Page images

170 Delphin Classics, LARGE PAPER, 185 vol., boards, uncut, v. y., 8vo. (347) Sotheran, £6 171 Dugdale (W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, maps and copperplates, calf, Coventry, 1765, folio (286) Andrews, £i 18s. 172 Ellacombe (H. T.) The Church Bells of Devon, Exeter, 1872 -The Bells of the Church, a Supplement to the Church Bells of Devon, ib., 1874, boards, 2 vol., 4to. (519)

Walford, £2 173 Esquemeling (J.) History of the Bucaniers of America, maps and plates, calf, 1699, 8vo. (354) Maggs, £1 2s. 174 Fielding (H.) Works, with Life by Murphy, edited by Browne, Io vol. (titles written on), half bound, 1871, 8vo. (384) Nattali, £3 35.

175 Foster (J.) Alumni Oxonienses, 8 vol., cloth, Oxford, 1891, 8vo. (457)

176 Foster (J.) Alumni Oxonienses, First morocco, Oxford, 1891, 8vo. (458)

Hill, £2 8s. Series, 4 vol., half Edwards, £1 8s.

Harding, £1 15s.

177 Gentleman's Magazine Library (The), edited by G. L. Gomme, 13 vol., cloth, 1883-91, 8vo. (356) 178 Grace (S.) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, numerous portraits, views, plates of arms, etc., scarce Ex-Libris of M. Grace, 1712, inserted, morocco gilt, Privately printed, 1823, 8vo. (152) Sotheran, £1 IOS. 179 Grego (J.) Rowlandson the Caricaturist, 2 vol., numerous illustrations, half bound, 1880, 4to. (230) J. Brown, £1 9s. 180 Grimm (M.) German Popular Stories, plates by G. Cruikshank (soiled copy), 1823, 8vo. (106) Hornstein, £3 18s. 181 Grose (F.) Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, half morocco, 1807, 4to. (259) Harding, I IIS. 182 Halliwell (J. O.) Historical Account of the New Place, Stratford upon Avon, illustrated, 1864, folio (560)

Edwards, £1 165.

183 Hampshire Record Society, 11 vol., 1889-97, cloth, 8vo. (461) Sotheran, 2 10s.

Hill, £9

184 Harris (J.) History of Kent, vol. i., portrait, map, and plates, calf, 1719, folio (561) 185 Hasted (E.) History of Kent, vol. ii., iii., iv., v., viii., and xi., maps and plates (all faults), 1797-1800, 8vo. (101) Andrews, £1 2s. 186 Hitchins (F.) History of Cornwall, edited by S. Drew, 2 vols., plates, half calf, Helston, 1824, 4to. (222) W. George, £1 6s. 187 Hook (W.) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, with Index, 12 vol., cloth, 1882-84, 8vo. (494) Bull, £45s. 188 Hugo (Thomas). The Medieval Nunneries of Somersetshire, frontispiece, half morocco, uncut, 1867, imperial 8vo. (143) W. George, L1 IS. 189 Hume (D.) History of England, 10 vol., "Bowyer's Edition," numerous plates by Bartolozzi, Fittler, Heath, etc., russia, 1806, folio (296) W. George, £3 35. 190 Institution of Civil Engineers (Minutes and Proceedings), vol. lxvii.-cxxxi. and Subject Index, vol. lix.-cxviii. (unbound), 1882-98, 8vo. (89) Batsford, £1 191 Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England, during the Reign of the Stuarts, 4 vol., extra illustrated, with more

than 150 engraved portaits, many scarce, half morocco gilt, 1840, 8vo. (693) Hay, £4 IOS. 192 Jesse (J. H.) Memorials of London, 2 vol., plates, calf, 1847 -London and its Celebrities, 2 vol., half calf, together 4 vol., 1850, 8vo. (694, 695) Sotheran, ₤2 155. 193 Johnson (Dr.) Works, by Murphy, 14 vol., portrait, calf gilt, 1816, 8vo. (467) Edwards, £1 IOS.


All in their original bindings, clean, as issued.

194 Morris (Wm.) The Story of the Glittering Plain, 1891, 8vo.

(169) 195 Morris (Wm.)

Bumpus, £17 IOS.

Poems by the Way, 1891, 8vo. (170)

Quaritch, £7 12s. 6d. Biblia Innocentium, 1892, Svo. (171)

196 Mackail (J. W.) 197 Morris (Wm.) The Defence of Guenevere, 1892, 8vo. (172)

198 Morris (Wm.) 199 Blunt (W. S.) 8vo. (174)

200 Ruskin (John).

Shepherd, £5

Bumpus, £5

The Dream of John Ball, 1892, 8vo. (173)

Quaritch, £3 17s. 6d.

The Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, 1892,
Shepherd, £5 12s. 6d.
The Nature of Gothic, 1892, 8vo. (175)

Downing, £3

201 Morris (Wm.) News from Nowhere, 1892, 8vo. (176)

Shepherd, £3 12s. 6d. 202 The Order of Chivalry, 1893, 8vo. (177) Leighton, £4 5s. 203 Rossetti (D. G.) Poems and Ballads, 1893, 8vo. (178)

Zaehnsdorf, £5 105. 204 Cavendish (G.) Life of Wolsey, 1893 (179) Maggs, £3 10s. [George Cavendish was gentleman-usher to Cardinal Wolsey. The first edition of his Biography was published in 1641, small 4to.-ED.]

205 Shakespeare (William). Poems, 1893, 8vo.


Hatchard, £6 6s.
Maggs, £2 25.
Maggs, £4

206 Tennyson (Lord). Maud, 1893, 8vo. (181) 207 More (Sir T.) Utopia, 1893, 8vo. (182) 208 Reynard the Fox, done into English out of Dutch, by W. Caxton, vellum, 1892, 4to. (183) Quaritch, £4 2s. 6d. 209 Caxton (W.) The Golden Legend, translated by W. Caxton, edited by F. S. Ellis and W. Morris, 3 vol., ornamental letters and woodcuts, boards, uncut, 1892, 4to. (184)

Downing, £6 10s. 210 Caxton (W.) Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy, done after the first edition, corrected for the Press by H. H. Sparling, 3 vol. in 2, vellum, 1892, 4to. (185) Vigors, £6 17s. 6d. 211 Meinhold (W.) Sidonia the Sorceress, translated by Lady Wilde, vellum, 1893, 4to. (186)

Bumpus, £55s.

Bickers, £6 10S.

212 Caxton (W.) Godefroy of Boloyne, done after the first edition, vellum, uncut, 1893, 4to. (187) 213 Chaucer. Works, newly imprinted, finely printed in black

letter, with many illustrations, full-page designs, and ornamental borders by Burne-Jones and W. Morris, edited by F. S. Ellis, boards, uncut, 1896, folio (188) Downing, £38 214 Morris (Wm.) The Earthly Paradise, 8 vol., vellum, in extra cases, 1896-97, 8vo. (189) Maggs, £15

215 Caxton (W.) History of Reynard the Foxe, vellum, 1892, 8vo. (190) Fordham, £4 IOS. 216 Laudes Beatæ Mariæ Virginis, boards, uncut, 1896, folio (191) W. Ward, £4 IOS.

217 Kilkenny Archæological Society's Transactions from 1864-94, maps, plates, and woodcuts, 17 vol., half morocco, Dublin, 1867-94, 8vo. (104) Sotheran, £5 15s. 218 Knight and Lacey's Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence, 6 vol., portraits, half calf, 1825, 8vo. (45) Shepherd, £2 8s. 219 Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, Publications of the, vol. i.-xxix., cloth, 1879-94, 8vo. (647) E. George, £5 2s. 6d. 220 Landscape Annual, 10 vol., LARGE PAPER, India proof plates, morocco, gilt edges, 1830-39, 8vo. (696) Bumpus, £3 5s. 221 Latham (J.) General History of Birds, 10 vol. and Index, coloured plates, half calf, Winchester, 1821, 4to. (747) Bull, £1 135. 222 Les Français peints par Eux-Mêmes, 9 vol., coloured plates and woodcuts, half mor., 1840-42, 8vo. (685) Scott, £3 7s. 6d. 223 Lysons' Magna Britannia, 5 vol., plates, half morocco, 1806-22 -Further Additions and Corrections to Cornwall, cloth, 6 vol., 1815, 4to. (257) Bull, £2 195. 224 Maclean (Sir John). History of Trigg Minor in Cornwall, 3 vol., illustrations, cloth, 1873, 4to. (247) Maggs, £2 6s. 225 Mayhew (H.) 1851, or The Adventures, of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, plates by George Cruikshank, morocco extra, Bogue, 8vo. (128) Maggs, £1 9s. 226 National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Personages of the Nineteenth Century, with Memoirs, vol. i.-iv., portraits, cloth, 1830, 8vo. (318) J. Brown, £1

227 Naval Chronicle (The), 22 vol., portraits and plates, calf gilt, 1799-18c9, 8vo. (431) Grieve, £4 10s. 228 Overstone (Lord). Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency, cloth, 1858-Evidence by Lord Overstone on Bank Acts, 1858, 2 vol., 8vo. (417) Harding, L1 15s. 229 Parliamentary Debates-Collection of Parliamentary Debates in England from 1668 to 1740, 17 vol., calf, 1741-Debates of both Houses from 1743 to 1774, in 7 vol., half russia, Debrett, 1792-Parliamentary Register or Debates of the House of Commons, 1774 to 1780, 17 vol., Stockdale, 1802 -Parliamentary Register, 1780 to 1793, 36 vol., Debrett, 1781-93-Woodfall's Parliamentary Debate, 1794 to 1813, 61 vol., portraits, 1794-1813 - Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, 1813 to 1820, 15 vol., together 153 vol., 1741-1820, 8vo. (616) W. R. Hill, £4 17s. 6d. 230 Physiognomical Portraits, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, proof

impressions of the plates on India paper, cloth boards (a few
plates slightly stained) 1824, royal 4to. (740) Hill, £2 16s.
231 Quarterly Review, from the commencement in 1809 to 1896
(wanted vol. clx., clxxxi.), together 182 vol., half calf, 1810-96,
8vo. (343)
George, £5
232 Richardson (M. A.) Local Historian's Table Book, 8 vol.,
half morocco, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1841-46, 8vo. (459)
Maggs, £3
233 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the, from 1875 to 1896,
19 vol., cloth, and 4 nos., 1875-96, 8vo. (648) Sotheran, £2
234 Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, third
and enlarged edition, 3 vol., calf gilt, 1840, 4to. (215)
W. Daniell, 3 17s. 6d.
235 Ruskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 3 vol., illustrated by the author,
bound in 5 vol., cloth, 1853, imperial 8vo. (355)

Sotheran, £5

Sotheran, £2 12s.
236 Ruskin (J.) The Stones of Venice, 3 vol., illustrations by the
author, morocco extra, gilt edges, silk end linings, inner
borders of gold, 1858-67, 8vo. (687)
237 Shropshire Archæological and Natural History Society (Trans-
actions of the), from the commencement to 1896, unbound,
Shrewsbury, 1877-96, 8vo. (104)

Sotheran, £5

238 Skelton (J.) Mary Stuart, Japanese paper, with two series of
plates, 1893, 4to. (724)

Leighton, £11

239 Skelton (J.) Charles I., Japanese paper, with two series of
plates, 1898, 4to. (725)

Sabin, £7
240 Somersetshire Archæological Society, Proceedings, vol.
i.-xxxiv., in 17 vol., plates, half calf, Taunton, 1851-88, 8vo.
Sotheran, £5
241 Speed (J.) Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the World,
maps (title mended), 1631, folio (584) W. Daniell, LI 3s.
242 Sussex Archæological Collections, from the commencement to
1894, 38 vol., and Index vol. i.-xxxv., cloth, 1848-94, 8vo.
W. Daniell, £9 15s.
243 Taylor (P. A.) Some Account of the Taylor Family, coloured
plates of arms, facsimiles, etc., morocco gilt, 100 copies,
Privately printed, 1875, 4to. (229) Sotheran, £5 IOS.
244 Vallancey (Chas.) Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 6 vol.,
maps and plates, calf gilt, Dublin, 1786, 8vo. (102)

Maggs, £1 19s.

245 Voltaire (M. de). La Pucelle D'Orléans, avec les notes de
M. de Morza, plates, calf, 1775, 8vo. (107)
£1 16s.
246 Waite (A. E.) The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts,
numerous illustrations, cloth, Privately printed, 1898, 8vo.
Edwards, £1
247 Walpole (H.) Anecdotes of Painting in England, with additions
by Rev. J. Dallaway, 5 vol., LARGE PAPER, portraits on India
paper, half morocco, top edges gilt, Major, 1828, 8vo. (399)
Roche, £6 15s.
248 Walpole (H.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, enlarged
and continued by T. Park, 5 vol., portraits, cloth, uncut, 1806,
8vo. (398)
Edwards, £4 15s.



249 Woodward (B. B.) History of Hampshire, 3 vol., LARGE PAPER, India proof plates, half morocco, n. d., 4to. (256) Sotheran, £3 15s.

[NOVEMBER 3RD, 1898.]



(No. of Lots, 385; amount realised, £1,005 19s. 6d.)

250 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, complete in 20 parts, Punch Office, 1846-48-Comic History of Rome, complete in 10 parts, n. d., first editions, coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, with the original pictorial wrappers, 8vo. (1) Spencer, £7 251 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol., first edition, 10 coloured etchings and 120 woodcuts by John Leech, a few leaves slightly soiled, original cloth, 1847-48Comic History of Rome, coloured and other illustrations by Leech, n. d., 8vo. (2) Cotton, £2 15s. 252 A'Beckett (G. A.) Almanack of the Month, illustrated, complete in 12 nos., with the original wrappers, Punch Office, 1846, 8vo. (3) Hornstein, £1 9s. 253 Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe [1774-1851], 22 vol., 1849-59 -Index [1815-52], 1859, together 23 vol., portraits, half calf gilt, m. e., 1849-59, 8vo. (6) Roche, £3 14s. 254 Alken (H.) Scraps from the Sketch-book of Henry Alken, engraved by himself, containing 42 coloured plates, original impressions, half calf, M'Lean, 1822, oblong folio (380) Roche, £5 10s.

255 Alken (H.) Symptoms of being Amused, 42 coloured plates by Henry Alken, in the original half binding, M’Lean, 1822, oblong folio (381) Roche, £5 256 Alken (H.) Illustrations to Popular Songs by Henry Alken, 43 coloured plates by Henry Alken, original impressions, half bound, M'Lean, 1823, oblong folio (382) Johnson, £6 257 Alken (H.) Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man, 7 coloured plates by Henry Alken, with a sheet of letterpress, original wrapper, M'Lean, 1824, oblong folio (383) Spencer, £2 18s. 258 Alken (H.) Analysis of the Hunting Field, first edition, coloured illustrations by Alken, woodcuts, original cloth, gilt edges, Ackermann, 1846, 8vo. (7) Sotheran, £6 17s. 6d. 259 Apperley (C. J.) The Chase, the Turf, and the Road, by Nimrod," first edition, portrait by Maclise, and illustrations by Henry Alken, coloured, original covers bound up, calf extra, t. e. g. by Worsfold, 1837, 8vo. (8) Pickering, £2 5s. 260 Apperley (C. J.) Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, of Halston, by "Nimrod," second edition, reprinted (with considerable additions), from the New Sporting Magazine, numerous coloured illustrations by H. Alken and T. J. Raw


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