Page images
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Frere (J. H.) Works, 4206, 4563

[blocks in formation]

Gay (J.) Fables, Trivia, etc., 638, 1401, 1402, 3170, 4768-9, 7323, 7515 Gee (J.) Israel's Mourning, 4819

Geikie (W.) Etchings, 3725

Freycinet (L. de). Voyage autour du Gell (Sir W.) Pompeiana, 1151

Monde, 2335

Friendship's Offering, 6657

Frith (F.) Egypt, Sinai, and Palestine,


Froissart (Sir J.) Chronicles, 384, 636, 761, 1536, 2334, 2941, 6097

Froude (J. A.) History of England, 637, 966, 4154, 4276, 4565, 6507, 7033, 7107, 7108

Froude (J. A.) Short Studies, 4564, 6508 Froude (R. H.) Remains, 5269

Fry (F.) Coverdale's Bible, 6100

Fry (F.) Description of the Great Bible, 6098

Fry (F.) Editions of the New Testament, 385, 6099, 6509

Fullarton. Gazetteer, 762

Fuller (T.) Church History, 2337

Fuller (T.) Holy Warre, 7513 Fuller (T.) Worthies of England, 386, 2336, 4566, 5067, 5719. 6927

Fullerton (J.) Disputatio Juridica, 3719 Furley (R.) Weald of Kent, 5720 Furnivall (F. J.) Historie of the Knight Generides, 5401

Furnivall (F. J.) The Holy Graal, 5413

Gage (J.) History of Hengrave, 2338, 7231 Gage (T.) Survey of the West Indies, 4818, 4844

Gaguin (R.) Conceptio V. Mariæ, 7514
Gaguin (R.) Croniques, 387

Gailhabaud (J.) L'Architecture, 967, 4277-8

Gale (R.) Registrum Honoris de Richmond,

[blocks in formation]

Gell (Sir W.) Topography of Troy, 2343
Genealogist, The, 388, 3171, 6939
Geneste (Rev. J.) English Stage, 844
Gent (T.) General Histories, 2344
Gent (T.) History of Hull, 2345
Gent (T.) History of Rippon, 2346
Gentleman (T.) England's Way to win
Wealth, 3727

Gentleman's Magazine, The, 127, 1152,
4155, 5068, 5723, 6367, 6817, 6928, 7110
Gentleman's Magazine Library, 6658
Geological Magazine, The, 4952
Geological Society. Transactions of, 2348
Geoponika, 128, 129

George (E.) Etchings of Venice, 4770
George (E.) Etchings in Belgium, 1308
Gerarde (J.) Herball, 2349, 4156, 6929
Gerberti (M.) Opera Varia, 5273-4
Germ, The, 1309

Gerson (Jo.) Opera, 389

Gesner (C.) Opera Botanica, 2350
Gessner (Salomon). Œuvres, 1801
Geyler (J) Speculum Fatuorum, 390
Gibb (Johnny) of Gushetneuk, 4568
Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall, 1153. 1802,

2943, 3172, 4279, 4569, 5725, 6610, 7034 Gibbon (E.) Works, 5724

Gibbs (H. H.) Game of Ombre, 7516 Gibbs (J.) Book of Architecture, 3728 Gibson (W. S.) Monastery at Tynemouth,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gillray (J.) Caricatures, 970, 3173, 3729, 4570

Gilpin (W.) Works, 639

Giovio (P.) Tract of Paulus Jovius, 1403 Girtin (T.) Views in Paris, 6659

Gladstone (W. E.) Studies of Homer, 4571, 5488, 6930

Glanvil (B.) De Proprietatibus Rerum, 2355, 5726

Glascock (Captain). Land Sharks and Sea Gulls, 1803

Glass. See Stained Glass

[blocks in formation]

Gray (J. E.) Indian Zoology, 2373

Gray (T.) Elegy, 1406, 1407, 1803

Gloucester, Catalogues of Books relating Gray (I.) Elegy, Parady on, 1809 to, 116

Glover (R.) Leonidas, 7517

Gmelin (J. G.) Botanical Works, 2356
Godefroy. Ceremonial François, 4845
Goethe (J. W. von). Werke, 1804

"Golagrus and Gawane," 3730, 4572, 5795
Golden Legend, The, See Voragine
Golding (C.) Coinage of Suffolk, 7324
Goldingham (H.) Garden Plot, 3974
Goldsmith (O.?) Mystery Revealed, 1404
Goldsmith (O.) Life of Richard Nash,

[blocks in formation]

1942, 2359

Gordon (W.) History of the Gordon
Family, 1807, 3732
Gorringe (H. H.) Egyptian Obelisks, 2944
Gosse (P. H.) British Sea Anemones, 4281
Gough (R.) History of Pleshy, 396
Gough (R.) Sepulchral Monuments, 2360,

Gould (John). Birds of Asia, 643, 2366 Gould (John). Birds of Australia, 642, 2367, 6105

Gould (John). Birds of Europe, 644, 2362, 3176

Gould (John). Birds of Great Britain, 2363 Gould (John). Birds from the Himalayas, 645, 2361, 6104

Gould (John). Mammals of Australia, 2369,

3175, 6660

Gould (John). Ramphastidæ, 646

Gray (T.) Works, 1408, 4282, 5730
Great Britain Illustrated, 4207

Great Industries of Great Britain, 845
Green (J. R.) History of English People,

846, 5280

Green (M. A. E.) Lives of the Princesses of England, 7326

Green (V.) History of Worcester, 2374,

[blocks in formation]


Dramatic Works, 5731
Quip for an upstart Courtier,

Greene (R.)
Grego (J.) Rowlandson the Caricaturist,
698, 971, 6758

Farewell to Follie, 3179

Gregory IX (Pope). Decretalia, 395
Gregory (S.) Opera, 5281, 5282

Gregson. Portfolio of Fragments, 2375,


Grenville. Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, 5732
Grenville Papers, 2376, 4283
Greville (C. C. F.) Memoirs, 847, 4380, 5284,
6108, 6934

Greville (R. K.)


Cryptogamic Flora,

Griffiths (A. G.) Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 3736

Grimm (M. M.) German Popular Stories, 3181, 5733, 6514

Grindlay (Capt. R. M.) Scenery of India,


[blocks in formation]

Gould (John). Trochilidæ, 641, 1538, 2365, Grose (F.)


[blocks in formation]

Grose (F.) Military Antiquities, 397, 4576,

5074, 6369

Works, 2950, 3182, 3737, 3738,

[blocks in formation]

Grace (Sheffield). Memoirs of the Family Guillim (J.) Display of Heraldry, 400, of Grace, 2370

Corpus Inscriptionum, 131

649, 2381, 2382, 5002, 5286, 6282, 7035

[blocks in formation]

H. B. Political Caricatures, 848
H. (R.) The School of Recreation, 181r
Habertus (1.) Liber Pontificalis, 5288-9
Habington (W.) Castard, 5734

Habington (W.) Historie of Edward IV, 2385

Haddington (Earl of). Poems, 5735 Haden (F. S.) Etched Works of Rem brandt, 3740

Haden (Seymour). About Etching, 1310 Hain. Repertorium Bibliographicum, 408 Hainam (R.) The Witty Rogue, 3184 Hakewill (J.) History of Windsor, 2386 Hakewill (J.) Tour in Italy, 2387 Hakluyt (R.) Voyages, 1157, 2388, 2951, 2952, 4820, 6283, 6370, 6935, 7113

Halfpenny (Jos.) Gothic Ornaments, 401 Halkett (S.) and Laing (J.) Dictionary of Anonymous Literature, 5736

Hall (J.) Travels in Scotland, 132

Hall (S. C.)

Hall (S. C.)

Hall (S. C.)

Hall (S. C.)

Hall (S. C.)


Hall (S. C.)

Baronial Halls, 973, 6040, 7036

Book of Ballads, 4189

Book of Gems, 4381, 6878

British Ballads, 934, 3378

Galleries of Great Britain,

National Gallery, 4413

Hall (Mr. and Mrs. C.) Ireland, 6664
Hall (T.) Downfall of May-Games, 3185
Hallam (J.) The Cocker, 4955
Hallam (H.) Historical Works, 1158, 2390,

Halle (E.) Families of Lancaster and
York, 2391

Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Account of a
Collection of Bills, etc., 3741, 7523

Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.)
Provincial Words, 5737

Archaic and

Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Morte Arthure,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

6286, 6936

Harris (M.) Harrisse (H.) Harrod (W.)

Aurelian, 1542, 2395, 7331 American Works, 5745

Hart (Sir W.)

Antiquities of Stamford, 134

The Gowry Conspiracy,

Hartshorne (C. H.) Metrical Tales, 5746 Hartshorne (C. H.) Salopia Antiqua, 3747 Harvey (J.) Life of Bruce, 3748


Poetry of


Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) General Works, 7524-6

Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Works on Shakespeare, 7520, 7522

Hals (W.) History of Cornwall, 2389 Halstead (R.) Succinct Genealogies, 6284 Hamerton (P. G.) Etching and Etchers, 402, 974, 3187, 4578, 4883, 6110, 6112-3

Hamerton (P. G.)


[blocks in formation]

Graphic Arts, 976, 3188,

Imagination in Land

Landscape Etchings,

Landscape in Nature,

Hamerton (P. G.) Paris in Old and Present Times, 1541

Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Britannica, 6937

Haslewood (J.) Creatures Moralised, 4534, 5668

Hassell (J.) George Morland, 404
Hassell (J.) Picturesque Rides, 5079
Hasted (E.) History of Kent, 3189, 5291,
6373, 6821, 6938, 7116

Haudricourt (I.) Fastes de la Nation
Française, 1159

Havell (W.) Views of the Thames, 6666 Hawker (Col.) Instructions to Young Sportsmen, 1160, 1812, 2396, 5080

Hawkins (E.) Medallic Illustrations, 5292 Hawkins (E.) Silver Coins, 7234 Hawkins (Sir John). History of Music,

[blocks in formation]

Hay (A.) Castellated Architecture, 405 Hayley (W.) Life of Rodney, 4287

Heywood (T.) General Works, 650, 1162,

Hayley (W.) Ballads, 4957

Hayley (W.) Triumphs of Temper, 5748 Hayward (Sir J.) Life of Henry IV, etc., 2397

[blocks in formation]

Hazlitt (W.) The Round Table, 74
Hazlitt (W.) Liber Amoris, 5749

Hazlitt (W.) Works, 75, 4288

Hazlitt (W. C.) Venetian Republic, 979, 4289

Head (R.) Art of Wheedling. 5750

Head (R.) The English Rogue, 7117, 7528 Hearne (S.) From Hudson's Bay to the N. Ocean, 2955.

Hearne (T.) Antiquities of Great Britain, 5078, 6452

Hearne (T.) Antiquities between Windsor and Oxford, 2401

Hearne (T.) Chartularium Ecclesiæ Wigorniensis, 2406

Hearne (Г.) Curious Discourses, 5293 Hearne (T.) Discourses by eminent Anti

[blocks in formation]

Hickcox (J. H.) American Coinage, 7333 Hickeringill (E.) Jamaica Viewed, 3195 Hickes (G.) Linguarum Vett. Sept. The

[blocks in formation]

Heath (J.) Intestine War in England,

Hoare (Sir R. C.) Ancient Wiltshire, 136, 137,411


Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Hungerfordiana, 140,

Heath. Book of Beauty, 6668


Heath. Oddities, 1814

Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Memoirs of the Hoare

Heath. Picturesque Annual, 6667

Family, 141

Heber (Bp.) Journey through India, 2402 Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Modern Wiltshire, 138,

Hedwig. Species Muscorum, 2403

410, 2417

Heeley (J.) Beauties of Hagley, 135

Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Heeren (A. H. L.) General Works, 4290

Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Monastic Remains, 142 Recollections Abroad,

Heliodorus. Opera, 2404


Helps (A.) Friends in Council, etc., 4291 Hemingford (W.) De Rebus Gestis Edwardi I, II. et III, 2407

Hoare (Sir R. C.)

Hoare (Sir R. C.) Hoare (Sir R.C.) Topography of Wiltshire, 2418

South Wiltshire, 2416 Terræ Horeanæ, 139

Hennepin (L.) Discovery of America, 6287
Henry II et Ric. I. Vitæ, 2029
Henry VIII. A Necessary Doctrine for
any Christen Man, 5295, 5753.5754
Henry VIII, Works relating to, 2245
Henry (Son of James 1). Sce James I
Heptameron,The, 1203, 2981

Herald, The Chandos, Black Prince, 5277

Herbert (A.) Nimrod, 5082

Herbert (G.) Works, 5755

Herbert (W.) Amaryllidaceæ, 1815

Herdman (W. G.) Ancient Liverpool, 4772

Heriot (G.) Travels thro' the Canadas,

[blocks in formation]

Hobbes (J. R.) Picture Collector's Manual,

[blocks in formation]




Works (Baldwin and Cra

dock), 24, 3196, 5084, 5298, 6612, 7118

(Boydell), 6518, 7039 (Cook), 652, 1163,4208, 4384,

4385, 5085 (Hogarth), 6116-7

(Nichols and Steevens), 412,

5083, 6942

Hogarth (W.) Works (Trusler), 983, 1164
Hogenberg (F.) Franche en Nederlandsche
Historien, 413

Hogg (J.) The Queen's Wake, 3752
Hogg (J.) Relics of Scotland, 4595
Hogg (R.) Wild Flowers, 7119
Hogg (T. J.)
Holbein (H.)

Life of Shelley, 4596

Dance of Death, 2424, 3197,


[blocks in formation]

Holtzapffel (C. and J.) On Turning, 7236

Home (J.) Dramatic Works, 5765

Home and Colonial Library, 850

[blocks in formation]

Howitt (S.)

Howitt (W.)

Howitt (S.)

The British Preserve, 421

Londinopolis, 2959

The British Sportsman, 1821,

Etchings of Animals, 1819

Northern Heights, 7238

Miscellaneous Etchings, 1820

Howitt (W.) Remarkable Places, 984, 4890,


Howitt (W.) Rural Life, 984

Hoyle (E.) On Whist, 5770

Homer. The Iliad, Odyssey, etc., 1412, Huarte (J.) Examination of Men's Wits,

3758, 4600-1, 6119

Homer. Opera Omnia, 2426-8, 4599

Homœopathy, British Journal of, 2901
Hone (W.) Ancient Mysteries, 1686
Hone (W.) Every Day and other Books,
25, 416, 654, 765, 1165, 1817, 4602, 5088,
6120. 6945, 7237, 7334

Hone (W.) Miscellanies, 1687, 5766
Hood (T.) Comic Annual, 766, 6519

Hood (T.) Epping Hunt, 1688

Hood (T.) Works, 76

Hooke (W.) New England's Sence, 3200
Hooker (J.D.) Antarctic Voyage, 6123

Hooker (Sir W. J.) Botanical Miscellany,


Hooker (Sir W. J.) British Jungermanniæ,


Hooker (Sir W. J.)


Hooker (Sir W. J.)
Hooker (Sir W. J.)
Hooker (Sir W. J.)


Hooker (Sir W. J.)
Hooker (Sir W. J.)


Hooker (Sir W. J.)


Hooker (Sir W. J.)
Hope (Beresford).


Century of Ferns, 417,

Exotic Flora. 2433
Filices Exoticæ, 4887
Icones Filicum, 4888,

Paradisus Londinensis.
Musci Exotici, 2434.

Pomona Londinensis,

Species Filicum, 4885
Architectural Notes,

Hope (H. P.) Catalogues of Precious
Stones, 5299

Hope (Sir W.) On Fencing, 3760, 5305

Hope (T.) Anastasius, 5303

Hope (T.) Costume of the Ancients, 2436,

2958, 3759, 5089, 5301, 5302, 6454

Hope (T.) Marbles, etc., 5304

Horace. Works, 3201, 3762-3, 4603, 4889,

5090, 5767, 5768, 7120

Horne (T. H.) Study of Bibliography, 3764,


Horsfield (T. W.) History of Sussex, 418,

Horsfield (T.) Zoological Researches, 2437
Horsley (J.) Britannia Romana, 419, 2439,

6289, 7121

Horticultural Society. Transactions, 2440

Hortulus Animæ, 767

Houbraken and Vertue. Heads of Illustrious Persons, 420, 2430, 3202, 3765, 5091, 6377, 6670

[blocks in formation]

Humphreys (H. N.) Art of Printing, 425,
5005, 6126, 7239, 7537

Humphreys (H. N.) Illuminated Books,
424, 657, 1167, 3767, 5310, 6125
Humphreys (H. N.) Masterpieces of
Printers, 426, 6946, 7538

Humphreys and Westwood. British Moths
Hundred Greatest Men, 853
and Butterflies, 658, 4892, 4958
Hunt (Leigh). Captain Sword and Captain
Pen, 1415

Hunt (Leigh). Italian Poets, 6521, 6760


Hunt (Leigh).

Imagination and Fanc

Legend of Florence, 3768


Hunt (Leigh).

Jar of Honey, 1416, 3203

Hunt (Leigh).

Hunt (Leigh).

Hunt (Leigh).


Hunt (Leigh).


Hunt (Leigh).

Lord Byron, 5094

Memorials of Kensingto

Men, Women, and Books,

Poetical Works, 1414

Hunt (Leigh). The Town, 1824
Hunt. Yachting Magazine, 1168
Huntar (A.) Weights and Measures of
Hunt (R) British Mining, 5492
Scotland, 3770, 3771

Hunter. New South Wales, 427
Hunter (H.) History of London, 2444
Hunter (J.) Hallamshire, 2441, 2443

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