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65 Brontë (Charlotte). Life by Mrs Gaskell, 2 vol., plates, hf. cf.

gt., 1857-Villette, 3 vol., Ist ed., hf. cf. gt., 1853-Jane

Eyre, 1855, together 6 vol., 8vo. (101)

Hicks, £I IS.

66 Carlyle (T.) History of the French Revolution, 3 vol., Ist ed.,

hf. cf., 1837, 8vo. (4)

Flowers, £1.

67 Coleridge (S. T.) Poetical Works, 3 vol., hf. cf. gt., Pickering,

1834, 8vo. (22)

Hill, £1 IS.

68 De Foe (D.) Novels, edited by Scott, 12 vol., hf. mor., Edinb.,

1810, 8vo. (61)

Flower, £1 1 6s.

69 Dickens (C.) Dick

David Copperfield, Ist ed., plates by Phiz, hf.


gt., 1850, 8vo. (143)

70 Dickens (C.) Our Mutual Friend, 2 vol. in 1, 1st ed., plates by

Marcus Stone, hf. cf., 1865, 8vo. (146)

Hickson, £I IS.
Flower, £1.

71 Flaxman. Theogony, Works and Days, and the Days of Hesiod, engraved from the compositions of John Flaxman, by William Blake, 37 plates and title, 1817, oblong 4to. (163)

Moray, £I IIS.

72 Gaskell (Mrs.) Mary Barton, hf. mor., 1854-Cranford, ib., 1855-North and South, 2 vol., hf. cf. gt., 1855-Wives and Daughters, 2 vol., plates by Du Maurier, hf. cf. gt., 1866, 6 vol, 8vo. (204)

1817, 8vo. (3)

Flower, £1. 73 German Popular Stories, ed. by E. Taylor, introduction, by John Ruskin, plates by G. Cruikshank, 1875, 8vo. (21) Greg, £1 55. 74 Hazlitt (W.) The Round Table, 1st ed., 2 vol., hf. cf., Edinb., Flower, £1. 75 Hazlitt (W.) Characters of Shakespeare's Plays, 2nd ed, 1818 -English Comic Writers, 1st ed., 1819-Lectures on the English Poets, 2nd ed., 1819-Political Essays, Ist ed., in cf. gt., nearly uniform, 4 vol. 1819, 8vo. (74)

Flower, £1.

76 Hood (T.) Works edited with notes by his son and daughter,

10 vol., portraits and cuts, 1869, 8vo. (20)

Sotheran, £1 45. 77 Junius' Letters, edited with Notes, etc., by H. S. Woodfall, 3 Flower, £1.

vol., facsimiles, hf. cf. gt., 1812, 8vo. (5)

78 Leech. Pictures of Life and Character from the Collection of Mr. Punch, Five Series, bound in 3 vol., woodcuts by John Leech, hf. mor., gt. edge, 1869, etc., oblong 4to. (152)

1849-61, 8vo. (6)

Flower, £I IOS.

79 Macaulay's Essays, 3 vol., cf. gt., 1849, 8vo. (7) Flower, £1 25. 80 Macaulay's History of England, 5 vol., hf. cf. gt., marbled edge, Lees, £2. 81 Peacock (T. Love). Misfortunes of Elphin, 1st ed., hf. cf., 1829-Crotchet Castle, Ist ed., hf. cf., 1831-Headlong Hall Nightmare Abbey, Maid Marian and Crotchet Castle, front., 3 vol., 1837, 8vo. (108)

Hickson, ₤I IS.
Flower, £2.

82 Percy (Bp.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 4 vol., hf. cf.

gt., 1823, 8vo. (37)

83 Rogers (S.) Italy, a Poem, LARGEST PAPER, plates printed separately, but a limited number of copies issued in this form, hf. mor., gt. edge, 1838, 4to. (160) Fames, £2 10s.

84 Ruskin (J.) Ethics of the Dust, Ist ed., 1867, 8vo. (13)

Greg, £1 6s.

Bromley, 1799, fol. (178)

85 Shakespeare's Seven Ages, 7 plates by Stothard, engraved by

James, £.I. 86 Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of England, 8 vol., portraits, 1857, 8vo. (62) Bennett, £2 45. 87 Vyse (H.) Operations at the Pyramids of Gizeh, 3 vol., plates and plans, hf. red mor. gt., marbled edge, 1840-42, imp. 8vo.


Luyster, £2 5s. 88 Wordsworth (W.) Poetical Works, 6 vol., portrait, Moxon,

1857, 8vo. (12)

Flower, £1.

[DECEMBER 9TH, 10TH, 12TH, AND 13TH, 1887.]



89 Abulfedae Annales Muslemici, Arabice et Latine, opera Reiskii, edidit, Adler, 5 vol., cf. gt., Hafniae, 1789-94, 4to. (210)

Quaritch, £8 15s. 90 Addison (J.) Works, 6 vol., LARGE PAPER, cf. ex., 1811, 8vo. Jackson, £1 125.


91 Agricultural Reports, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, by various Authors, 81 vol., plates and maps, cf. gt., uniform, v. y., 8vo. (4)

Bull, £11 10s. Jarvis, £I IIS.

92 Ancient and Modern Universal History, with Atlas of Maps, 26 vol., plates, rus. gt., 1736-65, fol. (267) 93 Andrews (J.) and A. Dury. Typographical Map of Wilts, two inches to the mile, in 18 sections, with Index map, rus. gt., 1810, fol. (268)

Quaritch, £1 125.
Quaritch, £1 45.

94 Apitius (Cælius) de Re Culinaria, etc., woodcuts, cf. gt., Basileæ,

1541, 4to. (219)

95 Armada. History of the Spanish Armada, with the scarce map of the Beacons then erected in Kent, hf. cf., 1759, 4to.


Finch, £1. 96 Athenæi Deipnosophistarum libri XV, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum et Schweighæuseri, 14 vol., rus. gt., Arg., 1801-7,

8νο. (29)

Nutt, £I IIS. 97 Barrington (G.) History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, 2 vol., coloured plates, rus. gt., 1802, 8vo. (1099) Jarvis, £2 145. 98 Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatick Works, 10 vol., plates, cf., Ridler, £1 18s.

1778, 8vo. (49)

99 Belknap (J.) History of New Hampshire, 3 vol., map, rus. gt., Philadelphia and Boston, 1784-92, 8vo. (14) A. Nield, £2 145. 100 Bell (J.) New Pantheon, 2 vol. in 1, numerous plates, rus. gt., Ridler, £1 15.

1790, 4to. (233)

IOI Bible (Holy). Authorised Version, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, illustrated with numerous folding plates by Visscher, Lombart, Hollar, etc., ruled throughout, mor. ex., silver clasps, gt. edge, Camb., J. Field, 1659, fol. (281) Ridler, £1 18s. 1C2 Bible (Holy). Authorised Version, "Vinegar Bible", LARGE PAPER, front. by Du Bosc, and vignettes by Vander Gucht, old red mor., elaborately tooled on back and sides, Oxford, J. Baskett, 1717, (283) Brown, £2 25. 103 Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica; or, a Descriptive Catalogue of Early English Poetry, LARGE PAPER, uncut, bds., 1815, 8vo. (58) Ellis, £1 16s. 104 Bibliothecæ Americanæ Primordia, an attempt towards laying the Foundation of an American Library, in a Catalogue of Books, Papers and Writings, old cf., 1713, 4to. (238)

A. Nield, £2 6s. 105 Boccaccio. The Decameron translated, 2 vol., cf., 1804, 8vo. (66) Jackson, £1 16s. 106 Boswell (J.) Life of S. Johnson, by J. W. Croker, 5 vol., Boswell, £3.

uncut, 1831, 8vo. (73)

107 Brabazon Family. Genealogical History of the Family of Brabazon, plates on India paper, engravings of arms, and folding genealogical tables, cf. gt., privately printed, Paris, 1825, (245)

Sotheran, £2 8s.

108 Brantome, Œuvres, 15 vol., cf. gt., Londres, 1779, 8vo. (78)

Hickman, £1.

109 Bryant (J.) Analysis of Ancient Mythology, 6 vol., plates, cf.,

1807, 8vo. (93) Ridler, LI 7s. 110 Cambrian Register, 3 vol., coloured fronts., cf., 1796-1818, 8vo.


Ridler, £1. 111 Cambro-Briton (a Magazine, edited by J. H. Parry), 3 vol., cf. Ridler, £1 16s.

neat, 1820-22, 8vo. (113)

112 Cantilupe (S. T.) The Life and Gests of S. Thomas Cantilupe, Bishop of Hereford, and some time before Lord Chancellor of England, At Gant, 1674, 8vo. (117)

Ellis, £2 25. 113 Carter (E.) History of the County of Cambridge (pp. 145 to 192 in MS.), cf., Camb., 1753-History of the University of

Cambridge, 1753, 2 vol., 8vo. (108)

Walford, £1 IIS. 114 Chaucer (G.) Works, by J. Urry, with Glossary and Life, etc., portraits and engravings of the Pilgrims, old cf., 1721,

fol. (303)

Ridler, £1 45. 115 Churchill (A. and J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, 6 vol., maps and plates, old panelled cf., 1732, fol. (304)

Du Bosc, £I IS. 116 Collectanea Glocestriensia; or catalogue of books, tracts, etc., relating to Gloucester, 1842, 8vo. (405) Walford, £1 18s. 117 Crypt (The), or receptacle for things past, 3 vol., Ringwood, 1827-The Crypt and West of England Magazine, New Series, vol. i, (all published), Winchester, cf. uniform, 4 vol., 1829, 8vo. (178)

Simmons, £1. 118 D'Argentré (B.) L'Histoire de Bretaigne, genealogical tables, a few ll. at end stained, rus. gt., Paris, 1588, fol. (309)

Nutt, £1 5s. 119 Davila Padilla (A.) Historia de la Fundacion y Discurso de la Provincia de Santiago de Mexico, bound in vel., Madrid,

1596, fol. (311)

Quaritch, £6 10s.

120 Delolme. Memorials of Human Superstition, being a paraphrase and Commentary on the Historia Flagellantium of the Abbé Boileau, etc., plates, uncut, 1784, 8vo. (189)

Robson, £1 5s. 121 Dryden (J.) Fables ornamented with Engravings from the Pencil of Lady Diana Beauclerc, LARGE PAPER, proof plates and vignettes, uncut, Bensley, 1797, fol. (317)

Robson, £2 145. vol., uncut, 1808, 8vo. (338)

122 Dryden (J.) Works, with Notes and Life, by W. Scott, 18 Toovey, £3 125. 123 Ducange (C. Dufresne Dom). Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinatis, cum Supplemento Carpentieri, 10 vol., portrait and plates, cf. gt., Paris, 1733-66, fol. (318) Bull, £3 2s. 6d. 124 Du Moustier (A.) Neustria Pia: seu de omnibus et singulis Abatiis et Prioratibus totius Normaniæ, old cf. gt., Rothomagi, 1663, fol. (319)

Sage, £2.

125 Eyre (H.) Account of the Holt Waters, front., old blue mor.,

sides tooled, 1731, 8vo. (1178)

Robson, £2 6s.

126 Gardner (R.) England's Grievance Discovered in relation to the Coal Trade, map, portraits and plates, cf. gt., Newcastle,

1796, 8vo. (393)

Jarvis, £I IOS. 127 Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1850, with the 5 scarce vol. of Index, bound in 180 vol., rus., 1731-1850, 8vo. (398)

Ridler, £19 19s.

128 Geoponicorum libri XX, Gr. et Lat. and MSS. fidem recensi ab J. M. Niclas, 4 vol., cf. gt., Lipsia, 1781, 8νο. (401)

129 Geoponika. Agricultural Pursuits, translated by T. Owen,

2 vol., cf. gt., 1805, 8vo. (402)

130 Graham (J. A.) Descriptive Sketch of the present State of

Vermont, portrait, uncut, 1797, 8vo. (16)

Graham, £1 6s.
Neish, £1 8s.
Jarvis, £1.

131 Gruter (J.) Corpus Inscriptionum, ex Recensione et cum Annotationibus J. G. Graevii, 4 vol., LARGE PAPER, plates, Amst., 1707, fol. (620)

132 Hall (J.) Travels in Scotland by an unusual route, 2 vol.,

plates, old rus. gt., 1807, 8vo. (995)

Herschfield, £1. Brahome, £1 75.

133 Hargrave (F.) Complete Collection of State Trials, and Proceedings for High Treason, etc., 1388 to 1778, 11 vol., best ed., rus. gt., joints cracked, 1776-81, fol. (624) Ridler, £2 25. 134 Harrod (W.) Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martin's, 2 vol.,

plates, cf., Stamford, 1785, 8vo. (679)

Ridler, £1 25.

in 1, rus. ex., 1777, 8vo. (437)

135 Heeley (J.) Beauties of Hagley, Envil and Lease-owes, 2 vol. Ridler, £I IS.

136 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Ancient History of Wiltshire, 2 vol., LARGE PAPER, portrait, maps, and plates, with autograph letter signed by George IV to Sir R. C. Hoare, rus. ex., leather joints, gold tooled sides, broad inside boarders, gt. edge, by Walther, 1812-21, fol. (646)

Harvey, £21. 137 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Ancient Wiltshire, the Series of 67 Plates to, proofs, printed on atlas fol. paper, uncut, 1810, etc., fol.


Walford, £1 16s.

138 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Modern History of Wiltshire, 6 vol. in 11 parts, LARGE PAPER, duplicate set of portraits, maps, views, etc. (proofs and India proofs), many in 3 states of the plates, the coats of arms enblazoned, additionally illustrated with water colour and sepia drawings by Buckler and others, rare engravings, comprising portraits (mostly mezzotints), views, etc., wanted parts 7 and 8, Chalk, Damerham, Downton, and Cawden Hundreds, 9 parts in 8, rus. gt., leather joints, gold tooled borders on sides, gt. edge, by Walther, 1822-1843, fol. (651) Robson, £200 139 [Hoare (Sir R. C.)] Terræ Horeanæ, in Com. Wilts, Dorset, Somerset, 1819; with inscription on title "For Henry Hugh Hugh Hoare, Esq., Sibi et posteris. R. C. H." cf., 1829, fol. (663) Quaritch, £1 12S.

140 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Hungerfordiana; or, Memoirs of the Family of Hungerford, plates, neatly inlaid to fol. size, illustrated with 34 drawings (mostly in water colours), by J. Buckler, rus. super ex., leather joints, gold tooled sides, and broad inside borders, gt. edge, by Walther, in drop cl. case, Stourhead, 1823, (652)

Robson, £58.

141 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Pedigrees and Memoirs of the Families of Hore of Rishford-Hoare of Walton-Hoare of LondonHoare of Mitcham-Hoare of Stourton-Hoare of BarnElms-Hoare of Boreham, pedigrees, with MS. additions by the author, portraits loosely inserted, privately printed, uncut, Bath, 1819, fol. (647)

Quaritch, £1 185.

142 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Monastic Remains of the Religious Houses at Witham, Bruton, and Stavordale, co. Somerset, plates on India paper, with pen and ink drawing inserted, rus. gt., gt. edge, by Walther, Frome, 1824, 4to. (593)


Ridler, £2 25. 143 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Recollections Abroad, during the Years 1785, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, and 91, 4 vol., gt. rus., gt. edge, by C. Lewis, Bath, 1815-18, 8vo. (453)

Walford, £6 5s. 144 Humbolt (A de). On the Kingdom of New Spain, 4 vol., 1811-Personal Narrative of Travels, 7 vol. in 9, 1814-29Researches concerning America, 2 vol., 1814, all uncut, 15 vol., 8vo. (466)

Stibbs, £2 165. 145 Jamieson (J.) Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Iona, front., cf. gt., Edinb., 1811, 4to. (610) Neish, £2 105. 146 Jonson (Ben). Workes, vol. i, engraved title by Hole (no portrait), old cf. gt., W. Stansby, 1616, fol. (938) Pearson, £1. 147 Johnson (S.) The Prince of Abissinia, Ist ed., 2 vol. in 1, original cf., 1759, 8vo. (510) Robson, £1 16s. 148 Kelham (R.) Dictionary of the Norman Language, cf., 1779, Sage, £1 35. 149 Lonsdale Magazine, edited by J. Briggs, 36 parts, consecutive, forming 3 vol., plates, Kirkby Lonsdale, 1820-22, 8vo. (706)

8vo. (521)

Quaritch, £2 165.

150 Lysiæ Orationes et Fragmenta, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis J. Taylor, LARGE PAPER, old blue mor. gt., watered silk linings, gt. edge, 1739, 4to. (887)

plates, cf., 1738, 8vo. (774)

Graham, £1 165. 151 Mackerell (B.) History and Antiquities of King's Lynn, Ridler, £1 85.

152 Madox (T.) History and Antiquities of the Exchequer, LARGE PAPER, old English, red mor., Harleian and gold tooling, gt.

edge, 1711, fol. (958)

Ridler, £1 18s.

153 Mason (W. Precentor of York). Works, 4 vol., portrait, cf.

gt., 1811, 8vo. (719)

154 Molière. Œuvres, 6 vol., portrait and plates

cf. gt., Paris, 1734, 4to. (899)

Quaritch, £I IOS. after Boucher, old Roques, £10 IOS.

155 Monasticon Hibernicum, or the Monastical History of Ire

land, LARGE PAPER, map and plates, 1722, 8vo. (494)

Stibbs, £1 8s.

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