3418 Percy (Bp.) Collection of Ballads and Romances, edited by Hailes and Furnivall, 4 vol., including the volume of Humorous Poems, half morocco, uncut, 1867, 8vo. (249) Maggs, 1 18s. 3419 Pichot (A.) Galerie des Personnages de Shakespeare, plates, half-bound morocco, gilt edges, Paris, 1844, 8vo. (250) Maggs, LI IS. 3420 Picart (B.) Cérémonies et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les Peuples du Monde, plates, 4 vol., Amst., 1723, folio (391) Nattali, £2 1OS. [This set was not complete. There should be 8 vols. to this edition, usually found in 9, 1723-43, folio.—ED.] 3421 Pinkerton (R.) Russia, coloured plates, 1833—Motley, Life of Peter the Great, 3 vol., 1739, together 4 vol., 8vo. (252) Jackson, LI IS. 3422 Plays. An extensive Collection of the Plays of Shakespeare (with alterations), Tate, Dryden, Settle, Crowne, Manley, Durfey, Vanbrugh, Killigrew, Aston, Shadwell, Sedley, Lee, Southern, Wycherley, Centlivre, Congreve, etc., mostly first editions, a number of the Plays inlaid, in 21 vol., old calf, with Sir Henry Irving's book-plate, v. y., 4to. (350) Dobell, £11 15s. 3423 Real Life in London, coloured plates after Alken, Heath etc., 2 vol., half-bound calf gilt, uncut, 1821-29, 8vo. (256) Spencer, £3 155. [It is doubtful whether this work was written by Pierce Egan, to whom the authorship is usually ascribed. It was published originally in 14 parts, in pink pictorial wrappers, and afterwards in book form, pictorial boards, 2 vols., demy 8vo., 1821-22. In this instance the second volume belonged to a later edition. See Slater's " 'Early Editions," 1894, p. 118.-ED.] 3424 Rebellion of 1745, History of, 1748-The Young Chevalier, a Genuine Narrative-Account of the Battle of Culloden, 1749, 3 vol. in 1, 8vo. (257) Brown, £1 4s. 3425 Reiset (Comte de). Modes et Usages de Marie-Antoinette, plates of Costume, some coloured, 2 vol., Paris, 1885, 8vo. (258) Hatchard, 1 18s. 3426 Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) Monument du Costume Physique et Moral de la Fin du XVIIIe Siècle, avec Préface, par A. de Montaiglon, 26 engravings after Moreau, papier de Hollande, with the plates on China paper, in two states (black and bistre), of which only 30 copies were printed, and further illustrated with a third set coloured, morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g., by Rivière, with Sir Henry Irving's book-plate, Paris, 1876, folio (397) Collins, II IOS. 3427 Restif de la Bretonne (N. E.) Histoire des Mœurs et du Costume des Français dans le Dix-Huitième Siècle, 20 plates after Freudenberg-Restif de la Bretonne. Monument du Costume Physique et Moral de la Fin du XVIIIe Siècle, avec Préface, par A. de Montaiglon, 26 plates after Moreau, 2 vol. in 1, half morocco extra, uncut, with Sir Henry Irving's book-plate, Paris, 1876-78, folio (398) Bain, £5 15s. : 3428 Ruskin (J.) Modern Painters, 5 vol.-Stones of Venice, 3 vol., 8 vol., illustrations by the Author, calf extra, uncut, 1873-74, 8vo. (264) A. Collins, £12 3429 Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera with the Index, 9 vol., halfbound olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 1871-87, 8vo. (265) Bain, £4 10s. 3430 Schrenck, Imperatorum, Regum, Archiducum, Principum, Nobilium, etc., Imagines, full-length portraits in armour, with ornamental woodcut borders (the text in German), 1602 (400) Brown, £2 10s. 3431 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels, 74 vol., 1816-29Introductions, Notes and Illustrations, 3 vol., 1833, 77 vol., a complete Set, all first editions, old calf gilt, 8vo. (268) Tregaskis, £20 10s. 3432 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. Third Impression; and unto this Impression is added Seven Plays never before printed in folio (title in facsimile, verses from the fourth edition, and 5 leaves of the introductory matter wanted), brown calf, with book-plate of John, Duke of Bedford, 1730 (sold with all faults), 1664, folio (399) Tregaskis, £30 3433 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, 20 vol., Bell's edition, LARGE PAPER, with proof impressions of the scene and character plates, old tree-marbled calf gilt, 1788, 8vo. (271) Maggs, £4 5s. 3434 Shakespeare (W.) Works, with Notes of various Commentators, and History of the Stage, by E. Malone, 21 vol., fine copy, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, by Bedford, 1821, 8vo. (272) Bain, £8 10s. 3435 Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems. 11 vol., half-bound morocco, uncut, Pickering, 1825, 8vo. (273) Edwards, £2 16s. 3436 Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems, II vol., extra illustrated with 134 portraits and plates, half morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, Pickering, 1825, 8vo. (274) Collins, £9 155. 3437 Shakespeare (W.) Works, edited by J. Payne Collier, 8 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges by Clarke, 1844, 8vo. (275) Sotheran, £3 155. 3438 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, edited by C. Knight, woodcuts, 8 vol., the Pictorial edition, half morocco, uncut, 8vo. (276) Maggs, £25s. 3439 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, with Notes by Sir T. Hanmer, plates after Hayman, by Gravelot, 6 vol., old calf gilt, from the library of W. C. Macready, with his book-plate, 1744, 4to. (357) Collins, £3 3440 Shakespeare (W.) Othello; Romeo and Juliet; Henry IV., 3 vol., plates after F. Dicksee and E. Grützner, 3 vol., 1884-87, 4to. (358) Bernhardt, £3 10s. 3441 Shakespeare (W.) A Collection of Facsimiles, by W. Grigg and C. Praetorius, of the early Quarto Plays of Shakespeare, and first editions of his Poems, with Introductions, etc., edited by Dr. Furnivall, 41 vol., half-bound, 1885-91, 4to. (359) Robson, £8 15s. 3442 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, photogravures from drawings by Edwin Abbey, 4 vol., New York, 1896, 4to. (360) Bernhardt, 1 18s. 3443 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, edited by C. Knight, plates after Leslie, Frith, Maclise, Ward, Orchardson, etc., 2 vol., morocco, gilt edges, n. d., 4to. (362) Bernhardt, £2 10s. 3444 Shakespeare (W.) Plays as presented at the Globe and Blackfriars Theatres, being the Text furnished the Players, in parallel pages with the first revised folio Text, with Critical Introductions, edited by A. Morgan, 20 vol., the Bankside edition (500 copies printed for the Shakespeare Society, New York), New York, 1888-92, 8vo. (280) Maggs, £4 10s. 3445 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, photogravures after drawings by Edwin Abbey, 4 vol., New York, 1896, 8vo. (281) Nattali, £2 3446 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, plates, 9 vol., Boydell's edition, half-bound russia (binding broken), 1802, folio (401) Edwards, £2 3447 Shakespeare (W.) Works, to which are added the Novels and Tales on which the Plays are founded, Archæological Annotations, an Essay on the Formation of the Text, and Life of the Poet, by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, numerous illustrations, 16 vol. (only 150 copies printed), half-bound morocco, uncut, t. e. g., 1858-65, folio (402) Sotheran, £72 3448 Shakespeare (W.) Two Gentlemen of Verona, revised by J. P. Kemble, morocco extra, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf, 1808, 8vo. (288) Sotheran, £I IS. 3449 Shakespeare's Library: the Plays, Romances, etc., employed by Shakespeare in the composition of his Plays, edited by W. C. Hazlitt, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, calf gilt, uncut, 1875, 8vo. (291) Young, £4 2s. 3450 Shakespeare Society's Publications, a complete Set, 48 vol.Collier, Notes on Shakespeare, together 49 vol. in 48, half morocco extra, g. e., Zaehnsdorf, 1840-52, 8vo. (293) Sotheran, £9 3451 Stanley (H. M.) In Darkest Africa, 6 etchings and illustrations, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, half-bound morocco, uncut, 1890, 4to. (366) Collins, £I IS. 3452 Strutt (J.) View of the Manners, Customs, Arms and Habits of the Inhabitants of England, plates, 3 vol., old calf gilt, 1775, 4to. (367) Maggs, £1 5s. 3453 Strutt (J.) Chronicle of England, 2 vol., 1777-Dictionary of Engravers, 2 vol., 1786-Manners and Customs of the English, plates, 3 vol., 1774, 7 vol., fine copy, Etruscan calf, g. e. by Edwards of Halifax, 4to. (368) Maggs, £2 16s. 3454 Strutt (J.) Dresses and Habits of the English People, coloured plates, 2 vol., half-bound morocco, uncut, 1842, 4to. (369) Collins, £3 12s. 6d. 3455 Strutt (J.) Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities, with Notes by J. R. Planché, coloured plates, half-bound morocco, uncut, 1842, 4to. (370) Young, £1 10s. 3428 Ruskin (J.) Modern Painters, 5 vol.-Stones of Venice, 3 vol., 8 vol., illustrations by the Author, calf extra, uncut, 1873-74, 8vo. (264) A. Collins, £12 3429 Ruskin (J.) Fors Clavigera with the Index, 9 vol., halfbound olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 1871-87, 8vo. (265) Bain, £4 10s. 3430 Schrenck, Imperatorum, Regum, Archiducum, Principum, Nobilium, etc., Imagines, full-length portraits in armour, with ornamental woodcut borders (the text in German), 1602 (400) Brown, £2 10S. 3431 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels, 74 vol., 1816-29— Introductions, Notes and Illustrations, 3 vol., 1833, 77 vol., a complete Set, all first editions, old calf gilt, 8vo. (268) Tregaskis, £20 10s. 3432 Shakespeare (W.) Comedies, Histories and Tragedies. Published according to the true original copies. Third Impression; and unto this Impression is added Seven Plays never before printed in folio (title in facsimile, verses from the fourth edition, and 5 leaves of the introductory matter wanted), brown calf, with book-plate of John, Duke of Bedford, 1730 (sold with all faults), 1664, folio (399) Tregaskis, £30 3433 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, 20 vol., Bell's edition, LARGE PAPER, with proof impressions of the scene and character plates, old tree-marbled calf gilt, 1788, 8vo. (271) Maggs, £4 55. 3434 Shakespeare (W.) Works, with Notes of various Commentators, and History of the Stage, by E. Malone, 21 vol., fine copy, calf extra, uncut, top edge gilt, by Bedford, 1821, 8vo. (272) Bain, £8 10s. 3435 Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems. 11 vol., half-bound morocco, uncut, Pickering, 1825, 8vo. (273) Edwards, £2 16s. 3436 Shakespeare (W.) Plays and Poems, 11 vol., extra illustrated with 134 portraits and plates, half morocco extra, uncut, top edge gilt, Pickering, 1825, 8vo. (274) Collins, £9 155. 3437 Shakespeare (W.) Works, edited by J. Payne Collier, 8 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges by Clarke, 1844, 8vo. (275) Sotheran, £3 155. 3438 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, edited by C. Knight, woodcuts, 8 vol., the Pictorial edition, half morocco, uncut, 8vo. (276) Maggs, £2 5s. 3439 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, with Notes by Sir T. Hanmer, plates after Hayman, by Gravelot, 6 vol., old calf gilt, from the library of W. C. Macready, with his book-plate, 1744, 4to. (357) Collins, £3 3440 Shakespeare (W.) Othello; Romeo and Juliet; Henry IV., 3 vol., plates after F. Dicksee and E. Grützner, 3 vol., 1884-87, 4to. (358) Bernhardt, £3 10s. 3441 Shakespeare (W.) A Collection of Facsimiles, by W. Grigg and C. Praetorius, of the early Quarto Plays of Shakespeare, and first editions of his Poems, with Introductions, etc., edited by Dr. Furnivall, 41 vol., half-bound, 1885-91, 4to. (359) Robson, £8 155. 3442 Slikespeare Wi Cor ed es, photo, ravvre, from draw n„s by havin Abbey, 4 voi, A. si dira, a 1441 Shakespeare W Plays ed ́ed by ( Les e, Frith, Macuse, Ward. Or haruson, etc 1444 Shakesteare (W) Pays as preserted at the 6. Laxman Theatres, e ng the Tevf level sens paru ei pies with the first rey x d do olest, wil (t * *. Între;. fons, edited by A Mor, an Lande es, tion a cop es posed for t ́e Slikopere Society, New York, New York, 199 1445 Shakespeare W Comedes, p 344, Stae peares I Frans the 1 vs. Pon ar es, et . . re: sed by In Darkest Mra, etchings and Vea of the Marners Ost nas. Arms at : H. tants of kati, pates, ¡y re-i 12 1 ah Notes |