3284 Gould (John). A Synopsis of the Birds of Australia, 4 parts, coloured plates, 1837-38, 8vo. (748) Edwards, £2 45. 3285 Gould (John). Monograph of the Ramphastidæ, or Family of Toucans, coloured plates, half morocco, 1834, folio (295) G. H. Brown, £3 35. 3286 Hayley (W.) Life of Romney, portraits, etc., half calf, Chichester, 1809, 4to. (253) Sabin, £3 35. [One of the portraits is engraved by William Blake, and there is another of Lady Hamilton engraved by Caroline Watson.-ED.] 3287 Hodgkin (J. E. and E.) Examples of Early English Pottery, named, dated, and inscribed, coloured frontispiece and plates, LARGE PAPER (50 copies printed), 1891, 4to. (484) Elliott, £1 35. 3288 Hooker (Sir W. J.) British Jungermanniæ, a History and Description, 88 coloured plates, half russia, 1816, folio (928) Luzac, £5 55. [Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription. Catalogue. The plates are coloured by hand. -ED.] 3289 Hooker (W. J.) Musci Exotici, containing Figures and Descriptions of Foreign Mosses, coloured plates, 2 vol. in I, calf, 1818, 4to. (876) Quaritch, £4 2s. 6d. 3290 Humboldt et Bonpland. Plante Equinoctiales, 2 vol., plates, half russia, 1808, folio (953) Wesley, £3 5s. 3291 Jacquin (N. J.) Plantarum Rariorum Horti Cæsarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et Icones, 4 vol., coloured plates, half russia, 1797-1804, folio (935) Quaritch, £15 155. 3292 Kipling (R.) The City of the Dreadful Night, and other Places, first edition, pictorial wrappers, 1891, 8vo. (75) Hornstein, £2 25. 3293 Kipling (R.) The Phantom Rickshaw, and other Eerie Tales, first edition, original pictorial wrappers, Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., n. d., 8vo. (70) Gatti, LI 10s. 3294 Kipling (R.) Plain Tales from the Hills, first edition, Calcutta, 1888, 8vo. (77) E. Baker, £37s. 6d. 3295 Kipling (R.) Soldiers Three, first edition, original pictorial wrappers, Allahabad, printed at the Pioneer Press, 1888, 8vo. (72) E. Baker, £6 3296 Knip (Mme.) Les Pigeons, Tome I., Texte par C. J. Themminck, 3 parts in I vol., coloured plates, half red morocco, gilt edges, contains the European Pigeons, and is complete in itself, s. d. (circa 1838), folio (925) Wheldon, £5 10s. 3297 Lafontaine (J.) Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vol., plates by Eisen and vignettes by Choffard, some wanted, old red morocco, with tooled borders by Derome, with Ex-Libris of De Bourgougne, Amsterdam, 1762, 8vo. (98) Yeatman, £9 [An imperfect copy of the Fermiers Généraux edition. ED.] 3298 Linden (J.) Pescatoria, Iconographie des Orchidées, fine coloured plates, half morocco, Brux., 1860, folio (890) Quaritch, £4 4s. [Contains 60 coloured plates of Orchids.-ED.] 3299 Lindley (J.) Collectanea Botanica: or Figures and Botanical Illustrations of Exotic Plants, coloured plates, half calf, 1821, folio (944) Quaritch, £4 3300 Lindley (J.) Rosarum Monographia, a History of Roses, coloured plates, 1820, 8vo. (716) Hatchard, £1 6s. 3301 Lindley (J.) Sertum Orchidaceum, a wreath of the most beautiful Orchidaceous Flowers, boards, imperial folio, 1838 (940) coloured plates, half Maggs, £5 10s. 3302 Loudon (J. C.) Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum, 8 vol., plates, cloth, 1838, 8vo. (721) Quaritch. £25s. 3303 Margaret of Navarre. The Heptameron, edited by Geo. Saintsbury, 5 vol., plates by Freudenberg and Dunker, cloth, uncut, one of 312 LARGE PAPER copies with the plates on Japanese paper, 1894, 8vo. (481) Müller, £2 5s. 3304 Marryat (Captain). The Naval Officer, or Scenes and Adventures in the Life of Frank Mildmay, 3 vol., first edition, boards, uncut, 1829, 8vo. (39) Pickering, £3 10s. 3305 Moore (T.) The Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, edited by Lindley, Nature printed by H. Bradbury, coloured plates, half calf, 1855, imperial folio (955) Quaritch, £1 135. 3306 Oddities of London Life, by Paul Pry, 2 vol., plates, cloth, 1838, 8vo. (400) Hamilton, 1 4s. 3307 Palisot-Beauvois (M. F. J.) Flore d'Oware et de Benin en Afrique, 2 vol., coloured plates, Paris, 1804, folio (939) Quaritch, £10 3308 Paxton (Sir J.) Magazine of Botany, vol. x.-xvi., coloured plates, half calf, 1843-49, 8vo. (706) Quaritch, £2 10s. 3309 Pepys (S.) Diary and Correspondence, edited by Mynors Bright, 6 vol., portraits, Edition de Luxe, 1876, imperial 8vo. (769) Sotheran, £2 16s. 3310 Petiveri (J.) Historiæ Naturalis Spectantia, 2 vol., plates, old morocco, gilt edges, 1764, folio (931) Quaritch, LI IS. 3311 Pinetum Britannicum, a descriptive account of all hardy Trees of the Pine Tribe cultivated in Britain, coloured plates, subscriber's copy, complete in original parts, 1884, folio (888) Bull, £14 3312 Pinetum Woburnense, coloured plates, 1839, 8vo. (720) Quaritch, £12 155. 3313 Rowlandson (T.) The Grand Master, or Adventures of Qui Hi, coloured plates by Rowlandson (title defective), boards, 1816, Evo. (407) G. H. Brown, L1 15s. [There should be 28 plates, including frontispiece and title-page, in all complete copies. These plates are sometimes coloured and often not. The "Grand Master" is identified with the Marquis of Hastings, who, at the time, was Governor-General of India. The poem is a satire.--ED.] 3314 Roxburgh (W.) Plants of the Coromandel, selected from drawings and descriptions presented to the East India Company, 3 vol., coloured plates, 1795, atlas folio (950) Bramston, £9 Ridler, £135. 3315 Roy (W.) Military Antiquities of the Romans in Britain, plates, uncut, 1793, folio (546) [Imperial folio, with 51 plates. The work was published at the expense of the Society of Antiquaries of London.ED.] 3316 Rudge (E.) Plantarum Guianæ rariorum Icones et Descriptiones hactenus Ineditae, plates, vol. i., half russia, 1805, folio (900) Wesley, £4 5s. 3317 Ruiz (Hipolito) y Pavon (José). Flora Peruviana et Chilensis, 4 vol., russia, with arms on sides, Matriti, G. de Sancha. 1794-1802, folio (954) Quaritch, £38 [Le Premier vol. est intitulé "Prodromus Novorum Generum," etc., et contient 37 pl. Après la publication du 3 vol., de la "Flora Peruviana" qui finit à la classe Octandria, l'ouvrage est resté interrompu et la texte n'a pas été continué, mais une grande partie des planches qui devaient entrer dans les tomes iv. et v. ont été gravées, et même elles ont été jointes à quelques exemplaires des 3 vol., ut supra.-ED.] 3318 Scott (Sir W.) Poetical Works, 12 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, cloth, 1848-Lockhart's Life of Scott, 10 vol., 1848, 8vo. (46) Hill, £1 3319 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley Novels, 25 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, cloth, Edinburgh, 1876, 8vo. (333) Bull, £2 155. 3320 Shakespeare (W.) Works, edited by Henry Irving and Frank Marshall, 8 vol., illustrations, cloth, 1888, 4to. (510) Roche, £1 12s. 3321 Shakespeare (W.) Works, Temple Edition, 40 vol., morocco, 1894-96, 8vo. (661) Edwards, £2 4s. 3322 Sloane (Hans). Voyage to Jamaica, with Natural History, 2 vol., map and plates (binding broken), 1707, folio (930) Edwards, £1 155. 3323 Smith (J. E.) Plantarum Icones Hactenus Ineditæ, plates, russia, with arms on sides, 1789, folio (956) Quaritch, £1 25. 3324 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Proceedings of the), vol. i.-xii., unbound, 1855-78, 8vo. (399) Quaritch, £2 55. 3325 Somersetshire Archæological Society's Proceedings, 16 vol. in 8, half calf, 1851-71, 8vo. (432) E. George, 2 11S. 3326 Stevenson (R. L.) Moral Emblems, a Collection of Cuts and Verses, 2 parts-Black Canyon, or Wild Adventures in the Far West, illustrated-" Hotel Belvedere," 2 programmes, February 14 and April 4, 1882-Notices of Publications of Black Canyon, and the Second Collection of Moral Emblems, in all 7 pieces, Privately printed by S. L. Osbourne, Davos-Platz (99) Sabin, £51 3327 Surrey Archæological Collections, 6 vol., half morocco, 1858-74, 8vo. (433) E. George, £2 11s. 3328 Surtees (R. S.) Handley Cross, 3 vol., first edition, boards, 1843, 8vo. (408) Maggs, £1 5s. 3329 Swinburne (A. C.) Atalanta in Calydon, first edition, cloth, Moxon, 1865, 8vo. (196) Dobell, £3 155. 3330 Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. i.-v., part i., Edinburgh, 1792-1874, 4to. (493) W. Brown, £2 15s. 3331 Tryon (G. W.) American Marine Conchology, coloured plates, half morocco, Philadelphia, n. d.-Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, plates, half bound, Cambridge, 1841, 8vo. (680) Quaritch, £5 3332 Virgilii Opera cum Commentar Donati, Landini et Servii, lit. goth., calf (with fine Ex-Libris, signed G. Haines, dated 1752), Nuremberg, A. Koberger, 1492, folio (297) Barratt, 1 6s. 3333 Visitation, of England and Wales, edited by J. J. Howard and F. A. Crisp, 5 vol., plates, half vellum, 1893-97, folio (300) Crisp, £4 3334 Wallich (N.) Plantæ Asiaticæ Rariores, or descriptions and figures of a select number of Unpublished East Indian Plants, coloured plates, 3 vol., half calf, 1830-32, imperial folio (941) Wheldon, £9 155. 3335 Warner (R.) Select Orchidaceous Plants, 3 vol., coloured plates, half morocco and cloth, 1862, 1875, folio (889) Quaritch, £7 5s. 3336 Williamson (Capt. Thos.) Oriental Field Sports, being a Complete Description of the Wild Sports of the East, coloured plates, 1819, oblong folio (895) Edwards, £6 17s. 6d. 3337 Yarrell (W.) British Fishes, 2 vol., cloth, 1841-British Birds, 3 vol., calf, 1843-British Birds, 2 vol., calf, 1839, 8vo. (412) G. W. Brown, £1 15s. [FEBRUARY 21ST AND 22ND, 1899.] CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. A PORTION OF A DRAMATIC AND MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION. (No. of Lots, 418; amount realised, about £1,500.) 3338 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol.—Comic History of Rome, together 3 vol., coloured illustrations and woodcuts by Leech, Edition de Luxe, n. d., 4to. (1) Maggs, LI IOS. 3339 Actors by Daylight, or Pencillings in the Pit, containing Memoirs of Forty celebrated London Performers, Tales, Poetry, and Criticism, woodcut portraits, 2 vol. (Nos. I to 55 all published), 1838-39-Actors by Gaslight, or "Boz" in the Boxes, woodcut portraits (Nos. 1 to 36), 1838, in 1 vol., calf extra, gilt edges, 8vo. (2) Maggs, £4 10s. [Thirty-seven numbers of "Actors by Gaslight " were published. As stated, "Actors by Daylight" is complete in 55 numbers. See BOOK-PRICES CURRENT, vol. iii., Nos. 1464-65.-ED.] 3340 Actors by Daylight, or Pencillings in the Pit, portraits, Nos. I to 55 (with all faults), 1838-39, 8vo. (3) Tregaskis, £1 Is. 3341 Alken (H.) Illustrations to Popular Songs, 43 humorous coloured plates, 1826, folio (178) Maggs, £4 15s. 3342 Alken (H.) Symptoms of being Amused, 42 humorous coloured plates, 1822, folio (179) Maggs, £5 10s 3343 Allibone (S.) Dictionary of English Literature, 3 vol., Phila delphia, 1882, 8vo. (4) Brown, £1 19s. 3344 Arabian Nights. The Book of One Thousand Nights and One Night, done into English Prose and Verse, from the Arabic, by J. Payne, 9 vol., 1872-84-Tales from the Arabic, done into English by J. Payne, 3 vol., together 12 vol., 500 copies privately printed for the Villon Society, vellum, uncut, 8vo. (7) Vickers, £12 1IOS. 3345 Arabian Nights, translated with Notes, by Sir R. Burton, 10 vol. The Supplemental Nights, 6 vol., 1888, together 16 vol., 8vo. (8) Quaritch, £21 3346 Arabian Nights, translated with Notes, by Sir R. Burton. Supplemental Nights, vol. iii., iv., v., and vi., 1888, 8vo. (9) Quaritch, LI 12s. 3347 Ballads. Collection of Old Ballads, with Introduction by Ambrose Phillips, plates (including the Swimming Lady), 3 vol., fine copy, morocco, gilt edges, from George Daniel's library, 1727-38, 12mo. (14) Bain, £6 [The plates are 47 in number, inclusive of "The Swimming Lady," often missing.-ED.] 3348 Bandello (Matteo). Novels, done into English Prose and Verse by J. Payne, 6 vol., vellum, uncut, Privately printed for the Villon Society, 1890, 8vo. (16) Vickers, £4 18s. 3349 Barère (Bertrand). Memoirs, translated by Payne, 4 vol., 1896, 8vo. (18) Hill, £1 3350 Bellamy (Mrs.) Apology for her Life, portrait, 5 vol., halfbound, calf gilt, uncut, 1785, 8vo. (22) Bumpus, £2 12s. [The portrait is by Bartolozzi. A sixth volume was published subsequently, and is nearly always missing as in this instance.-ED.] 3351 Biographies of the Great Artists, illustrations, 25 vol., halfbound, morocco extra, uncut, v. y., 8vo. (26) Simms, £4 3352 Boaistman (P.) The Theatre or Rule of the World, Englished by J. Alday, black letter, old russia, W. Herbert's copy, 1581, 8vo. (28) Pearson, £55s. 3353 Boccaccio (G.) Decameron, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse, by J. Payne, 3 vol., vellum, uncut, Privately printed for the Villon Society, 1886, 8vo. (29) Hollings, £3 17s. 6d. 3354 Bohn's Standard Library, 30 vol., 8vo. (30) Cannon, £1 25. 3355 Brewer (J. S.) Life of Henry VIII., 2 vol., 1884, 8vo. (33) Roche, 1 IS. 3356 British Drama; a Collection of Plays, with Biographies, Critiques, etc., by R. Cumberland, character portraits, 14 vol., half-calf, 1817, 8vo. (34) Bumpus, £1 16s. 3357 British Theatre (Mrs. Inchbald's). A complete Set of the Illustrations to, comprising 24 portraits and 126 plates, brilliant proofs before letters on India paper, russia extra, gilt edges, 8vo. (35) Pearson, LII 3358 Brough (K. B.) Life of Sir John Falstaff, with 20 etchings by G. Cruikshank, half-morocco extra, gilt edges, 1858, 8vo. Rimell, £2 6s. (37) |