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coloured plates and woodcuts by I. R. and G. Cruikshank, uncut, in the original wrappers, rare in this state, 1820-21, 8vo. (316) Hornstein, £3 2071 [Egan (P.)] Real Life in Ireland, a picture of High and Low Life in Dublin and various parts of the Island, first edition, coloured frontispiece and plates by H. Alken, W. Heath and others, one wanted, and several others shaved in binding, old half calf, 1821, 8vo. (318) Spencer, 1 10s. 2072 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Phasianidæ, or Family of the Pheasants, 2 vol., 84 large coloured plates, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, New York, 1872, folio (479)

Quaritch, £30 2073 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Tetraoninæ, or Family of the Grouse, 27 large coloured plates, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, New York, 1865, folio (480) Leighton, £11 2074 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Paradiseidæ, or Birds of Paradise, 37 large coloured plates, crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, Printed for the Subscribers by the Author, 1873, folio (481) Quaritch, £11 2075 Ettenhard (F. A. de). Compendio de los Fundamentos de la verdadera destreza y filosofia de las Armas, original edition, engraved title and plates of fencing, calf extra, gilt edges, Madrid, 1675, 4to. (440) Quaritch, £6 2076 Ettenhard (F. A. de). Diestro Italiano y Español explican sus doctrinas con Evidencias mathematicas conforme a los preceptos de la verdadera destreza, plates of fencing, calf antique, blind tooling, rare (several leaves stained and wormed, sold not subject to return), Madrid, 1697, 4to. (441) Maine, £2 2077 Evelyn (John). Sculptura, or the History and Art of Chalcography and Engraving on Copper, portrait of Evelyn by Worlidge, plate and unlettered proof mezzotint by Prince Rupert, calf, 1759, 8vo. (323) B. F. Stevens, £2 25. 2078 Faithorne (W.) The Art of Graving and Etching, first edition, engraved title and plates, fine copy, morocco, gilt edges by Rivière, 1662, 8vo. (324) B. F. Stevens, £5 2s. 6d. 2079 Fasciculus Temporum (auctore W. Rolewinck). Hie hebt sich an das II register über das gatzbuch das man nenet ein II büchlin d. zit, etc., gothic letter, painted capitals and woodcut views, partially coloured, several leaves stained, oaken boards, partly covered in stamped leather, with clasp, first German edition, Hereyster Bernhart Richel burger zu Basel, 1481, folio (486) Littlewood, £4 IS. 2080 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, 6 vol., first edition, some leaves a little stained, old calf, 1749, 8vo. (328)


I 18s. 2081 Fierrabras. Eyn schöne kurtzweilige Histori von eym mächtigen Riesen auss Hispanien, Fierrabras gnant, gothic letter, numerous fine woodcuts, brown morocco extra, gilt edges by Chambolle-Duru, Siemmern, J. Rodler, 1533, folio (487) Leighton, £8

2082 Finaguerra (Maso). A Florentine Picture Chronicle, being a Series of ninety-nine Drawings representing Scenes and

Personages of Ancient History, Sacred and Profane, reproduced from the Originals in the British Museum, with Text by Sydney Colvin, 300 copies printed, ornamental buckram, uncut, B. Quaritch, 1898, folio (488) Frost, £8 5s. 2083 Foster (J. J.) British Miniature Painters and their Works, only 425 copies printed for sale, 59 plates, containing numerous miniature portraits, cloth gilt, t. e. g., 1898, royal 4to. (442) Maine, £2 18s. 2084 Fouilloux (Jacques da). La Venerie . ... avec plusieurs Receptes & Remedes pour guerir les Chiens de diuerses maladies, plus L'Adolescence de l'Autheur, large engraving on reverse of title representing the author offering his book to Charles IX., numerous large woodcuts and musical notation, vellum, d Poitiers de Marnefz et Bouchetz frères (1560), 4to. (785) Quaritch, £17 10s. 2085 Foxe (John). Ad Inclytos ac præpotentes Angliæ Proceres Ordines, et Status totamque ejus gentis nobilitatem, pro afflictis Fratribus Supplicatio, half calf, Basilea, per Joannem Oporinum, 1557 (332) Pearson, £7 7s.

[The Grenville Catalogue speaks of this small tract of the famous martyrologist as being "of great rarity." W. Herbert's copy, with his signature.-Catalogue.] 2086 Gallery. Les Chefs d'Euvre du Musée Royale d'Amsterdam, "Edition de Luxe," fine impressions of the numerous plates on India paper and vignettes, with Text by A. Bredius, half crimson gilt, gilt edges, n. d., superior imperial 4to. (491) Edwards, £2 25. 2087 Goethe (J. W. von). Egmont, Leipzig, 1788-Clavigo, Frankfurt, 1774-Iphigenie auf Tauris, Leipzig, 1787, first editions, green morocco, gilt edges by Rivière, uniform, 3 vol., 8vo. (337) Pearson, £35s. 2088 Goldsmith. An Almanack for MDCCLXIX., old English morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, with the original pencil and silver-mounted clasp, gilt edges (1769), 8vo. (339) Leighton, 1 125. 2089 Gower (John). Ovid's Festivalls or Romane Calendar, translated into English verse equi-numerally, first edition, fine copy, morocco, gilt edges by Rivière, Cambridge, 1640, 8vo. (340) Maggs, £2 12s. 2090 Graffigny (Mme. de). Lettres d'une Péruvienne, 2 vol., LARGE VELLUM PAPER, with the portrait and plates, proofs before letters by Lefevre (100 copies printed), old French morocco, gilt edges, Paris, Didot l'ainé, an v. (1797), 16m0. (342) Sotheran, £11 [Published on LARGE VELLUM PAPER at 24 frs. The portrait is by De Launay, and there are eight plates after Lefèvre, seven being engraved by Coiny and one by Ingouf. - ED.]

2091 Gresset. Euvres de Gresset, portrait, and 8 plates by Moreau, engraved by Simonet and De Ghendt, 2 vol., morocco, gilt tops, uncut, Paris, 1811, 8vo. (344) Potter, £13 [The best edition, a copy on vellum paper, with the plates proofs before the letters. There are added: (1) The set of

6 plates by Moreau, from the edition of 1794; (2) The set of 9 plates by Laville, proofs before the letters; (3) The set of 9 plates by Deveria, proofs before the letters; (4) Five portraits of Gresset; (5) Portraits of Rousseau and Virgil. -Catalogue.] 2092 Hamilton (A.) Mémoires de Comte de Grammont (avec des notes et éclaircissemens), 78 portraits, old French red morocco gilt, g. e., Londres, 1793, 4to. (448) Littlewood, £2

[Copies are met with on large paper, and five were printed on largest paper, in folio, with the portraits coloured.-ED.] 2093 Hamilton (A.) Euvres du Comte Antoine Hamilton, 4 plates by Moreau, engraved by De Ghendt and Trière, and 8 portraits by Saint-Aubin, 3 vol. in 4, green morocco, gilt edges, Paris, 1812, 8vo. (351) Potter, £19 10S.

[The best edition. A copy on vellum paper, having the plates by Moreau, proofs before letters, and the portraits with the names lightly etched. There is added to the "Mémoires" the set of 64 portraits, engraved by Scriven, proofs before letters on China paper. From the Beckford Collection. Catalogue.]

2094 Henry VIII. Repudio Della Reina Anna d'Inghilterra,

Sorella del Duca di Cleves, & di fesa sua con molta elo-
quentia in ver po il Ré, tradotto di Franzese in Toscano
dal Cap. Gio. Battesta dei Grillandari, Fiorentini, woodcut
on title, Bologna, 1558, 4to. (768)
Potter, £1 3s.

[An excessively rare account of the divorce of Anne of Cleves, whom her royal husband described as a "Flanders mare." This is an Italian version of the original French. -Catalogue.]

2095 Heptameron (The) of Margaret, Queen of Navarre, translated by George Sainsbury, engravings by Freudenberg, LARGE PAPER, plates on Japanese paper, one of 312 copies, original cloth, 5 vol., uncut, 1894, 8vo. (1052) Britwell, £2 10s. 2096 Herbal. Petrus de Crescentiis zu Teutsch mit figuren, first German edition, lit. goth., numerous fine spirited woodcuts, uncoloured, large copy, but imperfect and sold not subject to return, Sine nota (Aug. Vind. A. Sorg., circa 1490), folio (495) Tregaskis, £2 6s. 2097 Heures à l'Usaige de Romme (Almanack, 1513-1523), printed in red and black and ornamented with 14 large wood engravings the size of the page and many smaller ones, fine copy, morocco, the sides covered with blind tooling, doublé with red morocco covered with tooling to a geometrical design in gold, gilt leaves by Masson-Debonnelle, Imprimées à Paris pour Guillaume Godard (1513), 8vo. (633) Leighton, £19

[Unknown to Brunet. On the verso of the last leaf is the celebrated rebus of which Brunet gives a facsimile and remarks: "Le rebus, si difficile à déchiffrer qu'il a fallu en donner l'explication en toutes lettres."-Catalogue.] 2098 Heures (les presentes) à lusaige de Paris historiées tout au long sans rien requirer, avec Calendrier et Almanach, printed on vellum, with 84 large and small woodcuts, all

illuminated in gold and colours, 232 arabesque borders, and hundreds of capital letters in red and blue heightened in gold, red morocco extra, doublé with blue morocco, borders of gold and ornamental designs in and out, Paris, N. Vivian, 1515, 8vo. (634) Lawson, £13 2099 Heures en Françoys et Latin à l'usage de Rome (avec Calendrier), printed in red and black within ornamental borders composed of architectural designs in various styles, and embellished with 14 full-page engravings and several historiated woodcut initials, old Lyonnese calf, back covered with elaborate gilt tooling and sides inlaid in variegated leather, within painted compartments, most artistically executed to a Grolier pattern, gilt edges, fine copy, arms of the Bourbons emblazoned on title, Lyon, Guillaume Rouille, 1551, 8vo. (635) Littlewood, II 2100 Heures Nouvelles, engraved throughout, historiated initials, devices of flowers and fruit, ornamental and floreate borders, etc., old French olive morocco, broad dentelle borders of gold, doublé with watered silk linings, gilt edges, Paris, chez l'auteur, s. d., 8vo. (637) Littlewood, £2 25. 2101 Heywood (Thos.) The Exemplary Lives and Memorable Acts of Nine the most worthy Women of the World, first edition, 9 proof portraits, including that of Queen Elizabeth (4 shaved), old calf, with all faults, 1640, 4to. (450)

Dobell, £1 175. 2102 Heywood (Thos.) Troia Britannica, or Great Britain's Troy, a Poem, divided into XVII. several Cantons, intermixed with many pleasant Poetical Tales, first edition, large woodcut on title and initial letters, tree-calf extra, r. e., W. Jaggard, 1609, folio (496) Littlewood, £4 2103 Heywood (Thos.) The Hierarchie of the blessed Angells, their Names, Orders, and Offices, etc., engraved title (mounted) and plates, old calf, m. e., 1635, folio (497)

Dobell, I IIS. 2104 Hollandus (H.) Herwologia Anglica: clarissimorum et doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum, qui flouerunt 1500-1620. Viva Effigies, Vitæ et elogia, authore H. H. AngloBritanno, brilliant impressions of the 65 portraits, tomb of Queen Elizabeth, cut round, mounted, and coloured (this is frequently missing), also the tomb of Prince Henry, engraved title inlaid, top margin of one leaf mended, wanted as usual the "post prefatio," a large copy in russia gilt, gilt edges, Arnh. Impensis Crispini Passaci, s. a. [1620], folio (500) Carr, £6 15s. 2105 Horæ Divæ Virginis Mariæ, cum Calendario, printed on vellum, with 16 full-page woodcuts, 24 small historiated woodcuts (all uncoloured), and several hundred initials in gold and colours, first leaf rubbed. last leaf slightly mended, stamped morocco, blind tooling, with arms on sides, r. e., Paris, G. Hardouyn (Almanack, 1510-30), 8vo. (646) Maggs, 10 5s. 2106 Horatius. Opera Aeneis Tabulis incidit J. Pine, 2 vol., engraved throughout, and embellished with plates and vig

nettes, large copy of the Post-est edition, in the original calf, gilt edges, 1733-37, 8vo. (647) Slessor, £3 14s. 2107 Hortus Sanitatis. Le Jardin de Sante, translate de latin en francoys nouvellement imprimé à Paris, lit. goth. (lettres bâtardes), numerous woodcuts (wanted signatures K and L in the second part, and a number of leaves defective, sold not subject to return), half bound, Paris, Ph. Le Noir, 1539, folio (501) Leighton, £4 2108 Jacquemart (J.) Les Gemmes et Joyaux de la Couronne au Musée du Louvre expliqués par M. Barbet de Jouy, 60 original etchings by Jules Jacquemart, complete in 21 parts, text and plates printed throughout on vellum, one of five copies, Techener, 1882-86, folio (504) Ouseley, £25 2109 James V. of Scotland. D'Arfeville (Nicolay). Navigatione du Roy Jaques Cinquiesme du nom, autour de son Royaume et Isles Hebrides et Orchades soubz la conduicte d'Alexandre Lyndsay, folding map and plate, original vellum, Paris, 1583, 4to. (454) Stubbs, £48

[One of the finest copies known. Téchener's sold for £164 (it was bought in the Beckford sale for £140). Laing's (a very poor, imperfect one) fetched £48. "It appears by the dedication to the Duc de Joyeuse that Nicolay (premier Cosmographe du Roy) had made a map and a memoir on Scotland during his residence there, and that he printed this, together with a translation of Lyndsay's navigation of Ja. 5, at the request of Dudley, afterwards Duke of Northumberland, who was ambassador from Henry VIII. to the French King in 1546. Lyndsay's Navigation was translated into English from this book in 1710."-Grenville Catalogue. Lyndsay was a celebrated Scottish pilot. The book was designed as a hydrographical guide, and what was termed a Rutter, Fr. Routier.- Catalogue.] 2110 Jamieson (J.) Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, edited by J. Longmuir and D. Donaldson, 4 vol., Paisley, 1879-82-Supplement, with Memoir and Introduction by David Donaldson, ib., 1887, 4to. (455) Hill, £2 2111 Kipling (Rudyard). Echoes, by Two Writers, bound in cloth, edges cut (wanted the wrapper), Lahore, the Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1884, 8vo. (660) Denham, £10 5s. 2112 Kipling (Rudyard). Departmental Ditties, and other Verses, the extremely rare first edition, in the original wrapper, with the front flap (No. 1 of 1886), Printed at the Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, 8vo. (661) Stevens, £13 10s. 2113 Kipling (Rudyard). Departmental Ditties, and other Verses, the very rare first edition, in the original wrapper, wanted the front flap (No. 1 of 1886), Printed at the Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, 8vo. (662) Diver, £7 15s. 2114 Kipling (Rudyard). Soldiers Three: a Collection of Stories, first Indian edition, wanted the front wrapper, Allahabad, printed at the Pioneer Press, 1888, 8vo. (664) Edwards, £4 175.

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