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[JANUARY 18TH, 19TH AND 20TH, 1899.]



(No. of Lots, 950; amount realised, £707 7s. 6d.)

2777 Ambrosius (S.) Opusculum quod Hexameron vocatur, lit. goth., rubricated capitals, half calf, Augusta per Joh. Schussler, 1472, folio (528) £2 105. 2778 America. United States Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel, 6 vol., plates, cloth, 1877-86, 4to. (515) Shaw, £2 2779 American Journal of Conchology (The), plates (some coloured),

vol. i.-vii., half bound, 1865-70, 8vo. (227) Wesley, £4 5s. 2780 Atkinson (S.) The Discoverie and Historie of the Gold Mines in Scotland, cloth, 1825, 4to. (375) W. Brown, £2 6s. 2781 Barry's History of the Orkney Islands, uncut, 1808-Hibbert's History of the Shetland Islands, 1822, etc., 5 vol., 4to. (135) Maggs, £2 2s. 2782 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol., woodcuts, calf, Newcastle, 1797, 8vo. (258) £2 25. 2783 Borgnis (A.) Traité complet de Mécanique applique aux Arts, plates, 9 vol., half calf, Paris, 1818, 4to. (474) £2 18s. 2784 Borlase (W.) Antiquities and Natural History of Cornwall, 2 vol., maps and plates, russia gilt, 1769-58, folio (188) Tregaskis, 1 12s. [This is the second edition of the Antiquities. The first appeared at Oxford in 1754, folio.-ED.]

2785 Colden (C.) History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, map (fine Ex-Libris of Ra. Jenison), 1750, 8vo. (651) £1 195. 2786 Dickens (C.) Dombey and Son, plates by "Phiz," with an extra series of plates inserted, half morocco, 1848, 8vo. (20) Shaw, £I 25. 2787 Edwards (G.) Natural History of Uncommon Birds, 7 vol.Brown's New Illustrations of Zoology, together 8 vol., plates, coloured by hand, calf, 1751-76, 4to. (285) G. H. Brown, £1 25. 2788 Foster (Joseph). Alumni Oxonienses. The Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1885, 4 vol., n. d., 8vo. (791) H. Grey, £1

2789 Grieve (S.) The Great Auk, or Garefowl, plates, cloth, 1885, 4to. (286) Wesley, £I IS. 2790 Hitchins (F.) History of Cornwall, 2 vol., plates, half calf (wanted a plate), Helston, 1824, 4to. (160)

W. Daniell, £2 45. 2791 Humphreys (H. Noel). A History of the Art of Printing, facsimiles, cloth, 1868, folio (593) Quaritch, £2 2792 Kelmscott Press. The Golden Legend, translated by William Caxton, 3 vol., woodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones and initials by W. Morris, boards, uncut, 1892, 4to. (893) Streete, £7 10s.

2793 Kent. Buck (S. and N.) Kent Views, complete Set of 30 plates, including the rare large folding plates of Canterbury, Chatham Dock, Deptford, Dover, Gravesend, Greenwich, Maidstone, Rochester, Sheerness, and Woolwich, folio (945) R. J. Harris, £4 2794 Lamb (C.) Tales from Shakespeare, 2 vol., plates (binding not uniform, with all faults), 1822-7, 8vo. (96) Maggs, £2 18s. 2795 Levaillant (F.) Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets, 2 vol., coloured plates, morocco extra, 1804-5, 4to. (672) G. H. Brown, £1 6s. 2796 Levaillant (F.) Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux de Paradis et des Rolliers, 2 vol., numerous plates, coloured by hand, half morocco gilt, Paris, 1806, folio (278) Wesley, £3 5s. 2797 Lilford (Lord). Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands, fine coloured plates, Parts i.-xxxiv., 1885-97, 8vo. Edwards, £34

(636) 2798 Long (J.) Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader, describing the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians, with a Vocabulary of the Chippeway Language, map, boards, uncut, 1791, 4to. (513) H. Stevens, £2 16s. 2799 Lowe (E. J.) Ferns, British and Exotic, 8 vol., coloured plates, half calf, Groombridge, 1856, 8vo. (368)

W. H. Hill, £1 35.

2800 Lysons (D. and S.) Magna Britannia, plates, 8 vol. (odd), 1817, royal 8vo. (436) W. Daniell, £3 7s. 6d. 2801 Martyn (T.) Entomologist Anglois, portrait painted in watercolours and plates coloured by hand, orange morocco, inlaid with borders of red and blue, presentation copy to Charles IV., Roi d'Espagne, n. d., 4to. (458) Maggs, £1 14s. 2802 Martyn (T.) Figures of Nondescript Shells, collected in the different Voyages to the South Seas, drawings from the original shells, 1784, imperial 4to. (233) Shaw, £1 35. 2803 Martyn (T.) Figures of Nondescript Shells, 2 vol., coloured plates, with descriptions in English and French, calf gilt, 1789, imperial 4to. (224) Tree, £3 12s. 6d. 2804 Medical. Secrets of Alexis, containing many Excellent Remedies, 5 vol., 1615, etc., small 4to. (31) Tree, £1 3s. 2805 Penaluna (W.) An Historical Survey of the County of Corn

wall, 2 vol., cloth, Helston, 1843-Warner's Tour through Cornwall, 1809-Cox's History of Cornwall, 1720-Stockdale's Excursions through Cornwall, 1824, etc., 8 vol., 8vo. (101) Tregaskis, 1 25. 2806 Polwhele (R.) History of Cornwall, 7 vol. in 2, 1803-Hitchins (F.) History of Cornwall, vol. i., 1824, 4to. (675) Quaritch, £2 12s. 6d. 2807 Poynting (F.) Eggs of British Birds, Parts i. to iii., coloured plates, 1895-96, 4to. (281) Morris, £I IS. 2808 Sowerby (G. B.) Monograph of the Genus Conus, coloured plates, half morocco, 1858-Illustrated Index of British Shells, coloured plates, cloth, 1859, imperial 8vo. (212)

Wallace, £1 25.

2809 Sowerby (J.) British Mineralogy, 5 vol., coloured plates, half russia, 1804, 8vo. (384)

Wesley, £4 10S.

2810 Sowerby (J.) Exotic Mineralogy, 2 vol., coloured plates, calf, 1811, 8vo. (385) Quaritch, £6 5s. 2811 Sporting. Markham's Master-piece, 1734-La Venerie de Jacques du Fouilloux, woodcuts, 1650-De Gray (T.) Compleat Horseman, frontispiece, 1656 (lot with all faults), 8vo. (48) Chadwick, £2 145. 2812 Stephens (J. F.) Entomology, coloured plates, 16 vol., with all faults, v. y., 8vo. (405) Quaritch, £1 4s. 2813 Turrecremata (Joannes de). Expositio brevis super toto Psalterio, lit. goth., painted capitals (wanted I cover), Mogunt., P. Schoeffer de Gernsheim, 1474, folio (528) Chadwick, £6 10s. 2814 Violet (Thos., goldsmith). An Appeal to Cæsar wherein Gold and Silver is Proved to be the King's Majesties Royal Commodity, 1660-A Petition against the Jewes presented to the Kings Majestie, proving the East India trade may be driven without transporting Gold or Silver out of England, 1661, in one vol., calf, small 4to. (26)

Maggs, £175. 2815 Wallace (A. R.) Geographical Distribution of Animals, 2 vol., maps and illustrations, half morocco, 1876, 8vo. (251) Hill, £1 35. 2816 Walpole (H.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, 5 vol., portraits some extra portraits inserted, wanted the half-titles, blue morocco, gilt edges, 1806, 8vo. (819) G. H. Browne, £3 5s. 2817 Walpole (Horace). Letters of, including numerous letters now first published, 6 vol., portraits, calf gilt, 1840, 8vo. (44) Hornstein, £2 25. 2818 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, portrait, plates, and pedigrees, russia gilt, 1805, folio (196) W. Daniell, £I 2s. 2819 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of Craven, portraits and plates, half mor., 1812, 4to. (143) W. Daniell, £1 8s. 2820 Wright (T.) History of Essex, 2 vol., plates, half morocco, 1836, 4to. (132) W. Daniell, £1 8s. 2821 Zoological Society (Proceedings of the), from the commencement in 1830 to 1890, 60 vol., with indexes 1830 to 1890 in 4 vols., numerous plates, some coloured, together 64 vols., cloth, 1830-90, 8vo. (892) Wesley, £61

2822 Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. "Samerang," plates, cloth,

1850, 4to. (256)

Wesley, £1 8s.

[JANUARY 19TH AND 20TH, 1899.]



(No. of Lots, 551; amount realised, £1,109 5s. 6d.)

2824 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England and Rome, coloured plates and woodcuts by John Leech, 2 vol., half green morocco, gilt, gilt edges, Bradbury, n. d., 8vo. (1) Townley, £1 10s.

2825 Arabian Nights. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, translated with Notes by Sir R. F. Burton, with the Supplemental Nights, 16 vol., Benares, for subscribers only, 1885-88, 8vo. (5) Suckling, £29 2826 Arabian Nights. A Series of seventy Original Illustrations to Captain Burton's Arabian Nights, and a Portrait, from the Original Pictures painted by A. Letchford, uncut, H. S. Nichols, n. d., royal 8vo. (6) Suckling, £2 18s. 2827 Aretino (P.) Capricciosi e Piacevoli Ragionamenti nuova edizione, con la Puttana Errante (edizione originale), yellow morocco extra, gilt edges, large and fine copy, with some rough edges, Stampata in Cosmopoli (Amst., Elzevir). l'anno 1660, 8vo. (7) B. F. Stevens, £2 12s. 2828 Aretino (P.) Les Ragionamenti, ou Dialogues, texte Italien et Traduction Complète, etc., portrait, only 100 copies printed, 6 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., others uncut, Paris, J. Liseux, 188: 8vo. (8) Mahon, £1 19s.

2829 Artagnan. Mémoires de M. d'Artagnan, 3 vol., half purple morocco, t. e. r. uncut, covers bound in, Paris, Montgredien, s. d., 8vo. (9) Sotheran, £1 18s. 2830 Austen (Jane). Novels, edited by R. B. Johnson, portrait, and illustrations by W. C. Cooke, 10 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Dent, 1895, 8vo. (10) Townley, £2 2831 Baffo (Georgio). Poésies Complètes, en dialecte Vénitien, littéralement traduites pour la première fois avec le texte en regard, portrait in duplicate, 100 copies printed, 4 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Paris, I. Liseux, 1884, royal 8vo, (12) Mahon, £2 16s. 2832 Balzac (Henri de). Romans divers, mostly original or early editions, 45 vol., half mor., s. d., 8vo. (15) C. Brown, £2 2s. 2833 Barham (Rev. R. H.) The Ingoldsby Legends, with illustrations by Cruikshank, Leech, and Tenniel, half morocco gilt, gilt edges, 1877, royal 8vo. (20) Townley, 1 IOS. 2834 Barras (P. F.) Membre du Directoire. Mémoires, publiés avec une Introduction Générale, etc., par G. Duruy, portrait, maps, and facsimiles, 4 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, Paris, Hachette, 1895-96 (21) Britwell, £1 6s. 2835 Béranger (P. J. de). Euvres complètes, nouvelle édition revue par l'auteur, avec sa Biographie, etc., portraits and 53 steel plates after Charlet le Mud, Grenier, Johannot, etc., 4 vol., morocco extra, gilt edges by Chatelin, Paris, Perrotin, 1856-60, 8vo. (22) Upton, £2 12s.


2836 Beroalde de Verville. Le Moyen de Parvenir (an edition placed with the Elzevirs), morocco extra, line tooled with ornaments on back, silk linings, gilt edges by Thouvenin, fine copy, Imprimée cette année (Hollande), s. d., 8vo. (26) T. Barratt, £1 35.

2837 Bertall.

La Comédie de Notre Temps, avec la Vie hors de chez soi, many hundred illustrations, 3 vol., half blue morocco extra, t. e. g., others uncut, Paris, Plon, 1874-76, 4to. (188) Sotheran, LI 2838 Biographie Générale (Nouvelle) publiée par Firmin Didot Frères, sous la Direction du Dr. Hoefer, 46 vol., half morocco gilt, m. e., Paris. 1857-66, 8vo. (29) Young,, £7 7s. 2839 Blanc (Charles). Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Écoles: Française, Espagnole, Flamande, Allemande, Hollandaise, Vénetienne, Florentine, Milanaise, Bolonaise, Anglaise, Ombrienne et Romaine, many hundred illustrations, 14 vol., crushed morocco extra, inside dentelles, joints, gilt edges by Chatelin, fine copy, Paris, Librairie Renouard, 1862-76, 4to. (189) E. Parsons, LII IOS. 2840 Blessebois (P. Corn.) Œuvres Satiriques, première édition (placée aux Elzeviers), frontispiece, morocco, line tooled, gilt edges by Chatelin, à Leyde, 1676, 8vo. (31) Lewin, £1 8s. 2841 Boccaccio (G.) Il Decameron; si come lo diedero alle stampe gli Ssri. Giunti l'anno 1527, morocco extra, gilt edges by Lardiere, tall copy (5 in.), In Amsterdamo (chez les Elzeviers avec la sphère), 1665, 12mo. (34) Tregaskis, £1 2842 Boisgobey (Fortuné du). Romans divers, mostly original editions, 60 vol., half morocco, Paris, Dentu, etc., d. d., 8vo. (35) C. Brown, £3 18s. 2843 Brianson (R. de). L'État et le Nobiliaire de la Provence, plates of arms, 3 vol., half morocco gilt, Paris, 1693, 8vo. (38) Symes, £1 35. 2844 Brontë (Charlotte, Emily, and Jane). Works, portrait and illustrations by H. S. Greig, and ornaments by F. C. Tilney, 12 vol. in 6, half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Dent, 1893, 8vo. (40) Townley, £2 16s. 2845 Brunet (J. Ch.) Manuel du Libraire et de l'Amateur de Livres, cinquième édition, 6 vol., half morocco gilt, m. e., Paris, 1860-65, 8vo. (41) Walpole, £8 12s.

2846 Bryce (Jas.) The American Commonwealth, 3 vol., Macmillan, 1888, 8vo. (42)

Hill, £2 11s. 2847 Buckland (Fr. T.) Curiosities of Natural History, illustrations, the 4 series complete, 4 vol., calf extra, m. e., 1891-93, 8vo. (43) Stephens, L1 35. 2848 Burke (J. and J. B.) Encyclopædia of Heraldry, or General Armory, third edition, half morocco gilt, m. e., H. Bohn, n. d., royal 8vo. (45) Maggs, £1 25. 2849 Burns (Rob.) Works, with Life by A. Cunningham, and various notes, portrait and vignette, brown morocco extra, gilt ornamental back, and rich gilt borders, inside dentelles, joints, gilt edges by Chatelin, Bohn, 1854, royal 8vo. (46) Townley, £1 25.

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