edwards, £2 125. 4573 Tour of Doctor Prosody in Search of the Antique and Picturesque through Scotland, the Hebrides, etc., 20 humorous coloured plates by Williams, fine copy, morocco extra, gilt edges, 1821, 8vo. (835) Pickering, 2 55. 4574 Tuer (A. W.) Bartolozzi and his Works, a Biographical and Descriptive Account of his Life and Career, 2 vol., plates, vellum, g. t., 1881, 4to. (929) Sotheran, £2 25. 4575 Uzanne (O.) L'Eventail, illustrated with engraved borders, pictorial designs, etc., by P. Avril, and printed in various colours, red morocco extra, the centre of sides inlaid with purple morocco, tooled in gold, double red morocco, with the design from the original corners laid down in centre, with rich gold borders, silk fly-leaves, g. t. uncut, by Morrell, Paris, 1882-L'Ombrelle, le Gant, le Manchon, uniform with the above, ib., 1883, 2 vol., 8vo. (838, 839) Maurice, £5 4576 Vertue (G.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of W. Hollar, with some account of his life, extensively illus trated with a large quantity of portraits and plates, half morocco extra, g. t. uncut, 1759, 4to. (593) Rimell, £7 55. [This volume formerly belonged respectively to Mr. Geo. Baker, W. Upcott, and previously to J. Strange, who had added MS. notes on the margins.-Catalogue.] 4577 Viollet-le-Duc (M.) Dictionnaire Raisonné du Mobilier Français de L'Époque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance, 6 vol., plates, some in colours, and other illustrations, half calf, Paris, 1868-75, 8vo. (844) J. Bumpus, £8 4578 Walker (A.) Beauty, Illustrated chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Women, first edition, 22 plates on India paper from life by H. Howard, etc., 1836, 8vo. (849) A. Jackson, £2 25. 4579 Walpole (H.) Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland, with list of their Works, enlarged and continued by T. Park, 5 vol., portraits, old morocco extra, gilt edges, 1806, 8vo. (850) Bain, £5 4580 Walpole (Horace). Letters, edited by P. Cunningham, 9 vol., portraits, calf gilt, m. e., 1886, 8vo. (851) Bain, £5 55. 4581 Whims and Oddities for the Young, with humorous coloured plates by Heath, very clean, in the original picture boards, Maunder, 1828, 8vo. (859) Sotheran, £1 8s. [APRIL 12TH, 13TH AND 14TH, 1899.] SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE. THE LIBRARY OF A GENTLEMAN. (No. of Lots, 732; amount realised, £4,788 12s.) 4582 Aaron (Pietro, Canonico da Rimini). Thoscanello de la Musica, prima edizione, title in red within woodcut border, full-page woodcut of the author in his lecture-room with musical instruments, large and elegant ornamental initials, and musical notes, etc., Vineg., B. et M. de' Vitali, 1523, small folio (1) Tregaskis, LII 4583 Acosta (Jos.) Histoire Naturelle et Morale des Indes tant Orientalles qu' Occidentales traduite en François par Rob. Regnault, vellum, clean copy of the first edition in French, Paris, Marc Orry, 1598, 8vo. (3) Summers, £1 18s. 4584 Ægidius de Columna, Romanus. Libro intitulado Regimiento de Principes, fecho por D. Fr. Gil. de Roma, traslada de latin en romanee por D. Bernardo Obispo de Osmar, etc., lit. goth., xylographic woodcut title (mounted), ornamental woodcut initials (some headlines cut into), vellum gilt, Sevilla, M. Ungut y St. Polono, 1494, small folio (6) Dawson, £7 5s. 4585 Eschylus. Tragoedia VII. Græcè, multo quam antea castigatiores eduntur; Scholia in easdem, Petri Victorii cura et diligentia, ruled in red, morocco, inlaid in black and slate ornamental scrolls, outlined in gold, with arms and interlaced C of Charles IX. in centres, gilt and gauffered edges, fine imitation binding (Hagué of Brussels), Paris. ex off. H. Stephani, 1557, 4to. (7) Barry, £4 10s. 4586 Agostini (D. Ant.) Dialoghi intorno alle Medaglie inscrit tioni et altre Antichita, tradotti di Spagnuola in Italiana da D. Ottav. Sada, woodcut title and numerous medallic woodcuts, old French red morocco, line tooled, with arms of J. A. de Thou and second wife on sides and monogram on back (Derome), fine copy, Roma, G. Facciotti, 1592, small folio (8) Summers, £4 10s. [The historian Thuanus, better known as De Thou (15531617), was an intimate friend of Grolier and President of the Paris Parliament in the reign of Henri IV. All his books were bound in morocco or gilded calf, in a style which varied with the different periods of his life. These styles are as follows: 1. Bachelor's Library-arms in silver, between two branches of laurel, name below. 2. First Marriage-wife's escutcheon alongside his own, initials "J. A. M." below. 3. As Widower-Wreath of twining stems, tipped with red berries, his own and dead wife's initials interlaced. 4. Second Marriage, in 1603-new wife's escutcheon in conjunction with his own, initials “J. A. G." -ED.] 4587 Alanus de Insulis. Liber in Distinctionibus dictionum theologicum, lit. goth., double columns, 50 lines (Hain-Copinger, 391), rubricated, capitals painted in red, new half russia, Absque ulla nota [Argent., C. Wolfach, 1470?], folio (9) Tyke, £2 2s. 4588 Alberti (L. B.) De Re Ædificatoria, editio princeps, roman letter, long lines, signatures, first few leaves stained and wormed, vellum, Florent., Nic. Laurentius Alamannus, 1485, small folio (11) Elliston, £55s. 4589 Alberti (L. B.) L'Architettura, tradotta in lingua Fiorentina da Cosimo Bartoli, woodcut title and numerous woodcuts, ruled in red, old calf, elaborate ornamental scrolls on ground au pointillé, gilt and gauffered edges, large and fine copy, Firenze, L. Torrentino, 1550, folio (12) Elliston, £5 10s. 4590 Albertus Magnus. Secreta Mulierum et Virorum, cum Commento, lit. goth., long lines, signatures a-e 6 in 8's (aj blank) (Copinger, 200), half bound, Absque ulla nota (circa 1475), small 4to. (14) Ridler, 1 16s. 4591 Albertus Magnus. Legenda liberalis, collecta per Rudolphum de Novimagio Coloniens., lit. goth., rubricated, fine xylographic woodcut on title, and large device of Jo. Koelhoff on last leaf, Colon., Jo. Koelhoff de Lubeck, 1490, small 4to. (15) Ridler, £3 4592 Albertus Magnus. De Natura Locorum, Liber jam primum summa diligentia revisus, in lucem æditus, etc., title within fine architectural border, Austrian arms on last leaf, flyleaves of an ancient MS. on vellum, uncut, Vienna Austriæ, H. Victor et Jo. Singrenius, 1513, small 4to. (16) Maine, £2 [A scarce book, included by Harrisse in his American Bibliographies.---Catalogue.] 4593 Albertus (Trottus) de Ferrariis de Placentia. Opusculum de Floris Canonicis, lit. semi-goth., (Sæc. XV.), long lines, 27 to a page, signatures (a-d xii in 8's) [not in Hain or Copinger], Absque ulla nota, sm. 4to. (17) Leighton, £1 10s. 4594 Alciate (And.) Livret des Emblemes, mis en rime francoyse et presente a mon Seigneur Ladmiral de France (par Jehan Lefevre), lettres bâtardes (with Latin text in italics), numerous fine woodcuts, half russia, large copy, Paris, Chr. Wechel, 1535, small 8vo. (20) Tregaskis, £3 [The first French translation of Alciatus.-Catalogue.] 4595 Alciatus (And.) Emblematum Liber, editio prima, title within woodcut border and woodcuts, crushed red morocco, plain, inside dentelles, gilt edges by Masson-Debonelle, fine copy, Aug. Vind., H. Steynerus, Feb. 28, 1531, small 8vo. (18) Mason, £4 4596 Alciatus (And.) Emblematus Libellus, vigilanter recognitus et jam recens per Wolph. Hungerum rhythmis Germanicis versus, 115 woodcuts, new blue and gold flowered boards, large and very clean copy, with some rough fore-edges, not often found in such good condition, Paris, Chr. Wechel, 1542, small 8vo. (19) Ridler, £2 16s. 4597 Alesius. Epithalamium ornatiss. et doctiss. Viri D. Martini Lasselii et honestissimæ Virginis Annæ excellentiss. Viri D. Alexandri Alesii S. T. D. Filiæ, conscriptum a Lazaro Kolero Oschazenzi (4 leaves), new gold flowered boards, fine copy, Lips., G. Hantzsch, 1557, small 4to. (23) Ellis, £3 [A rare poetical tract on the marriage of the daughter of Alexander Ales or Hales, the celebrated Scotch Reformer. -Catalogue.] 4598 Alfieri (Fr. Ferd.) La Scherma, dove con nove Ragioni e con figure si mostra la perfezione di quest'Arte; con la Picca e la Bandiera, engraved title, portrait and 77 copperplates of fighting positions, vellum, with old foreign ExLibris, with initials C. W. G. V. N., Padova, S. Sardi, 1640-41, oblong small 4to. (24) Waring, £3 5s. 4599 Aliaco (Petrus de, i.e., Peter d'Ailly Archevêque de Cambray et Cardinal). Ymago Mundi: Épilogus Mape Mundi et varia ejusdem Auctoris; varia atque Joannis Gersoni Opuscula, lit. goth., long lines, 166 leaves (2 blank), with signatures, some in the early sheets placed in the side margins, with 8 large woodcut diagrams of spheres (Hain-Copinger, 836), vellum, Absque ulla nota [Lovanii, J. de Westphalia, circa 1483], small folio (25) Amos, £36 [Although this book was printed before the discovery of America, it possesses a considerable American interest from its connection with Columbus. It is known to have been a favourite book of study with the great navigator, and it is supposed by many that the ideas he found in it suggested to him the feasibility of the Western passage. Las Casas is of opinion that this author's writings had more effect in stimulating Columbus to his enterprise than those of any other writer. This work of d'Ailly was so familiar to Columbus that he filled his own copy with Latin notes in his own hand. "This book," says Las Casas, "I had many times in my hands, and I drew from it some things written in Latin by the said Admiral Christopher Columbus to verify certain points pertaining to his history." Washington Irving |